People, Places, Outline The Council at Jerusalem; James' Support; Barnabas and Paul Part Ways; Second Missionary Journey begins People Barnabas, Barsabas, David, James, John, Judas, Mark, Paul, Peter, Silas, Simeon, Simon Places Cilicia, Cyprus, Jerusalem, Judea, Pamphylia, Phoenicia, Samaria, Syria, Syrian Antioch Outline 1. Great dissensions arise regarding circumcision. 5. The apostles consult about it, 22. and send their determination by letters to the churches. 36. Paul and Barnabas, thinking to visit the brothers together, 39. disagree, and travel different ways. Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |