Psalm 55:12
Psalm 55:12
If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were rising against me, I could hide.

It is not an enemy who taunts me--I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me--I could have hidden from them.

For it is not an enemy who taunts me— then I could bear it; it is not an adversary who deals insolently with me— then I could hide from him.

For it is not an enemy who reproaches me, Then I could bear it; Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me, Then I could hide myself from him.

For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

Now it is not an enemy who insults me-- otherwise I could bear it; it is not a foe who rises up against me-- otherwise I could hide from him.

For it is not an enemy who insults me— I could have handled that— nor is it someone who hates me and who now arises against me— I could have hidden myself from him—

Indeed, it is not an enemy who insults me, or else I could bear it; it is not one who hates me who arrogantly taunts me, or else I could hide from him.

For it was not my enemy reproaching me that I may endure, neither one hating me who was lifted up against me, that I would hide from him.

If an enemy had insulted me, then I could bear it. If someone who hated me had attacked me, then I could hide from him.

For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it, neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

For it was not an enemy that reproached me; Then I could have borne it: Neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; Then I would have hid myself from him:

For if my enemy had reviled me, I would verily have borne with it. And if he that hated me had spoken great things against me, I would perhaps have hidden myself from him.

For it is not an enemy that hath reproached me then could I have borne it; neither is it he that hateth me that hath magnified himself against me then would I have hidden myself from him;

For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that magnified himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

For it was not an enemy who insulted me, then I could have endured it. Neither was it he who hated me who raised himself up against me, then I would have hidden myself from him.

For an enemy reproacheth me not, or I bear it, He who is hating me Hath not magnified himself against me, Or I hide from him.

Psalmet 55:12
Sepse nuk ka qenë një armiku im që tallej me mua, përndryshe do ta kisha duruar; nuk ka qenë një që më urrente ai që u ngrit kundër meje, ndryshe do t'i isha fshehur atij.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 55:12
‎لانه ليس عدو يعيرني فاحتمل. ليس مبغضي تعظم عليّ فاختبئ منه

D Sälm 55:12
Mi packt nit dyr Feind; ja, dös gäng ja non! Nit ayn Örbfeind ist s; mein, dann tauchet i unter halt.

Псалми 55:12
Понеже не беше неприятел, който ме укори,- Това бих претърпял,- Нито беше оня, що ме мразеше, който се подигна против мене,- Тогава бих се скрил от него;

詩 篇 55:12
原 來 不 是 仇 敵 辱 罵 我 , 若 是 仇 敵 , 還 可 忍 耐 ; 也 不 是 恨 我 的 人 向 我 狂 大 , 若 是 恨 我 的 人 就 必 躲 避 他 。

原 来 不 是 仇 敌 辱 骂 我 , 若 是 仇 敌 , 还 可 忍 耐 ; 也 不 是 恨 我 的 人 向 我 狂 大 , 若 是 恨 我 的 人 就 必 躲 避 他 。



Psalm 55:12
Da me pogrdio dušmanin, bio bih podnio; da se digao na me koji me mrzi, pred njim bih se sakrio.

Žalmů 55:12
Nebo ne nějaký nepřítel útržky mi činil, sic jinak snesl bych to; ani ten, kdož mne nenávidí, pozdvihl se proti mně, nebo skryl bych se před ním:

Salme 55:12
Det var ikke en Fjende, som haaned mig — det kunde bæres; min Uven ydmyged mig ej — ham kunde jeg undgaa;

Psalmen 55:12
Want het is geen vijand, die mij hoont, anders zou ik het hebben gedragen; het is mijn hater niet, die zich tegen mij groot maakt, anders zou ik mij voor hem verborgen hebben.

תהילים 55:12
כִּ֤י לֹֽא־אֹויֵ֥ב יְחָֽרְפֵ֗נִי וְאֶ֫שָּׂ֥א לֹֽא־מְ֭שַׂנְאִי עָלַ֣י הִגְדִּ֑יל וְאֶסָּתֵ֥ר מִמֶּֽנּוּ׃

יג כי לא-אויב יחרפני  ואשא לא-משנאי עלי הגדיל  ואסתר ממנו

כי לא־אויב יחרפני ואשא לא־משנאי עלי הגדיל ואסתר ממנו׃

Zsoltárok 55:12
Mert nem ellenség szidalmazott engem, hisz [azt] elszenvedném; nem gyûlölõm emelte fel magát ellenem, hiszen elrejtettem volna magamat az elõl:

La psalmaro 55:12
Ne malamiko min ja insultas-mi tion tolerus; Ne mia malamanto tenas sin grande kontraux mi-mi kasxus min de li;

Sillä jos minun vihamieheni häpäisis minua, sen minä kärsisin: ja jos minun vainoojani nousis minua vastaan, niin minä kätkisin itseni hänen edestänsä.

Psaume 55:12
Car ce n'est pas un ennemi qui m'a outragé, alors je l'aurais supporté; ce n'est point celui qui me hait, qui s'est élevé orgueilleusement contre moi, alors je me serais caché de lui;

Ce n'est pas un ennemi qui m'outrage, je le supporterais; Ce n'est pas mon adversaire qui s'élève contre moi, Je me cacherais devant lui.

Car ce n'est pas mon ennemi qui m'a diffamé, autrement je l'eusse souffert; [ce] n'est point celui qui m'a en haine qui s'est élevé contre moi, autrement je me fusse caché de lui.

