2 Timothy 2:4
2 Timothy 2:4
No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.

Soldiers don't get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them.

No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.

No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in the concerns of civilian life; he seeks to please the recruiter.

No one serving in the military gets mixed up in civilian matters, for his aim is to please his commanding officer.

No one in military service gets entangled in matters of everyday life; otherwise he will not please the one who recruited him.

Is not a Soldier bound in matters of the world to please him who has chosen him?

Whoever serves in the military doesn't get mixed up in non-military activities. This pleases his commanding officer.

No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier.

No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier.

No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier.

No soldier on service entangleth himself in the affairs of this life; that he may please him who enrolled him as a soldier.

No man, being a soldier to God, entangleth himself with secular businesses; that he may please him to whom he hath engaged himself.

No one going as a soldier entangles himself with the affairs of life, that he may please him who has enlisted him as a soldier.

No soldier on service entangleth himself in the affairs of this life; that he may please him who enrolled him as a soldier.

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Every one who serves as a soldier keeps himself from becoming entangled in the world's business--so that he may satisfy the officer who enlisted him.

No soldier on duty entangles himself in the affairs of life, that he may please him who enrolled him as a soldier.

no one serving as a soldier did entangle himself with the affairs of life, that him who did enlist him he may please;

2 Timoteut 2:4
Sepse asnjë nga ata që shkojnë ushtarë nuk ngatërrohet me punërat e jetës, që t'i pëlqejë atij që e mori ushtar.

ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﺗﻴﻤﻮﺛﺎﻭﺱ 2:4
ليس احد وهو يتجند يرتبك باعمال الحياة لكي يرضي من جنّده.

Ո՛չ մէկ զինուորագրեալ կը կաշկանդուի այս կեանքին գործառնութիւններով, որպէսզի հաճեցնէ իր զօրավարը.

2 Timotheogana. 2:4
Eztuc nehor guerlán empatchatzen vicitzeco eguitecoéz, guerla eguiteco hautatu duenaren gogaraco dençát.

Dyr Timyteus B 2:4
Kainer, wo eyn n Krieg zieght, gibt si non mit Burgersachenn ab, weil yr will, däß sein Faud mit iem aau zfridm ist.

2 Тимотей 2:4
Никой, служещ като войник, не се вплита в житейски работи, за да угоди на този, който го е записал за войник.

提 摩 太 後 書 2:4
凡 在 軍 中 當 兵 的 , 不 將 世 務 纏 身 , 好 叫 那 招 他 當 兵 的 人 喜 悅 。

凡 在 军 中 当 兵 的 , 不 将 世 务 缠 身 , 好 叫 那 招 他 当 兵 的 人 喜 悦 。





Druga poslanica Timoteju 2:4
Tko vojuje, ne zapleće se u svagdanje poslove kako bi se vojskovođi svidio.

Druhá Timoteovi 2:4
Žádný, kdož rytěřuje, neplete se v obecné živnosti, aby se svému hejtmanu líbil.

2 Timoteus 2:4
Ingen, som gør Krigstjeneste, indvikler sig i Livets Handeler for at han kan behage den, som tog ham i Sold.

2 Timotheüs 2:4
Niemand, die in de krijg dient, wordt ingewikkeld in de handelingen des leeftochts, opdat hij dien moge behagen, die hem tot den krijg aangenomen heeft.

οὐδεὶς στρατευόμενος ἐμπλέκεται ταῖς τοῦ βίου πραγματείαις, ἵνα τῷ στρατολογήσαντι ἀρέσῃ.

οὐδεὶς στρατευόμενος ἐμπλέκεται ταῖς τοῦ βίου πραγματίαις, ἵνα τῷ στρατολογήσαντι ἀρέσῃ·

οὐδεὶς στρατευόμενος ἐμπλέκεται ταῖς τοῦ βίου πραγματίαις / πραγματείαις, ἵνα τῷ στρατολογήσαντι ἀρέσῃ·

Οὐδεὶς στρατευόμενος ἐμπλέκεται ταῖς τοῦ βίου πραγματείαις, ἵνα τῷ στρατολογήσαντι ἀρέσῃ.

