Psalm 82:3
Psalm 82:3
Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.

"Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.

Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.

Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute.

Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

Provide justice for the needy and the fatherless; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.

"Defend the poor and the fatherless. Vindicate the afflicted and the poor.

Defend the cause of the poor and the fatherless! Vindicate the oppressed and suffering!

Judge the orphans and the afflicted and justify the poor and the meek.

Defend weak people and orphans. Protect the rights of the oppressed and the poor.

Do right concerning the poor and fatherless; do justice to the poor and destitute.

Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

Judge the poor and fatherless: Do justice to the afflicted and destitute.

Judge for the needy and fatherless: do justice to the humble and the poor.

Judge the poor and the fatherless, do justice to the afflicted and the destitute;

Judge the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and destitute.

Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

"Defend the weak, the poor, and the fatherless. Maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.

Judge ye the weak and fatherless, The afflicted and the poor declare righteous.

Psalmet 82:3
Mbroni të dobëtin dhe jetimin, sigurojini drejtësi të vuajturit dhe të varfërit.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 82:3
‎اقضوا للذليل ولليتيم. انصفوا المسكين والبائس‎.

D Sälm 82:3
Schafftß Recht yn n Pfrengling, und yn n Waisn raeumtß aus; schaugtß bei dyr Reichnung auf de Elendn aau!

Псалми 82:3
Съдете [справедливо] сиромаха и сирачето; Отдавайте правото на оскърбения и бедния.

詩 篇 82:3
你 們 當 為 貧 寒 的 人 和 孤 兒 伸 冤 ; 當 為 困 苦 和 窮 乏 的 人 施 行 公 義 。

你 们 当 为 贫 寒 的 人 和 孤 儿 伸 冤 ; 当 为 困 苦 和 穷 乏 的 人 施 行 公 义 。



Psalm 82:3
Štitite slaba i sirotu, vratite pravicu jadniku i siromahu!

Žalmů 82:3
Zastávejte bídného a sirotka, utištěného a chudého spravedliva vyhlašujte.

Salme 82:3
Skaf de ringe og faderløse Ret, kend de arme og nødstedte fri;

Psalmen 82:3
Doet recht den arme en den wees; rechtvaardigt den verdrukte en den arme.

תהילים 82:3
שִׁפְטוּ־דַ֥ל וְיָתֹ֑ום עָנִ֖י וָרָ֣שׁ הַצְדִּֽיקוּ׃

ג שפטו-דל ויתום  עני ורש הצדיקו

שפטו־דל ויתום עני ורש הצדיקו׃

Zsoltárok 82:3
Ítéljetek a szegénynek és árvának; a nyomorultnak és elnyomottnak adjatok igazságot!

La psalmaro 82:3
Estu justaj al malricxulo kaj orfo; Rilate afliktiton kaj senhavulon estu virtaj.

Tehkää oikeus köyhälle ja orvolle, ja auttakaat raadolliset ja vaivaiset oikeudelle.

Psaume 82:3
Faites droit au misérable et à l'orphelin, faites justice à l'affligé et au nécessiteux.

Rendez justice au faible et à l'orphelin, Faites droit au malheureux et au pauvre,

Faites droit à celui qu'on opprime, et à l'orphelin; faites justice à l'affligé et au pauvre;

Psalm 82:3
Schaffet Recht dem Armen und dem Waisen und helfet dem Elenden und Dürftigen zum Recht!

Schaffet Recht dem Armen und dem Waisen und helfet dem Elenden und Dürftigen zum Recht.

Führt die Sache der Geringen und Verwaisten; den Elenden und Dürftigen helft zum Recht!

Salmi 82:3
Fate ragione al misero e all’orfano, rendete giustizia all’afflitto e al povero!

Fate ragione al misero ed all’orfano; Fate diritto all’afflitto ed al povero.

Benarkanlah hal orang miskin dan anak piatu; benarkanlah orang yang teraniaya lagi papa;

시편 82:3
가난한 자와 고아를 위하여 판단하며 곤란한 자와 빈궁한 자에게 공의를 베풀지며

Psalmi 82:3
(81-3) iudicate pauperi et pupillo egeno et inopi iuste facite

Psalmynas 82:3
Ginkite vargšus ir našlaičius, beturčių ir paniekintųjų saugokite teises.

Psalm 82:3
Whakatikaia ta te ware, ta te pani: kia tika te whakawa mo te ngakau mamae, mo te rawakore.

Salmenes 82:3
Døm den ringe og farløse, la den elendige og fattige få sin rett!

Salmos 82:3
Defended al débil y al huérfano; haced justicia al afligido y al menesteroso.

Defiendan al débil y al huérfano; Hagan justicia al afligido y al menesteroso.

Defended al pobre y al huérfano; haced justicia al afligido y al menesteroso.

Defended al pobre y al huérfano: Haced justicia al afligido y al menesteroso.

Haced derecho al pobre y al huérfano; haced justicia al pobre y al menesteroso.

Salmos 82:3
Sede juízes para o desvalido e órfão, fazei justiça ao mísero e ao indigente;

Fazei justiça ao pobre e ao órfão; procedei retamente com o aflito e o desamparado.   

Psalmi 82:3
Faceţi dreptate celui slab şi orfanului, daţi dreptate nenorocitului şi săracului,

Псалтирь 82:3
(81:3) Давайте суд бедному и сироте; угнетенному и нищему оказывайте справедливость;

(81-3) Давайте суд бедному и сироте; угнетенному и нищему оказывайте справедливость;[]

Psaltaren 82:3
Skaffen den arme och faderlöse rätt, given den betryckte och torftige rättvisa.

Psalm 82:3
Hatulan mo ang dukha at ulila: gawan mo ng kaganapan ang napipighati at walang nagkakandili.

เพลงสดุดี 82:3
จงให้ความยุติธรรมแก่คนยากจนและกำพร้าพ่อ จงดำรงสิทธิของผู้ที่ทุกข์ยากและคนขัดสน

Mezmurlar 82:3
Zayıfın, öksüzün davasını savunun,
Mazlumun, yoksulun hakkını arayın.[]

Thi-thieân 82:3
Hãy đoán xét kẻ khốn cùng và ngươi mồ côi; Hãy xử công bình cho người buồn rầu và kẻ túng ngặt.

Psalm 82:2
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