The Morasthite
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Doubtful Fragments on the Pentateuch.
... And Jonan delivered it to Micha the Morasthite, who delivered it to Nachum the
Alcusite. And Nachum delivered it to Chabakuk the prophet. ...
/.../doubtful fragments on the pentateuch.htm

From Megiddo to Carchemish, 608-605.
... There was Micaiah the Morasthite in the days of Hezekiah, king of Judah, and he
said to all the people of Judah, Thus saith the Lord: Sion like a field shall ...
// from megiddo to carchemish.htm

Letter Liii. To Paulinus.
... Micah the Morasthite a joint heir with Christ [1481] announces the spoiling of the
daughter of the robber and lays siege against her, because she has smitten ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter liii to paulinus.htm

The Twelve Minor Prophets.
... Micah is called the Morasthite, probably because he was a native of Moresheth-gath,
a small town of Judea, which, according to Eusebius and Jerome, lay in a ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xxiii the twelve minor.htm

The Jewish Institutions and Laws of Far Higher Antiquity than the ...
... sixteen years. In his time Esaias still prophesied, and Hosea, and Michæas
the Morasthite, and Joel the son of Bethuel. Next in ...
/.../the stromata or miscellanies/chapter xxi the jewish institutions and.htm

The Prophet Micah.
... The circumstance of Micah being called the Morasthite, accounts for the fact that,
in this threatening against the cities of Judah, in i.14, it is Moresheth ...
/.../hengstenberg/christology of the old testament/the prophet micah.htm

The Medes and the Second Chaldaean Empire
History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, V 8. <. ...
/.../chapter iiithe medes and the.htm

Smith's Bible Dictionary
The Morasthite

that is, the native of a place named Moresheth. It occurs twice -- (Jeremiah 26:18; Micah 1:1) --each time as the description of the prophet Micah.



The After Life

The Age of Accountability

The Age of Earth

The Alabaster Box

the Amorites Amorite

The Angel of Death

The Angel of Light

The Anointing

The Antichrist

The Apocalypse

The Apostasy

The Appearance of Evil

The Archite

The Ark of Covenant

The Arkite

The Armor of God

The Ashurites

The Babylonish Captivity

The Bachrites

The Baharumite

the Baptize John

The Barhumite

The Battle is the Lords

The Beatitudes

The Beginning

The Belaites

The Beriites

The Bermuda Triangle

The Berothite

The Bible

The Big Bang Theory

The Birth of Christ

The Blood Covenant

The Blood of Jesus

The Body

The Body of Christ

The Body of the Church

The Book Of

the Book Of Daniel

the Book Of Enoch

the Book Of Esther

the Book Of Jeremiah

the Book Of Judith

the Book Of Micah

the Book Of Nehemiah

the Book Of Numbers

the Book Of Proverb

the Book Of Psalms

The Book of the Secrets Of

the Book Of Zechariah

The Bride of Christ

the Brook Besor

the Brook Cherith

the Brook of The Willows

The Canaanite

The Canaanites

The Canon of Scripture

The Chemarim

The Christian Family

The Christmas Tree

The Church

The City Underwater

the Cliff Of Ziz

The College

The Color Blue

The Color Purple

The Color Yellow

The Conscience

The Consequences of Sin

The Cost of Discipleship

The Cost to Follow Jesus

The Cross

The Daniel Fast

The Danites

the Day Of Atonement

The Day of Judgement

The Day of Pentecost

The Earth Orbiting the Sun

The Elonites

The End of Days

The Enemy

The Enslavement

The Environment

The Epicureans

the Epistle Of James

the Epistle of Paul To Philemon

the Epistle To The Colossians

the Epistle To The Ephesians

the Epistle To The Galatians

The Eranites

The Eshkalonites

The Eshtaulites

The Ethiopian Eunuch

The Exodus

The Eznite

The Ezrahite

The Fall

The Family

the Feast Of Tabernacles

the First Epistle General Of John

The First Resurrection

The Five Senses

The Fivefold Ministry

The Flesh

The Four Seasons

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fullers Field

The Future

The Gadites

the Garden Of Uzza

The Garmite

The Gazathites

The Gazites

The Gederathite

The Gederite

the General Epistle Of James

The Gershonites

The Gibeonites

The Giblites

The Gileadites

The Gilonite

The Girgasite

The Gizonites

The Government

The Great Commission

the Great Synagogue

The Great Tribulation

The Greek Language

The Gunites

The Hagerite

The Haggites

The Hamathite

The Hamulites

The Harodite

The Hebrew Monarchy

The Hebronites

The Hepherites

The Hermonites

the Hill Gareb

the Hill Hachilah

The Holocaust

The Holy Land

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Trinity

The Homeless

the House Of Millo

The Huphamites

The Ice Age

the Jews of The Dispersion

The Jimnites

The Kenite

The Kingdom or Church of Christ

the Land Of Benjamin

the Land Of Canaan

the Land Of Shalim

the Land Of Shalisha

the Land Of Shual

The Last Supper

The Law of Moses

The Lord

the Lord Of Sabaoth

the Lords Brother Judas

The Lords Day

The Machirites

The Mahavite

the Man of God Moses

The Manassites

The Maonites

The Mecherathite

The Median

The Meholathite

The Mehunims

The Meronothithe

The Mesobaite

The Millennium

The Mishraites

The Mithnite

The Moabite Stone

The Moon

The Morasthite

The Naamites

The Nehelamite

The New Jerusalem

The Number 10

The Number 12

The Number 30

The Number 5

The Number 7

The Number One

The Occult

The Ocean

The Pelonite

The Pentateuch

The Perizzite

The Pharzites

The Phoenix

The Plague

the Plain Of Tabor

The Planets

the Pool Of Siloah

The Potters Field

The Power of Prayer

The Praltite

The Priesthood

The Prodigal Son

The Prophet Isaiah

The Puhites

The Punites

The Quicksands

The Ramathite

The Rapture

The Red Heifer

The Resurrection

The Revelation

the Rock Etam

the Rock Oreb

The Rosary

The Rose of Sharon

the Salt Sea

The Sardites

the Sea Of Tiberias

the Second and Third Epistles Of John

the Second Book Of Esdras

The Shaalbonite

The Shearinghouse

The Shechemites

The Sheepgate

The Sheepmarket

The Shelanites

The Shemidaites

The Shillemites

The Shilonite

The Shilonites

The Shimites

The Shimronites

The Shuhamites

The Shulamite

The Shumathites

The Shunammite

The Shunites

The Shuphamites

The Shuthalhites

The Syrtis

The Tabernacle

The Tachmonite

The Tahanites

The Tarpelites

The Tekoite

The Temptation

the Ten Plagues

the Three Taverns

The Thresholds

The Timnite

The Tirathites

The Tishbite

The Tizite

The Tolaites

The Transfiguration

the Tribe Of Benjamin

the Tribe Of Gad

The Twelve Apostles

the Two Thieves

The Uzzielites

the Valley Eshcol

the Valley Of Charashim

the Valley Of Elah

the Valley Of Rephaim

the Valley Of Zared

The Vulgate

the Waters Of Shiloah

the Wife Of Pharaoh

The Wisdom of Solomon

the Wood Of Ephraim

The World Ending

The Worship

The Year 2012

The Year of Jubilee

The Zareathites

The Zarhites

The Zebulunites

The Zemarite

The Ziphim

The Zodiac

The Zorathites

The Zorites

The Zuzim

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