Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other. Sermons I. LOOKING UNTO JESUS LIGHTENS US BY CONSCIOUS SYMPATHY. This always lightens. In a human sense it does. We can enter into each other's lives, and bear each other's burdens. We want not more strength, but more cheer. He does not give new faculty, but the Holy Spirit quickens faith; faculty we already have. Think of the one Divine life. Christ knew what it was to go to his Father in prayer, to be alone, to be misunderstood, to be solitary and forsaken. He was tempted, too, in all points as we are, yet without sin. He suffered, being tempted. We look to the Brother as well as the Saviour. Sympathy! Is it not precious? We get hardened by habits, where each has to struggle for himself or herself. Yes, herself! The womanly life is often a heroism of endeavour in the sense of seeking sometimes a livelihood; and the world to a widow does seem a very selfish place at times. Christ was poor. He was, in a human sense, needy. But, you say, even in these lives of struggle and difficulty, the spiritual anxieties are the deepest: to maintain a pure heart, a faithful love, a true conscience, a gracious progress in heavenward affection. Then remember he knows your inner history. Look to him. Seek oneness. Let your life and his "flow together." II. LOOKING UNTO JESUS LIGHTENS US BY CONSCIOUS POWER. He is able to keep - able to save. Have you ever been in a gale at sea, and been nervous and timorous? But there, on the bridge, is the calm, keen-eyed, well-trained captain. You feel that there is confidence coming to your heart as you look at him. What waves cannot Christ calm? What coast of life does not he know the soundings of? What can surprise his vigilance, or blind his knowledge, or binder his commands? Even when the earthly physician came to your sick child, you watched his face and were lightened; he hoped, and you renewed your strength. A Christ less than Divine is no real refuge for such anxious souls as ours. We need not only beautiful ethics, exquisite parables; but we want Divine authority: "I will; be thou clean !" We are at rest when we can say with the centurion, "Truly this was the Son of God." We feel how guilty we are. We admit no man, no priest, into the picture-gallery of the soul. We decline to reveal our leprosy of heart to our fellow-men. But we are all polluted and evil; and we have deep repose of heart when we come to the one fountain open for sin and uncleanness, and know that Christ is "able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him." No look lightens us which is merely imitative - which is a lesson-look of duty. We need a great Saviour as well as a great Teacher. III. LOOKING UNTO JESUS LIGHTENS US BY CONSCIOUS OBEDIENCE. This comes next. We flow together, not merely in sympathy, but in life and service. We do his commandments; we know in following him we are in the right path; and how it lightens one to feel that the way is right, however hard and painful it may be! Rectitude is the music of the soul. Is not this sometimes forgotten? you say. Or, if not forgotten, is obedience relegated to a very inferior place by some Christians? Yes; they mean well, but they take a superficial view of the gospel. Removal of guilt is not all. Doing is not a deadly thing, it does not end in death - if it is life-doing and not law-doing. Christ says, " Keep my commandments." "This do, and thou shalt live." We are never lightened by self-indulgent piety, which leaves all to God. We are to exercise our graces; to use what Paul calls "the gymnastic of godliness" - a beautiful expression. Looking to Jesus, we shall gain strength for every earnest endeavour after the Divine life. But is there not a danger of spiritual pride? Is it not better to feel God does all? There is no one of us free from the danger of spiritual pride. We must all watch and pray against it. But you may detect spiritual pride often very manifestly in those who think that they, and they alone, know the entire secret of God's will; and their secret is, a leaving it all to him. Then pride says, "See; I am free from legalism, and I have no danger of self-righteousness." Pride may hide under this cloak of confessed humility. We are only safe in Christ's own way. He and no earthly teacher is to be really our spiritual Director, and he says, "If ye love me, keep my commandments;" "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them;" "He that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto eternal life." Not by a cowardly shrinking from duty, but by looking up to the Captain of the great host and gathering nerve to throw one's self into the thick of the fight is our heart lightened. IV. LOOKING UNTO JESUS LIGHTENS BY CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE. We have tried it in the days of old! Christ has lightened many a burden we foolishly tried to carry alone. Men are ashamed of their failures. They boast of a certain specific, and it fails. They recommend certain methods of conduct which break down in operation. But our faces are not ashamed. They glow with the consciousness of what Christ has been in past times of test and trial. He has never failed - never forsaken. This is a beautiful idea about the countenance - a Christian should have no shame there. I do not mean a face defiant or boastful; that is not the meaning of these words, "And their faces were not ashamed." It means no confusion, no flush of anxiety, no prophecy of failure on it. We can all look to him. We are all invited! None of us can measure the weight on the heart. Christ can. And he knows that it is heavy, very heavy. We are often tired and weary. Come to him! You need him! You have slighted and neglected him long time now; but you have found no Friend, no Saviour away from him. "'Lay down, thou weary one, lay down
Look unto Me. "Turn ye to Me and be saved." The first imperative exhorts, the second promises. Jehovah desires two things —1. All men's turning to Him. 2. Their blessedness by so doing. (P. Delitzch, D. D.) (J. A. Alexander.) (R. Macculloch.) It has ever been one of the objects of the great Jehovah to teach mankind that He is God, and beside Him there is none else.I. HOW HAS GOD BEEN TEACHING THIS LESSON TO MANKIND? 1. He has taught it to false gods and to the idolaters who have bowed before them. How hath God poured con. tempt on the ancient gods of the heathen! Where are they now? 2. Mark how God has taught truth to empires. 3. To monarchs. Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, &c. 4. To the wise men of this world. 5. "Surely," says one, "the Church of God does not need to be taught this" Yes, she does! How did the church in Canaan forget it when they bowed before other gods: If God gives us a special mission, we generally begin to take some honour to ourselves. II. SALVATION IS GOD'S GREATEST WORK, and in this He specially teaches us this lesson. Our text tells us how He teaches it. 1. By the person to whom He directs us. "Me." 2. By the means He tells us to use. "Look." 3. By the persons whom He calls to look. "All the ends of the earth." ( C. H. Spurgeon.) The great sin of man, ever since he has fallen, has been that of idolatry. He is ever seeking to get away from God, who is real, but whom he cannot see, and to make for himself a god, which can only be an idol, but which pleases him because he can gaze upon it. And thus it comes to pass that, some with images of wood and stone, and others with carnal confidences and the like, put something else into the place which should be occupied by God alone; and they look to that something, and expect good from it, instead of looking for all good to God, and to Him alone. This looking to anything which usurps the place of God cannot but be most offensive to Him, and it must also be very disappointing to ourselves, for it is impossible for the false god to yield us any true comfort. Yet note the Lord s great patience even with those who are thus provoking Him by this idolatry of theirs.I. FOR SALVATION OUT OF ANY TROUBLE, WE SHOULD LOOK TO GOD ALONE. There are some troubles in which men do look to God alone. I have known even the most profane men turn to God, after a fashion, in the hour of supreme peril. Now, if men will act thus by the compulsion of great calamity, is there not sound reason why you should, cheerfully and willingly, do the same, and resort to God in every trial, and difficulty, and dilemma? Is any trial too slight for you to bring in prayer before Him? II. FOR ETERNAL SALVATION, WE MUST LOOK TO GOD ALONE. 1. Salvation is not to be found in any mere agent. 2. The great thing that thou needest to know, and look at, and rely upon, is the mercy of God. 3. Since God says, "Look unto Me," let me ask you whether you are looking unto Him as He has revealed Himself to us in His Word? 4. Especially is it intended that we should look unto God as He reveals Himself in the person and work of His dear Son. 5. Settle this matter in your mind as an absolute certainty that, whoever and whatever you are, you may look to God in Christ, and be saved. 6. Let no feeling of thine beat thee off from looking to Christ. ( C. H. Spurgeon.) I. It is a SIMPLE salvation-plain, clear, distinct, intelligible in its terms. It is, in this respect, unlike the false religions referred to in ver. 19, whose utterances, being involved in designed obscurity and ambiguity, are there represented as "spoken in secret, and in dark places of the earth." Such were the dubious responses which came from the Delphic oracle, the Cave at Lebadea, the Cumean Sybil, the Eleusinian Ceres, the soothsayers and necromancers of Egypt, Phoenicia, and Persia. The salvation of the Gospel is so clear and perspicuous that "he who runs may read."II. It is a FREE salvation, uncumbered and unconditional in its offers. There is no costly, protracted, elaborate preparation or probation needed. No painful penances; no rites, no lastings, no lustrations, no priestly absolutions In ver. 13, God says of Cyrus (and He says the same in a nobler sense of a Greater than the earthly liberator), "He shall let go My captives, not for price nor reward." This is not, indeed, after the manner of men, nor in accordance with that natural legality of spirit which loves to fetter itself with conditions and terms. If the prophet had bid the Syrian leper of old "do some great thing," Naaman would have cordially assented; but he could not brook the trifling expedient of dipping himself in the river Jordan. HI. It is a RIGHTEOUS salvation (vers. 19, 21). See Romans 3:26. It is a salvation which has been secured in accordance with the