People, Places, Outline Elijah Flees Jezebel; Elisha Called People Abel, Ahab, Aram, Elijah, Elisha, Hazael, Israelites, Jehu, Jezebel, Nimshi, Shaphat Places Abel-meholah, Beersheba, Damascus, Horeb, Jezreel, Syria Outline 1. Elijah, threatened by Jezebel, flees to Beersheba 4. In the desert, being weary of his life, he is comforted by an angel 9. At Horeb God appears unto him, sending him to anoint Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha 19. Elisha, taking leave of his friends, follows Elijah Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |