Psalm 105
Tell of His Wonders
Unfolding The Eternal Gratitude: Remembering God's Marvellous Deeds

Psalm 105 is an inspiring testament to God's unwavering faithfulness and love. It calls for believers to remember and appreciate God's deeds, thanking Him for His protection, provision, and the fulfillment of His promises. It serves as a reminder that even in difficult times, God is always with us, guiding us towards a brighter future.

Verses 1-6: The Call to Praise and Remember

The Psalm opens with a call for people to give thanks and praise to God, urging them to remember His wonders, miracles, and judgments. It highlights the importance of seeking God's face and strength continually.

Verses 7-11: The Everlasting Covenant

These verses reminisce about God's covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, His promise to give them the land of Canaan, reaffirming His commitment to His word and His chosen ones.

Verses 12-24: From Famine to Prosperity in Egypt

This section recounts the journey of Abraham's descendants from being a few nomads in Canaan to becoming a great nation in Egypt. It recounts Joseph's story, from being sold as a slave to becoming a ruler who provided for his family during a time of famine.

Verses 25-38: Liberation from Egypt

This part narrates the plagues that God sent to Egypt and the miraculous deliverance of the Israelites from slavery. It speaks of God's provision of quail, manna, and water for His people in the wilderness.

Verses 39-45: Journey Through the Wilderness to the Promised Land

The final section describes God's guidance and protection for the Israelites during their journey in the wilderness, eventually leading them to the Promised Land. The Psalm concludes with a call to praise the Lord.

Psalm 105 is a song of praise, commemorating God's deeds and miracles, displaying His faithfulness to the children of Israel. It serves as a constant reminder of His unwavering dedication towards His covenant with His chosen ones, highlighting His intervention during their times of need and despair.

Thanksgiving to God
Recollection of God's Miracles
Covenant Faithfulness
God's Provision and Protection
Praise and Worship
God's Miraculous Acts
The History of Israel
The Abrahamic Covenant
Children of Israel
The Red Sea
The wilderness
Bible Study Questions

1. What significance does remembering God's deeds have in your spiritual journey?

2. How does the theme of God's faithfulness in Psalm 105 apply to your current life situation?

3. How does the Israelites' journey from Canaan to Egypt and back reflect on your life's journey?

4. Joseph's transition from a slave to a ruler is remarkable. How does this story inspire you in times of hardship?

5. What parallels can you draw between the plagues of Egypt and contemporary global challenges?

6. How does God's provision for the Israelites in the wilderness mirror His provision in your life?

7. How can you practically 'seek His face always' as mentioned in the Psalm?

8. In what ways does Psalm 105 inspire you to be thankful?

9. How can we apply the principles from Psalm 105 to ensure we remain faithful to God's covenant?

10. How can you use the history and miracles recounted in Psalm 105 to strengthen your faith?

11. How does Psalm 105 encourage you in times when you feel like God is silent?

12. What lessons can we draw from God's steadfast commitment to His promises?

13. How can we cultivate a spirit of praise and gratitude, as encouraged in Psalm 105?

14. How can the story of the Israelites’ deliverance from slavery influence our understanding of freedom and salvation today?

15. In what ways does Psalm 105 challenge you to trust in God's timing?

16. How can you use the truths in Psalm 105 to encourage others in their walk of faith?

17. How does the recounting of miracles in Psalm 105 influence your belief in miracles today?

18. How can the Psalm's account of God's guidance through the wilderness provide comfort during your life's 'wilderness' experiences?

19. How does the final call to praise in the Psalm align with your personal response to God's blessings?

20. How does the shift of the Israelites from a group of nomads to a prosperous nation inspire you about God’s ability to change your situation?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Psalm 104
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