principles of everlasting truth and rectitude. Let us not, however, misinterpret the relation of justice to mercy, as if between these two Divine attributes there existed any antagonism, — as if they represented two conflicting principles (similar to the Magian), one of which had to be propitiated before the other could exercise its benignant will, or go forth on its benignant behests. Nay, they are in perfect harmony. Love can hold out her blissful sceptre only when standing by the throne of justice. In that glorious salvation, every attribute of the Divine nature has been magnified and made honourable. IV. It is a SURE salvation. The rites of the heathen leave their votaries in uncertainty, groping in the dark. Their feelings and experiences are well described in ver. 16. In impressive and sublime contrast with this, Jehovah avows in ver. 23, "I have sworn by Myself: the word" or "truth" (Lowth) "is gone out of My mouth in righteousness"; and in ver. 19, "I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye Me in vain"; or ver. 17, "Ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded." Truly the covenant of grace is a covenant "well ordered in all things, and sure." V. It is here further unfolded to us as the ONLY salvation (ver. 24). Bishop Lowth renders it, "Only to Jehovah belongeth salvation and power." "Neither is there salvation in any other." VI. It is an ETERNAL salvation (ver. 17). (J. R. Macduff, D. D.) Faith is one of the principal subjects of sacred Scripture, and is expressed in various forms: sometimes in plain terms, but more frequently in metaphors borrowed from earthly things, and particularly from the actions of the body.I. EXPLAIN THE DUTY HERE EXPRESSED BY THE METAPHOR OF LOOKING. Observe in general, that a man's looks often discover his condition and the frame of his mind. Hence we can understand a look of surprise and consternation, of sorrow and compassion, a look of joy, the look of a perishing supplicant, or of a needy, expecting dependant. If an agonising patient casts an eager look upon his physician, we understand it to be a silent petition for relief. Hence "looking to Christ implies those suitable dispositions and exercises of heart towards Him, which are expressed by the earnest and significant looks of persons in a distressed condition towards their deliverer." 1. Looking to Christ implies a particular notice and distinct knowledge of Him. 2. An importunate eagerness for relief from Him (Psalm 25:15). 3. A wishful expectation of deliverance from Him (Psalm 69:3). It may be illustrated by the history of the lame beggar (Acts 3:4, 5). 4. A humble dependence upon Him for salvation (2 Chronicles 20:12). 5. A universal cheerful submission to His authority (Psalm 123:1, 2). 6. A hearty approbation of Him as a Saviour, and supreme affection to Him. Love is often expressed by looks. 7. Joy and gratitude for His delivering goodness. II. URGE YOU TO LOOK TO HIM BY SEVERAL WEIGHTY CONSIDERATIONS. This is the great duty of saints and sinners, and consequently of every one in all ages and places, even to "the ends of the earth." 1. It is salvation we are called upon to pursue. 2. It may be obtained upon the easiest terms, without any personal merit, viz., by a "look." 3. It is Immanuel, the incarnate God, who commands and invites us to look. 4. He is the glorious and affecting Object to which we are to look. 5. Our looking shall not be in vain, for He is God, who engages to save those who look to Him. 6. It is vain to look elsewhere for salvation, and needless to fear His grace should be controlled by another; for He is God, so there is none else. 7. We, in particular, are invited, being especially meant by "the ends of the earth." (S. Davies, M. A.) I. THAT ALL MANKIND ARE ENSLAVED TO SIN.II. THAT THE UNIVERSAL DESIRE OF MANKIND IS FOR HAPPINESS. III. THAT THE ONLY SOURCE OF REAL HAPPINESS IS TO BE FOUND IN GOD. "Look unto Me." "I am God, and beside me," &c. IV. THAT THE SALVATION WHICH GOD HAS PROVIDED IS BOUNDLESS IN ITS PROVISIONS, AND UNLIMITED IN ITS EXTENT. "All the ends of the earth." V. THAT THE RECEPTION OF THIS BLESSING IS NEVERTHELESS CONDITIONAL. "Look unto Me," &c. What does this imply? 1. An apprehension of the object presented. 2. Of the good it proposes to impart. 3. An earnest desire to obtain it. 4. A vigorous use of appointed means. VI. THE GROUND OF ENCOURAGEMENT. "I am God"; and therefore, know that you need it — have prepared it for you — invite you to partake of it — promise to impart it — warn you of the consequences of refusing it. None other can save you. "Now is the accepted time," &c. (R. Shepherd.) Sin came by an unbelieving look. Eve saw that the tree was good for food and pleasant to the eyes. Distrusting God, she looked and plucked and ate. Salvation comes from a believing and trustful look. "Look unto Me, and be ye saved." To those "who look for Him" will He appear with salvation.I. AS SIN FIRST ENTERED, SO IT STILL ENTERS. It enters through the eye. He who first saw the wedge of gold and the Babylonish garment lusted for them, went after them, took and hid them. Therefore it is wise to say "Look not upon the wine when it is red," for temptations come through the eye. The Scriptures tell of those whose "eyes are full of sin" and cannot cease. This truth is realised in our own mournful experience. We look on injuries and brood over them. We contemplate objects of desire and lust after them. When it has conceived lust bringeth forth sin. II. SALVATION COMES BY THE SAME EASY METHOD. "Look unto Me and be ye saved." 