οὐδεὶς στρατευόμενος ἐμπλέκεται ταῖς τοῦ βίου πραγματείαις, ἵνα τῷ στρατολογήσαντι ἀρέσῃ.

οὐδείς στρατεύομαι ἐμπλέκω ὁ ὁ βίος πραγματεία ἵνα ὁ στρατολογέω ἀρέσκω

οὐδεὶς στρατευόμενος ἐμπλέκεται ταῖς τοῦ βίου πραγματείαις, ἵνα τῷ στρατολογήσαντι ἀρέσῃ.

οὐδεὶς στρατευόμενος ἐμπλέκεται ταῖς τοῦ βίου πραγματείαις ἵνα τῷ στρατολογήσαντι ἀρέσῃ

ουδεις στρατευομενος εμπλεκεται ταις του βιου πραγματειαις ινα τω στρατολογησαντι αρεση

ουδεις στρατευομενος εμπλεκεται ταις του βιου πραγματειαις ινα τω στρατολογησαντι αρεση

ουδεις στρατευομενος εμπλεκεται ταις του βιου πραγματειαις ινα τω στρατολογησαντι αρεση

ουδεις στρατευομενος εμπλεκεται ταις του βιου πραγματειαις, ινα τω στρατολογησαντι αρεση.

ουδεις στρατευομενος εμπλεκεται ταις του βιου πραγματειαις ινα τω στρατολογησαντι αρεση

ουδεις στρατευομενος εμπλεκεται ταις του βιου πραγματειαις ινα τω στρατολογησαντι αρεση

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais, hina tō stratologēsanti aresē.

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais, hina to stratologesanti arese.

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmatiais, hina tō stratologēsanti aresē;

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmatiais, hina to stratologesanti arese;

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tō stratologēsanti aresē

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tO stratologEsanti aresE

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tō stratologēsanti aresē

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tO stratologEsanti aresE

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tō stratologēsanti aresē

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tO stratologEsanti aresE

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tō stratologēsanti aresē

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tO stratologEsanti aresE

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tō stratologēsanti aresē

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tO stratologEsanti aresE

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tō stratologēsanti aresē

oudeis strateuomenos empleketai tais tou biou pragmateiais ina tO stratologEsanti aresE

2 Timóteushoz 2:4
Egy harczos sem elegyedik bele az élet dolgaiba; hogy tessék annak, a ki õt harczossá avatta.

Al Timoteo 2 2:4
Neniu militanto sin implikas en la aferojn de cxi tiu vivo; por ke li placxu al sia varbinto.

Toinen kirje Timoteukselle 2:4
Ei yksikään sotamies sekoita itsiänsä elatuksen menoihin, sille kelvataksensa, joka hänen sotaan ottanut on.

2 Timothée 2:4
Nul homme qui va à la guerre ne s'embarrasse dans les affaires de la vie, afin qu'il plaise à celui qui l'a enrôlé pour la guerre;

Il n'est pas de soldat qui s'embarrasse des affaires de la vie, s'il veut plaire à celui qui l'a enrôlé;

Nul qui va à la guerre ne s'embarrasse des affaires de cette vie, afin qu'il plaise à celui qui l'a enrôlé pour la guerre.

2 Timotheus 2:4
Kein Kriegsmann flicht sich in Händel der Nahrung, auf daß er gefalle dem, der ihn angenommen hat.

Kein Kriegsmann flicht sich in Händel der Nahrung, auf daß er gefalle dem, der ihn angenommen hat.

Wer in Kriegsdienst geht, der verflicht sich nicht in Geschäfte der Nahrung, damit er dem, der ihn zum Dienst geworben hat, gefalle.

2 Timoteo 2:4
Uno che va alla guerra non s’impaccia delle faccende della vita; e ciò, affin di piacere a colui che l’ha arruolato.

Niuno che va alla guerra s’impaccia nelle faccende della vita, acciocchè piaccia a colui che l’ha soldato.

2 TIM 2:4
Maka tiada seorang laskar pun yang sedang berperang itu mengusutkan hatinya dengan perkaranya sendiri, supaya ia menyukakan yang sudah mengerah dia menjadi laskar.

