2 Timothy 2:18
2 Timothy 2:18
who have departed from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some.

They have left the path of truth, claiming that the resurrection of the dead has already occurred; in this way, they have turned some people away from the faith.

who have swerved from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already happened. They are upsetting the faith of some.

men who have gone astray from the truth saying that the resurrection has already taken place, and they upset the faith of some.

Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

They have deviated from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already taken place, and are overturning the faith of some.

They have abandoned the truth by claiming that the resurrection has already taken place, and so they destroy the faith of others.

They have strayed from the truth by saying that the resurrection has already occurred, and they are undermining some people's faith.

These who have wandered from the truth, while saying that the resurrection of the dead has occurred, and overthrow the faith of some.

They have abandoned the truth. They are destroying the faith of others by saying that people who have died have already come back to life.

who have erred from the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past and have overthrown the faith of some.

Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

men who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already, and overthrow the faith of some.

Who have erred from the truth, saying, that the resurrection is past already, and have subverted the faith of some.

men who as to the truth have gone astray, saying that the resurrection has taken place already; and overthrow the faith of some.

men who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already, and overthrow the faith of some.

Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

In the matter of the truth they have gone astray, saying that the Resurrection is already past, and so they are overthrowing the faith of some.

men who have erred concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past, and overthrowing the faith of some.

who concerning the truth did swerve, saying the rising again to have already been, and do overthrow the faith of some;

2 Timoteut 2:18
të cilët dolën jashtë rrugës së të vërtetës, duke thënë se ringjallja ka ngjarë dhe përmbysin besimin e disave.

ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﺗﻴﻤﻮﺛﺎﻭﺱ 2:18
اللذان زاغا عن الحق قائلين ان القيامة قد صارت فيقلبان ايمان قوم.

որոնք վրիպած են ճշմարտութենէն՝ ըսելով թէ մեռելներուն յարութիւնը արդէն եղած է, եւ կը կործանեն ոմանց հաւատքը:

2 Timotheogana. 2:18
Cein eguiatic erauci içan baitirade, erraiten dutela ia resurrectionea eguin içan dela, eta erautzen dié edocein batzuén fedea.

Dyr Timyteus B 2:18
Die seind von dyr Waaret abgirrt und behaauptnd, d Urstöndd wär schoon gscheghn. Dyrmit untergrabnd s bei mannige önn Glaaubn.

2 Тимотей 2:18
които се отстраниха от истината, като казват, че възкресението е вече станало, та събарят вярата на някои.

提 摩 太 後 書 2:18
他 們 偏 離 了 真 道 , 說 復 活 的 事 已 過 , 就 敗 壞 好 些 人 的 信 心 。

他 们 偏 离 了 真 道 , 说 复 活 的 事 已 过 , 就 败 坏 好 些 人 的 信 心 。





Druga poslanica Timoteju 2:18
koji zastraniše od istine tvrdeći da je uskrsnuće već bilo te nekima prevraćaju vjeru.

Druhá Timoteovi 2:18
Kteříž při pravdě pobloudili od cíle, pravíce, že by se již stalo vzkříšení, a převracejí víru některých.

2 Timoteus 2:18
som ere afvegne fra Sandheden, idet de sige, at Opstandelsen er allerede sket, og de forvende Troen hos nogle.

2 Timotheüs 2:18
Die van de waarheid zijn afgeweken, zeggende, dat de opstanding alrede geschied is, en verkeren sommiger geloof.

οἵτινες περὶ τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἠστόχησαν, λέγοντες ἀνάστασιν ἤδη γεγονέναι, καὶ ἀνατρέπουσιν τήν τινων πίστιν.

οἵτινες περὶ τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἠστόχησαν, λέγοντες ἀνάστασιν ἤδη γεγονέναι, καὶ ἀνατρέπουσιν τήν τινων πίστιν.

οἵτινες περὶ τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἠστόχησαν, λέγοντες [τὴν] ἀνάστασιν ἤδη γεγονέναι, καὶ ἀνατρέπουσιν τήν τινων πίστιν.

οἵτινες περὶ τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἠστόχησαν, λέγοντες τὴν ἀνάστασιν ἤδη γεγονέναι, καὶ ἀνατρέπουσιν τήν τινων πίστιν.

οἵτινες περὶ τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἠστόχησαν, λέγοντες τὴν ἀνάστασιν ἤδη γεγονέναι, καὶ ἀνατρέπουσι τήν τινων πίστιν.

ὅστις περί ὁ ἀλήθεια ἀστοχέω λέγω ἀνάστασις ἤδη γίνομαι καί ἀνατρέπω ὁ τὶς πίστις

οἵτινες περὶ τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἠστόχησαν, λέγοντες τὴν ἀνάστασιν ἤδη γεγονέναι, καὶ ἀνατρέπουσι τήν τινων πίστιν.