1. This is a spiritual vision. Some regard that which we call spiritual as unreal and dreamy, whereas carnality is unreal, and spiritual things are, of all, the most actual. 2. It is an immediate vision. Of our physical functions sight is the most immediate. So faith is the most positive and assuring. You end a dispute by saying, but I saw it with my own eyes and so I know it. The believer is able to speak thus of Him whom he knows, for he has seen Him. III. HOW ARE WE TO SEE CHRIST? In what respects? 1. As a Saviour. 2. As an Intercessor. 3. As King and Master. IV. THERE ARE SPECIAL TIMES WHEN WE SHOULD LOOK EXCLUSIVELY TO CHRIST. 1. In all our acts of public worship. 2. In temptations. Are you injured? Nothing so cleanses the heart of stinging pain as this. Do unholy desires annoy? Here is the remedy. 3. In approaching weakness.Though the outward man perishes, the inward man is renewed day by day. By looking the light will increase more and more to the perfect day. God has promised to show us the path of life. Evangelist asked the Pilgrim, "Seest thou yonder light?" "I think I do." Evangelist by a long looking had acquired keen vision, and Pilgrim found his eyes opened as he looked. The way grew clearer, and you know the glorious end to which he came. His, weakness was perfected in his Leader's strength. The subject before us has a twofold application. 1. For self-examination. In our worship have we been looking only to God whom we have professed to address? In hymn and prayer and preaching have our acts been merely formal and professional? 2. By way of invitation. The invitation is to all, even to "the ends of the earth." (A. Whyte, D. D.) These words show us that we have need to be saved. We have to be saved from enormous evils. But there is a great change that must take place in everyone before he can be saved. There is no salvation to an unregenerate man. Let me remind you what God intends when He says, "Look unto Me."1. He bids you look to Him for mercy, to save you gratuitously, without bringing to Him anything. 2. We should look to the Son of God, as well as to the Father — for His meritorious intercession — that we may be saved. 3. Look to God the Spirit, as well as to the Father and the Son. He who wrought mightily in the persecutor Saul, to make him an eminent trophy of grace and a large benefactor to his fellow-creatures, has no less power, condescension and goodness, to extend to you, and to give to you all the same principle, the same courage, and the same perseverance. 4. The same blessed duty rests on all of you who by the grace of God have looked to Him and lived. You are called to prosecute your journey heavenwards, from one degree of faith and grace and comfort and joy to another, till you reach your eternal home, every day looking to God that you may be saved. 5. But He never meant His servants to be selfish, as He is beneficent and good; and therefore let me bid you notice the extent of this invitation: "All the ends of the earth." Then it is God's will that Japan, and China, and India must look to Him and be saved, as well as we. At the time these words were uttered by the prophet, we were the ends of the world to them, as China, Japan, and Borneo are to us; yea, we were beyond the limits of the known world at that time. And we have heard the good news and believed. (B. W. Noel, M. A.) I. The everlasting God, He who alone is God, declares Himself to be THE SOURCE OF SALVATION.II. THE UNIVERSALITY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. "All the ends of the earth." Men of all tribes and kingdoms shall be made to feel the power of Almighty grace. The plan of salvation is adapted to every variety of circumstance. The monarch on the throne of vast empire — he is seated there in the sight of God a poor rebel, and he needs salvation. Or take the other extreme — the lowliest and obscurest of the children of men — he is a sinner before God, an immortal creature. III. GOD'S SIMPLE COMMAND to the guilty and the lost, while announcing Himself as the Source of salvation, and while proclaiming its universality, is "Look unto Me." 1. To look unto God, as the Source of salvation, implies knowledge of Him. 2. The exercise of faith. 3. Confidence in God. 4. We may give emphasis to the expression, "Unto Me." God requires that you should look away from all other objects which would interfere with the entire yielding up of the whole soul to Him. 5. There should be in the mind of the believer a full assurance that He is able to save, and willing to save. (G. Fisk, LL. B.) I. THE INVITATION, "Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth," may be regarded as involving an offer of an invaluable blessing, a statement of the means by which the blessing is secured, and finally, an intimation of the extent of the offer made.II. THE REASON WHY THAT INVITATION SHOULD BE COMPLIED WITH. "For I am God, and there is none else." There are two ideas involved in this statement. 