Psalm 55:12
Schadentun regieret drinnen, Lügen und Trügen läßt nicht von ihrer Gasse.

Wenn mich doch mein Feind schändete, wollte ich's leiden; und wenn mein Hasser wider mich pochte, wollte ich mich vor ihm verbergen.

Denn nicht ein Feind lästert mich - das wollte ich ertragen -, nicht einer, der mich haßt, thut groß wider mich - vor ihm wollte ich mich bergen -,

Salmi 55:12
Poiché non è stato un nemico che mi ha fatto vituperio; altrimenti, l’avrei comportato; non è stato uno che m’odiasse a levarmisi contro; altrimenti, mi sarei nascosto da lui;

Perciocchè non è stato un mio nemico che mi ha fatto vituperio; Altrimenti, io l’avrei comportato; Non è stato uno che mi avesse in odio che si è levato contro a me; Altrimenti, io mi sarei nascosto da lui.

MAZMUR 55:12
Sesungguhnya bukan seteru adanya yang menghinakan daku, jikalau demikian bolehlah aku menyabarkan dia, dan bukannya orang pembenci yang berbangkit melawan aku, jikalau kiranya demikian bolehlah aku menyembunyikan diriku dari padanya.

시편 55:12
나를 책망한 자가 원수가 아니라 원수일진대 내가 참았으리라 나를 대하여 자기를 높이는 자가 나를 미워하는 자가 아니라 미워하는 자일진대 내가 그를 피하여 숨었으리라

Psalmi 55:12
(54-13) non enim inimicus exprobravit mihi ut sustineam neque is qui me oderat super me magnificatus est ut abscondar ab eo

Psalmynas 55:12
Jei priešas mane užgauliotų, galėčiau pakęsti. Jei tas, kuris nekenčia manęs, prieš mane pakiltų, pasislėpčiau nuo jo.

Psalm 55:12
Ehara hoki i te hoariri nana ahau i tawai; penei e taea e ahau te whakaririka: ehara hoki i te hoa whawhai noku i whakakake ki ahau; penei kua piri ahau, kei kitea e ia.

Salmenes 55:12
For ikke er det en fiende som håner mig, ellers vilde jeg bære det; ikke er det min avindsmann som ophøier sig over mig, ellers vilde jeg skjule mig for ham;

Salmos 55:12
Porque no es un enemigo el que me reprocha, si así fuera, podría soportar lo; ni es uno que me odia el que se ha alzado contra mí, si así fuera, podría ocultarme de él;

Porque no es un enemigo el que me reprocha, Si así fuera, podría soportarlo; Ni es uno que me odia el que se ha alzado contra mí, Si así fuera, podría ocultarme de él;

Porque no me afrentó un enemigo, lo cual habría soportado; ni se alzó contra mí el que me aborrecía, porque me hubiera ocultado de él:

Porque no me afrentó un enemigo, Lo cual habría soportado; Ni se alzó contra mí el que me aborrecía, Porque me hubiera ocultado de él:

Porque no me afrentó un enemigo, lo cual habría soportado; ni el que me aborrecía se engrandeció contra mí, porque me hubiera escondido de él;

Salmos 55:12
Não é apenas um simples inimigo que me insulta – eu o suportaria – não é um adversário que se levanta contra minha pessoa – eu dele me defenderia –

Pois não é um inimigo que me afronta, então eu poderia suportá-lo; nem é um adversário que se exalta contra mim, porque dele poderia esconder-me;   

Psalmi 55:12
Nu un vrăjmaş mă batjocoreşte, căci aş suferi: nu protivnicul meu se ridică împotriva mea, căci m'aş ascunde dinaintea lui.

Псалтирь 55:12
(54:13) ибо не враг поносит меня, – это я перенес бы; не ненавистник мой величается надо мною, - от него я укрылся бы;

(54-13) ибо не враг поносит меня, --это я перенес бы; не ненавистник мой величается надо мною, --от него я укрылся бы;[]

Psaltaren 55:12
Se, det är icke en fiende som smädar mig, det kunde jag fördraga; det är icke min ovän som förhäver sig mot mig, för honom kunde jag gömma mig undan.

Psalm 55:12
Sapagka't hindi kaaway ang dumuwahagi sa akin; akin nga sanang nabata: ni hindi rin ang nagtatanim sa akin ang nagmamalaki laban sa akin; nagtago nga sana ako sa kaniya:

เพลงสดุดี 55:12
มิใช่ศัตรูผู้เยาะเย้ยข้าพเจ้า ข้าพเจ้าจะได้ทนได้ มิใช่ผู้ที่เกลียดชังข้าพเจ้าผู้พองตัวใส่ข้าพเจ้า ข้าพเจ้าจะได้หลบเขาได้

Mezmurlar 55:12
Beni aşağılayan bir düşman olsaydı,
Bana küstahlık eden bir hasım olsaydı,

Thi-thieân 55:12
Vì chẳng kẻ thù nghịch sỉ nhục tôi; bằng vậy, tôi có thể chịu được; Cũng chẳng kẻ ghét tôi dấy lên cùng tôi cách kiêu ngạo; Bằng vậy, tôi đã có thể ấn mình khỏi nó.

Psalm 55:11
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