People, Places, Outline Hoshea Last King of Israel; Northern Tribes Led into Captivity People Adrammelech, Ahaz, Anammelech, Avites, Avvites, David, Elah, Hoshea, Israelites, Jacob, Jeroboam, Nebat, Pharaoh, Sepharvites, Shalmaneser Places Assyria, Avva, Babylon, Bethel, Cuth, Cuthah, Egypt, Gozan, Habor River, Halah, Hamath, Samaria, Sepharvaim Outline 1. Hoshea the Last King of Israel 3. Being subdued by Shalmaneser, he conspires against him with So, king of Egypt 5. Samaria for sinning is led into captivity 24. The strange nations transplanted into Samaria make a mixture of religions. Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |