Numbers 26:20
Numbers 26:20
The descendants of Judah by their clans were: through Shelah, the Shelanite clan; through Perez, the Perezite clan; through Zerah, the Zerahite clan.

These were the clans descended from Judah's surviving sons: The Shelanite clan, named after their ancestor Shelah. The Perezite clan, named after their ancestor Perez. The Zerahite clan, named after their ancestor Zerah.

And the sons of Judah according to their clans were: of Shelah, the clan of the Shelanites; of Perez, the clan of the Perezites; of Zerah, the clan of the Zerahites.

The sons of Judah according to their families were: of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites; of Perez, the family of the Perezites; of Zerah, the family of the Zerahites.

And the sons of Judah after their families were; of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites: of Pharez, the family of the Pharzites: of Zerah, the family of the Zarhites.

Judah's descendants by their clans: the Shelanite clan from Shelah; the Perezite clan from Perez; the Zerahite clan from Zerah.

The descendants of Judah, listed according to their families, included: From Shelah, the family of the descendants of Shelah; from Perez, the family of the descendants of Perez; and from Zerah, the family of the descendants of Zerah.

And the Judahites by their families were: from Shelah, the family of the Shelahites; from Perez, the family of the Perezites; and from Zerah, the family of the Zerahites.

The families descended from [Judah] were the family of Shelah, the family of Perez, and the family of Zerah.

And the sons of Judah by their families: of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites; of Pharez, the family of the Pharzites; of Zerah, the family of the Zarhites.

And the sons of Judah after their families were; of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites: of Perez, the family of the Perezites: of Zerah, the family of the Zerahites.

And the sons of Judah after their families were; of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites: of Pharez, the family of the Pharzites: of Zerah, the family of the Zarhites.

And the sons of Judah after their families were: of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites; of Perez, the family of the Perezites; of Zerah, the family of the Zerahites.

And the sons of Juda by their kindreds were: Sela, of whom is the family of the Selaites: Phares, of whom is the family of the Pharesites: Zare, of whom is the family of the Zarites.

And the sons of Judah, after their families: of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites; of Pherez, the family of the Pharzites; of Zerah, the family of the Zarhites.

And the sons of Judah after their families were; of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites: of Perez, the family of the Perezites: of Zerah, the family of the Zerahites.

And the sons of Judah after their families were; of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites: of Pharez, the family of the Pharezites: of Zerah, the family of the Zarhites.

The sons of Judah after their families were: of Shelah, the family of the Shelanites; of Perez, the family of the Perezites; of Zerah, the family of the Zerahites.

And sons of Judah, by their families, are: of Shelah the family of the Shelanite; of Pharez the family of the Pharzite; of Zerah the family of the Zarhite;

Numrat 26:20
Bijtë e Judës simbas familjeve të tyre qenë: nga Shelahu, familja e Shelanitëve; nga Peretsi, familja e Peretsitëve; nga Zerahu, familja e Zerahitëve.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 26:20
فكان بنو يهوذا حسب عشائرهم لشيلة عشيرة الشيليين. ولفارص عشيرة الفارصيين. ولزارح عشيرة الزارحيين.

De Zalrach 26:20
Zo Juden gaghoernd d Sippnen von n Schelenn, Perez und Serach.

Числа 26:20
А юдейците по семействата си бяха; от Села, семейството на Селаевците; от Фареса, семейството на Фаресовците; от Зара, семейството на Заровците.

民 數 記 26:20
按 著 家 族 , 猶 大 其 餘 的 眾 子 : 屬 示 拉 的 , 有 示 拉 族 ; 屬 法 勒 斯 的 , 有 法 勒 斯 族 ; 屬 謝 拉 的 , 有 謝 拉 族 。

按 着 家 族 , 犹 大 其 馀 的 众 子 : 属 示 拉 的 , 有 示 拉 族 ; 属 法 勒 斯 的 , 有 法 勒 斯 族 ; 属 谢 拉 的 , 有 谢 拉 族 。



Numbers 26:20
Sinovi Judini po svojim rodovima bijahu: od Šele rod Šelinaca; od Peresa rod Peresovaca i od Zeraha rod Zerahovaca.

Numeri 26:20
Byli pak synové Judovi po čeledech svých: Séla, z něhož čeled Sélanitská; Fáres, z něhož čeled Fáresská; Zára, z něhož čeled Záretská.

4 Mosebog 26:20
Judas Sønners Slægter var følgende: Fra Sjela stammer Sjelaniternes Slægt, fra Perez Pereziternes Slægt og fra Zera Zeraiternes Slægt;

Numberi 26:20
Alzo waren de zonen van Juda naar hun geslachten: van Sela het geslacht der Selanieten; van Perez het geslacht der Perezieten; van Zerah het geslacht der Zerahieten.

במדבר 26:20
וַיִּהְי֣וּ בְנֵי־יְהוּדָה֮ לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָם֒ לְשֵׁלָ֗ה מִשְׁפַּ֙חַת֙ הַשֵּׁ֣לָנִ֔י לְפֶ֕רֶץ מִשְׁפַּ֖חַת הַפַּרְצִ֑י לְזֶ֕רַח מִשְׁפַּ֖חַת הַזַּרְחִֽי׃

כ ויהיו בני יהודה למשפחתם--לשלה משפחת השלני לפרץ משפחת הפרצי לזרח משפחת הזרחי

ויהיו בני־יהודה למשפחתם לשלה משפחת השלני לפרץ משפחת הפרצי לזרח משפחת הזרחי׃

4 Mózes 26:20
Júda fiai pedig az õ nemzetségeik szerint [ezek] valának: Séláhtól a Séláhiták nemzetsége, Pérecztõl a Pérecziták nemzetsége, Zerákhtól a Zerákhiták nemzetsége.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 26:20
Kaj la filoj de Jehuda laux iliaj familioj estis:de SXela, la familio de la SXelaidoj; de Perec, la familio de la Perecidoj; de Zerahx, la familio de la Zerahxidoj.

Ja Juudan lapset heidän sukukunnissansa olivat: Sela, hänestä Selanilaisten sukukunta: Perets, hänestä Peretsiläisten sukukunta: Sera, hänestä Seralaisten sukukunta:

Nombres 26:20
Et les fils de Juda, selon leurs familles: de Shéla, la famille des Shélanites; de Pérets, la famille des Partsites; de Zérakh, la famille des Zarkhites.

Voici les fils de Juda, selon leurs familles: de Schéla descend la famille des Schélanites; de Pérets, la famille des Péretsites; de Zérach, la famille des Zérachites.

Ainsi les enfants de Juda [distingués] par leurs familles, furent, de Séla, la famille des Sélanites ; de Pharès, la famille des Pharésites; de Zara, la famille des Zarhites.

4 Mose 26:20
Es waren aber die Kinder Judas in ihren Geschlechtern: Sela, daher das Geschlecht der Selaniter kommt; Perez, daher das Geschlecht der Pereziter kommt; Serah, daher das Geschlecht der Serahiter kommt.

Es waren aber die Kinder Juda's in ihren Geschlechtern: Sela, daher das Geschlecht der Selaniter kommt; Perez, daher das Geschlecht der Pereziter kommt; Serah, daher das Geschlecht der Serahiter kommt.

Es waren aber die Geschlechter der Söhne Judas: von Sela das Geschlecht der Selaniter, von Perez das Geschlecht der Pereziter, von Serah das Geschlecht der Serahiter.

Numeri 26:20
Ecco i figliuoli di Giuda secondo le loro famiglie: da Scelah discende la famiglia degli Shelaniti; da Perets, la famiglia dei Peretsiti; da Zerach, la famiglia dei Zerachiti.

E i figliuoli di Giuda, distinti per le lor nazioni, furono, di Sela, la nazione de’ Selaniti; di Fares, la nazione de’ Farsiti; di Zara, la nazione degli Zariti.

