Tdiv Hd="fN5">meborder="0">h he waanc2">Mandhh3:11dth=; h 7:9 Frenan>meborder=7:4dth=, seqtampri>.;omeborder=27:1, seqtampri>.);hatiofrom ere wipointch het"> thentaptivdty h hJuder=wrs thenfinal atio mailspaccollaphich he wareeseh hJehover, (8 HOW MANY OCCASIONS HAVE THERE BEEN ON WHICH WE HAD EXPECTED AN IMAGINARY GOOD, OR LOOKED FOR < DELIVERANCE WHICH NEVER CAME!anhe 48" who idatmoulde fblewealem beng" a richaonmy"ingfind>eciexplspac-8" lsciexplsp" borscid="f, aftleeciwial ng" dinga urngen-point. Hciwial "sow>rratwiac hatscrnow; by-ati-by"eciwial settfavhr hn fblmal reeseit. Wren many aroutiousistorbe/di"awak/neiofrom ere wiimdiffeboeca atiotervertac ing="0,gwhistoralarm dhatchurtowncspiritual deallspa/anhehaligcing> > < idatmlipainte sogunimancvec-8="0"idat, aftguere%" bohn rratchiacridthd of histor="bodout. To WHAT CONCLUSION OUGHT THIS TO LEAD US?>Tdiv hioulde ingbwaanxis thenlcblptac ilig;... rnow>is thendaycings> 2of vicious indulgen2ce< pre Ialuno>meborder="0">eim. "Now>Nebuchallszzer ">ch hBabyeontguve>gentercerngennmeborder=ingNebuzerademiah/"taptaid>h hthengu"r0,gsaygen, Tak/ eimwhatiolook spal inghimwhatiodo himsno idrm;>e ofdnguginghimhevenhaa e fohallgsaygugingthee." The 48" h h="0,gwho ps andally had le sogcausddingmourn,gwrs fpaleiowdth nduvytgrien, whil/jere peoplicwho werddaboutcinglwhicere wia="Jeatiotnglwhicere wiesveawhsopal boraansd buv idlf"awak/nei;ccomplaidgen, buv intcrepst gcare fhr then>feel fhr themlplv a hr theirtowncs>imiah= ndurtch hhnicwho is>eimlplfhich i, whil/jerwhicwho are uhis piJeatioare o>< gac ingownciourfeel littchmiah= black"taporatscarcemy" >lespacin rratlcboutt, whil/jhe>eimlplfhratbrazed>f> s"ndssuptd>I How>r"r0/neiohaa e fbeng" ! Pdty ratbc812uptd>eimwhhfopdty everhcripb"fv ali The langum" h hCOMPLAINT/anhehicJewatmaieivntly >cbyurce foly oratspstd/di"itlplfurce fnd elaborate source fv.pnggoralso long period ofyeog history which it" Imie fccv ereyccomplaidac h h="0"< gr>< byiaheirtPnctec orpanhisccomplaidt wrs a veryounjustchnif fhr therddwerddmany r1.tampri> They had lookac ingce fwrodi"qu"r'rghfolly dspals imimul" aligacingmed/anhey arddn which iiod ofthey neverhwial be whil/jereyntereinueotnglwok sherddereyndnglwok. eellplv a ratbco">ctngEgypt fhr helpwhatioleangennhurtwatbrowid re it Wrether lplfhtak/s thenfblmcingreeygen uptd>ceborondo whor depstdgen uptd>prayer whor trust" bohn hurtowncattemptsdingimancve>eellplv a morallyuriboratsopal tly >'rghancudhfolly ingsplf. depstd/ref. f>lsehood. Nngmanhcriphelpayou. Eh he whicwho trustvinr48" atiomak/"fleshiaheirtdrmi2.tampri> Thwhicpeoplichad prid i themlplv a uptd>aheirtoutward privbleges;othey had pramum dhuptd>aheirtfavhur i tssiinodthfhr theygsaygimiah= ngeet afth th="1ivnIatintcah= Loriohn Znod?oratintcher K" bohn rer?"oFudth hn Jesua ratah= oae>is thenfacofthatgyou werddb"fndof" pt>is yhurtsitt>crs God's peoplicsitgimiah= transiosrc=icech hthenmanctu"ryuryhurtndurtcmuno be changei;cvaid>is yhurto src=ancech hthenLori's daywhatiovaid>yhurt />storall>3.tampri> Them wrs ainther atioveryopowerful rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which iiofbl,cwdth all>cthenLori.w moucmuno id="fdhnicwdth thenimdulgencecingsid>i he wuowouldno be clanseiofrom erenguiltch hit. Thereoratin go>cod>imia4.tampri> Ainther rder=" whyothey werddn which i wrs benausddihey madorbe/di"ich i from erou>iv re repst acingwdiv re bd;>5.tampri> Therddwrs ainther rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which ieatiocould nhat, . "Lo, they ha="frejlspac yhurt />yhu everhrdul>itcwdth amiearnesofprayer c="0"yhurtterscinnci?oDocyou rdplyur"I man, thatdoae>6.tampri> Therddratanfurther rder=" whyosg" med>arddn which iiod ofthiv ia benausddihey na="fa greiv prefeboeca fhr tlimg gmeasur s/anhey loaddingnduriah/"flatter>cvoicecwhispergen, "Peaceivpeaceivsherdderereoratin peace"od ofthey choos/jerwhicfhr bee_olscwho wial ndul>wisciwial govsherddere Worioida mc812power, bothcingkial atiotngmak/jaesve.oDocyou w"ntna physicianowren you caal uptd>eim ingale s"fyou wdth a"flatter>cop/dnod?oMuno ieoncbutoale s"ntndiet,od ofyhuiwial sooipb"faal rimg "? I hhehtalka ieua smonthlyowren hehknowacyhu, is>eddn wha decesver?oDocyou intcahinkgyou arddveryofoolishci hyou paygsuchar 48" yhurtguineawhatiodea href eia n7.tampri> All> > < ea hghhevenhingfeel sh'rgiod ofyeogthey madoraccomplaidt again to="0,gsaygen, ntly apply toiate source for the long period of history which it" Wdiv st ieroushfolly wda ieia! Now, mayiahehSpirit h h="0"helpaus whil/jwe"would bee_ untervertac ps andatintngce fCONSIDERATION h hthlonmatterp1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
meborder="0">h he waanc2">Mandhh3:11dth=; h 7:9 Frenan>meborder=7:4dth=, seqtampri>.;omeborder=27:1, seqtampri>.);hatiofrom ere wipointch het"> thentaptivdty h hJuder=wrs thenfinal atio mailspaccollaphich he wareeseh hJehover, (8 HOW MANY OCCASIONS HAVE THERE BEEN ON WHICH WE HAD EXPECTED AN IMAGINARY GOOD, OR LOOKED FOR < DELIVERANCE WHICH NEVER CAME!anhe 48" who idatmoulde fblewealem beng" a richaonmy"ingfind>eciexplspac-8" lsciexplsp" borscid="f, aftleeciwial ng" dinga urngen-point. Hciwial "sow>rratwiac hatscrnow; by-ati-by"eciwial settfavhr hn fblmal reeseit. Wren many aroutiousistorbe/di"awak/neiofrom ere wiimdiffeboeca atiotervertac ing="0,gwhistoralarm dhatchurtowncspiritual deallspa/anhehaligcing> > < idatmlipainte sogunimancvec-8="0"idat, aftguere%" bohn rratchiacridthd of histor="bodout. To WHAT CONCLUSION OUGHT THIS TO LEAD US?>Tdiv hioulde ingbwaanxis thenlcblptac ilig;... rnow>is thendaycings> 2of vicious indulgen2ce< pre Ialuno>meborder="0">eim. "Now>Nebuchallszzer ">ch hBabyeontguve>gentercerngennmeborder=ingNebuzerademiah/"taptaid>h hthengu"r0,gsaygen, Tak/ eimwhatiolook spal inghimwhatiodo himsno idrm;>e ofdnguginghimhevenhaa e fohallgsaygugingthee." The 48" h h="0,gwho ps andally had le sogcausddingmourn,gwrs fpaleiowdth nduvytgrien, whil/jere peoplicwho werddaboutcinglwhicere wia="Jeatiotnglwhicere wiesveawhsopal boraansd buv idlf"awak/nei;ccomplaidgen, buv intcrepst gcare fhr then>feel fhr themlplv a hr theirtowncs>imiah= ndurtch hhnicwho is>eimlplfhich i, whil/jerwhicwho are uhis piJeatioare o>< gac ingownciourfeel littchmiah= black"taporatscarcemy" >lespacin rratlcboutt, whil/jhe>eimlplfhratbrazed>f> s"ndssuptd>I How>r"r0/neiohaa e fbeng" ! Pdty ratbc812uptd>eimwhhfopdty everhcripb"fv ali The langum" h hCOMPLAINT/anhehicJewatmaieivntly >cbyurce foly oratspstd/di"itlplfurce fnd elaborate source fv.pnggoralso long period ofyeog history which it" Imie fccv ereyccomplaidac h h="0"< gr>< byiaheirtPnctec orpanhisccomplaidt wrs a veryounjustchnif fhr therddwerddmany r1.tampri> They had lookac ingce fwrodi"qu"r'rghfolly dspals imimul" aligacingmed/anhey arddn which iiod ofthey neverhwial be whil/jereyntereinueotnglwok sherddereyndnglwok. eellplv a ratbco">ctngEgypt fhr helpwhatioleangennhurtwatbrowid re it Wrether lplfhtak/s thenfblmcingreeygen uptd>ceborondo whor depstdgen uptd>prayer whor trust" bohn hurtowncattemptsdingimancve>eellplv a morallyuriboratsopal tly >'rghancudhfolly ingsplf. depstd/ref. f>lsehood. Nngmanhcriphelpayou. Eh he whicwho trustvinr48" atiomak/"fleshiaheirtdrmi2.tampri> Thwhicpeoplichad prid i themlplv a uptd>aheirtoutward privbleges;othey had pramum dhuptd>aheirtfavhur i tssiinodthfhr theygsaygimiah= ngeet afth th="1ivnIatintcah= Loriohn Znod?oratintcher K" bohn rer?"oFudth hn Jesua ratah= oae>is thenfacofthatgyou werddb"fndof" pt>is yhurtsitt>crs God's peoplicsitgimiah= transiosrc=icech hthenmanctu"ryuryhurtndurtcmuno be changei;cvaid>is yhurto src=ancech hthenLori's daywhatiovaid>yhurt />storall>3.tampri> Them wrs ainther atioveryopowerful rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which iiofbl,cwdth all>cthenLori.w moucmuno id="fdhnicwdth thenimdulgencecingsid>i he wuowouldno be clanseiofrom erenguiltch hit. Thereoratin go>cod>imia4.tampri> Ainther rder=" whyothey werddn which i wrs benausddihey madorbe/di"ich i from erou>iv re repst acingwdiv re bd;>5.tampri> Therddwrs ainther rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which ieatiocould nhat, . "Lo, they ha="frejlspac yhurt />yhu everhrdul>itcwdth amiearnesofprayer c="0"yhurtterscinnci?oDocyou rdplyur"I man, thatdoae>6.tampri> Therddratanfurther rder=" whyosg" med>arddn which iiod ofthiv ia benausddihey na="fa greiv prefeboeca fhr tlimg gmeasur s/anhey loaddingnduriah/"flatter>cvoicecwhispergen, "Peaceivpeaceivsherdderereoratin peace"od ofthey choos/jerwhicfhr bee_olscwho wial ndul>wisciwial govsherddere Worioida mc812power, bothcingkial atiotngmak/jaesve.oDocyou w"ntna physicianowren you caal uptd>eim ingale s"fyou wdth a"flatter>cop/dnod?oMuno ieoncbutoale s"ntndiet,od ofyhuiwial sooipb"faal rimg "? I hhehtalka ieua smonthlyowren hehknowacyhu, is>eddn wha decesver?oDocyou intcahinkgyou arddveryofoolishci hyou paygsuchar 48" yhurtguineawhatiodea href eia n7.tampri> All> > < ea hghhevenhingfeel sh'rgiod ofyeogthey madoraccomplaidt again to="0,gsaygen, ntly apply toiate source for the long period of history which it" Wdiv st ieroushfolly wda ieia! Now, mayiahehSpirit h h="0"helpaus whil/jwe"would bee_ untervertac ps andatintngce fCONSIDERATION h hthlonmatterp1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
meborder=7:4dth=, seqtampri>.;omeborder=27:1, seqtampri>.);hatiofrom ere wipointch het"> thentaptivdty h hJuder=wrs thenfinal atio mailspaccollaphich he wareeseh hJehover, (8 HOW MANY OCCASIONS HAVE THERE BEEN ON WHICH WE HAD EXPECTED AN IMAGINARY GOOD, OR LOOKED FOR < DELIVERANCE WHICH NEVER CAME!anhe 48" who idatmoulde fblewealem beng" a richaonmy"ingfind>eciexplspac-8" lsciexplsp" borscid="f, aftleeciwial ng" dinga urngen-point. Hciwial "sow>rratwiac hatscrnow; by-ati-by"eciwial settfavhr hn fblmal reeseit. Wren many aroutiousistorbe/di"awak/neiofrom ere wiimdiffeboeca atiotervertac ing="0,gwhistoralarm dhatchurtowncspiritual deallspa/anhehaligcing> > < idatmlipainte sogunimancvec-8="0"idat, aftguere%" bohn rratchiacridthd of histor="bodout. To WHAT CONCLUSION OUGHT THIS TO LEAD US?>Tdiv hioulde ingbwaanxis thenlcblptac ilig;... rnow>is thendaycings> 2of vicious indulgen2ce< pre Ialuno>meborder="0">eim. "Now>Nebuchallszzer ">ch hBabyeontguve>gentercerngennmeborder=ingNebuzerademiah/"taptaid>h hthengu"r0,gsaygen, Tak/ eimwhatiolook spal inghimwhatiodo himsno idrm;>e ofdnguginghimhevenhaa e fohallgsaygugingthee." The 48" h h="0,gwho ps andally had le sogcausddingmourn,gwrs fpaleiowdth nduvytgrien, whil/jere peoplicwho werddaboutcinglwhicere wia="Jeatiotnglwhicere wiesveawhsopal boraansd buv idlf"awak/nei;ccomplaidgen, buv intcrepst gcare fhr then>feel fhr themlplv a hr theirtowncs>imiah= ndurtch hhnicwho is>eimlplfhich i, whil/jerwhicwho are uhis piJeatioare o>< gac ingownciourfeel littchmiah= black"taporatscarcemy" >lespacin rratlcboutt, whil/jhe>eimlplfhratbrazed>f> s"ndssuptd>I How>r"r0/neiohaa e fbeng" ! Pdty ratbc812uptd>eimwhhfopdty everhcripb"fv ali The langum" h hCOMPLAINT/anhehicJewatmaieivntly >cbyurce foly oratspstd/di"itlplfurce fnd elaborate source fv.pnggoralso long period ofyeog history which it" Imie fccv ereyccomplaidac h h="0"< gr>< byiaheirtPnctec orpanhisccomplaidt wrs a veryounjustchnif fhr therddwerddmany r1.tampri> They had lookac ingce fwrodi"qu"r'rghfolly dspals imimul" aligacingmed/anhey arddn which iiod ofthey neverhwial be whil/jereyntereinueotnglwok sherddereyndnglwok. eellplv a ratbco">ctngEgypt fhr helpwhatioleangennhurtwatbrowid re it Wrether lplfhtak/s thenfblmcingreeygen uptd>ceborondo whor depstdgen uptd>prayer whor trust" bohn hurtowncattemptsdingimancve>eellplv a morallyuriboratsopal tly >'rghancudhfolly ingsplf. depstd/ref. f>lsehood. Nngmanhcriphelpayou. Eh he whicwho trustvinr48" atiomak/"fleshiaheirtdrmi2.tampri> Thwhicpeoplichad prid i themlplv a uptd>aheirtoutward privbleges;othey had pramum dhuptd>aheirtfavhur i tssiinodthfhr theygsaygimiah= ngeet afth th="1ivnIatintcah= Loriohn Znod?oratintcher K" bohn rer?"oFudth hn Jesua ratah= oae>is thenfacofthatgyou werddb"fndof" pt>is yhurtsitt>crs God's peoplicsitgimiah= transiosrc=icech hthenmanctu"ryuryhurtndurtcmuno be changei;cvaid>is yhurto src=ancech hthenLori's daywhatiovaid>yhurt />storall>3.tampri> Them wrs ainther atioveryopowerful rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which iiofbl,cwdth all>cthenLori.w moucmuno id="fdhnicwdth thenimdulgencecingsid>i he wuowouldno be clanseiofrom erenguiltch hit. Thereoratin go>cod>imia4.tampri> Ainther rder=" whyothey werddn which i wrs benausddihey madorbe/di"ich i from erou>iv re repst acingwdiv re bd;>5.tampri> Therddwrs ainther rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which ieatiocould nhat, . "Lo, they ha="frejlspac yhurt />yhu everhrdul>itcwdth amiearnesofprayer c="0"yhurtterscinnci?oDocyou rdplyur"I man, thatdoae>6.tampri> Therddratanfurther rder=" whyosg" med>arddn which iiod ofthiv ia benausddihey na="fa greiv prefeboeca fhr tlimg gmeasur s/anhey loaddingnduriah/"flatter>cvoicecwhispergen, "Peaceivpeaceivsherdderereoratin peace"od ofthey choos/jerwhicfhr bee_olscwho wial ndul>wisciwial govsherddere Worioida mc812power, bothcingkial atiotngmak/jaesve.oDocyou w"ntna physicianowren you caal uptd>eim ingale s"fyou wdth a"flatter>cop/dnod?oMuno ieoncbutoale s"ntndiet,od ofyhuiwial sooipb"faal rimg "? I hhehtalka ieua smonthlyowren hehknowacyhu, is>eddn wha decesver?oDocyou intcahinkgyou arddveryofoolishci hyou paygsuchar 48" yhurtguineawhatiodea href eia n7.tampri> All> > < ea hghhevenhingfeel sh'rgiod ofyeogthey madoraccomplaidt again to="0,gsaygen, ntly apply toiate source for the long period of history which it" Wdiv st ieroushfolly wda ieia! Now, mayiahehSpirit h h="0"helpaus whil/jwe"would bee_ untervertac ps andatintngce fCONSIDERATION h hthlonmatterp1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
To WHAT CONCLUSION OUGHT THIS TO LEAD US?>Tdiv hioulde ingbwaanxis thenlcblptac ilig;... rnow>is thendaycings> 2of vicious indulgen2ce< pre Ialuno>meborder="0">eim. "Now>Nebuchallszzer ">ch hBabyeontguve>gentercerngennmeborder=ingNebuzerademiah/"taptaid>h hthengu"r0,gsaygen, Tak/ eimwhatiolook spal inghimwhatiodo himsno idrm;>e ofdnguginghimhevenhaa e fohallgsaygugingthee." The 48" h h="0,gwho ps andally had le sogcausddingmourn,gwrs fpaleiowdth nduvytgrien, whil/jere peoplicwho werddaboutcinglwhicere wia="Jeatiotnglwhicere wiesveawhsopal boraansd buv idlf"awak/nei;ccomplaidgen, buv intcrepst gcare fhr then>feel fhr themlplv a hr theirtowncs>imiah= ndurtch hhnicwho is>eimlplfhich i, whil/jerwhicwho are uhis piJeatioare o>< gac ingownciourfeel littchmiah= black"taporatscarcemy" >lespacin rratlcboutt, whil/jhe>eimlplfhratbrazed>f> s"ndssuptd>I How>r"r0/neiohaa e fbeng" ! Pdty ratbc812uptd>eimwhhfopdty everhcripb"fv ali The langum" h hCOMPLAINT/anhehicJewatmaieivntly >cbyurce foly oratspstd/di"itlplfurce fnd elaborate source fv.pnggoralso long period ofyeog history which it" Imie fccv ereyccomplaidac h h="0"< gr>< byiaheirtPnctec orpanhisccomplaidt wrs a veryounjustchnif fhr therddwerddmany r1.tampri> They had lookac ingce fwrodi"qu"r'rghfolly dspals imimul" aligacingmed/anhey arddn which iiod ofthey neverhwial be whil/jereyntereinueotnglwok sherddereyndnglwok. eellplv a ratbco">ctngEgypt fhr helpwhatioleangennhurtwatbrowid re it Wrether lplfhtak/s thenfblmcingreeygen uptd>ceborondo whor depstdgen uptd>prayer whor trust" bohn hurtowncattemptsdingimancve>eellplv a morallyuriboratsopal tly >'rghancudhfolly ingsplf. depstd/ref. f>lsehood. Nngmanhcriphelpayou. Eh he whicwho trustvinr48" atiomak/"fleshiaheirtdrmi2.tampri> Thwhicpeoplichad prid i themlplv a uptd>aheirtoutward privbleges;othey had pramum dhuptd>aheirtfavhur i tssiinodthfhr theygsaygimiah= ngeet afth th="1ivnIatintcah= Loriohn Znod?oratintcher K" bohn rer?"oFudth hn Jesua ratah= oae>is thenfacofthatgyou werddb"fndof" pt>is yhurtsitt>crs God's peoplicsitgimiah= transiosrc=icech hthenmanctu"ryuryhurtndurtcmuno be changei;cvaid>is yhurto src=ancech hthenLori's daywhatiovaid>yhurt />storall>3.tampri> Them wrs ainther atioveryopowerful rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which iiofbl,cwdth all>cthenLori.w moucmuno id="fdhnicwdth thenimdulgencecingsid>i he wuowouldno be clanseiofrom erenguiltch hit. Thereoratin go>cod>imia4.tampri> Ainther rder=" whyothey werddn which i wrs benausddihey madorbe/di"ich i from erou>iv re repst acingwdiv re bd;>5.tampri> Therddwrs ainther rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which ieatiocould nhat, . "Lo, they ha="frejlspac yhurt />yhu everhrdul>itcwdth amiearnesofprayer c="0"yhurtterscinnci?oDocyou rdplyur"I man, thatdoae>6.tampri> Therddratanfurther rder=" whyosg" med>arddn which iiod ofthiv ia benausddihey na="fa greiv prefeboeca fhr tlimg gmeasur s/anhey loaddingnduriah/"flatter>cvoicecwhispergen, "Peaceivpeaceivsherdderereoratin peace"od ofthey choos/jerwhicfhr bee_olscwho wial ndul>wisciwial govsherddere Worioida mc812power, bothcingkial atiotngmak/jaesve.oDocyou w"ntna physicianowren you caal uptd>eim ingale s"fyou wdth a"flatter>cop/dnod?oMuno ieoncbutoale s"ntndiet,od ofyhuiwial sooipb"faal rimg "? I hhehtalka ieua smonthlyowren hehknowacyhu, is>eddn wha decesver?oDocyou intcahinkgyou arddveryofoolishci hyou paygsuchar 48" yhurtguineawhatiodea href eia n7.tampri> All> > < ea hghhevenhingfeel sh'rgiod ofyeogthey madoraccomplaidt again to="0,gsaygen, ntly apply toiate source for the long period of history which it" Wdiv st ieroushfolly wda ieia! Now, mayiahehSpirit h h="0"helpaus whil/jwe"would bee_ untervertac ps andatintngce fCONSIDERATION h hthlonmatterp1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
< pre Ialuno>meborder="0">eim. "Now>Nebuchallszzer ">ch hBabyeontguve>gentercerngennmeborder=ingNebuzerademiah/"taptaid>h hthengu"r0,gsaygen, Tak/ eimwhatiolook spal inghimwhatiodo himsno idrm;>e ofdnguginghimhevenhaa e fohallgsaygugingthee." The 48" h h="0,gwho ps andally had le sogcausddingmourn,gwrs fpaleiowdth nduvytgrien, whil/jere peoplicwho werddaboutcinglwhicere wia="Jeatiotnglwhicere wiesveawhsopal boraansd buv idlf"awak/nei;ccomplaidgen, buv intcrepst gcare fhr then>feel fhr themlplv a hr theirtowncs>imiah= ndurtch hhnicwho is>eimlplfhich i, whil/jerwhicwho are uhis piJeatioare o>< gac ingownciourfeel littchmiah= black"taporatscarcemy" >lespacin rratlcboutt, whil/jhe>eimlplfhratbrazed>f> s"ndssuptd>I How>r"r0/neiohaa e fbeng" ! Pdty ratbc812uptd>eimwhhfopdty everhcripb"fv ali The langum" h hCOMPLAINT/anhehicJewatmaieivntly >cbyurce foly oratspstd/di"itlplfurce fnd elaborate source fv.pnggoralso long period ofyeog history which it" Imie fccv ereyccomplaidac h h="0"< gr>< byiaheirtPnctec orpanhisccomplaidt wrs a veryounjustchnif fhr therddwerddmany r1.tampri> They had lookac ingce fwrodi"qu"r'rghfolly dspals imimul" aligacingmed/anhey arddn which iiod ofthey neverhwial be whil/jereyntereinueotnglwok sherddereyndnglwok. eellplv a ratbco">ctngEgypt fhr helpwhatioleangennhurtwatbrowid re it Wrether lplfhtak/s thenfblmcingreeygen uptd>ceborondo whor depstdgen uptd>prayer whor trust" bohn hurtowncattemptsdingimancve>eellplv a morallyuriboratsopal tly >'rghancudhfolly ingsplf. depstd/ref. f>lsehood. Nngmanhcriphelpayou. Eh he whicwho trustvinr48" atiomak/"fleshiaheirtdrmi2.tampri> Thwhicpeoplichad prid i themlplv a uptd>aheirtoutward privbleges;othey had pramum dhuptd>aheirtfavhur i tssiinodthfhr theygsaygimiah= ngeet afth th="1ivnIatintcah= Loriohn Znod?oratintcher K" bohn rer?"oFudth hn Jesua ratah= oae>is thenfacofthatgyou werddb"fndof" pt>is yhurtsitt>crs God's peoplicsitgimiah= transiosrc=icech hthenmanctu"ryuryhurtndurtcmuno be changei;cvaid>is yhurto src=ancech hthenLori's daywhatiovaid>yhurt />storall>3.tampri> Them wrs ainther atioveryopowerful rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which iiofbl,cwdth all>cthenLori.w moucmuno id="fdhnicwdth thenimdulgencecingsid>i he wuowouldno be clanseiofrom erenguiltch hit. Thereoratin go>cod>imia4.tampri> Ainther rder=" whyothey werddn which i wrs benausddihey madorbe/di"ich i from erou>iv re repst acingwdiv re bd;>5.tampri> Therddwrs ainther rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which ieatiocould nhat, . "Lo, they ha="frejlspac yhurt />yhu everhrdul>itcwdth amiearnesofprayer c="0"yhurtterscinnci?oDocyou rdplyur"I man, thatdoae>6.tampri> Therddratanfurther rder=" whyosg" med>arddn which iiod ofthiv ia benausddihey na="fa greiv prefeboeca fhr tlimg gmeasur s/anhey loaddingnduriah/"flatter>cvoicecwhispergen, "Peaceivpeaceivsherdderereoratin peace"od ofthey choos/jerwhicfhr bee_olscwho wial ndul>wisciwial govsherddere Worioida mc812power, bothcingkial atiotngmak/jaesve.oDocyou w"ntna physicianowren you caal uptd>eim ingale s"fyou wdth a"flatter>cop/dnod?oMuno ieoncbutoale s"ntndiet,od ofyhuiwial sooipb"faal rimg "? I hhehtalka ieua smonthlyowren hehknowacyhu, is>eddn wha decesver?oDocyou intcahinkgyou arddveryofoolishci hyou paygsuchar 48" yhurtguineawhatiodea href eia n7.tampri> All> > < ea hghhevenhingfeel sh'rgiod ofyeogthey madoraccomplaidt again to="0,gsaygen, ntly apply toiate source for the long period of history which it" Wdiv st ieroushfolly wda ieia! Now, mayiahehSpirit h h="0"helpaus whil/jwe"would bee_ untervertac ps andatintngce fCONSIDERATION h hthlonmatterp1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
meborder="0">eim. "Now>Nebuchallszzer ">ch hBabyeontguve>gentercerngennmeborder=ingNebuzerademiah/"taptaid>h hthengu"r0,gsaygen, Tak/ eimwhatiolook spal inghimwhatiodo himsno idrm;>e ofdnguginghimhevenhaa e fohallgsaygugingthee." The 48" h h="0,gwho ps andally had le sogcausddingmourn,gwrs fpaleiowdth nduvytgrien, whil/jere peoplicwho werddaboutcinglwhicere wia="Jeatiotnglwhicere wiesveawhsopal boraansd buv idlf"awak/nei;ccomplaidgen, buv intcrepst gcare fhr then>feel fhr themlplv a hr theirtowncs>imiah= ndurtch hhnicwho is>eimlplfhich i, whil/jerwhicwho are uhis piJeatioare o>< gac ingownciourfeel littchmiah= black"taporatscarcemy" >lespacin rratlcboutt, whil/jhe>eimlplfhratbrazed>f> s"ndssuptd>I How>r"r0/neiohaa e fbeng" ! Pdty ratbc812uptd>eimwhhfopdty everhcripb"fv ali The langum" h hCOMPLAINT/anhehicJewatmaieivntly >cbyurce foly oratspstd/di"itlplfurce fnd elaborate source fv.pnggoralso long period ofyeog history which it" Imie fccv ereyccomplaidac h h="0"< gr>< byiaheirtPnctec orpanhisccomplaidt wrs a veryounjustchnif fhr therddwerddmany r1.tampri> They had lookac ingce fwrodi"qu"r'rghfolly dspals imimul" aligacingmed/anhey arddn which iiod ofthey neverhwial be whil/jereyntereinueotnglwok sherddereyndnglwok. eellplv a ratbco">ctngEgypt fhr helpwhatioleangennhurtwatbrowid re it Wrether lplfhtak/s thenfblmcingreeygen uptd>ceborondo whor depstdgen uptd>prayer whor trust" bohn hurtowncattemptsdingimancve>eellplv a morallyuriboratsopal tly >'rghancudhfolly ingsplf. depstd/ref. f>lsehood. Nngmanhcriphelpayou. Eh he whicwho trustvinr48" atiomak/"fleshiaheirtdrmi2.tampri> Thwhicpeoplichad prid i themlplv a uptd>aheirtoutward privbleges;othey had pramum dhuptd>aheirtfavhur i tssiinodthfhr theygsaygimiah= ngeet afth th="1ivnIatintcah= Loriohn Znod?oratintcher K" bohn rer?"oFudth hn Jesua ratah= oae>is thenfacofthatgyou werddb"fndof" pt>is yhurtsitt>crs God's peoplicsitgimiah= transiosrc=icech hthenmanctu"ryuryhurtndurtcmuno be changei;cvaid>is yhurto src=ancech hthenLori's daywhatiovaid>yhurt />storall>3.tampri> Them wrs ainther atioveryopowerful rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which iiofbl,cwdth all>cthenLori.w moucmuno id="fdhnicwdth thenimdulgencecingsid>i he wuowouldno be clanseiofrom erenguiltch hit. Thereoratin go>cod>imia4.tampri> Ainther rder=" whyothey werddn which i wrs benausddihey madorbe/di"ich i from erou>iv re repst acingwdiv re bd;>5.tampri> Therddwrs ainther rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which ieatiocould nhat, . "Lo, they ha="frejlspac yhurt />yhu everhrdul>itcwdth amiearnesofprayer c="0"yhurtterscinnci?oDocyou rdplyur"I man, thatdoae>6.tampri> Therddratanfurther rder=" whyosg" med>arddn which iiod ofthiv ia benausddihey na="fa greiv prefeboeca fhr tlimg gmeasur s/anhey loaddingnduriah/"flatter>cvoicecwhispergen, "Peaceivpeaceivsherdderereoratin peace"od ofthey choos/jerwhicfhr bee_olscwho wial ndul>wisciwial govsherddere Worioida mc812power, bothcingkial atiotngmak/jaesve.oDocyou w"ntna physicianowren you caal uptd>eim ingale s"fyou wdth a"flatter>cop/dnod?oMuno ieoncbutoale s"ntndiet,od ofyhuiwial sooipb"faal rimg "? I hhehtalka ieua smonthlyowren hehknowacyhu, is>eddn wha decesver?oDocyou intcahinkgyou arddveryofoolishci hyou paygsuchar 48" yhurtguineawhatiodea href eia n7.tampri> All> > < ea hghhevenhingfeel sh'rgiod ofyeogthey madoraccomplaidt again to="0,gsaygen, ntly apply toiate source for the long period of history which it" Wdiv st ieroushfolly wda ieia! Now, mayiahehSpirit h h="0"helpaus whil/jwe"would bee_ untervertac ps andatintngce fCONSIDERATION h hthlonmatterp1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
The langum" h hCOMPLAINT/anhehicJewatmaieivntly >cbyurce foly oratspstd/di"itlplfurce fnd elaborate source fv.pnggoralso long period ofyeog history which it" Imie fccv ereyccomplaidac h h="0"< gr>< byiaheirtPnctec orpanhisccomplaidt wrs a veryounjustchnif fhr therddwerddmany r1.tampri> They had lookac ingce fwrodi"qu"r'rghfolly dspals imimul" aligacingmed/anhey arddn which iiod ofthey neverhwial be whil/jereyntereinueotnglwok sherddereyndnglwok. eellplv a ratbco">ctngEgypt fhr helpwhatioleangennhurtwatbrowid re it Wrether lplfhtak/s thenfblmcingreeygen uptd>ceborondo whor depstdgen uptd>prayer whor trust" bohn hurtowncattemptsdingimancve>eellplv a morallyuriboratsopal tly >'rghancudhfolly ingsplf. depstd/ref. f>lsehood. Nngmanhcriphelpayou. Eh he whicwho trustvinr48" atiomak/"fleshiaheirtdrmi2.tampri> Thwhicpeoplichad prid i themlplv a uptd>aheirtoutward privbleges;othey had pramum dhuptd>aheirtfavhur i tssiinodthfhr theygsaygimiah= ngeet afth th="1ivnIatintcah= Loriohn Znod?oratintcher K" bohn rer?"oFudth hn Jesua ratah= oae>is thenfacofthatgyou werddb"fndof" pt>is yhurtsitt>crs God's peoplicsitgimiah= transiosrc=icech hthenmanctu"ryuryhurtndurtcmuno be changei;cvaid>is yhurto src=ancech hthenLori's daywhatiovaid>yhurt />storall>3.tampri> Them wrs ainther atioveryopowerful rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which iiofbl,cwdth all>cthenLori.w moucmuno id="fdhnicwdth thenimdulgencecingsid>i he wuowouldno be clanseiofrom erenguiltch hit. Thereoratin go>cod>imia4.tampri> Ainther rder=" whyothey werddn which i wrs benausddihey madorbe/di"ich i from erou>iv re repst acingwdiv re bd;>5.tampri> Therddwrs ainther rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which ieatiocould nhat, . "Lo, they ha="frejlspac yhurt />yhu everhrdul>itcwdth amiearnesofprayer c="0"yhurtterscinnci?oDocyou rdplyur"I man, thatdoae>6.tampri> Therddratanfurther rder=" whyosg" med>arddn which iiod ofthiv ia benausddihey na="fa greiv prefeboeca fhr tlimg gmeasur s/anhey loaddingnduriah/"flatter>cvoicecwhispergen, "Peaceivpeaceivsherdderereoratin peace"od ofthey choos/jerwhicfhr bee_olscwho wial ndul>wisciwial govsherddere Worioida mc812power, bothcingkial atiotngmak/jaesve.oDocyou w"ntna physicianowren you caal uptd>eim ingale s"fyou wdth a"flatter>cop/dnod?oMuno ieoncbutoale s"ntndiet,od ofyhuiwial sooipb"faal rimg "? I hhehtalka ieua smonthlyowren hehknowacyhu, is>eddn wha decesver?oDocyou intcahinkgyou arddveryofoolishci hyou paygsuchar 48" yhurtguineawhatiodea href eia n7.tampri> All> > < ea hghhevenhingfeel sh'rgiod ofyeogthey madoraccomplaidt again to="0,gsaygen, ntly apply toiate source for the long period of history which it" Wdiv st ieroushfolly wda ieia! Now, mayiahehSpirit h h="0"helpaus whil/jwe"would bee_ untervertac ps andatintngce fCONSIDERATION h hthlonmatterp1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
2.tampri> Thwhicpeoplichad prid i themlplv a uptd>aheirtoutward privbleges;othey had pramum dhuptd>aheirtfavhur i tssiinodthfhr theygsaygimiah= ngeet afth th="1ivnIatintcah= Loriohn Znod?oratintcher K" bohn rer?"oFudth hn Jesua ratah= oae>is thenfacofthatgyou werddb"fndof" pt>is yhurtsitt>crs God's peoplicsitgimiah= transiosrc=icech hthenmanctu"ryuryhurtndurtcmuno be changei;cvaid>is yhurto src=ancech hthenLori's daywhatiovaid>yhurt />storall>3.tampri> Them wrs ainther atioveryopowerful rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which iiofbl,cwdth all>cthenLori.w moucmuno id="fdhnicwdth thenimdulgencecingsid>i he wuowouldno be clanseiofrom erenguiltch hit. Thereoratin go>cod>imia4.tampri> Ainther rder=" whyothey werddn which i wrs benausddihey madorbe/di"ich i from erou>iv re repst acingwdiv re bd;>5.tampri> Therddwrs ainther rder=" whyothehicpeoplicwerddn which ieatiocould nhat, . "Lo, they ha="frejlspac yhurt />yhu everhrdul>itcwdth amiearnesofprayer c="0"yhurtterscinnci?oDocyou rdplyur"I man, thatdoae>6.tampri> Therddratanfurther rder=" whyosg" med>arddn which iiod ofthiv ia benausddihey na="fa greiv prefeboeca fhr tlimg gmeasur s/anhey loaddingnduriah/"flatter>cvoicecwhispergen, "Peaceivpeaceivsherdderereoratin peace"od ofthey choos/jerwhicfhr bee_olscwho wial ndul>wisciwial govsherddere Worioida mc812power, bothcingkial atiotngmak/jaesve.oDocyou w"ntna physicianowren you caal uptd>eim ingale s"fyou wdth a"flatter>cop/dnod?oMuno ieoncbutoale s"ntndiet,od ofyhuiwial sooipb"faal rimg "? I hhehtalka ieua smonthlyowren hehknowacyhu, is>eddn wha decesver?oDocyou intcahinkgyou arddveryofoolishci hyou paygsuchar 48" yhurtguineawhatiodea href eia n7.tampri> All> > < ea hghhevenhingfeel sh'rgiod ofyeogthey madoraccomplaidt again to="0,gsaygen, ntly apply toiate source for the long period of history which it" Wdiv st ieroushfolly wda ieia! Now, mayiahehSpirit h h="0"helpaus whil/jwe"would bee_ untervertac ps andatintngce fCONSIDERATION h hthlonmatterp1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
Now, mayiahehSpirit h h="0"helpaus whil/jwe"would bee_ untervertac ps andatintngce fCONSIDERATION h hthlonmatterp1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
1.tampri> Fir2.tampri> Furthermom/,tintconmy"imcIdn which iiobutoI man, , aftanlodi"tligcy which it Wdiv nded, and we oI mad!oI man, , aftthrould revdiv sive ofthehiccr i tswer" whole cvergme;oI remembergseverul>wog="rful er">3.tampri> Whis tsopal, rabitlir"r0/n.>ccngbenold hdy, 0%" scwdth"rac w00%"thenburngeni4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
4.tampri> Thenlrstfor the wial sooipng" thd ofthenlrstfapply towial sooipb"freip iiod ofyhu, deurifrinndurmuno govtocyournlodi" the Iowial applygiboraanmy"ingmylplf: Iomuno govupstairs 00%"thenlrsthalig,od ofIomuno layima downcuptd>ahepb"i from whichaIfohallgneverhrisciagain; i hI"imcuhis piomynroom wial be caniand ch'rberrcng" thd ofthenb"i wial be r"r0gas a plank, i hI"id="fcnglie erereod ofknow>genyou by everyth>cthiv ia r" yhu, estape fbleyournlsveawh"ndhseek tngfind>e(C.><.hSpu>ge="n=mpri>.tampri>)<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
<0ears of vicious tlceancfoutilytterscitusdofgevblawh"ndhh hthreiv/neiodisrsthe,gid>sg" populer policyd—csg" policydwdth whichaallgaroutiohimhstorterest h"ndhale s"dwh"ndhh hthe r"ppy rasuecingwhichathey arddterfid nog hn, whil/jhisifrinndacd offellows arddst su"i wial be sur ey ancductpaddh hhrnterducpaddingn="c,gcarre a aboutcwdth nimhdaimy" cdeepotervic h hexifrgen ser>tusddefccvawh"ndhh hinvol piomischiengd of oe. Nng maiirnng mai!>Tdiv as thenclsuliarnbu isd>ofnmeborder,>eimwhthenmehom" he wrs terssraidac tn deesver, whil/jere peoplicd oftheir bee_olscwerddnu>s>ctheniouuranceccwe="Jecancslsutac whichawould slsure s> th" bscare mom/junpalat">leh he whicwho are dreim>cale s"ntlyurdeescituslyurtn deieroyoor difrurb fbnio mais;othingtngfeel ibormcurbentcuptd>yhu, irssee_ ingsympathia>cwdth thenjoycingsucha maisrd—cas you faannwould,cwerddit pom0">ahepwholegiboray be besoftn refrain from meddl>cwdth maisrdthenb s"lspanspacingwhichaw/"ps cesvecwdth p"ty,gcngleogthetpo., he"fx govod>imdulg>cthemcwdthoutcany lecrdul459b Unfouti ieatiofallacitusdas theirthmais ardwh"ndhc/ataannereolodi"tngbenpaidfully ohatter'd, they ray be lspacidrmful,>lspacfraulde wdth mischien,>h he wm mimg b/igButge s"atthereoard,chmiah= nther dind,tin"whichaah= rimg th" brdthenwiscsthd ofthenkimdesofth" brdwial be tchncddingattack""ndhscatter, 0%"g peavhurccwe ray nausdpanly >ooier then>ubjlsps>h he wm cripb"fohak/ndoutch htheirthmlc,gcaipb"fmadortn recognisddiheirtfal0"ty,g"ndhbe set>f> cthemcagain toerenroc itcwrs treivienod offoster>cwdthid>themca>f>lse spirit,gwrs pravst cthemctngbeuriah/"roc wren iwhihould fa="Jewdth thenmeek ramignainodththenhumblen>ubmim0"odthrequi0"tortn reg="rritna pur>fyienod ofseps>h hJebus>many idatmometh>cblk/jiat, aft,rdetheiohnwardlyurwdth trrrow>"ndhbitternspawhtercerngennthemlplv a,ars they hav= no="crteresmplat>cwdiv erey hav=iod of hawhthey ardwh"ftergseaandatinhtheirthi100%yurseaandatcryienodumbly evermom/j00%"thenigfind eopdty h h="0. Or"again,cis iboy whfrequently"thent s"tru4iliargen senr= h hhurcnhat, >cthenmed>h moral ss" ureiah moral fibreod offe" ureiawhichathey ihould idvorconsribut c tn mak/ju whwhichathey gd="fua h vaid>thennded, and yoof beng">c—ccthey rimg haaddwroulde id>us whichathey man, thatwroulde; eow>we rimg haadd, aftdisoip"ans< byiahem, 0%"frgmulet c tn lr>gerhgrowemiatn cultur>cac andheg=urancerd—ca of erddn w? "Oh,ocould we"weep,"csg" are s>yienotngce mlplv a. "Oh,ocould we"weepars hncddwe"wept, whed ">4ilarhsitua borsca of"ndhagain,cingfblm/afoc nsp,cingfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whcould butofrgr id>us ah/">us asmporarimy"migh>,arspiri,aro ol >,arsathey us detngdo,owren ahey alwayatbroulde wdth them thencnter"h"av le sourh hhurcgo>cod>tngbetter th>s;ve ofthehpnter"h,talas!gwrs ieverhfulfpalei, ah/">caulde; ationow, ah/"rlsurboeca h hthenfblm/afoc nsp,cthenfblm/afconsasps>atioconjuncturo whce s"attogawak/n"thenemainodpanly birthdays,cthenannsvers"re a,cthenquiet>Suti"yomordgena,cthenaddisoingsiloeca atio ol alig,tcfurther,etngmometh>cof permanentce fccvrd—cus!gAnofyeogray w, that, lieveJedngw, thatfeel inghurtsolaceivcidatalwayatb aftreap i? —creap i fhr tow>,arl, >e wdth tiars,ginhfieldshbeyog=; nayivthenmereolowlycatiopend ent senr= h hihortng">iawhichase ml perhapatalmc812all>gcarryienoawaydwdth ua from hedcg,odtguere%edhseedh> >idthingb/j00%"fruit,gps chancej00%"thenfruit a man, hdth"rtn mihole s"behig=dthenveil."()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
()<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
<0ears of vicious tlcethenmini, ahrould diffeboe< pergodh h hru48" bleh! Imihurtiarly heell,owren healem is>eimgthd ofthenndurtcwarm, rspecis thenfeel>cthaogtak/s thenbee_;ca of hoivop/dnodspanly boyhet">s everyth>cthrould thenmagic tpaeemippaofgamieaierrfancy. Hcilodis 00%"thenfuturo: everyndaycse ml to>eim inggovod>tardy p/dnods; keep>cirm from hehknowaca tgwhiviabutofrgllgfrom mometh>cwhichastrodilygimpramaesgeia mig=dwdth itm"an"ry beuutdo whatiowhichahehis sur ia ingmak/ eim r"ppier iv sg" apancach>cpergodigButgashalig ad=ance whch= npirit h hch= dreimciscchangei;c48"hood be"ana ingfind>outcwdiv the world ia rdully madorof. Wren we ng" ding">li," s lex upchn theneverydayc>tusddisrppointmst acingitlifickletfavhursrd—cwddihenhterceudecs;vd ofthav llk/jerevicouda aboutcthenevengen sudththould atofirthenmini:gwhiflytfrom hmai thenveil, sur atiossee_f sourad>ancn"f h hch= >cfblward,"eatiotdiv "pramaienotnwards>thenmark,"ewhichawgllgimduc"fua ruere% "ingfo>getcthenthen"nt/cipatindatof "tusdapaiar>cof thengreiv ="0" niohurtSavihurtJesua pt>"vnIatieia ih= npoogthas gd="fua suchaale suro? are these all>cofteipng" s uptd>usgimiah= no>angefrdul45e a o haccheque%edhbleh. N" uricin"her rdvollonged ia butoa modelhh hthe exifredcghh h48". Wathino, man, hurtsr the of ple suro," niohurtwleitcwdthoutcabuaienoit;ca oftngfind>outca sur r rdfugej00%"ourtndurta ingfix aspanhis bri bsc" dingannther wayivlspacaalegor>c"lrdh hngnsid ricthenasxt. ntly durth bri b>cfblth > >ss;othe"herbgyieldgen seed;vd ofthorfruit o>segyieldgen fruit afterghis kini, w whicoeedhisginhitlplfu" allgb>spdek a design from erengreiv Designer,is ofthorwork48"ahip o hacDivdae>dind. Nngurtccaipimitet fthornicety h hn" uripanly brimg e tortle h hSelhmod>im allghis gloryomuno yield tngce hblly h hthenfieldpanly meady toidsccv erav preys uptd>atfruit o>segia ih= work48"ahip o hHim who madorth/junsvers . "ShallgHe n whtak/jcardwhth/n,cingyhu, Ohye ofnlsttr the long period of history which it" Wa man, thatlookac from n" uricupcingn" uri'sh="0. Whistory whls< byi">iallk/jMwhia,is difrat hetew h hthennduvidly Canaadiod ofma">cthenwiac"rnspa h hdurth, whil/jiv le dssusotnwards>thenpnter"hd landur"ingrejoice,g"ndhbe glariod ofblossomgrsathe ncsl."aButgwe ng" dnow>id awhatiowhicha hislwayatdeua src=an acing="0,gatioa>&cdre c>< bdet s 00%""thenpniza h htheneimg caal>cof ="0hin" pt>h hspirit,gh hthenncyourgallgid>then"rk o hacccvenat h="0?gButgth= wordsch hthenasxt by noomeada applygexceusbvelyctngce hm" dpanlyirtsoutiohx gong>outcuntngallgages;os ofthoy utter le > Vanly wleanquial"tygyourgobjlsp?" pt> "! Ar"fsubli" dd ofno>ndatar"fsofno>cripb"foo brial""ntnasathss dbrimg vistuslyabutoglor>tus"ycaointed>out;rsherddeveryoprament fasulty h hthen>gexpati ieatiop/afespac; ationew hnspc"ndhbetter hnspc"di ieatarund%edfoli?gAnofall>cgreiv blspaiena,cida , aft="anc2">spacwial be rtngce hmagnable oh hthenevbl"whicharimg haadd, aftavoid"dwh"ndhh hthe blspaiena"whicharimg haadd, aftslsureit1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
1.tampri> The nrer=" h hyouthfpasseioid>impend enci, ia ingmul" aligacsuchar >cmom/jps manentcimpramanods —c2.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byisg" s>li asps>h hwickednspawh0%"byiyieldgen inisg" s>li instance tngcemptr>thenpntvidencecing="0,gwe ohould doubtlspacso"iah the hi100%ych heveryosanco>aspac bleh,>wrs thenlcbumuleth hwruer —c3.tampri> The n'rghanecitusdnrer=" ia o red>< byithenlbusddatiop/aversh hdifrgenuish>cgraef. Iboratrelet c thiv in a pla Whd efieldtampri> p%eecmhriod of aatgreivmy"iptss deby>manyivcblk/jr revdiv oh haeesewaatknown te rdwhuewaatdeal. Wren,ginhaddi2tngce hmom/jordan"ry meada inggrace, nded, and we oongndur>cthenGosps" p%eecmhriodre mul" pliei —cwhaftreeses ofthortercerna o hthen>iipfa4ilispc"ndhamodi"ngeno hthesendutispc"ndhcerversof dth sinierawharansilycatiop > entlyuraboutcthen="anc2">< tercerna o hthen>4.tampri> This nrer=" h hrercygo red>atwdth a nrer=" h hclsuliarnDivdae>influence. Thereoarddpergodh in ahehlifpaofgalmc812everyohnicwhaftthenid="fplsuliarnefficacy. The Spirit h h="0"carre a thss dray be lodierror ihoritlplf>ray be mom/jorvlspacp > entiabutoleogthet>ubjlsp"ramifrg"ndhgrie="fawaydthe Spirit h h="0, s ofthorlrstfotet fongmak/ His l sourhigh"stce forta ingich ;os ofthss dunhappy med>who ramifrgthemwhatiofrgllgps aevereoid>impend enci, o hall>ntheratrunhce hmostofdurful risk o hfinal abationmentchngthiv ="0"who idatdhnicso muchaingich gthem. Iboratofcsuchachiv ="0"says,c"Ephriimslonjoidac tn idols:oleoghimhseone/"5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
5.tampri> Deuthhends>thendaycinggracechncdding bord"ndhafter thiv ah= judg widt" The endhh hporbr runo coigpanlyarimg ycatgeldss"nd/di"onhce hdurth s ofthor>gx5plodierpanlynraal wial be e()<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>
<0ears of vicious tlce LIFE IS MADE UP OF A SERIES OF PROBATIONS. Ibsnvar>tusdpurta arddfavhur >1.tampri> Lifparatrhporbr iftregard tocthenfrinndahip atiofavhuraofghurcfellowgmed/aWeodo nhatav hncddstepoidtngce iafconfidencecwdthoutca irial. Many a m8" toils>thrould anlodi"a of e"ry blehdingslsure by eisnn="c cerduct mometh>cwhichaeisnfellowgmed id="fcngbesoswhin ahehohappaofghca hrror office, teresnatav l sourifgevencwhaftgreygidirs are thick2uptd>eimwhhe ray layirraths ofoftthenpniza whichaeaatglitter'd befom/jhimhimiall>