1. That Jesus is the true God, and therefore able to save. 2. That on Him only should we depend, for there is no other being in the universe who is able to rescue an immortal soul from eternal ruin.We see from this subject — 1. The folly and danger of unbelief. 2. The habitual duty of all true Christians. It is to look unto Jesus at every stage of their spiritual history. (P. Grant.) I. THE SPEAKER.II. THE PERSONS ADDRESSED. III. THE BLESSINGS PROMISED. IV. THE MANNER OF OBTAINING THEM. (Bp. R. Bickersteth, D. D.) I. If you look unto the Lord Jesus you will see GOD MANIFEST.II. If you look to Jesus you will see LOVE INCARNATE — Divine love. According to the medium through which it shines, the same lamp can be made to give a radiance of a very different colour, a cheering or a gloomy light. In a sinful world like this, could you not easily imagine a vindictive incarnation and manifestation of the blessed God, which would have brought into the midst of our sinfulness the consuming fire of His holiness, which, thus coming in contact with our combustible corruption, would have turned our earth into an early perdition? But what was the actual fact? "The Word dwelt among us, full of grace and truth." III. Looking unto the Lord Jesus, there is yet another sight with which the earnest sinner is regaled, and that is RIGHTEOUS RECONCILIATION. IV. Whosoever looks at Him long enough, simply enough, intently enough, will find in Him TRANSFUSED IMMORTALITY, life transmitted from that Saviour unto his own soul. V. If you look to Jesus simply as God reveals Him in His Word, and as He is in Himself, you will see A LOVE-ATTRACTING AND A LIFE-ASSIMILATING SAVIOUR; a Saviour who, when he attracts your love, will assimilate your life to His. (J. Hamilton, D. D.) In these words, we have the same sort of invitation that we find in the New Testament: "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden"; "Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith"; "Consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus." Such texts as these contain the very secret of Christianity. They meet all our wants, they heal all our sorrows, they save our souls. Christianity consists in having to do with Christ, in having the love of Christ implanted in the soul, and then the spirit of Christ guiding and influencing us every moment of our earthly history.I. AS TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ADDRESSED. "All the ends of the earth" — all men. II. WHY ARE THEY TO LOOK? "And be saved." Now, under the New Testament you and I are directed especially to Jesus Christ. He tells us that no man cometh unto the Father but by Him. Look upon this for your encouragement, what faith sees when she looks upon Jesus. She finds love in Jesus, pardon in Jesus, peace in Jesus, eternal happiness in Jesus. And this is so with God. He sees the sinner in Jesus, He is satisfied with His atoning work, and accepts the believing sinner for His sake. III. HOW THEY ARE TO LOOK. The term "look" in the Word of God is ordinarily intended to mean "belief." That we should look to the Lord Jesus expecting something, just as the lame man looked at Peter and John at the Beautiful gate of the temple, expecting to receive something of them. 1. If you can take this view of Christ, that He intends your salvation, then there will be a look of real sorrow for sin. We shall mourn for sin on the one hand, but rejoice in Christ Jesus on the other. 2. A look of acquiescence, of trust and confidence. 3. A look of prayer. (J. W. Reeve, M. A.) I. THE NATURE OF THE COMMAND, or what it is to look at the Lord Jesus Christ.1. The very idea of looking to the Saviour, implies a looking off ourselves, our idols, our sins, our righteousnesses, and our unrighteousnesses. It is to look off our duties, our prayers, our tears, our humiliations, our resolutions, and simply and singly to look to Christ for salvation. 2. To look at Christ for salvation implies a conscious need of salvation. 3. To look at Christ is to look at Him not only as the very Christ of God, but as the Son of God. 4. To look at Christ is to look to Him for a whole salvation. II. THE NECESSITY OF THE PRECEPT. We have a natural disinclination to it; we naturally look at any other object. When in the world, and of the world, this is grossly the case. Our friends, our families, our prospects, profits, our pleasures, our sins, form our world. If we withdraw from its grossness, and are mingled Up with its more decent enjoyments, and add something of religion; its forms, its ceremonies, its worship, quite occupy us. Our little orbit of vision is full, quite full; we can look at nothing else. A mere hand before the eyes hides the sun. We think ourselves far better than many, far from being so vile as some; and even after the Holy Spirit has convinced us of sin, yet still what backwardness to look to Christ! III. THE BLESSED EFFECT OF OBEYING THE PRECEPT. Salvation. 1. How wonderful is this salvation — that one real look at Christ has eternal life in it; that if the vilest sinner do but look at Him, he is saved even at the eleventh hour! 2. The longer thou livest, the more the Spirit will open the depravities of thy nature to thee. As He does this, pray that He may open the very grace and glories of Jesus to thee. 3. When, through the power of the Holy Spirit, this peace is established in thy conscience, through the precious blood of the Cross, seek its increase into the full assurance of hope, in all the ways of holy walking, still looking to Jesus for all the supplies of His grace and Spirit. (J. H. Evans, M. A.) I. AN OBJECT OF ATTRACTION. "Me"; the true God — the one Saviour, and none else but Me. But in what capacity is Christ exhibited in the Gospel?1. As a Mediator. 