1 Timothy 2:9
1 Timothy 2:9
I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes,

And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes.

likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire,

Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

Also, the women are to dress themselves in modest clothing, with decency and good sense, not with elaborate hairstyles, gold, pearls, or expensive apparel,

Women, for their part, should display their beauty by dressing modestly and decently in appropriate clothes, not with elaborate hairstyles or by wearing gold, pearls, or expensive clothes,

Likewise the women are to dress in suitable apparel, with modesty and self-control. Their adornment must not be with braided hair and gold or pearls or expensive clothing,

Likewise also the women shall be modest in fashion of dress, their adornment shall be in bashfulness and in modesty, not in braiding with gold or with pearls or in gorgeous robes,

I want women to show their beauty by dressing in appropriate clothes that are modest and respectable. Their beauty will be shown by what they do, not by their hair styles or the gold jewelry, pearls, or expensive clothes they wear.

In like manner also that the women adorn themselves in an honest manner, with shyness and modesty, not with ostentatious hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with decency and propriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with modesty and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

In like manner, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefastness and sobriety; not with braided hair, and gold or pearls or costly raiment;

In like manner women also in decent apparel: adorning themselves with modesty and sobriety, not with plaited hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly attire,

In like manner also that the women in decent deportment and dress adorn themselves with modesty and discretion, not with plaited hair and gold, or pearls, or costly clothing,

In like manner, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefastness and sobriety; not with braided hair, and gold or pearls or costly raiment;

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in decent apparel, with modesty and sobriety; not with broidered hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array,

and I would have the women dress becomingly, with modesty and self-control, not with plaited hair or gold or pearls or costly clothes,

In the same way, that women also adorn themselves in decent clothing, with modesty and propriety; not just with braided hair, gold, pearls, or expensive clothing;

in like manner also the women, in becoming apparel, with modesty and sobriety to adorn themselves, not in braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or garments of great price,

1 Timoteut 2:9
Në mënyrë të njëjtë dua që edhe gratë, të vishen hijshëm, me cipë dhe modesti dhe jo me gërsheta a me ar, a me margaritarë, a me rroba të shtrenjta,

ﺍﻻﻭﻝ ﺗﻴﻤﻮﺛﺎﻭﺱ 2:9
وكذلك ان النساء يزيّنّ ذواتهنّ بلباس الحشمة مع ورع وتعقل لا بضفائر او ذهب او لآلىء او ملابس كثيرة الثمن

Նոյնպէս ալ կիները իրենք զիրենք զարդարեն համեստ տարազով, ամօթխածութեամբ եւ խոհեմութեամբ, ո՛չ թէ հիւսուածքներով, ոսկիով, մարգարիտներով կամ մեծածախս պատմուճաններով,

1 Timotheogana. 2:9
Halaber emazteac-ere abillamendu honestez ahalquerequin eta modestiarequin acotra ditecen, ez bilo içurtzez, edo vrrhez edo perlaz, edo abillamendu soberanciatacoz:

Dyr Timyteus A 2:9
Und d Weiberleut sollnd si sittsam, bschaidn und aane Hoohfart gwänddn. Nit auftäcklt mit Morddsschauckn, Gold, Fishperln und prozete Gwänder sollnd s dyrherkemmen,

1 Тимотей 2:9
Така и жените да украсяват себе си със скромна премяна, със срамежливост и целомъдрие, не с плетена коса и злато или бисери или скъпи дрехи,

提 摩 太 前 書 2:9
又 願 女 人 廉 恥 、 自 守 , 以 正 派 衣 裳 為 妝 飾 , 不 以 編 髮 、 黃 金 、 珍 珠 , 和 貴 價 的 衣 裳 為 妝 飾 ;

又 愿 女 人 廉 耻 、 自 守 , 以 正 派 衣 裳 为 妆 饰 , 不 以 编 发 、 黄 金 、 珍 珠 , 和 贵 价 的 衣 裳 为 妆 饰 ;





Prva poslanica Timoteju 2:9
isto tako žene - u doličnu držanju: neka se rese stidljivošću i razborom, ne pletenicama i zlatom ili biserjem ili skupocjenim odijelom,

První Timoteovi 2:9
Takž také i ženy aby se oděvem slušným s stydlivostí a s středmostí ozdobovaly, ne strojením a křtaltováním sobě vlasů, neb zlatem, anebo perlami, anebo drahým rouchem,

1 Timoteus 2:9
Ligesaa, at Kvinder skulle pryde sig i sømmelig Klædning med Blufærdighed og Ærbarhed, ikke med Fletninger og Guld eller Perler eller kostbar Klædning,

1 Timotheüs 2:9
Desgelijks ook, dat de vrouwen, in een eerbaar gewaad, met schaamte en matigheid zichzelven versieren, niet in vlechtingen des haars, of goud, of paarlen, of kostelijke kleding;

Ὡσαύτως γυναῖκας ἐν καταστολῇ κοσμίῳ μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ σωφροσύνης κοσμεῖν ἑαυτάς, μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν καὶ χρυσίῳ ἢ μαργαρίταις ἢ ἱματισμῷ πολυτελεῖ,

Ὡσαύτως γυναῖκας ἐν καταστολῇ κοσμίῳ μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ σωφροσύνης κοσμεῖν ἑαυτάς, μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν καὶ χρυσίῳ ἢ μαργαρίταις ἢ ἱματισμῷ πολυτελεῖ,

Ὡσαύτως [καὶ] γυναῖκας ἐν καταστολῇ κοσμίῳ μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ σωφροσύνης κοσμεῖν ἑαυτάς, μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν καὶ χρυσίῳ ἢ μαργαρίταις ἢ ἱματισμῷ πολυτελεῖ,

Ὡσαύτως καὶ τὰς γυναῖκας ἐν καταστολῇ κοσμίῳ, μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ σωφροσύνης, κοσμεῖν ἑαυτάς, μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν, ἢ χρυσῷ, ἢ μαργαρίταις, ἢ ἱματισμῷ πολυτελεῖ,

Ὡσαύτως καὶ γυναῖκας ἐν καταστολῇ κοσμίῳ, μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ σωφροσύνης κοσμεῖν ἑαυτάς, μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν ἢ χρυσῷ ἢ μαργαρίταις ἢ ἱματισμῷ πολυτελεῖ,

ὡσαύτως καί γυνή ἐν καταστολή κόσμιος μετά αἰδώς καί σωφροσύνη κοσμέω ἑαυτοῦ μή ἐν πλέγμα καί χρυσός ἤ μαργαρίτης ἤ ἱματισμός πολυτελής

ὡσαύτως καὶ τὰς γυναῖκας ἐν καταστολῇ κοσμίῳ, μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ σωφροσύνης, κοσμεῖν ἑαυτάς, μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν, ἢ χρυσῴ, ἢ μαργαρίταις, ἢ ἱματισμῷ πολυτελεῖ,

ὡσαύτως καὶ τὰς γυναῖκας ἐν καταστολῇ κοσμίῳ μετὰ αἰδοῦς καὶ σωφροσύνης κοσμεῖν ἑαυτάς μὴ ἐν πλέγμασιν ἢ χρυσῴ, ἢ μαργαρίταις ἢ ἱματισμῷ πολυτελεῖ

ωσαυτως γυναικας εν καταστολη κοσμιω μετα αιδους και σωφροσυνης κοσμειν εαυτας μη εν πλεγμασιν και χρυσιω η μαργαριταις η ιματισμω πολυτελει

ωσαυτως και γυναικας εν καταστολη κοσμιω μετα αιδους και σωφροσυνης κοσμειν εαυτας μη εν πλεγμασιν και χρυσω η μαργαριταις η ιματισμω πολυτελει

ωσαυτως και τας γυναικας εν καταστολη κοσμιω μετα αιδους και σωφροσυνης κοσμειν εαυτας μη εν πλεγμασιν η χρυσω η μαργαριταις η ιματισμω πολυτελει

ωσαυτως και τας γυναικας εν καταστολη κοσμιω, μετα αιδους και σωφροσυνης, κοσμειν εαυτας, μη εν πλεγμασιν, η χρυσω, η μαργαριταις, η ιματισμω πολυτελει,

ωσαυτως και τας γυναικας εν καταστολη κοσμιω μετα αιδους και σωφροσυνης κοσμειν εαυτας μη εν πλεγμασιν η χρυσω η μαργαριταις η ιματισμω πολυτελει

ωσαυτως {VAR2: [και] } γυναικας εν καταστολη κοσμιω μετα αιδους και σωφροσυνης κοσμειν εαυτας μη εν πλεγμασιν και χρυσιω η μαργαριταις η ιματισμω πολυτελει

Hōsautōs gynaikas en katastolē kosmiō meta aidous kai sōphrosynēs kosmein heautas, mē en plegmasin kai chrysiō ē margaritais ē himatismō polytelei,

Hosautos gynaikas en katastole kosmio meta aidous kai sophrosynes kosmein heautas, me en plegmasin kai chrysio e margaritais e himatismo polytelei,

Hōsautōs gynaikas en katastolē kosmiō meta aidous kai sōphrosynēs kosmein heautas, mē en plegmasin kai chrysiō ē margaritais ē himatismō polytelei,

Hosautos gynaikas en katastole kosmio meta aidous kai sophrosynes kosmein heautas, me en plegmasin kai chrysio e margaritais e himatismo polytelei,

ōsautōs kai gunaikas en katastolē kosmiō meta aidous kai sōphrosunēs kosmein eautas mē en plegmasin kai chrusō ē margaritais ē imatismō polutelei

OsautOs kai gunaikas en katastolE kosmiO meta aidous kai sOphrosunEs kosmein eautas mE en plegmasin kai chrusO E margaritais E imatismO polutelei

ōsautōs kai tas gunaikas en katastolē kosmiō meta aidous kai sōphrosunēs kosmein eautas mē en plegmasin ē chrusō ē margaritais ē imatismō polutelei

OsautOs kai tas gunaikas en katastolE kosmiO meta aidous kai sOphrosunEs kosmein eautas mE en plegmasin E chrusO E margaritais E imatismO polutelei

ōsautōs kai tas gunaikas en katastolē kosmiō meta aidous kai sōphrosunēs kosmein eautas mē en plegmasin ē chrusō ē margaritais ē imatismō polutelei

OsautOs kai tas gunaikas en katastolE kosmiO meta aidous kai sOphrosunEs kosmein eautas mE en plegmasin E chrusO E margaritais E imatismO polutelei

ōsautōs kai tas gunaikas en katastolē kosmiō meta aidous kai sōphrosunēs kosmein eautas mē en plegmasin ē chrusō ē margaritais ē imatismō polutelei

OsautOs kai tas gunaikas en katastolE kosmiO meta aidous kai sOphrosunEs kosmein eautas mE en plegmasin E chrusO E margaritais E imatismO polutelei

ōsautōs gunaikas en katastolē kosmiō meta aidous kai sōphrosunēs kosmein eautas mē en plegmasin kai chrusiō ē margaritais ē imatismō polutelei

OsautOs gunaikas en katastolE kosmiO meta aidous kai sOphrosunEs kosmein eautas mE en plegmasin kai chrusiO E margaritais E imatismO polutelei

ōsautōs {UBS4: [kai] } gunaikas en katastolē kosmiō meta aidous kai sōphrosunēs kosmein eautas mē en plegmasin kai chrusiō ē margaritais ē imatismō polutelei

OsautOs {UBS4: [kai]} gunaikas en katastolE kosmiO meta aidous kai sOphrosunEs kosmein eautas mE en plegmasin kai chrusiO E margaritais E imatismO polutelei

1 Timóteushoz 2:9
Hasonlatosképen az asszonyok tisztességes öltözetben, szemérmetességgel és mértékletességgel ékesítsék magokat; nem hajfonatokkal és aranynyal vagy gyöngyökkel, vagy drága öltözékkel,

Al Timoteo 1 2:9
Tiel same, ke virinoj sin vestu per decaj vestoj, kun modesteco kaj sobreco; ne kun harplektajxoj, aux oro, aux perloj, aux multekostaj vestoj;

Ensimmäinen kirje Timoteukselle 2:9
Niin myös että vaimot kohtuullisissa vaatteissa olisivat ja kaunistaisivat itsensä hävyllä ja kainoudella, ei kahara-hiuksilla, eli kullalla, eli päärlyillä, eli kalliilla vaatteilla,

1 Timothée 2:9
De même aussi, que les femmes se parent d'un costume décent, avec pudeur et modestie, non pas de tresses et d'or, ou de perles, ou d'habillement somptueux,

Je veux aussi que les femmes, vêtues d'une manière décente, avec pudeur et modestie, ne se parent ni de tresses, ni d'or, ni de perles, ni d'habits somptueux,

Que les femmes aussi se parent d'un vêtement honnête, avec pudeur et modestie, non point avec des tresses ni avec de l'or, ni des perles, ni des habillements somptueux;

1 Timotheus 2:9
Desselbigengleichen die Weiber, daß sie in zierlichem Kleide mit Scham und Zucht sich schmücken, nicht mit Zöpfen oder Gold oder Perlen oder köstlichem Gewand,

Desgleichen daß die Weiber in zierlichem Kleide mit Scham und Zucht sich schmücken, nicht mit Zöpfen oder Gold oder Perlen oder köstlichem Gewand,

Ebenso die Frauen in Sittsamkeit sich schamhaft und maßvoll schmücken, nicht mit Haargeflecht und Gold oder Perlen oder kostbaren Kleidern,

1 Timoteo 2:9
Similmente che le donne si adornino d’abito convenevole, con verecondia e modestia: non di trecce d’oro o di perle o di vesti sontuose,

SIMIGLIANTEMENTE ancora che le donne si adornino d’abito onesto, con verecondia e modestia; non di trecce, o d’oro, o di perle, o di vestimenti preziosi;

1 TIM 2:9
Demikianlah juga segala perempuan menghiasi dirinya dengan memakai pakaian yang patut, serta dengan sopan dan siuman; bukannya dengan rambut beranyam dan emas atau mutiara atau pakaian yang berharga;

1 Timothy 2:9
Akken daɣen i glaq ad xedment tilawin, ad ilint s llebsa isseṭren, ad sɛunt lḥeṛma d neyya, ur țzewwiqent acebbub-nsent, ur țcebbiḥent iman-nsent s ddheb, s tɛeqcin akk-d llebsa ifazen,

디모데전서 2:9
또 이와 같이 여자들도 아담한 옷을 입으며 염치와 정절로 자기를 단장하고 땋은 머리와 금이나 진주나 값진 옷으로 하지 말고

I Timotheum 2:9
similiter et mulieres in habitu ornato cum verecundia et sobrietate ornantes se non in tortis crinibus aut auro aut margaritis vel veste pretiosa

Timotejam 1 2:9
Tāpat sievietes pieklājīgā tērpā, kaunīgi un tikumīgi lai greznojas nevis matu pīnēm un zeltu, un pērlēm, un dārgās drēbēs, (1 Pēt 3,3)

Pirmasis laiðkas Timotiejui 2:9
Taip pat, kad moterys puoštųsi kukliais ir padoriais drabužiais, droviai ir santūriai, ne supintais plaukais ar auksu, ar perlais, ar brangiu drabužiu,

1 Timothy 2:9
Ko nga wahine hoki kia mau i te kakahu ataahua, kia tu whakama, kia whai whakaaro; kauaka te makawe whiri, te koura, te peara, te kakahu utu nui;

1 Timoteus 2:9
likeså og at kvinnene skal pryde sig med sømmelig klædning, i tukt og ære, ikke med fletninger og gull eller perler eller kostelig klædebon,

1 Timoteo 2:9
Asimismo, que las mujeres se vistan con ropa decorosa, con pudor y modestia, no con peinado ostentoso, no con oro, o perlas, o vestidos costosos;

Asimismo, que las mujeres se vistan con ropa decorosa, con pudor y modestia, no con peinado ostentoso, no con oro, o perlas, o vestidos costosos,

Asimismo también, que las mujeres se adornen con atavío decoroso, con vergüenza y modestia; no con cabellos encrespados, u oro, o perlas, o vestidos costosos;

Asimismo también las mujeres, ataviándose en hábito honesto, con vergüenza y modestia; no con cabellos encrespados, u oro, ó perlas, ó vestidos costosos.

Asimismo también las mujeres, ataviándose de manera honesto, con pudor y modestia; no con peinado ostentoso, u oro, o perlas, o vestidos costosos,

1 timóteo 2:9
Semelhantemente, recomendo que as mulheres se vistam com decência, modéstia e discrição, não com tranças; nem com ouro ou pérolas, nem com roupas muito caras,

Quero, do mesmo modo, que as mulheres se ataviem com traje decoroso, com modéstia e sobriedade, não com tranças, ou com ouro, ou pérolas, ou vestidos custosos,   

1 Timotei 2:9
Vreau, deasemenea, ca femeile să se roage îmbrăcate în chip cuviincios, cu ruşine şi sfială; nu cu împletituri de păr, nici cu aur, nici cu mărgăritare, nici cu haine scumpe,

1-е Тимофею 2:9
чтобы также и жены, в приличном одеянии, со стыдливостью и целомудрием, украшали себя не плетением волос , не золотом, не жемчугом, не многоценною одеждою,

чтобы также и жены, в приличном одеянии, со стыдливостью и целомудрием, украшали себя не плетением [волос], не золотом, не жемчугом, не многоценною одеждою,

1 Timothy 2:9

1 Timotheosbrevet 2:9
Likaledes vill jag att kvinnorna skola uppträda i hövisk dräkt, att de blygsamt och tuktigt pryda sig, icke med hårflätningar och guld eller pärlor eller dyrbara kläder,

1 Timotheo 2:9
Hali kadhalika, nawataka wanawake wawe wanyofu na wenye busara kuhusu mavazi yao; wavae sawasawa na si kwa urembo wa mitindo ya kusuka nywele, kujipamba kwa dhahabu, lulu au mavazi ya gharama kubwa,

1 Kay Timoteo 2:9
Gayon din naman, na ang mga babae ay magsigayak ng mahinhing damit na may katimtiman at hinahon; hindi ng mahalagang hiyas ng buhok, at ginto o perlas o damit na mahalaga;

1 ทิโมธี 2:9
ฝ่ายพวกผู้หญิงก็เหมือนกันให้แต่งตัวสุภาพเรียบร้อยพร้อมด้วยความรู้จักละอาย และความมีสติสัมปชัญญะ ไม่ใช่ถักผมหรือประดับกายด้วยเครื่องทองและไข่มุกหรือเสื้อผ้าราคาแพง

1 Timoteos 2:9
Kadınların da saç örgüleriyle, altınlarla, incilerle ya da pahalı giysilerle değil, sade giyimle, edepli ve ölçülü tutumla, Tanrı yolunda yürüdüklerini ileri süren kadınlara yaraşır biçimde, iyi işlerle süslenmelerini isterim.

1 Тимотей 2:9
Так само й жінки, чисто вбираючись, із соромом та з чистотою, щоб украшували себе, не заплїтаннвм, не золотом або перлами, або шатами предорогими,

1 Timothy 2:9
Wae wo'o-hawo tobine. Tobine kana mpopake' pohea to natao, ntuku' ada to lompe'. Neo' mpenasa pohea-ra bona ra'une' doo, neo' mpopenyala wuluwoo', neo' mporampai woto hante bulawa ba mutiara pai' pohea-pohea to masuli' oli-na.

1 Ti-moâ-theâ 2:9
Ta cũng muốn rằng những người đờn bà ăn mặc một cách gọn ghẽ, lấy nết na và đức hạnh giồi mình, không dùng những tóc gióc, vàng, châu ngọc và áo quần quí giá,

1 Timothy 2:8
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