Solomon Admires His Bride 1O howe fayre art thou my loue, howe fayre art thou? thou hast doues eyes, beside that which lyeth hid within: Thy heerie lockes are lyke the wooll of a flocke of goates that be shorne vpon mount Gilead.
2Thy teeth are like a flocke
3Thy lippes are lyke a rose coloured ribande, thy wordes are louely, thy cheekes are like a peece of a pomegranate within thyne heeres.
4Thy necke is like the towre of Dauid buylded with costly stones, lying out on the sides wherevpon there hange a thousande shieldes: yea all the weapons of the giauntes.
5Thy two breastes are lyke two twinnes of young Roes, whiche feede among roses.
6O that I might go to the mountaine of myrre, and to the hil of frankencense, til the day breake, and til the shadowes be past away.
7Thou art all fayre (O my loue) and no spot is there in thee.
8Come to me from Libanus (O my spouse) come to me from Libanus: looke from the top of Amana, from the top of Sanir and Hermon, from the lions dennes, and from the mountaines of the leopardes.
9Thou hast
10O howe fayre are thy breastes, my sister, my spouse? Thy breastes are more pleasaunt then wine, and the smell of thyne oyntmentes passeth all spices.
11Thy lippes, O my spouse, drop as the hony combe, yea mylke and hony is vnder thy tongue, and the smell of thy garmentes is like the smell of Libanus.
12A garden well locked is my sister, my spouse: a garden well locked, and a sealed well.
13The fruites that are planted in thee, are lyke a very paradise of pomegranates with sweete fruites, as Camphire, Nardus,
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