2. As the Lord our righteousness. 3. As the Fountain to wash away sin. 4. As the sinner's Life. II. AN ACT CALLED FORTH. "Look unto Me," or as some would understand the original, "Turn your face to Me from false idols." This act implies — 1. Knowledge. 2. Faith. 3. Conversion. Every man has gone astray from God. 4. A waiting posture. III. THE EXTENT OF THIS CALL. "All the ends of the earth." This phrase imples — 1. That all men have gone astray from God. 2. That God is no respecter of persons. 3. That there is salvation in no other. 4. The sufficiency there is" m" Christ" to every returning, soul. IV. THE BENEFITS inseparably connected with a looking to Jesus Christ. "And be saved" — not be made rich for threescore years and ten. No! "and be saved." (T. Jones.) I. IN WHAT MANNER WE ARE TO LOOK TO CHRIST.1. With an eye of faith. To direct our thoughts to Him in the same manner as to any other person, is not enough. 2. With eager desire of relief. 3. With gratitude and love. 4. As an example of righteousness whom it behoves us to follow. 5. As our Intercessor. II. SOME CONSIDERATIONS TO ENFORCE THE DUTY. 1. Who is the glorious Object to which you are required to look? None other than the Son of God. 2. Who it is that requires you to look. 3. It is salvation for which we are to look. 4. The facility of the duty here enjoined. 5. The boundless extent of the invitation. (A. Ramsay, M. A.) Let us hear the story of the Look — a story in three chapters.I. Chapter the first. HOW HE LOOKED WITHIN. I do not know much about him, except this. How it came about, indeed, I know not. Whether it was some sermon that smote him; whether it was the death of some neighbour; whether it was some peril of his own; whether it was some sharp sickness that overtook him, I know not; but so it was. One day that man stopped and looked in at himself, and he said, "There is no mistake about it; I am wrong, I can see. I am all wrong, and I will just set to work, and I will make things right. I will turn over a new leaf." And he set to work, and he began to tie up his sins with the strong cords of his resolutions and his good desires, and there he set them all of a row. This was never going to be indulged any more, and this should not, and the other should be denied. All went well for a day, and then something or other came across him, and snap went the cords, and up sprang one old sin. Snap went the cords, and another sprang at him. "There," he said, "I knew that it was no good my trying," and he just gave it up. Who is that? You. I think I see here a man who has turned over a new leaf. Here it is all white and clean without a blot. Ah, there is a blot now. Oh, there is another smudge; there is a mistake. If we cannot find a better way than turning over new leaves, we shall soon give it up in despair. Besides, if thou couldst do so, what would it do for thee? Here is a man who has got into low water, and he cannot make ends meet, and one day a friend steps in to advise him and finds him in a state of glee, and the man says, "I have got credit for this, and I have received this"; and there he is filling up the column of his receipts. "Why, what does this mean?" says the friend — "My dear fellow, you have forgotten the 'brought forward.' You have left out the 'carried over.'" That dreadful "carried over!" That awful "brought forward!" What about the past? There it is, what can I do with it? We have not done with that chapter yet, for there is a second part of it. You say to me, "Yes; I can see that if I am ever going to be what I want to be, I must just come right up to God, and let Him do it." But, dear friend, what ails thee? "Well, you see, I do not know. I have not got any faith. I have not got any repentance I have not got any earnestness. What is a man like I am to do?" Hast thou never learnt how to make thy hindrances into thy helps? Hast thou never learnt how to make thy very need thy claim upon thy God? I pray thee now, just as thou art, with all thy sense of want, lift up thine eyes. Why, the only thing that I know about repentance is what I feel in my heart when I see Jesus. I have never found any place of repentance except at the foot of the Cross. The only thing that I know about faith is what springs up in my heart when I look at Jesus. Faith does not come from looking within. Let thy whole soul say, "I will look unto Him, and be saved." II. Chapter the second. HOW HE LOOKED ROUND. You say, "There is to-morrow; people would notice the change, and I should not like to tell them that I had given myself to the Lord Jesus Christ, and how I was going to be His soldier and His servant; and there would be the sneer, and scorn, and ridicule, and one would perhaps try this temptation, and another would see whether I could bear the other, and I do not know that I could." The Gospel is, that Christ comes right to me and takes my hand. He lives, and He comes to thee and me, and He saith, "Thou art setting forth to be My child and My servant, and