οἵτινες περὶ τὴν ἀλήθειαν ἠστόχησαν λέγοντες τὴν ἀνάστασιν ἤδη γεγονέναι καὶ ἀνατρέπουσιν τήν τινων πίστιν

οιτινες περι την αληθειαν ηστοχησαν λεγοντες αναστασιν ηδη γεγονεναι και ανατρεπουσιν την τινων πιστιν

οιτινες περι την αληθειαν ηστοχησαν λεγοντες αναστασιν ηδη γεγονεναι και ανατρεπουσιν την τινων πιστιν

οιτινες περι την αληθειαν ηστοχησαν λεγοντες την αναστασιν ηδη γεγονεναι και ανατρεπουσιν την τινων πιστιν

οιτινες περι την αληθειαν ηστοχησαν, λεγοντες την αναστασιν ηδη γεγονεναι, και ανατρεπουσι την τινων πιστιν.

οιτινες περι την αληθειαν ηστοχησαν λεγοντες την αναστασιν ηδη γεγονεναι και ανατρεπουσιν την τινων πιστιν

οιτινες περι την αληθειαν ηστοχησαν λεγοντες {VAR2: [την] } αναστασιν ηδη γεγονεναι και ανατρεπουσιν την τινων πιστιν

hoitines peri tēn alētheian ēstochēsan, legontes anastasin ēdē gegonenai, kai anatrepousin tēn tinōn pistin.

hoitines peri ten aletheian estochesan, legontes anastasin ede gegonenai, kai anatrepousin ten tinon pistin.

hoitines peri tēn alētheian ēstochēsan, legontes anastasin ēdē gegonenai, kai anatrepousin tēn tinōn pistin.

hoitines peri ten aletheian estochesan, legontes anastasin ede gegonenai, kai anatrepousin ten tinon pistin.

oitines peri tēn alētheian ēstochēsan legontes anastasin ēdē gegonenai kai anatrepousin tēn tinōn pistin

oitines peri tEn alEtheian EstochEsan legontes anastasin EdE gegonenai kai anatrepousin tEn tinOn pistin

oitines peri tēn alētheian ēstochēsan legontes tēn anastasin ēdē gegonenai kai anatrepousin tēn tinōn pistin

oitines peri tEn alEtheian EstochEsan legontes tEn anastasin EdE gegonenai kai anatrepousin tEn tinOn pistin

oitines peri tēn alētheian ēstochēsan legontes tēn anastasin ēdē gegonenai kai anatrepousin tēn tinōn pistin

oitines peri tEn alEtheian EstochEsan legontes tEn anastasin EdE gegonenai kai anatrepousin tEn tinOn pistin

oitines peri tēn alētheian ēstochēsan legontes tēn anastasin ēdē gegonenai kai anatrepousin tēn tinōn pistin

oitines peri tEn alEtheian EstochEsan legontes tEn anastasin EdE gegonenai kai anatrepousin tEn tinOn pistin

oitines peri tēn alētheian ēstochēsan legontes anastasin ēdē gegonenai kai anatrepousin tēn tinōn pistin

oitines peri tEn alEtheian EstochEsan legontes anastasin EdE gegonenai kai anatrepousin tEn tinOn pistin

oitines peri tēn alētheian ēstochēsan legontes {UBS4: [tēn] } anastasin ēdē gegonenai kai anatrepousin tēn tinōn pistin

oitines peri tEn alEtheian EstochEsan legontes {UBS4: [tEn]} anastasin EdE gegonenai kai anatrepousin tEn tinOn pistin

2 Timóteushoz 2:18
A kik az igazság mellõl eltévelyedtek, azt mondván, hogy a feltámadás már megtörtént, és feldúlják némelyeknek a hitét.

Al Timoteo 2 2:18
kiuj pri la vero eraris, dirante, ke la relevigxo estas jam pasinta; kaj ili renversas la fidon de kelkaj.

Toinen kirje Timoteukselle 2:18
Jotka totuudesta ovat erehtyneet, sanoen ylösnousemisen jo tapahtuneen, ja ovat muutamat uskosta kääntäneet.

2 Timothée 2:18
se sont écartés de la vérité, disant que la résurrection a déjà eu lieu, et qui renversent la foi de quelques-uns.

qui se sont détournés de la vérité, disant que la résurrection est déjà arrivée, et qui renversent la foi de quelques uns.

Qui se sont écartés de la vérité, en disant que la résurrection est déjà arrivée, et qui renversent la foi de quelques-uns.

2 Timotheus 2:18
welche der Wahrheit gefehlet haben und sagen, die Auferstehung sei schon geschehen, und haben etlicher Glauben verkehret.

welche von der Wahrheit irregegangen sind und sagen, die Auferstehung sei schon geschehen, und haben etlicher Glauben verkehrt.

die von der Wahrheit abgekommen sind und sagen, die Auferstehung sei schon geschehen, und zerrütten bei manchen den Glauben.

2 Timoteo 2:18
uomini che si sono sviati dalla verità, dicendo che la resurrezione è già avvenuta, e sovvertono la fede di alcuni.

i quali si sono sviati dalla verità; dicendo che la risurrezione è già avvenuta; e sovvertono la fede d’alcuni.

2 TIM 2:18
yang sudah tersesat daripada hal yang benar itu, serta mengatakan bahwa kebangkitan itu sudah lalu, maka ada beberapa orang yang terbalik imannya.

2 Timothy 2:18
i gwexxṛen ɣef webrid n tideț, qqaṛen belli ḥeggu n lmegtin dayen yedṛa-d, s wakka ssufuɣen aṭas n yemdanen seg webrid n liman.

디모데후서 2:18
진리에 관하여는 저희가 그릇되었도다 부활이 이미 지나갔다 하므로 어떤 사람들의 믿음을 무너뜨리느니라

II Timotheum 2:18
qui a veritate exciderunt dicentes resurrectionem iam factam et subvertunt quorundam fidem

Timotejam 2 2:18
Kas atkrituši no patiesības, sacīdami, ka augšāmcelšanās jau esot notikusi, un tā sagrozot dažos ticību.

Antrasis laiðkas Timotiejui 2:18
kurie nuklydo nuo tiesos, tvirtindami, kad prisikėlimas jau įvykęs, ir tuo griaudami kai kurių tikėjimą.

2 Timothy 2:18
Kua he nei ki te pono, e mea ana, kua pahemo ke te aranga mai; a whakaputaia ketia ake e ratou te whakapono o etahi.

2 Timoteus 2:18
som har faret vill fra sannheten, idet de sier at opstandelsen allerede har vært, og de nedbryter troen hos somme.

2 Timoteo 2:18
que se han desviado de la verdad diciendo que la resurrección ya tuvo lugar, trastornando así la fe de algunos.

que se han desviado de la verdad diciendo que la resurrección ya tuvo lugar, trastornando así la fe de algunos.

que se han descaminado de la verdad, diciendo que la resurrección ya pasó, y trastornan la fe de algunos.

Que se han descaminado de la verdad, diciendo que la resurrección es ya hecha, y trastornan la fe de algunos.

que se han descaminado de la verdad, diciendo que la resurrección es ya hecha, y trastornaron la fe de algunos.

2 timóteo 2:18
Eles se desviaram da verdade, proclamando que a ressurreição já aconteceu, e com isso corromperam a fé de alguns.

que se desviaram da verdade, dizendo que a ressurreição é já passada, e assim pervertem a fé a alguns.   

2 Timotei 2:18
cari s'au abătut dela adevăr. Ei zic că a şi venit învierea, şi răstoarnă credinţa unora.

2-е Тимофею 2:18
которые отступили от истины, говоря, что воскресение уже было, и разрушают в некоторых веру.

которые отступили от истины, говоря, что воскресение уже было, и разрушают в некоторых веру.

2 Timothy 2:18
Niisha nekas chichaman iniaisar tura Ashφ Yus-shuar nantaktincha nankaamasai Tuφniakui Chφkich Chφkich shuar Y·san naka Enentßimtuiniatsui yamaikia.

2 Timotheosbrevet 2:18
ty när dessa säga att uppståndelsen redan har skett, hava de farit vilse från sanningen, och de förvända så tron hos somliga.

2 Timotheo 2:18
Hawa wamepotoka kabisa mbali na ukweli, na wanatia imani ya watu wengine katika wasiwasi kwa kusema ati ufufuo wetu umekwisha fanyika.

2 Kay Timoteo 2:18
Na mga taong tungkol sa katotohanan ay nangasinsay, na sinasabing ang pagkabuhay na maguli ay nakaraan na, at ginugulo ang pananampalataya ng iba.

2 ทิโมธี 2:18
คนทั้งสองนั้นได้หลงจากความจริง โดยพูดว่าการฟื้นจากความตายนั้นได้ผ่านพ้นไปแล้ว และได้ทำลายความเชื่อของบางคนเสีย

2 Timoteos 2:18
Diriliş olup bitti diyerek gerçek yoldan saptılar. Şimdi de bazılarının imanını altüst ediyorlar.

2 Тимотей 2:18
котрі проти правди согрішили, говорячи, що воскресеннє вже було, і перевертають деяких віру.

2 Timothy 2:18
Meleli' -ra ngkai tudui' to makono, ra'uli' -rana timpaliu-mi pemataa hawe'ea tauna to mate. Tudui' -ra to uma makono toe mpaka'ingu' lau-mi ba hangkuja dua tauna, alaa-na mere' -mi pepangala' -ra.

2 Ti-moâ-theâ 2:18
họ xây bỏ lẽ thật; nói rằng sự sống lại đã đến rồi, mà phá đổ đức tin của một vài người cách như vậy.

2 Timothy 2:17
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