Psalm 75:1
Psalm 75:1
For the director of music. To the tune of "Do Not Destroy." A psalm of Asaph. A song. We praise you, God, we praise you, for your Name is near; people tell of your wonderful deeds.

For the choir director: A psalm of Asaph. A song to be sung to the tune "Do Not Destroy!" We thank you, O God! We give thanks because you are near. People everywhere tell of your wonderful deeds.

To the choirmaster: according to Do Not Destroy. A Psalm of Asaph. A Song. We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near. We recount your wondrous deeds.

For the choir director; set to Al-tashheth. A Psalm of Asaph, a Song. We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks, For Your name is near; Men declare Your wondrous works.

To the chief Musician, Altaschith, A Psalm or Song of Asaph. Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare.

For the choir director: "Do Not Destroy." A psalm of Asaph. A song. We give thanks to You, God; we give thanks to You, for Your name is near. People tell about Your wonderful works."

We praise you, God! We praise you —your presence draws near— as we declare your wonderful deeds.

For the music director; according to the al-tashcheth style; a psalm of Asaph; a song. We give thanks to you, O God! We give thanks! You reveal your presence; people tell about your amazing deeds.

We praise you, oh God, we praise you, and we call upon your Name; we have narrated all your wonders.

[For the choir director; [al tashcheth]; a psalm by Asaph; a song.] We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks. You are present, and your miracles confirm that.

Unto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks, for that thy name is near, thy wondrous works declare.

Unto you, O God, do we give thanks, unto you do we give thanks: for that your name is near, your wondrous works declare.

To you, O God, do we give thanks, to you do we give thanks: for that your name is near your wondrous works declare.

We give thanks unto thee, O God; We give thanks, for thy name is near: Men tell of thy wondrous works.

Unto the end, corrupt not, a psalm of a canticle for Asaph. We will praise thee, O God: we will praise, and we will call upon thy name. We will relate thy wondrous works:

{To the chief Musician. 'Destroy not.' A Psalm of Asaph: a Song.} Unto thee we give thanks, O God, we give thanks; and thy name is near: thy marvellous works declare it.

For the Chief Musician; set to Al-tashheth. A Psalm of Asaph, a Song. We give thanks unto thee, O God; we give thanks, for thy name is near: men tell of thy wondrous works.

To the chief Musician, Al-taschith, A Psalm or Song of Asaph. To thee, O God, do we give thanks, to thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near, thy wondrous works declare.

We give thanks to you, God. We give thanks, for your Name is near. Men tell about your wondrous works.

To the Overseer. -- 'Destroy not.' -- A Psalm of Asaph. -- A Song. We have given thanks to Thee, O God, We have given thanks, and near is Thy name, They have recounted Thy wonders.

Psalmet 75:1
Ne të lëvdojmë, o Perëndi, ne të lëvdojmë, sepse emri yt na është i afërt; njeriu tregon mrekullitë e tua.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 75:1
لامام المغنين. على لا تهلك. مزمور لآساف. تسبيحة‎. ‎نحمدك يا الله نحمدك واسمك قريب. يحدثون بعجائبك‎.

D Sälm 75:1
Für n Stenger: Naach dyr Weis "Zstür dös nit!" Ayn Salmlied von n Äsäf: [2] Mir wollnd, o Herrgot, di lobpreisn, denn auskünddt ghoert dein Wunderwerch.

Псалми 75:1
(По слав. 74). За първия певец, [по] не Разорявай, Асафов псалом. Песен. Славословим Те, Боже, славословим; И е близо [при нас явлението на] името Ти; разгласяват се чудесните Ти дела.

詩 篇 75:1
( 亞 薩 的 詩 歌 , 交 與 伶 長 。 調 用 休 要 毀 壞 。 )   神 啊 , 我 們 稱 謝 你 , 我 們 稱 謝 你 ! 因 為 你 的 名 相 近 , 人 都 述 說 你 奇 妙 的 作 為 。

( 亚 萨 的 诗 歌 , 交 与 伶 长 。 调 用 休 要 毁 坏 。 )   神 啊 , 我 们 称 谢 你 , 我 们 称 谢 你 ! 因 为 你 的 名 相 近 , 人 都 述 说 你 奇 妙 的 作 为 。



Psalm 75:1
Zborovođi. Po napjevu Ne razori! Psalam. Asafov. Pjesma. (1a) Slavimo te, Bože, slavimo i zazivamo ime tvoje, pripovijedamo čudesa tvoja.

Žalmů 75:1
Přednímu z kantorů, jako: Nezahlazuj, žalm Azafův, a píseň. (1a) Oslavujeme tě, Bože, oslavujeme; nebo že jest blízké jméno tvé, vypravují to předivní skutkové tvoji.

Salme 75:1
Til Sangmesteren. Al-tasjhet. En Salme af Asaf. En Sang. (2) Vi takker dig, Gud, vi takker dig; de, der paakalder dit Navn, fortæller dine Undere.

Psalmen 75:1
Voor den opperzangmeester, Altascheth; een psalm, een lied, voor Asaf. (1a) Wij loven U, o God; wij loven, dat Uw Naam nabij is; men vertelt Uw wonderen.

תהילים 75:1
לַמְנַצֵּ֥חַ אַל־תַּשְׁחֵ֑ת מִזְמֹ֖ור לְאָסָ֣ף שִֽׁיר׃ הֹ֘ודִ֤ינוּ לְּךָ֨ ׀ אֱ‍ֽלֹהִ֗ים הֹ֭ודִינוּ וְקָרֹ֣וב שְׁמֶ֑ךָ סִ֝פְּר֗וּ נִפְלְאֹותֶֽיךָ׃

א למנצח אל-תשחת מזמור לאסף שיר ב הודינו לך אלהים--הודינו וקרוב שמך  ספרו נפלאותיך

למנצח אל־תשחת מזמור לאסף שיר׃ הודינו לך ׀ א‍להים הודינו וקרוב שמך ספרו נפלאותיך׃

Zsoltárok 75:1
Az éneklõmesternek, az altashétre, Aszáf zsoltára, ének. (1a) Tisztelünk téged, oh Isten, tisztelünk; neved közel van, hirdetik csodatetteid.

La psalmaro 75:1
Al la hxorestro. Por Al-tasxhxet. Psalmo de Asaf. Kanto. Ni gloras Vin, ho Dio, ni gloras Vin; Proksima estas Via nomo; Oni rakontas Viajn miraklojn.

Asaphin Psalmi ja veisu, ettei hän hukkunut, edelläveisaajalle. (H75:2) Me kiitämme sinua, ja ilmoitamme ihmeitäs, että sinun nimes on niin läsnä.

Psaume 75:1
Nous te célébrons, ô Dieu! nous te célébrons, et ton nom est proche: tes merveilles le racontent.

Au chef des chantres. Ne détruis pas. Psaume d'Asaph. Cantique. Nous te louons, ô Dieu! nous te louons; Ton nom est dans nos bouches; Nous publions tes merveilles.

Psaume d'Asaph, Cantique [donné] au maître chantre, [pour le chanter] sur Altasheth. Ô Dieu! nous t'avons célébré; nous t'avons célébré; et ton Nom était près de nous; on a raconté tes merveilles.

Psalm 75:1
Ein Psalm und Lied Assaphs, daß er nicht umkäme, vorzusingen.

Ein Psalm und Lied Asaphs, daß er nicht umkäme, vorzusingen. Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir und verkündigen deine Wunder, daß dein Name so nahe ist.

Dem Musikmeister, "verdirb nicht!" Ein Psalm Asaphs. Ein Lied. 2 Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken, und die deinen Namen anrufen, verkündigen deine Wunder.

Salmi 75:1
Per il Capo de’ musici. "Non distruggere". Salmo di Asaf. Canto. Noi ti celebriamo, o Dio, ti celebriamo; quelli che invocano il tuo nome narrano le tue maraviglie.

Salmo di cantico di Asaf, dato al capo de’ Musici, sopra Al-tashet. NOI ti celebriamo, noi ti celebriamo, o Dio; Perciocchè il tuo Nome è vicino; L’uomo racconta le tue maraviglie.

Mazmur Asaf; suatu nyanyian bagi biduan besar, pada Altasyet. (1a) Bahwa kami memuji, ya Allah! kami memuji akan Dikau, karena nama-Mu adalah hampir dan segala perbuatan-Mu yang ajaib diceriterakan oranglah.

