Psalm 35:10
Psalm 35:10
My whole being will exclaim, "Who is like you, LORD? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them."

With every bone in my body I will praise him: "LORD, who can compare with you? Who else rescues the helpless from the strong? Who else protects the helpless and poor from those who rob them?"

All my bones shall say, “O LORD, who is like you, delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him, the poor and needy from him who robs him?”

All my bones will say, "LORD, who is like You, Who delivers the afflicted from him who is too strong for him, And the afflicted and the needy from him who robs him?"

All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?

My very bones will say," LORD, who is like You, rescuing the poor from one too strong for him, the poor or the needy from one who robs him?"

All my bones will say, "LORD, who is like you? Who delivers the weak from the one who is stronger than he, and the weak and the needy from the one who wants to rob him?"

With all my strength I will say, "O LORD, who can compare to you? You rescue the oppressed from those who try to overpower them; the oppressed and needy from those who try to rob them."

And all my bones will say, “Lord Jehovah, who is like you? For you deliver the afflicted from his enemy, and the poor and the afflicted from him who plunders him by force.

All my bones will say, "O LORD, who can compare with you? You rescue the weak person from the one who is too strong for him and weak and needy people from the one who robs them."

All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like unto thee, who delivers the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoils him?

All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like unto you, who delivers the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that plunders him?

All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like to you, which deliver the poor from him that is too strong for him, yes, the poor and the needy from him that spoils him?

All my bones shall say, Jehovah, who is like unto thee, Who deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, Yea, the poor and the needy from him that robbeth him?

All my bones shall say : Lord, who is like to thee? Who deliverest the poor from the hand of them that are stronger than he; the needy and the poor from them that strip him.

All my bones shall say, Jehovah, who is like unto thee, who deliverest the afflicted from one stronger than he, yea, the afflicted and the needy from him that spoileth him!

All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like unto thee, which deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?

All my bones shall say, LORD, who is like thee, who deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, even the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?

All my bones shall say, "Yahweh, who is like you, who delivers the poor from him who is too strong for him; yes, the poor and the needy from him who robs him?"

All my bones say, 'Jehovah, who is like Thee, Delivering the poor from the stronger than he, And the poor and needy from his plunderer.'

Psalmet 35:10
Të gjitha kockat e mia do të thonë: "O Zot, kush është si ti, që e çliron të mjerin nga ai që është më i fortë se ai, të mjerin dhe nevojtarin nga ai që plaçkit?".

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 35:10
‎جميع عظامي تقول يا رب من مثلك المنقذ المسكين ممن هو اقوى منه والفقير والبائس من سالبه

D Sälm 35:10
I sag s und main s yso: "Trechtein, wer wär wie du? Schwache und Arme röttst aus Ruechn-, Schaecherhand."

Псалми 35:10
Всичките ми кости ще рекат; Господи, кой е подобен на Тебе, Който избавяш сиромаха от по-силния от него, Да! сиромаха и немощния от грабителя му?

詩 篇 35:10
我 的 骨 頭 都 要 說 : 耶 和 華 啊 , 誰 能 像 你 救 護 困 苦 人 脫 離 那 比 他 強 壯 的 , 救 護 困 苦 窮 乏 人 脫 離 那 搶 奪 他 的 ?

我 的 骨 头 都 要 说 : 耶 和 华 啊 , 谁 能 像 你 救 护 困 苦 人 脱 离 那 比 他 强 壮 的 , 救 护 困 苦 穷 乏 人 脱 离 那 抢 夺 他 的 ?



Psalm 35:10
Sve će kosti moje govoriti: Tko je, Jahve, poput tebe koji ubogog spasavaš od silnika, jadnika i siromaha od pljačkaša?

Žalmů 35:10
A tuť všecky kosti mé řeknou: Hospodine, kdo jest podobný tobě, ješto vytrhuješ ztrápeného z moci toho, kterýž nad něj silnější jest, tolikéž chudého a nuzného od toho, kterýž ho násilně loupí?

