Titus 2:1
But speak you the things which become sound doctrine:
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(1) But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine.—To introduce a regular organisation and the principle of a central church government into the numerous but scattered Christian congregations in Crete was Titus’ first work. The second and equally weighty mission the Apostle Paul charged him to execute was the refutation of a school of professed Christian teachers, who were promulgating doctrines at variance with the teaching of St. Paul and his brother Apostles, and were also, by their example and lives, fatally lowering the tone of Christian life. It was to the latter point—the evil moral influence of these teachers—that the attention of Titus was especially directed. False doctrinal teaching was bringing forth already its sure fruit, in the form of a life utterly unlike the pattern life of the Master. In contrast to this erroneous and misleading teaching, Titus is directed to exhort the varied ages, the different sexes, the bond and the free, to live lives which will bring no dishonour upon their Christian profession. The strictly practical nature of these charges is remarkable. Before touching upon doctrine, he presses home to these various ages and ranks the necessity of a quiet, useful life. The “sound doctrine” by which Titus was bidden to regulate his teaching is an expression peculiar to these Pastoral Epistles (see Note on 1Timothy 1:10), and stands in clear contrast to the sickly, unhealthy teaching, fanciful and false, of the misleading teachers of Crete.

Titus 2:1-2. The apostle, having directed Titus to ordain elders in every city, and described the character and qualifications of the persons he was to invest with that office in the church; also having laid open the bad character and evil practices of the Judaizing teachers and their disciples in Crete, and ordered him to rebuke them sharply, he now proceeds to give him a short view of the duties of his office as superintendent both of the teachers and of the people in that island. But speak thou, &c. — As if he had said, Though false teachers dwell upon fables, traditions, and the commandments of men, which disorder and poison the souls of the hearers, do thou inculcate the things which become — Or agree with; sound, wholesome, salutary doctrine — Calculated to restore and preserve spiritual health; to invigorate all the faculties of the soul, and keep them in a healthy state. That the aged men be sober — Νηφαλιους, vigilant, as veteran soldiers, not to be easily surprised; grave — Or serious, as σεμνους may be rendered; temperate — Or prudent, as σωφρονας signifies; see on Titus 1:8; sound in the faith — Sincere and steadfast in their belief of, and adherence to, all the great doctrines of the gospel; in charity Αγαπη, love, to God and man; patience — A virtue particularly needful for, and becoming them.2:1-8 Old disciples of Christ must behave in every thing agreeably to the Christian doctrine. That the aged men be sober; not thinking that the decays of nature will justify any excess; but seeking comfort from nearer communion with God, not from any undue indulgence. Faith works by, and must be seen in love, of God for himself, and of men for God's sake. Aged persons are apt to be peevish and fretful; therefore need to be on their guard. Though there is not express Scripture for every word, or look, yet there are general rules, according to which all must be ordered. Young women must be sober and discreet; for many expose themselves to fatal temptations by what at first might be only want of discretion. The reason is added, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. Failures in duties greatly reproach Christianity. Young men are apt to be eager and thoughtless, therefore must be earnestly called upon to be sober-minded: there are more young people ruined by pride than by any other sin. Every godly man's endeavour must be to stop the mouths of adversaries. Let thine own conscience answer for thine uprightness. What a glory is it for a Christian, when that mouth which would fain open itself against him, cannot find any evil in him to speak of!But speak thou - In thine own ministry. In the previous chapter he had given him instructions as to the kind of persons who were to be put into the sacred office. Here he gives him special instructions in regard to his own preaching. "The things which become sound doctrine." To wit, those which he proceeds immediately to specify. On the phrase sound doctrine, see the notes at 1 Timothy 1:10; compare 2 Timothy 4:3. CHAPTER 2

Tit 2:1-15. Directions to Titus: How to Exhort Various Classes of Believers: The Grace of God in Christ Our Grand Incentive to Live Godly.

1. But … thou—in contrast to the reprobate seducers stigmatized in Tit 1:11, 15, 16. "He deals more in exhortations, because those intent on useless questions needed chiefly to be recalled to the study of a holy, moral life; for nothing so effectually allays men's wandering curiosity, as the being brought to recognize those duties in which they ought to exercise themselves" [Calvin].

speak—without restraint: contrast Tit 1:11, "mouths … stopped."

doctrine—"instruction" or "teaching."Titus 2:1-8 Directions given to Titus both for his doctrine and life.

Titus 2:9,10 The duty of servants.

Titus 2:11-15 The gospel teacheth all men to renounce wickedness,

and to lead sober, righteous, and godly lives.

That is, preach those things which agree with that doctrine which is sound, and which tendeth to make others sound in the faith, and in a holy life. Be not thou led by the example of those triflers in preaching, but let the subjects of thy discourse be what may tend to edifying; nor is there any more effectual way to stop the mouths of those fablers. Dagon will fall down before the ark of God.

But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine. Concerning sound doctrine, and the form of it; see Gill on 2 Timothy 1:13. The things which become it are a good life and conversation, the various duties incumbent on professors of religion, according to their different station, age, and sex, which are observed in some following verses; these become the Gospel of Christ, and are ornamental to the doctrine of God our Saviour; and these are to be spoken of by the ministers of Christ, in their proper places, and at proper times; who ought not to be dumb, and keep silence at any time, but especially when there are many unruly and vain talkers: sound doctrine ought to be spoken out openly and publicly, fully and faithfully, with great plainness and evidence, that it may be understood and known by all; and with much certainty, without hesitation, as being, without controversy, undoubted truth; and with all boldness, not fearing men, or seeking to please them; and it should be constantly and continually spoken, in season, and out of season; and care should be taken that it be spoken consistently, and in an uniform manner, that there be no clashing and contradiction; and the duties of religion, which become sound doctrine, should be set in their true light, and proper place, as fruits of the grace of God, and to glorify him; these should be spoken out plainly, frequently insisted upon, and warmly and zealously urged, as being decent things, for the honour of God, the recommending of religion, the good of mankind, and the service of one another: as particularly, But {1} speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

(1) The fifth admonition: the doctrine must not only be generally pure, but also be applied to all ages and orders of men, according to the diversity of circumstances.

Titus 2:1. Instructions to Timothy how he is to exhort the various members of families, down to Titus 2:10.

σὺ δέ] see 2 Timothy 3:10; 2 Timothy 4:5. A contrast with the heretics, not, however, as Chrysostom puts it: αὐτοί εἰσιν ἀκάθαρτοι· ἀλλὰ μὴ τούτων ἕνεκεν σιγήσῃς. It is with regard to their unseemly doctrine that Paul says: σὺ δὲ λάλει ἃ πρέπει τῇ ὑγιαιν. διδασκαλίᾳ. In contrast with their μῦθοι and ἐντολαὶ ἀνθρώπων, Titus is to speak things in harmony with sound doctrine, by which are meant not so much the doctrines of the gospel themselves, as the commands founded on them, Titus 2:3 ff. (Wiesinger). On τῇ ὑγ. διδ., see Titus 1:9.Titus 2:1-10. In the face of this immoral teaching, do you constantly impress the moral duties of the Gospel on your people of every age and class. There is an ideal of conduct appropriate to old men and old women respectively—the latter have moreover special duties in the training of the young women—and young men. Enforce your words by personal example. Slaves, too, must be taught that they share in responsibility for the good name of the Gospel.1. sound doctrine] See on Titus 1:9, 1 Timothy 1:10.

1–3. What standard of holy living is to be maintained; first, for elder men and women

After these instructions to Titus for the appointment of presbyters and the repression of false teachers in chap. 1, St Paul proceeds to lay down for him the standard of Christian life (Titus 2:1), in old men (Titus 2:2), old women (Titus 2:3), young women (Titus 2:4-5), young men, including Titus himself (Titus 2:6-8), slaves (Titus 2:9-10); based on the gifts of God’s grace in Christ and the hope of God’s glory (Titus 2:11-14); this standard to be authoritatively maintained (Titus 2:15).Titus 2:1. Λάλει, speak) with unrestrained lips; carefully, vigorously, freely.Verse 1. - Befit for become, A.V.; the sound for sound, A.V. But speak thou, etc. The apostle now brings out, in full couldst with the vain talk of the heretical teachers, the solid, sober teaching of a true man of God, in harmony with the sound doctrine of the gospel of Christ. The sound doctrine (τῇ ὑγιαινούσῃ διδασκαλία); as in 1 Timothy 1:10 (where see note). In 1 Timothy 6:1 διδασκαλία by itself means "the Christian faith," "the doctrine of the gospel." The varying phrases, ἡ καλὴ διδασκαλία, ἡ κατ εὐσεβείαν διδασκαλία, and ἡ ὑγιαινοῦσα διδασκαλία, all mean the same thing, with varying descriptive qualifications (see ver. 10). The article "the" is not required. Speak thou (λάλει)

See on Matthew 28:18; see on John 8:26.

Become (πρέπει)

Originally, to stand out; be conspicuous. Thus Homer, Od. viii. 172: μετὰ δὲ πρέπει ἀγρομένοισιν he is conspicuous among those who are assembled. Eurip. Hel. 215; Ζεὺς πρέπων δἰ αἰθερος Zeus shining clearly through the aether. Hence, to become conspicuously fit; to become; beseem. In N.T. in the impersonal forms πρέπον ἐστὶν it is becoming (Matthew 3:15); πρέπει it becometh (Ephesians 5:3); ἔπρεπεν it became (Hebrews 2:10). With a subject nominative, 1 Timothy 2:10; Hebrews 7:26.

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