People, Places, Outline Ben-Hadad Attacks Samaria, Defeated by Ahab; Ahab Condemned People Ahab, Aram, Ben, Benhadad, Ben-hadad, Hadad, Israelites, Syrians Places Aphek, Damascus, Samaria, Syria Outline 1. Ben-Hadad, not content with Ahab's homage, besieges Samaria 13. By the direction of a prophet, the Syrians are slain 22. As the prophet forewarned Ahab, the Syrians come against him in Aphek 28. By the word of the prophet, and God's judgment, the Syrians are smitten again 31. The Syrians submit; Ahab sends Ben-Hadad away with a covenant 35. The prophet, under the parable of a prisoner, 39. making Ahab judge himself, denounces God's judgment against him Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |