Topical Encyclopedia In biblical literature, the concept of "bait" is not explicitly mentioned as a physical object used for trapping or luring animals, as it is commonly understood today. However, the idea of bait can be metaphorically related to the temptations and snares that lead individuals away from righteousness and into sin. The Bible frequently addresses the dangers of temptation and the cunning nature of sin, which can be likened to bait used by a hunter or fisherman.Temptation and Sin as Bait The Bible often uses imagery that parallels the concept of bait to describe how individuals can be lured into sin. James 1:14-15 states, "But each one is tempted when by his own evil desires he is lured away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death." Here, the language of being "lured away and enticed" suggests a process similar to being caught by bait, where one's own desires act as the lure. Snares and Traps The Bible frequently warns against the snares and traps set by the wicked, which can be understood as metaphorical bait. In Proverbs 1:17-18 , it is written, "How futile it is to spread the net in the sight of any bird! But they lie in wait for their own blood; they ambush their own lives." This passage highlights the self-destructive nature of those who set traps for others, ultimately ensnaring themselves. Psalm 141:9 also reflects this theme: "Keep me from the snares they have laid for me, and from the lures of the evildoers." The psalmist prays for protection from the traps and lures set by the wicked, recognizing the danger of being caught by such bait. Satan as the Ultimate Tempter In the New Testament, Satan is often depicted as the ultimate tempter, using various forms of bait to lead believers astray. 1 Peter 5:8 warns, "Be sober-minded and alert. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." The imagery of a prowling lion suggests a predator using stealth and cunning, akin to setting bait to capture its prey. Avoiding the Bait of Sin Believers are encouraged to remain vigilant and to avoid the bait of sin by adhering to God's Word and seeking His wisdom. Proverbs 4:14-15 advises, "Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers. Avoid it; do not travel on it. Turn from it and pass on by." This counsel underscores the importance of recognizing and avoiding the paths that lead to temptation and sin. Conclusion While the Bible does not explicitly mention "bait" in the context of hunting or fishing, the metaphorical use of bait as a representation of temptation and sin is prevalent throughout Scripture. Believers are called to be aware of the snares and lures of the enemy and to rely on God's guidance to navigate the challenges of life without falling into the traps set by sin. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (v. i.) Any substance, esp. food, used in catching fish, or other animals, by alluring them to a hook, snare, enclosure, or net.2. (v. i.) Anything which allures; a lure; enticement; temptation. 3. (n.) A portion of food or drink, as a refreshment taken on a journey; also, a stop for rest and refreshment. 4. (n.) A light or hasty luncheon. 5. (v. t.) To provoke and harass; esp., to harass or torment for sport; as, to bait a bear with dogs; to bait a bull. 6. (v. t.) To give a portion of food and drink to, upon the road; as, to bait horses. 7. (v. t.) To furnish or cover with bait, as a trap or hook. 8. (v. i.) To stop to take a portion of food and drink for refreshment of one's self or one's beasts, on a journey. 9. (v. i.) To flap the wings; to flutter as if to fly; or to hover, as a hawk when she stoops to her prey. Greek 1388. dolos -- a bait, fig. craft, deceit ... dolos. 1389 . a bait, fig. ... 1388 -- properly, bait; (figuratively) deceit (trickery) using to ("hook") people, especially those in , (brought on by themselves). ... // - 7k 4625. skandalon -- a stick for bait (of a trap), generally a snare ... 1185. deleazo -- to lure 1386. dolios -- deceitful 1389. doloo -- to ensnare, fig. to adulterate 1387. dolioo -- to deceive 97. adolos -- guileless, genuine Strong's Hebrew 4170. moqesh -- a bait or lure, a snare... 4169, 4170. moqesh or moqesh. 4171 . a bait or lure, a snare. Transliteration: moqesh or moqesh Phonetic Spelling: (mo-kashe') Short Definition: snare. ... /hebrew/4170.htm - 6k 3369. yaqosh -- to lay a bait or lure 6983. qush -- to lay bait or lure Library But Perhaps Some one is Alarmed at Hearing us Discourse of the ... The Snare of the Fowler Turning-Points Sinners Bound with the Cords of Sin Sinners Bound with the Cords of Sin Ambition in Service. The Temptation How Eurycles Calumniated the Sons of Mariamne; and How Euaratus of ... But Possibly one who Has Given his Attention to the Course of the ... The victory of the King Thesaurus Bait (3 Occurrences)... 4. (n.) A light or hasty luncheon. 5. (vt) To provoke and harass; esp., to harass or torment for sport; as, to bait a bear with dogs; to bait a bull. ... /b/bait.htm - 8k Bite (13 Occurrences) Allure (1 Occurrence) Angle (19 Occurrences) Bail (1 Occurrence) Offend (24 Occurrences) Gentle (48 Occurrences) Guile (21 Occurrences) Influence (13 Occurrences) Float (4 Occurrences) Resources Why should we read the Bible / study the Bible? | GotQuestions.orgWhat does it mean to be “fishers of men”? | What does the Bible say about overcoming lust? | Bait: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Bait (3 Occurrences)James 1:14 2 Peter 2:18 Amos 3:5 Subtopics Related Terms |