So all the men and women of the Israelites whose hearts prompted them brought a freewill offering to the LORD for all the work that the LORD through Moses had commanded them to do. Sermons I. LIBERAL GIVERS. Almost everything needed for the sanctuary was provided by the free gifts of the people. What was required was readily forthcoming. The only exception to the voluntariness of the givings was the half-shekel of atonement money (Exodus 30:11-17; Exodus 38:25, 26). These givings, which may well be made the model of our own, were: 1. Willing - "Every one whose heart stirred him up, and whom his spirit made willing" (ver. 21). The Lord "loveth a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7). 2. According to ability. Each gave as he was able (vers. 23-29). The princes gave costly gifts. Others brought silver and brass. Others gave wood. Those who could not give anything else gave work (vers. 25, 26). 3. Universal. All classes gave. The princes, the people, young and old, men and women. 4. Overflowing. So zealous was the spirit of the people, and so abundant were their gifts, that they had in the end to be restrained (Exodus 36:5-7). When will a like liberality be manifested in the cause of Christ? Liberal givings are needed. There is still much land to be possessed at home. Heathen lands are opening to the Gospel. 5. It sufficed for the work (Exodus 36:7). Thus would God teach us that it is his will that his work should be supported by the voluntary contributions of his people. 6. The giving was made an act of worship - " Every man that offered, offered an offering (lit. a wave-offering) of gold unto the Lord" (ver. 22). "Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought the Lord's offering" (ver. 24). This is the true spirit of religious giving. The humblest offering, thus presented, will not fail of acceptance. II. WILLING WORKERS (Exodus 36:1, 2). The work, like the giving, was hearty. Those only were asked to engage in this work whose hearts stirred them up to do it. God desires no other kind of workers. III. DIVERSE GIFTS. These were needed for the different parts of the work. The man who made the "pin" (ver. 18) was as truly a worker in God's service, as Bezaleel, who drew the plans. He had his own gift and use. IV. THE WISDOM OF THE SPIRIT. "He hath filled him with the spirit of God" (ver. 31). "Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart," etc. (ver. 35). - J.O.
A willing offering. Remember that at this time there was no legislation to Israel about giving. A little while after there were strict laws how much they were to give — and every Israelite was by law presently compelled to give no less than two-tenths — first one-tenth and then another tenth — one-fifth of all his property to God; but now that legislation had not taken place, and they gave in the freeness of their own willing hearts. But God has withdrawn legislation again with respect to His Church's gifts to Him. Only He has laid down broad principles — and we act upon those broad principles in the freedom of the gospel. And here is our opportunity of testing our great love to God — that we are ourselves to be a law to ourselves, that we should give as the Spirit of God moves us. Now let us see, a little more carefully, some rules for giving. We cannot give before we have received. We can only give Him of His own; and, therefore, he who would be a good giver must be careful first to be a good receiver.I. Having received largely and freely, then, to give is first to GIVE ONE'S SELF. And I would advise you, before you make any gift whatsoever, to go through an express act of surrender of yourself to God. That done, then make your gift, whatever it be, that you have in your heart to give — make it a solemn, consecrated gift. By some special acts of prayer, dedicate it to God. Then make your act of charity, to the Church or to your fellow-men. II. And now the practical question comes —HOW MUCH OUGHT WE TO GIVE? A question which, in the freeness of the gospel, it is impossible to answer. The answer would vary according to many circumstances, so that it would be impossible to lay down one abstract law. The line has too often, perhaps, been drawn, that it becomes a Christian to give one-tenth of his income to God. But if a man with small means ought to give one-tenth, then a man with double the means ought to give a fifth; because the rate of giving ought to rise in proportion to the income. And, again, the rate of the giving must be according to the demands and the claims which are upon the Christian. So that those who have families — wives and children — depending upon them, ought not to give in the same proportion to their income as those who have none. So that should it be that any person, either of his own fault or other's fault, is involved in debt, then that person should consider first the justice of paying the debt, and then go on to the luxury of giving to God or to the Church. I do not say that a person who is in debt should be deprived altogether of the privilege of giving to God. Because, if he make his gift to God a thing taken out of that which he would certainly otherwise have spent upon himself, then he is not injuring his creditors, though he gives part of his income, and though he be in debt, to God. But then he must be careful that by that gift he does not defraud his creditors, because there must be perfect justice before charity. (J. Vaughan, M. A.) (J. Vaughan, M. A.) II. THE LORD'S OFFERING MUST BE VOLUNTARY. III. THE LORD'S OFFERING IS TO BE OF SUCH AS WE HAVE, Good wishes and approving words bring down no scales which turn with deeds. " Most men," said Sydney Smith, "are ready to act the good Samaritan without the oil and the two pence." IV. THE LORD'S OFFERING MAY BE COMPLETE (chap. Exodus 36:5, 6). (De Witt S. Clarke.) The Preacher's Monthly. I. A GREAT DEMAND.1. God sometimes makes demands upon His people. Sometimes by providential calls for help. Our brother dies suddenly and leaves his orphan children dependent on our care. In these children God comes to us and says — Give! 2. The demands which God makes upon His people are sometimes apparently harsh and unreasonable. Here, from these newly-escaped slaves, He demands a Tabernacle which cost, it is computed, at least £250,000. 3. God sometimes makes demands upon His people which cannot be met without real self-sacrifice. 4. He demands that these sacrifices shall be made with good will (chap. Exodus 25:2; 35:5; 1 Corinthians 8:12; 1 Corinthians 9:7). God makes such demands upon His people —(1) Not because He needs anything at their hand (Psalm 50:9-12).(2) But solely for their welfare.(a) They need to be saved from covetousness, which is idolatry.(b) They need to have their character ennobled, and this can be accomplished only by the exercise of self-denial.(c) They need channels for the expression of gratitude and joy. By those who truly love God, opportunities by which they may honour Him are welcomed with eager joy. II. A GLORIOUS RESPONSE. The demand for contributions for the erection of the Tabernacle was more than met (Exodus 36:5-7). How did this come to pass? 1. A spirit of holy enthusiasm possessed the people. 2. This spirit of holy enthusiasm possessed not a few wealthy men only, but the whole people (vers. 21, 29). 3. This spirit of holy enthusiasm moved them to give not only of their superfluity, but also things needful to them in daily life (vers. 22-24); and not only to give, but also to labour (ver. 25). 4. This spirit of holy enthusiasm transformed every sacrifice that was made for God into an occasion and cause of great joy. So, again, was it at the erection of the Temple (1 Chronicles 29:9). Finally, this glorious response on the part of the people was gloriously acknowledged by the Most High (chap. Exodus 40:34, 35). (The Preacher's Monthly.) There was plenty of compulsory work, of statutory contribution, in the Old Testament system of worship. Sacrifices and tithes and other things were imperative, but the Tabernacle was constructed by means of undemanded offerings, and there were parts of the standing ritual which were left to the promptings of the worshipper's own spirit. There was always a door through which the impulses of devout hearts could come in, to animate what else would have become dead, mechanical compliance with prescribed obligations.I. We have set forth here THE TRUE MOTIVE OF ACCEPTABLE SERVICE. "They came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing." There is a striking metaphor in that last word. Wherever the spirit is touched with the sweet influences of God's love, and loves and gives back again, that spirit is buoyant, lifted, raised above the low, fiat levels where selfishness feeds fat and then rots. The spirit is raised by any great and unselfish emotion. Continual contact with Jesus Christ, and realization of what He has done for us, is sure to open the deep fountains of the heart, and to secure abundant streams. If we can tap these perennial reservoirs, they will yield like artesian wells, and need no creaking machinery to pump a scanty and intermittent supply. We cannot trust this deepest motive too much, nor appeal to it too exclusively. Let me remind you, too, that Christ's appeal to this motive leaves no loophole for selfishness or laziness. Responsibility is all the greater because we are left to assess ourselves. The blank form is sent to us, and He leaves it to our honour to fill it up. Do not tamper with the paper, for remember there is a Returning Officer that will examine your schedule who knows all about your possessions. II. We get here THE MEASURE OF ACCEPTABLE WORK. We have a long catalogue, very interesting in many respects, of the various things that the people brought. Such sentences as these occur over and over again — "And every man with whom was found" so-and-so "brought it"; "And all the women did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun"; "And the rulers brought" so-and-so. Such statements embody the very plain truism that what we have settles what we are bound to give. Or, to put it into grander words, the capacity is the measure of duty. Our work is cut out for us by the faculties and opportunities that God has given us. The form as well as the measure of our service is determined thereby. "She hath done what she could," said Jesus Christ about Mary. We often read that, as if it were a kind of apology for a sentimental and useless gift, because it was the best that she could bestow. I do not hear that tone in the words at all. I hear, rather, this: that duty is settled by faculty, and that nobody else has any business to interfere with that which a Christian soul, all aflame with the love of God, finds to be the spontaneous and natural expression of its devotion to the Master. The words are the vindication of the form of loving service; but let us not forget that they are also a very stringent; requirement as to its measure, if it is to please Christ. "What she could." The engine must be worked up to the last ounce of pressure that it will stand. All must be got out of it that can be got out of it. III. Notice, again, how in this list of offerings there comes out the great thought of THE INFINITE VARIETY OF FORMS OF SERVICE AND OFFERING, WHICH ARE ALL EQUALLY NEEDFUL AND EQUALLY ACCEPTABLE. The list begins with "bracelets, and ear-rings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of gold." And then it goes on to "blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and red skins of rams, and badgers' skins, and shittim wood." And then we read that the women did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun — namely, the same things as have been already catalogued, the blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen. That looks as if the richer gave the raw material, and the women gave the labour. Poor women, they could not give, but they could spin. They had no stores, but they had ten fingers and a distaff; and if some neighbour found the stuff, the ten fingers joyfully set the distaff twirling, and spun the yarn for the weavers. Then there were others who willingly undertook the rougher work of spinning, not dainty thread for the rich soft stuffs whose colours were to glow in the sanctuary, but the coarse black goats' hair which was to be made into the heavy covering of the roof of the Tabernacle. No doubt it was less pleasant labour than the other, but it got done by willing hands. And then, at the end of the whole enumeration, there comes — "And the rulers brought precious stones, and spices, and oil," and all the expensive things that were needed. The big subscriptions are at the bottom of the list, and the smaller ones are in the place of honour. All this just teaches us this — what a host of things of all degrees of preciousness in men's eyes go to make God's great building! All the things that are given, and the works that are done from the same motive, because of the willing heart, stand upon the same level of acceptance and preciousness in His eyes, whatever may be their value in the market-place. (A. Maclaren, D. D.) I. CO-OPERATION IN FREE GIVING.1. The men brought their gifts (vers. 23, 24). 2. The women brought their gifts (vers. 25, 26). 3. The rulers brought their gifts (vers. 27, 28). II. GIVING BASED ON AN ACCEPTABLE PRINCIPLE. 1. Its motive was right (ver. 29). 2. Its judgment was correct. (1) (2) III. FREE GIVING, IN ITS INFLUENCE UPON GOD (vers. 30-35). 1. If the gifts had not been forthcoming, the special skill would not have been brought into requisition. 2. The gifts, without the skill to use them, would have been of no account. 3. A Divine law is here discovered — God ever imparts to a willing people every needed grace for complete success.Lessons: 1. The contrast between the children of Israel bowing before the calves of gold and bearing cheerful offerings for God's sanctuary, is marked and suggestive.(1) It suggests the power of a sentiment for good or evil.(2) It suggests the responsibility of leaders of the people. The few create the sentiment, the many adopt it. 2. The contrast between the feelings of their covenant God toward them in these opposite attitudes. (1) (2) 3. Suggestive also is the contrast between the joy and peace of a disobedient and an obedient people. 4. We have here an instructive example of how much can be accomplished by a willing and united people in a short time. (1) (2) (D. C. Hughes, M. A.) I. ART SHOULD BE CONSECRATED TO THE SERVICE AND WORSHIP OF GOD. Emptiness and gloom do not honour Him whose are the silver and the gold, and whose handiwork is manifest in star and crystal, flower and feather. We cannot go far wrong when the Word of God encourages us in chaste use of symbols, making art the handmaid of religion, and every avenue to the soul a highway to God.II. THE ARTIZAN'S CALLING IS HONOURED OF GOD AND HIS LAWGIVER. He who is diligent in business and fervent in spirit serves the Lord, and even in our manual occupations we may be fellow-workers with God. He who works rightly is so far God-like. III. GIVING, WHEN RIGHTLY DONE, IS AN ACT OF WORSHIP. To hear the Word without an offering is to be a hearer of it and not a doer. Stinginess in a Christian contradicts the cross and its lesson. We are to give promptly and regularly. Zeal cools by delay. Ideas shrink and vision shortens when the heart is not roused. Like the willing people before Moses, let us give now and see the good of our gifts while we live. Better be our own executors, writing our wills on living human hearts rather than on the skins of dead sheep or lawyers' foolscap. IV. IMPULSIVE GENEROSITY IS NOT TO BE CONTEMNED. Sentiment is more powerful than logic, and every minister of Christ and leader of men should imitate Moses, who proved himself, under God, a heart-rousing, pocket-compelling preacher. To thrill the money-nerve unto good ends is a noble achievement. Then the maid forgets her ornaments. The lady's jewels are cast into the molten mass that is to make a church bell, supply the needs of the battle-field, the hospital, or the famine-stricken land. V. THE PATH OF SACRIFICE LEADS US TO CHRIST AND HIS CROSS. The heart that prompts the offer of the cup of cold water, when cultivated by Divine grace to highest possibilities, rests only under the cross of Calvary. (William E. Griffis.) I. THE MATERIALS OF WHICH THE TABERNACLE WAS MADE.1. Various. Nothing is too good for God's service. Common things are useful, and not to be despised. The meanest things may be sanctified to God's service. In the Church of Christ we find persons of all nations and stations. Sinners of every degree, colour, character, and size; redeemed, called, sanctified, and blessed, are the materials with which God builds His spiritual house. 2. Suitable. We cannot improve on God's Choice, nor conceive of a better plan. So in the Church of God perfect wisdom is seen. His glory is great in our salvation. Christ will have a revenue of praise from every soul He rescues from hell. Great sinners are just suitable for a great Saviour. 3. Very costly. Who can tell the value of one soul? 4. Mostly from Egypt. God gathers all the materials for His sanctuary out of the house of bondage. 5. Beautiful. 6. Durable. II. THE WILLING PEOPLE WHO BROUGHT THE MATERIALS. A beautiful illustration of the fruit and effect of God's forgiving love. Having willing hearts, the people brought willing offerings. All classes had a share in the giving — poor as well as rich — and all their gifts were accepted. III. THE SKILFUL WORKMEN WHO BROUGHT THE MATERIALS INTO BEAUTEOUS FORM. (R. E. Sears.) I. LET US COMPARE THEIR DESIGN IN ERECTING THE TABERNACLE WITH OURS. It was to establish a religion which, when we consider, we cannot but rejoice that we live in brighter days. Not that we would speak disrespectfully of a system which God Himself instituted; but we may safely say that it was inferior to ours. When the Jews laboured to build the Tabernacle they laboured to establish a religion that was —1. Obscure. There was some light, but it was mingled with much darkness. The truths taught were enveloped in obscurity. 2. Their system was contracted. When they sought to build a Tabernacle, it was only for the use of a million or a million and a half of people. Theirs was a spirit of sectarianism. It was wisely appointed, indeed, to keep them from mingling with the heathen around them. But we cannot help rejoicing that we are not thus shut up. The gospel is designed for all nations, tongues, and people. 3. Their system was burdensome. Their observances were pompous, their rites were numerous and costly. But our yoke, in this respect, is easy, our burden is light. Here are but few institutions, and those are simple and efficient. 