Salme 35:10
alle mine Ledemod sige: »HERRE, hvo er som du, du, som frelser den arme fra hans Overmand, den arme og fattige fra Røveren!«

Psalmen 35:10
Al mijn beenderen zullen zeggen: HEERE, wie is U gelijk! U, Die den ellendige redt van dien, die sterker is dan hij, en den ellendige en nooddruftige van zijn berover.

תהילים 35:10
כָּ֥ל עַצְמֹותַ֨י ׀ תֹּאמַרְנָה֮ יְהוָ֗ה מִ֥י כָ֫מֹ֥וךָ מַצִּ֣יל עָ֭נִי מֵחָזָ֣ק מִמֶּ֑נּוּ וְעָנִ֥י וְ֝אֶבְיֹ֗ון מִגֹּזְלֹֽו׃

י כל עצמותי תאמרנה--  יהוה מי כמוך מציל עני מחזק ממנו  ועני ואביון מגזלו

כל עצמותי ׀ תאמרנה יהוה מי כמוך מציל עני מחזק ממנו ועני ואביון מגזלו׃

Zsoltárok 35:10
Minden tetemem ezt mondja majd: Kicsoda olyan, mint te, Uram?! A ki megszabadítod a nyomorultat a nála erõsebbtõl, a szegényt és szûkölködõt az õ megrablójától.

La psalmaro 35:10
CXiuj miaj ostoj diros:Ho Eternulo, kiu egalas Vin, Kiu liberigas mizerulon de lia perfortanto, Mizerulon kaj malricxulon de lia rabanto?

Kaikki minun luuni sanokaan: Herra, kuka on sinun vertaises? sinä joka päästät nöyrän väkevämmän käsistä, raadollisen ja köyhän raatelialtansa.

Psaume 35:10
Tous mes os diront: Éternel! qui est comme toi, qui délivres l'affligé de celui qui est plus fort que lui, et l'affligé et le pauvre de celui qui les pille?

Tous mes os diront: Eternel! qui peut, comme toi, Délivrer le malheureux d'un plus fort que lui, Le malheureux et le pauvre de celui qui le dépouille?

Tous mes os diront : Eternel, qui est semblable à toi, qui délivres l'affligé [de la main] de celui qui est plus fort que lui, l'affligé, dis-je, et le pauvre, [de la main] de celui qui le pille?

Psalm 35:10
Alle meine Gebeine müssen sagen: HERR, wer ist deinesgleichen? Der du den Elenden errettest von dem, der ihm zu stark ist, und den Elenden und Armen von seinen Räubern.

Alle meine Gebeine müssen sagen: HERR, wer ist deinesgleichen? Der du den Elenden errettest von dem, der ihm zu stark ist, und den Elenden und Armen von seinen Räubern.

Alle meine Gebeine werden sprechen: "Jahwe, wer ist wie du? der den Elenden errettet von dem, der ihm zu stark ist, und den Elenden und Armen von dem, der ihn beraubt."

Salmi 35:10
Tutte le mie ossa diranno: O Eterno, chi è pari a te che liberi il misero da chi è più forte di lui, il misero e il bisognoso da chi lo spoglia?

Tutte le ossa mie diranno: O Signore, chi è pari a te, Che riscuoti il povero afflitto da chi è più forte di lui; Il povero afflitto, e il bisognoso, da chi lo spoglia?

MAZMUR 35:10
Segala yang padaku akan berkata demikian: Ya Tuhan! siapakah seperti Engkau, yang melepaskan orang lemah dari pada tangan orang yang kuat dari padanya, dan orang yang papa dan miskin dari pada orang yang merampas dia.

시편 35:10
내 모든 뼈가 이르기를 여호와와 같은 자 누구리요 그는 가난한 자를 그보다 강한 자에게서 건지시고 가난하고 궁핍한 자를 노략하는 자에게서 건지시는 이라 하리로다

Psalmi 35:10
(34-10) omnia ossa mea dicent Domine quis similis tui eruens inopem a validiore et pauperem et mendicum a violento

Psalmynas 35:10
Visi mano kaulai šauks: “Viešpatie, kas yra Tau lygus? Kas išlaisvina silpnąjį iš stipresnio už jį, vargšą iš plėšiko?”