2 Timothy 2:4
Aɛsekṛi i gebɣan ad yeɛǧeb i lqebṭan-is ur ilaq ara ad ixemmem ɣef lecɣal n ddunit.

디모데후서 2:4
군사로 다니는 자는 자기 생활에 얽매이는 자가 하나도 없나니 이는 군사로 모집한 자를 기쁘게 하려 함이라

II Timotheum 2:4
nemo militans inplicat se negotiis saecularibus ut ei placeat cui se probavit

Timotejam 2 2:4
Neviens Dieva kareivis neiesaista sevi pasaulīgās darīšanās, lai izpatiktu tam, kam saistījies ar pienākumu.

Antrasis laiðkas Timotiejui 2:4
Nė vienas kareivis neįsivelia į gyvenimo reikalus, norėdamas patikti jį pašaukusiam.

2 Timothy 2:4
Ki te whakahoia tetahi tangata, e kore ia e whakararurarutia e nga mea o te ao; kia ahuareka ai ki a ia te kaiwhakatu i a ia hei hoia.

2 Timoteus 2:4
Ingen som gjør krigstjeneste, blander sig inn i livets sysler, forat han kan tekkes sin hærfører.

2 Timoteo 2:4
Ningún soldado en servicio activo se enreda en los negocios de la vida diaria, a fin de poder agradar al que lo reclutó como soldado.

El soldado en servicio activo no se enreda en los negocios de la vida diaria, a fin de poder agradar al que lo reclutó como soldado.

Ninguno que milita se enreda en los negocios de esta vida; a fin de agradar a aquel que lo escogió por soldado.

Ninguno que milita se embaraza en los negocios de la vida; á fin de agradar á aquel que lo tomó por soldado.

Ninguno que milita se enreda en los negocios de esta vida por agradar a aquel que lo tomó por soldado.

2 timóteo 2:4
Nenhum soldado em serviço se permite envolver em negócios da vida civil, porquanto seu objetivo é agradar aquele que o recrutou para a guerra.

Nenhum soldado em serviço se embaraça com negócios desta vida, a fim de agradar àquele que o alistou para a guerra.   

2 Timotei 2:4
Niciun ostaş nu se încurcă cu treburile vieţii, dacă vrea să placă celui ce l -a scris la oaste.

2-е Тимофею 2:4
Никакой воин не связывает себя деламижитейскими, чтобы угодить военачальнику.

Никакой воин не связывает себя делами житейскими, чтобы угодить военачальнику.

2 Timothy 2:4
Suntarka ni uuntri tana nunak umiktin asa Chφkich takatan pachintiukchatniuiti.

2 Timotheosbrevet 2:4
Ingen som tjänar i krig låter sig insnärjas i näringsomsorger, ty han vill vara den till behag, som har tagit honom i sin sold.

2 Timotheo 2:4
Mwanajeshi vitani hujiepusha na shughuli za maisha ya kawaida ili aweze kumpendeza mkuu wa jeshi.

2 Kay Timoteo 2:4
Sinomang kawal na nasa pagkakawal ay hindi nahalubilo sa mga bagay ng buhay na ito; upang siya'y kalugdan niyaong nagtala sa pagkakawal.

2 ทิโมธี 2:4
ไม่มีทหารคนใด เมื่อเข้าประจำการแล้ว จะไปห่วงใยกับการทำมาหากินของเขาในชีวิตนี้ เพื่อผู้ที่ได้เลือกเขาให้เป็นทหารนั้นจะได้ชอบใจ

2 Timoteos 2:4
Askerlik yapan kişi günlük yaşamla ilgili işlere karışmaz; kendisini askerliğe çağıranı hoşnut etmeye çalışır.

2 Тимотей 2:4
Нїхто ж, воїном бувши, не мішаєть ся в справи життя (сього), щоб угодити тому, хто вибрав його воїном.

2 Timothy 2:4
Apa' ane tantara to lompe' -hana, bate tari-i mpokolo kaparia, pai' uma-i sese' mpo'urusi urusia-na moto, apa' doko' -i mpakagoe' nono tadulako-na.

2 Ti-moâ-theâ 2:4
Khi một người đi ra trận, thì chẳng còn lấy việc đời lụy mình, làm vậy đặng đẹp lòng kẻ chiêu mộ mình.

2 Timothy 2:3
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