시편 75:1
(아삽의 시. 영장으로 알다스헷에에 맞춘 노래) 하나님이여, 우리가 주께 감사하고 감사함은 주의 이름이 가까움이라 사람들이 주의 기사를 전파하나이다

Psalmi 75:1
(74-4) dissolvetur terra cum omnibus habitatoribus suis ego adpendi columnas eius semper

Psalmynas 75:1
Dėkojame Tau, Dieve, dėkojame! Kurie šaukiasi Tavo vardo, pasakoja nuostabius Tavo darbus.

Psalm 75:1
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Aratakiti. He himene, he waiata na Ahapa. Ka whakawhetai tonu matou ki a koe, e te Atua; ka whakawhetai tonu matou, kei te tata mai hoki tou ingoa: e korerotia ana e te tangata au mahi whakamiharo.

Salmenes 75:1
Til sangmesteren; Forderv ikke*; en salme av Asaf; en sang.

Salmos 75:1
Te damos gracias, oh Dios, te damos gracias, pues cercano está tu nombre; los hombres declaran tus maravillas.

Para el director del coro; según tonada de "No Destruyas." Salmo de Asaf. Cántico. Te damos gracias, oh Dios, Te damos gracias, Pues cercano está Tu nombre; Los hombres declaran Tus maravillas.

«Al Músico principal: sobre No destruyas: Salmo de Asaf: Cántico» Te damos gracias, oh Dios, gracias te damos; porque cercano está tu nombre: Tus maravillas declaramos.

Al Músico principal: sobre No destruyas: Salmo de Asaph: Cántico. ALABARÉMOSTE, oh Dios, alabaremos; Que cercano está tu nombre: Cuenten tus maravillas.

Al Vencedor: sobre No destruyas: Salmo de Asaf: Canción. Te alabaremos, oh Dios, alabaremos; que cercano está tu Nombre; cuenten tus maravillas.

Salmos 75:1
Ao mestre do coro, de acordo com a melodia Não Destruas. Um salmo e cântico da família de Asafe. Nós te exaltamos, ó Eterno; graças a ti rendemos, e sentimos a proximidade de tua presença; todos proclamam os teus feitos maravilhosos.

Damos-te graças, ó Deus, damos-te graças, pois o teu nome está perto; os que invocam o teu nome anunciam as tuas maravilhas.   

Psalmi 75:1
(Către mai marele cîntăreţilor. ,,Nu nimici.`` Un psalm al lui Asaf. O cîntare.) Te lăudăm, Dumnezeule, Te lăudăm; noi, cari chemăm Numele Tău, vestim minunile Tale!

Псалтирь 75:1
(74:1) Начальнику хора. Не погуби. Псалом Асафа. Песнь. (74:2) Славим Тебя, Боже, славим, ибо близко имя Твое; возвещают чудеса Твои.

(74-1) ^^Начальнику хора. Не погуби. Псалом Асафа. Песнь.^^ (74-2) Славим Тебя, Боже, славим, ибо близко имя Твое; возвещают чудеса Твои.[]

Psaltaren 75:1
För sångmästaren; »Fördärva icke»; en psalm, en sång av Asaf. (1a) Vi tacka dig, o Gud, vi tacka dig. Ditt namn är oss nära; man förtäljer dina under.

Psalm 75:1
Kami ay nagpapasalamat sa iyo, Oh Dios: kami ay nagpapasalamat, sapagka't ang iyong pangalan ay malapit: isinasaysay ng mga tao ang iyong mga kagilagilalas na gawa.

เพลงสดุดี 75:1
ข้าแต่พระเจ้า ข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายขอโมทนาพระองค์ ข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายขอโมทนาพระองค์ เพราะบรรดาพระราชกิจมหัศจรรย์ของพระองค์ประกาศว่าพระนามของพระองค์อยู่ใกล้

Mezmurlar 75:1
Sana şükrederiz, ey Tanrı,
Şükrederiz, çünkü sen yakınsın,
Harikaların bunu gösterir.[]

Thi-thieân 75:1
Hỡi Ðức Chúa Trời, chúng tôi cảm tạ Chúa; Chúng tôi cảm tạ vì danh Chúa ở gần: Người ta thuật lại công việc lạ lùng của Chúa.

Psalm 74:23
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