The New Birth: Effected by God
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
John 1:13
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Peter 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again to a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The New-Birth
... on our part, towards the raising and bringing forth this new birth in us ... a possibility
of being God's creature again; this was effected by God's treasuring up ...
/.../law/the grounds and reasons of christian regeneration/the new-birth.htm

Regeneration the Work of God.
... our election, foreordination, justification, and glorification precede the new birth. ...
when regeneration was to be effected in us ... but so far as God was concerned ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/xxi regeneration the work of.htm

He Further Very Appositely Expounds the Meaning of the Term "Only ...
... all that new creation of men which is effected by the ... He saith, And let all the angels
of God worship Him ... pains of death [336] , so that His new birth from the ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/section 8 he further very.htm

Now from this Longing on Both Sides, Nature Wanting God...
... in nature, the union of both is effected; which is ... fire must kindle, nothing can
hinder it; God will then ... natural life, into a sweetness of a new birth of rest ...
/.../law/the way to divine knowledge/way-3-52 now from this longing.htm

Necessity of the New Birth.
... For what we seek is only effected when that which, as ... however, only means that the
grace of God brings it ... it only by means of an entire change and a new birth. ...
/.../schleiermacher/selected sermons of schleiermacher/iv necessity of the new.htm

The Work of Regeneration.
... inclination, making the unwilling willing to conform to the holy will of God. ... of
his nature, is possible; and this restoration is effected by the new birth. ...
/.../kuyper/the work of the holy spirit/xxii the work of regeneration.htm

Sunday after Easter
... Now, since these ceremonials contributed nothing to man's purification in God's
sight"a thing to be effected by nothing short of a new birth"Christ came ...
// sermons vol ii/sunday after easter.htm

Baptism, a Divinely Appointed Means of Grace.
... of a child as absolutely necessary, is the new birth. Ordinarily this is effected,
by the Holy Spirit, through ... cannot be applied, the Spirit of God can effect ...
/.../the way of salvation in the lutheran church/chapter iv baptism a divinely.htm

1 John ii. 29
... as the eternal, original source of the new life imparted ... can only be attained through
a birth from God ... the flesh needs the moral transformation effected by the ...
// first epistle of john/1 john ii 29.htm

"But," it is Said, "This Change in Our Body by Birth is a Weakness ...
... If the first movement, which we call birth, is not a ... union of the soul and body is
effected, is a ... intellectual to the sentient nature, the new principle freely ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/chapter xvi but it is.htm


Neophytes: General Scriptures Concerning


New and Old

New Beginning

New Birth

New Commandment

New Covenant

New Earth

New Heavens

New Home

New Jerusalem

New Life

New Man

New Members

New Moon

New Moon: Feast of

New Moon: Traffic at Time of, Suspended

New Testament

New Testament Canon

New Testament Language

New Testament Text

New Things

New World Order

New Year

Select Readings: The New Heaven and the New Earth

Select Readings: The New Song

The New Birth is for the Glory of God

The New Birth is of the Mercy of God

The New Birth is of the Will of God

The New Birth: A New Creation

The New Birth: A New Heart

The New Birth: A New Spirit

The New Birth: A Spiritual Resurrection

The New Birth: All Saints Partake of

The New Birth: Circumcision of the Heart

The New Birth: Connected With Adoption

The New Birth: Effected by Christ

The New Birth: Effected by God

The New Birth: Effected by The Holy Spirit

The New Birth: Evidenced by Brotherly Love

The New Birth: Evidenced by Faith in Christ

The New Birth: Evidenced by Righteousness

The New Birth: Manner of Effecting--Illustrated

The New Birth: Newness of Life

The New Birth: None Can Enter Heaven Without

The New Birth: Partaking of the Divine Nature

The New Birth: Preserves from Satan's Devices

The New Birth: Produces Delight in God's Law

The New Birth: Produces Hatred of Sin

The New Birth: Produces Knowledge of God

The New Birth: Produces Likeness to Christ

The New Birth: Produces Likeness to God

The New Birth: Produces Victory Over the World

The New Birth: Putting on the New Man

The New Birth: The Corruption of Human Nature Requires

The New Birth: The Ignorant Cavil At

The New Birth: The Inward Man

The New Birth: The Washing of Regeneration

The New Birth: Through the Instrumentality of The Ministry of the Gospel

The New Birth: Through the Instrumentality of The Resurrection of Christ

The New Birth: Through the Instrumentality of The Word of God

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