4. Their system was temporary. It was only suited to the Jewish meridian, it was only adapted to the service of the Tabernacle. Whereas the Christian system is adapted to every government, for it interferes with none; to every climate, for it is not regulated by the usages of country; to all people, for it is alike friendly to all. II. LET US COMPARE THE EXERTIONS OF THE JEWS WITH OURS, IN REFERENCE TO THESE RESPECTIVE SYSTEMS. 1. Their exertions were prompt. 2. General. 3. Proportionate.All seemed to ask, "What talent have I by which I may promote this cause?" If our Churches were possessed of this spirit, how much more would be done: ministers can preach and speak, but there must be collectors also, distributors of reports, etc. Those who have not a ready tongue, may have a flowing pen. III. LET US CONSIDER THE OBLIGATIONS UNDER WHICH THEY WERE LAID, AND UNDER WHICH WE ALSO ARE. LAID. 1. They had received a revelation from heaven. If they who received a revelation under the influence of terror did so much, we ought surely to do more! If they did so much under the smoke of Sinai, ought not the droppings of the cross to influence us? Oh, let us feel ashamed that we have made so few exertions. 2. They had experienced merciful deliverances from heaven. 3. They had enjoyed merciful supplies from heaven. (J. Blackburn.) 1. The answer of the people was marked by the spirit of willinghood. Some form of the word willing occurs again and again: "Every one whom his spirit made willing"; "As many as were willing-hearted." God will have nothing out of the reluctant hand. We may throw an offering down, but it is not taken up by heaven. It evaporates downwards; it is not received by the condescending and sympathetic sun.2. The answer was the deepest and truest cure of all murmuring. The people had been murmuring again and again, but the moment they began to work they ceased to complain. You would murmur less if you worked more. An evil thing is idleness. It must always sit with coldness, and the two must keep one another in evil countenance. The one thing to be feared is stagnation. Hear heaven's sweet appeal for service, for sacrifice, and know that the appeal is not the demand of exaggeration, but that it is inspired by the very spirit of consideration for human feeling, and expresses the very philosophy of human spiritual education. (J. Parker, D. D.) I. The spirit of the people was thoroughly DEVOTIONAL. It will result in no success whatsoever to attempt to manage the Lord's interests in a merely mercenary and marketable way. Any Church enterprise will fail if it only seeks to please a crowd, to fire the ambition of a denomination, or become a monument of personal pride. For this is not its end; its purpose is salvation of lost souls, and anything short of that is simply waste of money and zeal. We have heard it said that once the venerable keeper of the Eddystone lighthouse was completely prostrated by the wild conflict of the ocean during a violent storm which threatened to destroy the slender shaft of stone out in the midst of the waves. He joined the small company of his helpers in guarding the windows, defending the doors, saving the boats, fastening the broken chains, till he used up his infirm strength completely. They laid him down in one of the little chambers to die, for no one could be spared to watch. After a while they came to tell him the storm was abating; but, left for a moment, he had crept up the stairs to the lantern, and was there feebly trimming the lamps. "I was afraid some vessel might miss the light," he said in explanation. They told him, a little petulantly, that he might have spared his strength to help preserve the building. "No, no," he answered, with an anxious look out over the offing; "I was not put out here to save lighthouses, but to save ships!"II. The spirit of the people was universally INDUSTRIOUS. Personal labour is more valuable often than money in the Lord's service, for it more surely carries the heart with it. There is an exquisite little story told us in the classics, of one Cressinus, whom the Romans arrested for witchcraft because he grew opulent on so small a farm. But he came to the judgment producing his tools, and displaying his hardened hands: "These are my sorceries," he exclaimed; "these implements of honest toil are all the witcheries I know of!" And they freed him on the plea. The eight fingers and two thumbs of Christians are the best ten friends that any congregation in difficulties ever has found under God. III. The spirit of the people was self-sacrificingly LIBERAL. There was once a man who was prospered in business and grew wealthy. Then he lavished his fortune in house and equipage, and in all personal indulgence of self. He suddenly failed, and in shame and sorrow stood by while his furniture and pictures, his horses and plate, were scattered among strangers by the glib auctioneer. Some days afterwards he happened to be present at the dedication of a mission chapel for the poor, which a Christian friend had just erected. "Ah, how I wish," said he, as his memory told him of his improvident excesses in former times — "how I wish now that some of the wealth I wasted was invested here with yours in this building, which will be doing God's service long after I am forgotten!" IV. The spirit of the people was prayerfully INGENIOUS. The principle of division of labour was carried into use among the people so that every sort of fitness should be put into service. Really, the rule appears to have been that every one should do the exact thing he could do the best, and give all he was able to offer in the line of unobtrusive contribution. There was certainly something for each man and each woman to do; and they all became alert to find out their vocation. It is remarkable to see how unconscious they are of any claim to special praise. There is no clapping of hands for each other; there is no plaudit from the skies. The famous statue of Phidias, called the Olympian Jove, was reckoned one of the wonders of the world; and the Grecian orators used to declare that on its completion Jove himself struck the pavement in front of it with glorious lightning in token of his approbation. This will do very well as a tale for a superstitious and self-seeking multitude. But our God never compliments human industry, nor flatters his creatures for simply doing their duty. They must be content to wait with the approval of their own consciences, and watch the rising of each fair enterprise like a tabernacle for God's dwelling. V. The spirit of the people was enthusiastically AFFECTIONATE. Over and over again we are reminded that their hearts were in every case "stirred up," and their spirits were made "willing-hearted." It is not even worth while to delay in illustrating this point; for the whole after history shows that their success in such a vast undertaking came from the same temper as that which actuated the nation in after times when building the Temple: "The people had a mind to work." Therein is our very best lesson for modern endeavour. (C. S. Robinson, D. D.) Biblical Museum. I. DESCRIBE THE WILLING OFFERER. He is one who gives —1. As much as he can. 2. Of the best he has. 3. Cheerfully, as to the Lord. II. OFFER SOME REASONS FOR WILLINGNESS IN THE SERVICE OF GOD. 1. The Lord loves a cheerful giver. 2. The value of what is given in enhanced by the manner of the bestowment. 3. The willingness of one stirs the liberality of others. 4. Good works are often delayed, fatally, by the slowness of giving. 5. We are not our own, and all we have is God's. 6. God gave "this unspeakable gift" willingly. (Biblical Museum.) About nine o'clock in the morning the people gathered together in the church. Fully five hundred natives were present, and the building seemed to be well filled. It is hard to say how many the Port Moresby church will hold. The people sit on the floor. They have a way of folding up their legs and then sitting on them, and this saves space by doing away with all need for chairs. They can stay seated in this cramped position for an hour or two. Upon this occasion the floor was almost entirely covered with people who listened well to what was said. I have never faced such a congregation before. Towards the front the people were simply but decently dressed. Many of them were young men and women who are being trained for native teachers in the Mission School. You had only to look a few yards behind them to see the naked savage sitting almost motionless, and looking just a little hideous in his grotesque ornamentation. To look from one man to another was to see what has been done, and what can be done for these people by the gospel of Christ. The collection was a very strange one. Very few of the people have any money, so, instead of silver and gold, they brought such as they have — viz., 325 spears, 65 shell armlets, 92 bows, 180 arrows, besides shields, drums, shell necklaces, feather and other ornaments. Altogether, counting money given by the missionaries and the native teachers, the collection was worth £30 1s. 6d.(Lewis, Missionary in New Guinea.) General Longstreet, speaking of the struggle at Centreville, says: "The Federals had been using balloons in examining our positions, and we watched with envious eyes their beautiful observations, as they floated high up in the air, and well out of the range of our guns. We longed for the balloon that poverty denied us. A genius arose for the occasion and suggested that we send out and gather together all the silk dresses in the Confederacy and make a balloon. It was done, and soon we had a great patchwork ship of many and varied hues."(H. O. Mackey.) — A few months before the death of Miss Frances Ridley Havergal, the sweet and accomplished missionary poetess, she sent to the Church Missionary Society her jewels, value £50. Had she been strong enough, she herself would have gone to India. Consecrated plate: — Lord Shaftesbury, on one occasion, said to me, "I am going to build a schoolroom in your parish." I knew that he had a good many claims on him, and I said "Let me help you to collect the funds." But he would not, and he built schoolrooms in two of the parishes on the estate. Afterwards he said to me, "You asked me to allow you to help me in collecting funds, but I thought it was not my duty to do so. Do you know how I got the money?" I said, "No, of course I do not." "Well," he said, "I found I had so much more plate left me by my father than I wanted, that I thought I would sell enough to build these two schoolrooms."(Bp. Bickersteth.) Diodorus Siculus relates that the forest of the Pyrenean Mountains being set on fire, and the heat penetrating to the soil, a pure stream of silver gushed forth from the bosom of the earth and revealed for the first time the existence of those rich lodes afterwards so celebrated. Let the melting influence of the cross be felt, let the fire of the gospel be kindled in the Church, and its ample stores shall be seen flowing from their hidden recesses and becoming "the fine gold of the sanctuary.(J. Harris.) The Rev. Dr. D. Fraser tells the following: — After a sermon preached by him at the opening of a church elsewhere, a lady of fashionable position in society came to him. "Why should I have two watches while the house of God remains unpaid for?" He replied, "Really, I cannot tell why." She then said, "Well, I will give the better watch of the two toward the cost of the church." She did so, and a jeweller paid £25 for it, which was a sensible addition to the fund. Dr. Fraser added that at another collection, on the previous Sunday, a lady who had not a piece of gold, and who did not care to give silver, took the chain off her neck and put it on the plate. She would lose nothing by that. They might say that these were impulsive women. Well, impulsive women might rise up to condemn illiberal men in the day of the Lord.I remember once being in the treasury of a royal palace. There was a long gallery in which the Crown valuables were stored. In one compartment there was a great display of emeralds, and diamonds, and rubies, and I know not what, that had been looted from some Indian rajah or other. And in the next case there lay a common quill pen, and beside it a little bit of discoloured coarse serge. The pen had signed some important treaty, and the serge was a fragment of a flag that had been borne triumphant from a field where a nation's destinies had been sealed. The two together were worth a farthing at the outside, but they held their own among the jewels, because they spoke of brain-work and bloodshed in the service of the king. Many strangely conjoined things lie side by side in God's jewel-cases. Things which people vulgarly call large and valuable, and what people still more vulgarly call small and worthless, have a way of getting together there. For in that place the arrangement is not in order of what the thing will fetch if it is sold, but what was the thought in the mind and the emotion in the heart which gave it. Jewels and camel's hair, yarn and gold and silver, are all massed together. Wood is wanted for the temple quite as much as gold and silver and precious stones. So, whatever we have, let us bring that; and whatever we are, let us bring that. If we be poor and our work small, and our natures limited, and our faculties confined, it does not matter. A man is accepted "according to that he hath, and not according to that he hath not." He gives much who gives all, though his all be little; he gives little who gives a part, though the part be much. The motive sanctifies the act, and the completeness of the consecration magnifies it. Great and small are not words for God's kingdom, in which the standard is not quantity but quality, and quality is settled by the purity of the love which prompts the deed, and the consequent thoroughness of self-surrender which it expresses. Whoever serves God with a whole heart will render to Him a whole strength, and will thus bring Him the gifts which lie most desires.(A. Maclaren, D. D.) There was once a missionary meeting held in the West Indies among them, at which these three resolutions were agreed upon —1. We will all give something. 