Joshua 2
Rahab Welcomes the Spies
The Courage and Conviction of Rahab

Joshua 2 underscores the boundless grace of God, extending even to the unlikely person of Rahab. Her faith and bravery, in the face of grave danger, emphasizes that anyone can partake in God's plans, no matter their past. Her story inspires courage, conviction, and the belief that God's promises will always be fulfilled.

Section: The Spies' Arrival in Jericho (Verses 1-7)

Joshua sends two spies to Jericho, who find refuge in Rahab's house. However, the king of Jericho hears of their presence and sends soldiers to find them. Rahab hides the spies and misdirects the soldiers, claiming the spies left the city before the gates closed for the night.

Section: Rahab's Faith and Agreement (Verses 8-14)

After ensuring the spies' safety, Rahab acknowledges her belief in the God of Israel, having heard about the miracles performed in Egypt and the recent victory over the Amorites. She requests the spies to spare her and her family's lives when they conquer the city. Moved by her faith and courage, the spies agree to her request.

Section: The Escape and The Promise (Verses 15-24)

Rahab helps the spies escape by lowering them from her window with a scarlet cord. They instruct her to tie the same cord in her window as a sign for the Israelites to spare her household. The spies return to Joshua, reporting the fear within the city and the readiness for an Israelite conquest.

Joshua Chapter 2 focuses on the story of Rahab, a woman from Jericho who bravely aids the spies sent by Joshua. As the Israelites prepare to conquer the city, Rahab's faith in the God of Israel and her courage significantly influence the unfolding events, demonstrating that divine providence often works through unexpected channels.

1. Faith and Conviction
2. Divine Providence
3. The Power of Grace
4. Courage in the Face of Danger
5. Covenant and Promise
1. Espionage in Jericho
2. The Faith of Rahab
3. Rahab's Pact with the Israelite Spies
4. God's Providential Hand
5. Salvation and Redemption
1. Rahab
2. Joshua
3. The Two Israelite Spies
4. The King of Jericho
1. Canaan
2. Jericho
3. Rahab's House
4. The City Gate of Jericho
5. The Scarlet Cord Window
Bible Study Questions

1. How do you perceive Rahab's character, given her profession and actions in Joshua 2?

2. How does Rahab's faith compare to your own?

3. Rahab lied to protect the spies. Is it justifiable to lie in certain situations? Why or why not?

4. How does Rahab's understanding of God influence her decisions?

5. How can you apply Rahab's courage in your life when facing difficult situations?

6. Discuss the significance of the scarlet cord in the story. What does it symbolize?

7. How does this chapter illustrate God's mercy and redemption?

8. What role does loyalty play in the narrative of Joshua 2?

9. How do the actions of the spies reflect their trust in God?

10. How can Rahab’s act of loyalty and faith be a model in your relationships?

11. Can you identify a moment in your life when you took a risk for your faith, like Rahab did?

12. How can this story of divine providence encourage you in times of uncertainty?

13. How does the theme of redemption resonate in your personal life?

14. How did Rahab’s faith impact her future and her family’s future?

15. How do you see God’s hand at work in the strategy of conquering Jericho?

16. How might this story inspire you to act with courage in your current circumstances?

17. Discuss how Rahab's story sheds light on the nature of true faith.

18. How can the actions of Rahab serve as a lesson for you when facing fear?

19. How would you handle a situation where you had to choose between following orders and doing what you believe is right?

20. What can you learn from Rahab about living in a society that does not acknowledge your faith?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Joshua 1
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