Psalm 35:10
Ka ki katoa oku wheua, E Ihowa, ko wai te rite mou, mo te kaiwhakaora o te iti i te tangata e kaha ake ana i a ia, ae o te iti, o te rawakore i tona kaipahua?

Salmenes 35:10
alle mine ben skal si: Herre, hvem er som du, du som frir den elendige fra den som er ham for sterk, og den elendige og fattige fra den som plyndrer ham?

Salmos 35:10
Dirán todos mis huesos: SEÑOR, ¿quién como tú, que libras al afligido de aquel que es más fuerte que él, sí, al afligido y al necesitado de aquel que lo despoja?

Dirán todos mis huesos: "SEÑOR, ¿quién como Tú, Que libras al afligido de aquél que es más fuerte que él, Sí, al afligido y al necesitado de aquél que lo despoja?"

Todos mis huesos dirán: Jehová, ¿quién como tú, que libras al afligido del más fuerte que él, y al pobre y menesteroso del que le despoja?

Todos mis huesos dirán: Jehová, ¿quién como tú, Que libras al afligido del más fuerte que él, Y al pobre y menesteroso del que le despoja?

Todos mis huesos dirán: SEÑOR, ¿quién como tú, que libras al pobre del más fuerte que él, y al pobre y menesteroso del que le despoja?

Salmos 35:10
Proclamarei ao mundo, de corpo e alma: Quem poderá se assemelhar a ti, ó SENHOR?

Todos os meus ossos dirão: Ó Senhor, quem é como tu, que livras o fraco daquele que é mais forte do que ele? sim, o pobre e o necessitado, daquele que o rouba.   

Psalmi 35:10
Toate oasele mele vor zice: ,,Doamne, cine poate, ca Tine, să scape pe cel nenorocit de unul mai tare de cît el, pe cel nenorocit şi sărac de cel ce -l jăfuieşte?``

Псалтирь 35:10
(34:10) Все кости мои скажут: „Господи! кто подобен Тебе, избавляющему слабого от сильного, бедного и нищего от грабителя его?"

(34-10) Все кости мои скажут: `Господи! кто подобен Тебе, избавляющему слабого от сильного, бедного и нищего от грабителя его?`[]

Psaltaren 35:10
Alla ben i min kropp skola säga: »HERRE, vem är dig lik, du som räddar den betryckte från den som är honom för stark, den betryckte och fattige ifrån den som plundrar honom?»

Psalm 35:10
Lahat ng aking mga buto ay magsasabi, Panginoon, sino ang gaya mo, na inililigtas ang dukha doon sa totoong malakas kay sa kaniya, Oo, ang dukha at ang mapagkailangan sa sumasamsam sa kaniya?

เพลงสดุดี 35:10
กระดูกทั้งสิ้นของข้าพระองค์จะกล่าวว่า "ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ มีผู้ใดเหมือนพระองค์ พระองค์ผู้ทรงช่วยคนยากจนให้พ้นจากผู้ที่เข้มแข็งเกินกำลังของเขา คนยากจนและคนขัดสนจากผู้ที่ปล้นเขา"

Mezmurlar 35:10
Bütün varlığımla şöyle diyeceğim:
‹‹Senin gibisi var mı, ya RAB,
Mazlumu zorbanın elinden,
Mazlumu ve yoksulu soyguncudan kurtaran?››[]

Thi-thieân 35:10
Các xương cốt tôi sẽ nói: Hỡi Ðức Giê-hô-va, Ngài giải cứu người khốn cùng khỏi kẻ mạnh hơn người, Cứu người khốn cùng và kẻ thiếu thốn khỏi đứa cướp lột: Vậy, có ai giống như Ngài chăng?

Psalm 35:9
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