The New Birth: A New Creation
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2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Galatians 6:15
For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


God Rejoicing in the New Creation
... them; but, like the woman who remembereth no more her travail for the joy that a
man is born into the world, so your birth into the new creation causes you to ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 37 1891/god rejoicing in the new.htm

A New Creation
... From the empty tomb, as he rises, I hear it come in silvery notes, "Behold I make
all things new." You must trace the birth of the new creation up to the grave ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 61 1915/a new creation.htm

The Believer a New Creature
... then, how very searching the word is here, a "a new creature," absolutely a new
creation. ... Such is the new birth, such is it to be in Christ and to be renewed ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 15 1869/the believer a new creature.htm

The Old and the New Birth.
... Chapter VII."The Old and the New Birth. ... through sickness or poverty, cannot pay his
debt; and of acting humanely towards those who by their creation seem to ...
/.../unknown/recognitions of clement /chapter vii the old and the.htm

1M. *Gaskell. The New Birth.
... The New Birth. ... Earth appeareth in garments of beauty new drest; Brighter thoughts,
brighter ... Happy voices are floating in music above; All creation is full of ...
/.../various/book of hymns for public and private devotion/244 12s m gaskell the.htm

The New Nature
... And so in the new birth, there is an absolute creation, we are made new creatures
in Christ Jesus, there is another spirit born to pray, to believe in Christ ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 7 1861/the new nature.htm

He Then Again Admirably Discusses the Term Prototokos as it is ...
... either "of the dead," or "of the creation," or "among ... 632] , that He might also make
that birth of the ... Who is born before us by the new birth of regeneration ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/section 3 he then again.htm

Interview of Christ with Nicodcmus.
... Instead of being a "reproach," it was the pride and glory of the primitive Church
that the new creation of Christianity ... [280] The idea of a "new birth" was not ...
/.../section 119 interview of christ.htm

He Further Very Appositely Expounds the Meaning of the Term "Only ...
... we shall in consistency apply to the phrase "first-born of all creation." For since ...
own act loosed the pains of death [336] , so that His new birth from the ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/section 8 he further very.htm

section 2
... new creation. The most wonderful secrets of the plant world hang round the process
of fertilisation, and the ways in which these springs of the second birth ...
// of the christ-life/section 2.htm


Neophytes: General Scriptures Concerning


New and Old

New Beginning

New Birth

New Commandment

New Covenant

New Earth

New Heavens

New Home

New Jerusalem

New Life

New Man

New Members

New Moon

New Moon: Feast of

New Moon: Traffic at Time of, Suspended

New Testament

New Testament Canon

New Testament Language

New Testament Text

New Things

New World Order

New Year

Select Readings: The New Heaven and the New Earth

Select Readings: The New Song

The New Birth is for the Glory of God

The New Birth is of the Mercy of God

The New Birth is of the Will of God

The New Birth: A New Creation

The New Birth: A New Heart

The New Birth: A New Spirit

The New Birth: A Spiritual Resurrection

The New Birth: All Saints Partake of

The New Birth: Circumcision of the Heart

The New Birth: Connected With Adoption

The New Birth: Effected by Christ

The New Birth: Effected by God

The New Birth: Effected by The Holy Spirit

The New Birth: Evidenced by Brotherly Love

The New Birth: Evidenced by Faith in Christ

The New Birth: Evidenced by Righteousness

The New Birth: Manner of Effecting--Illustrated

The New Birth: Newness of Life

The New Birth: None Can Enter Heaven Without

The New Birth: Partaking of the Divine Nature

The New Birth: Preserves from Satan's Devices

The New Birth: Produces Delight in God's Law

The New Birth: Produces Hatred of Sin

The New Birth: Produces Knowledge of God

The New Birth: Produces Likeness to Christ

The New Birth: Produces Likeness to God

The New Birth: Produces Victory Over the World

The New Birth: Putting on the New Man

The New Birth: The Corruption of Human Nature Requires

The New Birth: The Ignorant Cavil At

The New Birth: The Inward Man

The New Birth: The Washing of Regeneration

The New Birth: Through the Instrumentality of The Ministry of the Gospel

The New Birth: Through the Instrumentality of The Resurrection of Christ

The New Birth: Through the Instrumentality of The Word of God

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