Tyre: Antiquity of
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Isaiah 23:7
Is this your joyous city, whose antiquity is of ancient days? her own feet shall carry her afar off to sojourn.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Joshua 19:29
And then the coast turns to Ramah, and to the strong city Tyre; and the coast turns to Hosah; and the outgoings thereof are at the sea from the coast to Achzib:
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Their High Antiquity, First of All, Claims Authority for These ...
... in the records of the past and noted for their antiquity in books of ... and Berosus
the Chaldean, and Hieromus the Phoenician king of Tyre; their successors too ...
/...//christianbookshelf.org/tertullian/apology/chapter xix their high antiquity.htm

The Jewish Institutions and Laws of Far Higher Antiquity than the ...
... to Vaphres king of Egypt, and to the king of the Phoenicians at Tyre, and theirs ...
the poets of the epic cycle are placed amongst those of most remote antiquity. ...
/.../the stromata or miscellanies/chapter xxi the jewish institutions and.htm

Early Years of his Episcopate. The Anti-Nicene Reaction, 328-335.
... The bishop of Alexandria, like many other influential bishops in antiquity, was
commonly ... lasts from June 8, 328, to July 11, 335 (departure for Tyre), a period ...
/.../athanasius/select works and letters or athanasius/section 4 early years of.htm

... the ablest of the Greek Apologies remained almost unknown in Christian antiquity.
Apart from a citation in a third century writer, Methodius of Tyre, [828] and ...
//christianbookshelf.org/richardson/early christian fathers/introduction 7.htm

Book 8 Footnotes
... them, as Mr. Maundrell distinctly observes, these poor remains of Old Tyre are now ...
as some have very lately, in contradiction to all antiquity, supposed, and ...
/.../josephus/the antiquities of the jews/book 8 footnotes.htm

... Tyre was the great maritime city of antiquity: its grandeur is conveyed under the
image of a ship which all the nations of the known world combine to build and ...
/.../various/select masterpieces of biblical literature/notes.htm

From the Flood to Abraham
... Two Great Empires of Antiquity. ... Three thousand years before Christ the Phoenicians
sent out ships from Tyre that had intercourse with the cities of the ...
/.../tidwell/the bible period by period/chapter iii from the flood.htm

Altar and Temple
... and drink, and oil, unto them of Zidon, and to them of Tyre, to bring ... joyous feast
of the year, crowded with reminiscences from the remote antiquity of the ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/altar and temple.htm

Vehicles of Revelation; Scripture, the Church, Tradition.
... down orally [94] , but is to be found in the documents of antiquity and the ... reviewing
the decision of a previous Synod at Rome; a Council at Tyre trying the ...
/.../select works and letters or athanasius/section 4 vehicles of revelation.htm

Letter Lxx. To Magnus an Orator of Rome.
... books and that Solomon proposed questions to the philosophers of Tyre and answered ...
To prove the antiquity of the Jewish people Josephus [2149] has written two ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/letter lxx to magnus an.htm



Tyre or Tyrus

Tyre: Antiquity of

Tyre: Called: The Crowning City

Tyre: Called: The Daughter of Tarshish

Tyre: Called: The Daughter of Zidon

Tyre: Called: The Joyous City

Tyre: Called: The Renowned City

Tyre: Celebrated For: Its Beauty

Tyre: Celebrated For: Its Commerce

Tyre: Celebrated For: Its Wealth

Tyre: Celebrated For: Strength and Beauty of Its Ships

Tyre: Christ was Followed by Many From

Tyre: Christ: Alluded to the Depravity of

Tyre: Christ: Depended for Provision Upon Galilee

Tyre: Christ: Paul Found Disciples At

Tyre: Christ: Visited the Coasts of

Tyre: City of Antiquity of

Tyre: City of Besieged by Nebuchadnezzar

Tyre: City of Commerce of

Tyre: City of Fortified

Tyre: City of Heals the Daughter of the Non-Jewish, Syrophenician Woman Near

Tyre: City of Jesus Goes to the Coasts of

Tyre: City of Merchants of

Tyre: City of Multitudes From, Come to Hear Jesus, and to be Healed of Their Diseases

Tyre: City of On the Northern Boundary of the Tribe of Asher

Tyre: City of Paul Visits

Tyre: City of Pleasant Site of

Tyre: City of Prophecies Relating To

Tyre: City of Riches of

Tyre: City of The Hostility of Herod Agrippa I Toward

Tyre: City of To be Judged According to Its Opportunity and Privileges

Tyre: David and Solomon Formed Alliances With

Tyre: Governed by Kings

Tyre: Inhabitants of Mercantile Men

Tyre: Inhabitants of Proud and Haughty

Tyre: Inhabitants of Sea-Faring Men

Tyre: Inhabitants of Self-Conceited

Tyre: Inhabitants of Superstitious

Tyre: Inhabitants of Wicked

Tyre: Insular Position of

Tyre: Kingdom of Hiram, King of

Tyre: Kingdom of Men and Materials Sent From, to Solomon, for the Erection of the Temple and his Castles

Tyre: Kingdom of Sends Material to David for his Palace

Tyre: Often Confederated Against the Jews and Rejoiced in Their

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: All Nations to be Terrified at Its Destruction

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: Envy Against the Jews a Cause of Its Destruction

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: Inhabitants of, to Emigrated to Other Countries

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: Its Inhabitants to be Sold As Slaves, As a Recompence For

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: Its Restoration to Commercial Greatness After Seventy Years

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: Its Second Destruction by the Macedonians

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: Never to Recover Its Greatness

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: Pride a Cause of Its Destruction

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: The King of Babylon to be Rewarded With the Spoil of Egypt

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: The Ruins of the First City to be Employed in Making A

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: To be Destroyed by the King of Babylon

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: To be Scraped As the Top of a Rock, and to be a Place For

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: To Lie Waste and be Forgotten for Seventy Years

Tyre: Prophecies Respecting: To Participated in the Blessings of the Gospel

Tyre: Propitiated the Favour of Herod

Tyre: Soldiers of, Supplied by Persia

Tyre: Strongly Fortified

Tyre: Supplied: A Master-Builder for the Temple

Tyre: Supplied: Seamen for Solomon's Navy

Tyre: Supplied: Stones and Timber for Building the Temple

Tyre: Supplied: Timber for Rebuilding the Temple and City

Tyre: The Jews Condemned for Purchasing from the People of, on The

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