I am never going to let thee be alone." Now, wilt thou put thy hand in His? But we have not done with the second chapter quite yet. I can think of some one going a step farther and saying, "Well, I do look to Jesus, you know, and I am looking to Him, and I have been trying to look to Him, but somehow or other I cannot get on." Why not? Well, it may be that you are looking around still. Some of you say to me, "Well, you see, I look to Him, but I cannot rejoice. I do not feel happy." Well, I do not know that it says, "Feel happy." It says, "Look unto Me, and be ye saved." I think that we must let the Lord Jesus Christ take care of our feelings. All we have get to do is just to look to Him. But we look around at one man and another. Somebody says to me, "John Bunyan went for three months weeping and crying. I am a dry eyes; I cannot shed a tear." Well, who wants you to shed a tear? What have you got to do with other people? We will look no more round. III. Chapter the third. HOW HE LOOKED UP. You must look up. Will you? (M. Guy Pearse.) The object of salvation is to bring a man into harmonious communion with God.I. ALL MEN NEED TO BE SAVED. We need to be saved — 1. From our propensity to wrong-doing. 2. We need also to be saved from our spirit of unrest. 3. From our weakness in being overcome by pain and trouble. 4. From our fear of death. II. GOD DOES NOT FORCE ANY MAN TO BE SAVED AGAINST HIS WILL. In the occurrences of this life we may have to employ force sometimes to save the body of a fellow-creature against his will. But God cannot act so, because He is God, and would have men love Him. The only way God has of compelling us to follow Him is through the attraction of His love, as shown in Jesus Christ, who laid down His life on the Cross for love of us. Love is the strongest power in the universe, for God is Love. III. THE POWER AND SIMPLICITY OF THE SALVATION OFFERED TO US. 1. Its power. Salvation does not exist anywhere except in God. We ministers are only like the boys with handbills inviting you in to buy salvation from our Master without money. 2. The simplicity of the salvation. It is to be had for a look; but it must be — (1) (2) (3) (4) IV. IT IS A UNIVERSAL INVITATION, embracing, "all the ends of the earth." You know what the "ends" are. When a coat becomes frayed, or a shawl worn, the ends are of no use and you cut them off. The outcasts of men, of what use are they? This salvation is for the despised ones, for the very "ends" that the world throws away; and, better still, it is for you. (W. Birch.) I. HERE IS THE SIMPLEST METHOD. "Look unto Me." I give the highest praise to the man of science who can unify the manifold facts of the world, and to the philosopher who can reduce to order the strange and complex phenomena of the mind. How I should thank the God who expresses His will for me in a single word, and that word so easy and unencumbered.II. HERE IS THE RICHEST BOON. "And be ye saved." Salvation is a treasure unutterably and inconceivably great. If it begins with "no condemnation," it ends with "no separation." There is pardon in it, and holiness, and wisdom, and power; there is the blessed life here, and hereafter there is the life of "full and everlasting and passionless renown." III. HERE IS THE WIDEST OUTLOOK. "All the ends of the earth" — thus far the love of the Father and the grace of the Son and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit travel and reach. There is nothing calculating, stingy, arithmetical in God's largesse and bounty. (A. Smellie, M. A.) (vers. 22-25): —I. A BLESSED INVITATION. "Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else." 1. The subject to which it refers is unspeakably momentous. The word "saved" is easily pronounced, but who can comprehend the fulness of its meaning? 2. The duty it enjoins for securing this great blessing is exceedingly simple. "Look unto Me." Many are quite confounded at the simplicity of the Gospel terms of salvation. 3. The range of this invitation is unlimited. "All the ends of the earth." The call is wide as the world. 4. The ground on which it rests is highly encouraging. "For I am God, and there is none else." In a previous verse it is said, "They have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god that cannot save." The idols of the heathen are altogether impotent. But our God is able to save, and He alone is able. At the same time, something more than mere power is necessary, and that something is not wanting in Him to whom we are invited to look. He is "a just God and a Saviour." II. AN EMPHATIC PROCLAMATION. "I have sworn by Myself, the word is gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and shall not return; that unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear." In reference to this subjection two things are stated — 1. Its universality. In the time of Elijah, God had reserved unto Himself seven thousand men who had not bowed the knee to Baal; but here we have a period predicted when idols shall be utterly abolished. 2. Its certainty. "I have sworn by Myself." These emphatic expressions denote that the purpose was made in the most solemn manner, and ratified in the most sacred form. It is a purpose, therefore, that will be infallibly executed. "From henceforth expecting." says the apostle of the enthroned Redeemer, "till His enemies be made His footstool." And has He not ample grounds for such an expectation? The desires even of the righteous shall be granted, their hope will not be disappointed; how certain, then, must be the fulfilment of the desires and hopes of Him whom the Father heareth always? Is it not said, "Ask of Me"? &c. III. A WISE RESOLUTION. "Surely, shall one say," &c. (ver. 24). The two blessings which are here referred to, are absolutely necessary to salvation, and all who are enlightened from above will be led to apply for them where alone they are to be found. It is here stated, "Surely shall one say, in the Lord have I righteousness and strength": let each of us determine, by Divine aid, to be that one. It must be a personal resolution, as the surrender is a personal surrender. It is added, "Even to Him shall men come, i.e. they will apply to Him for these blessings. On the other hand, He will be made known by terrible things in righteousness to those who refuse to seek His face, and continue to rebel against His authority. "All that are incensed against Him shall be ashamed." IV. AN IMPORTANT DECLARATION. "In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory." (Anon.) In the language of metaphor the mind has got an eye as well as the body. We say, "Look at this fact; look at this or that other historic personage; look at Luther; look at Julius Caesar; look at Abraham"; and we all understand what is meant when such language is employed. It is in some such a way that we are told to look at the Saviour.(J. Hamilton, D. D.) While the moon looketh directly upon the sun, she is bright and beautiful; but if she once turn aside, and be left to herself, she loseth all her glory, and enjoys but only a shadow of light, which is her own.(J. Trapp.) Passing through a graveyard with her parents, a little girl drew them after her to look at a beautiful stone figure of the Christ, with a face full of suffering and yet of tenderest pity, leaning upon a massive marble cross. As they paused to look, she held her head down and said in a low voice, "I can hardly lift up my eyes to look at Him, I have done so many wrong things." It is just because we have done so many "wrong things" that we have need to lift up our eyes to look at Him.(Quiver.) Some years ago I was asked by a workman to see a dying fellow-creature, as this man said in his peculiar way, to "pilot him to heaven." I went, and found that the poor man was too far gone to speak. All he could do was to look. I did not know whether he could hear, for when I spoke he only looked at me. Wishing at least to show him the way of salvation, I took a picture from the wall, turned it, and then drew on it with my lead pencil the figure of the Cross with Jesus upon it. I held this picture before the man's eyes, and then he looked at me in an expressive way, and tried to nod his head. Shortly after he died.(W. Birch.) In Mrs. Fletcher's biography she tells us of a convert who had a strange dream. He thought he was down a very steep well in the night, and, looking up, he saw a single star shining far above him, and it seemed to let down lines of silver light that took hold upon him and lifted him up. Then he looked down and began to go down. He looked up and began to go up, and he looked down again and began to go down; and he found that by simply keeping his eye on that star he rose out of the well, and his foot stood on the firm ground. A parable is in the dream. If you look down, you go down; if you look up, you go up. There must be first the looking up before there can be the lifting up.(J. S. Drummond.) People Cyrus, Isaiah, JacobPlaces Cush, Egypt, JerusalemTopics Ends, Hearts, None, Salvation, Saved, TurnOutline 1. God calls Cyrus for his church's sake5. By his omnipotence he challenges obedience 20. He convinces the idols of vanity by his saving power Dictionary of Bible Themes Isaiah 45:22 4029 world, human beings in Library Hidden and Revealed'Verily thou art a God that hidest Thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour.... I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth; I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye Me in vain: I the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.'--ISAIAH xlv, 15,19. The former of these verses expresses the thoughts of the prophet in contemplating the close of a great work of God's power which issues in the heathen's coming to Israel and acknowledging God. He adores the depth of the divine … Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Sovereignty and Salvation The Solar Eclipse Ecce Homo The Eve of the Restoration Jehovah-Shammah: a Glorious Name for the New Year The Eternity and Unchangeableness of God. Of Four Things which Bring Great Peace Covenanting According to the Purposes of God. A Plain Description of the Essence and Attributes of God, Out of the Holy Scripture, So Far as Every Christian must Competently Know, and Necessarily Believe, that Will be Saves. The Unity of God Spiritual Hunger Shall be Satisfied Thy Name: My Name The Extent of Messiah's Spiritual Kingdom Its Nature The Theology of St. Hilary of Poitiers. Gifts and Talents. Putting God to Work Extent of Atonement. Messiah's Innocence vindicated Nature of Covenanting. 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