People, Places, Outline Jacob and His Family Move to Egypt PeopleAram, Ard, Areli, Arodi, Asenath, Ashbel, Asher, Becher, Bela, Belah, Benjamin, Beriah, Bilhah, Canaanitish, Carmi, Dan, Dinah, Egyptians, Ehi, Elon, Enoch, Er, Eri, Ezbon, Gad, Gera, Gershon, Guni, Haggai, Haggi, Hamul, Hanoch, Heber, Hezron, Huppim, Hushim, Imnah, Isaac, Ishuah, Issachar, Isui, Jachin, Jacob, Jahleel, Jahzeel, Jahziel, Jamin, Jashub, Jemuel, Jezer, Jimnah, Job, Joseph, Kohath, Laban, Leah, Levi, Malchiel, Manasseh, Merari, Muppim, Naaman, Naphtali, Ohad, Onan, Pallu, Perez, Phallu, Pharaoh, Pharez, Phuvah, Potipherah, Puah, Rachel, Reuben, Rosh, Sarah, Saul, Serah, Sered, Shaul, Shelah, Shillem, Shimron, Shuni, Simeon, Tola, Zarah, Zebulun, Zephon, Zerah, Zilpah, Ziphion, ZoharPlacesBeersheba, Canaan, Egypt, Goshen, On, Paddan-aramOutline1. Jacob is comforted by God at Beersheba.
5. Thence he with his company goes into Egypt.
8. The number of his family that went into Egypt.
28. Joseph meets Jacob.
31. He instructs his brothers how to answer Pharaoh.
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