2. We will give as God has prospered us. 3. We will all give willingly.As soon as the meeting was over, a leading man took his seat at the table, with pen and ink, to put down what each came to give. Many came forward to give, some more and some less. Amongst those that came was a rich old man, almost as rich as all the others put together, and threw down upon the table a small silver coin. "Take dat back again," said the man that received the money; "dat may be according to de first resolution, but it not according to de second." The rich man accordingly took it up, and hobbled back to his seat in a great rage. One after another came forward, and as almost all gave more than himself, he was fairly ashamed of himself, and again threw down a piece of money on the table, saying, "Dare! take that!" It was a valuable piece of money: but it was given so ill-temperedly, that the man answered again, "No! dat won't do yet! It may be according to de first and second resolutions, but it is not according to de last"; and he was obliged to take up his coin again. Still angry at himself and all the rest, he sat a long time, till nearly all were gone, and then came up to the table, and with a smile on his face, and very willingly, gave a large sum to the treasurer. "Very well," said the man, "dat will do; dat according to all de resolutions." Whatever we do for the worship and service of God, we should do it freely, cheerfully, and cordially. "God loveth a cheerful giver." If cheerful giving to God's cause was required under the old dispensation, how much more is it required under the new! The venerable Dr. Sewall, of Maine, once entered a meeting in behalf of foreign missions, just as the collectors of the contributions were resuming their seats. The chairman of the meeting requested him to lead in prayer. The old gentleman stood hesitatingly, as if he had not heard the request. It was repeated in a louder voice, but there was no response. It was observed, however, that Dr. Sewall was fumbling in his pockets, and presently he produced a piece of money, which he deposited in the contribution box. The chairman, thinking he had not been understood, said loudly, "I didn't ask you to give, Dr. Sewall, I asked you to pray." "Oh, yes," he replied, "I heard you, but I can't pray till I have given something."The Rev. Dr. Dickson, of Baltimore, in an address at the Maryland State Sabbath-school Convention, spoke of the need of cultivating "the grace of giving" in early life. Twenty years ago, he said, he proposed to his Sabbath-school superintendent to take up a collection every Sabbath morning from the children. "Why, my dear pastor," exclaimed the superintendent, "you shear the sheep pretty often, and this looks really like wanting to shear the tender lambs!" The thought startled the speaker. A few days after, however, he was in the store of one of his parishioners, purchasing stockings. He had selected a good article, as he thought, when the merchant inquired, "Why do you not select the lambs'wool?" "Lambs' wool! why, are they better?" "Yes, they are a world softer, far more pliable, and I believe wear longer than those made from old sheep's wool." He did not remember, and needed not to inform the hearers, whether he took the stockings; but he knew that he took the fact to his superintendent, telling him that "lambs' wool was the best wool, and he meant to try it!" The many early traits of selfishness, avarice, covetousness, subdued by the earlier formed habits of giving in children who could tell!People Aaron, Ahisamach, Aholiab, Bezaleel, Dan, Hur, Israelites, Moses, Shoham, UriPlaces SinaiTopics Anything, Bring, Commanded, Freely, Freewill, Freewill-offering, Heart, Hearts, Impulse, Israelites, Manner, Material, Moved, Offering, Offerings, Orders, Prompted, Sons, Voluntary, Willing, Willing-offering, WomenOutline 1. The Sabbath4. The free gifts for the tabernacle 20. The readiness of the people to offer 30. Bezaleel and Aholiab are called to the work Dictionary of Bible Themes Exodus 35:29Library An Old Subscription List'And they came, every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whom his spirit made willing, and they brought the Lord's offering to the work....' --EXODUS xxxv. 21. This is the beginning of the catalogue of contributions towards the erection of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. It emphasises the purely spontaneous and voluntary character of the gifts. There was plenty of compulsory work, of statutory contribution, in the Old Testament system of worship. Sacrifices and tithes and other things … Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Appendix xvii. The Ordinances and Law of the Sabbath as Laid Down in the Mishnah and the Jerusalem Talmud. Gifts and Talents. 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