Maka sebab itu anak-anak laki-laki Yehuda seturut bangsanya, yaitu dari Syela turunlah bangsa Syelani, dari Paris turunlah bangsa Parisi, dari Zerah turunlah bangsa Zerahi.

민수기 26:20
유다의 자손은 그 종족대로 이러하니 셀라에게서 난 셀라 가족과, 베레스에게서 난 베레스 가족과, 세라에게서 난 세라 가족이며

Numeri 26:20
fueruntque filii Iuda per cognationes suas Sela a quo familia Selanitarum Phares a quo familia Pharesitarum Zare a quo familia Zareitarum

Skaièiø knyga 26:20
Kitų Judo sūnų šeimos: Šelos­šelai, Pereco­perecai, Zeracho­zerachai.

Numbers 26:20
A, ko nga tama a Hura, i o ratou hapu; na Heraha, ko te hapu o nga Herani: na Parete, ko te hapu o nga Pareti: na Tera, ko te hapu o nga Terahi.

4 Mosebok 26:20
Og Judas barn var efter sine ætter: Fra Sela selanittenes ætt, fra Peres peresittenes ætt, fra Serah serahittenes ætt.

Números 26:20
Y los hijos de Judá según sus familias fueron: de Sela, la familia de los selaítas; de Fares, la familia de los faresitas; de Zera, la familia de los zeraítas.

Los hijos de Judá según sus familias fueron: de Sela, la familia de los Selaítas; de Fares, la familia de los Faresitas; de Zera, la familia de los Zeraítas.

Y fueron los hijos de Judá por sus familias: de Sela, la familia de los selaítas; de Fares, la familia de los faresitas; de Zera, la familia de los zeraítas.

Y fueron los hijos de Judá por sus familias: de Sela, la familia de los Selaitas; de Phares, la familia de los Pharesitas; de Zera, la familia de los Zeraitas.

Y fueron los hijos de Judá por sus familias: de Sela, la familia de los selaítas; de Fares, la familia de los faresitas; de Zera, la familia de los zeraítas.

Números 26:20
Dos descendentes de Judá de acordo com os seus grupos familiares foram:

Assim os filhos de Judá, segundo as suas famílias, eram: de Selá, a família dos selanitas; de Pérez, a família dos perezitas; de Zerá, a família dos zeraítas.   

Numeri 26:20
Iată fiii lui Iuda, după familiile lor: din Şela se pogoară familia Şelaniţilor; din Pereţ, familia Pereţiţilor; din Zerah, familia Zerahiţilor.

Числа 26:20
и были сыны Иуды по поколениям их: от Шелы поколение Шелино, от Фареса поколение Фаресово, от Зары поколение Зарино;

и были сыны Иуды по поколениям их: от Шелы поколение Шелино, от Фареса поколение Фаресово, от Зары поколение Зарино;[]

4 Mosebok 26:20
Och Juda barn, efter deras släkter, voro: Av Sela selaniternas släkt, av Peres peresiternas släkt, av Sera seraiternas släkt.

Numbers 26:20
At ang mga anak ni Juda ayon sa kaniyang mga angkan: kay Sela, ang angkan ng mga Selaita; kay Phares, ang angkan ng mga Pharesita; kay Zera, ang angkan ng mga Zeraita.

กันดารวิถี 26:20
และบุตรชายของยูดาห์ตามครอบครัวของเขา คือเชลาห์ คนครอบครัวเชลาห์ เปเรศ คนครอบครัวเปเรศ เศ-ราห์ คนครอบครัวเศ-ราห์

Çölde Sayım 26:20
Boylarına göre Yahudaoğulları şunlardı: Şela soyundan Şela boyu, Peres soyundan Peres boyu, Zerah soyundan Zerah boyu.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 26:20
Các con trai Giu-đa, tùy theo họ hàng mình: do nơi Sê-la sanh ra họ Sê-la; do nơi Phê-rết sanh ra họ Phê-rết; do nơi Xê-rách sanh ra họ Xê-rách.

Numbers 26:19
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