2 Timothy 2:15
2 Timothy 2:15
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.

Do your best to present yourself to God as an approved worker who has nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of truth with precision.

Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately.

And take care of yourself, that you present yourself perfectly before God, a laborer without shame, who preaches the word of truth straightforwardly.

Do your best to present yourself to God as a tried-and-true worker who isn't ashamed to teach the word of truth correctly.

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that has nothing to be ashamed of, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth.

Carefully study to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Strive diligently to present thyself approved to God, a workman that has not to be ashamed, cutting in a straight line the word of truth.

Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth.

Study to show thyself approved to God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Earnestly seek to commend yourself to God as a servant who, because of his straightforward dealing with the word of truth, has no reason to feel any shame.

Give diligence to present yourself approved by God, a workman who doesn't need to be ashamed, properly handling the Word of Truth.

be diligent to present thyself approved to God -- a workman irreproachable, rightly dividing the word of the truth;

2 Timoteut 2:15
Mundohu të dalësh përpara Perëndisë si i sprovuar, si punëtor që nuk ka pse të turpërohet, që thotë drejt fjalën e së vërtetës.

ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﺗﻴﻤﻮﺛﺎﻭﺱ 2:15
اجتهد ان تقيم نفسك للّه مزكّى عاملا لا يخزى مفصّلا كلمة الحق بالاستقامة.

Ջանա՛ դուն քեզ գնահատելի ցոյց տալ Աստուծոյ առջեւ, ըլլալով այնպիսի գործաւոր մը՝ որ պիտի չամչնայ, շիտակ բացատրելով ճշմարտութեան խօսքը:

2 Timotheogana. 2:15
Diligentadi eure buruären Iaincoari approbatu presentatzera, confusione gabeco obrero, artezqui eguiaren hitza ebaquiten duála.

Dyr Timyteus B 2:15
Befleissig di vor n Herrgot als ayn Arechter, yn dönn wo nix zo n Naachsagn ist, als ainer, der wo aane Wenn und Aber für de waare Leer einsteet!

2 Тимотей 2:15
Старай се да се представиш одобрен пред Бога работник, който няма от що да се срамува, като излагаш право словото на истината.

提 摩 太 後 書 2:15
你 當 竭 力 在 神 面 前 得 蒙 喜 悅 , 作 無 愧 的 工 人 , 按 著 正 意 分 解 真 理 的 道 。

你 当 竭 力 在 神 面 前 得 蒙 喜 悦 , 作 无 愧 的 工 人 , 按 着 正 意 分 解 真 理 的 道 。





Druga poslanica Timoteju 2:15
Uznastoj da kao prokušan staneš pred Boga kao radnik koji se nema čega stidjeti, koji ispravno reže riječ istine.

Druhá Timoteovi 2:15
Pilně se snažuj vydati sebe Bohu milého dělníka, za nějž by se nebylo proč styděti, a kterýž by právě slovo pravdy rozděloval.

2 Timoteus 2:15
Gør dig Flid for at fremstille dig selv som prøvet for Gud, som en, Arbejder, der ikke behøver at skamme sig, som rettelig lærer Sandhedens Ord.

2 Timotheüs 2:15
Benaarstig u, om uzelven Gode beproefd voor te stellen, een arbeider, die niet beschaamd wordt, die het Woord der waarheid recht snijdt.

σπούδασον σεαυτὸν δόκιμον παραστῆσαι τῷ Θεῷ, ἐργάτην ἀνεπαίσχυντον, ὀρθοτομοῦντα τὸν λόγον τῆς ἀληθείας.

σπούδασον σεαυτὸν δόκιμον παραστῆσαι τῷ θεῷ, ἐργάτην ἀνεπαίσχυντον, ὀρθοτομοῦντα τὸν λόγον τῆς ἀληθείας.

σπούδασον σεαυτὸν δόκιμον παραστῆσαι τῷ θεῷ, ἐργάτην ἀνεπαίσχυντον, ὀρθοτομοῦντα τὸν λόγον τῆς ἀληθείας.

Σπούδασον σεαυτὸν δόκιμον παραστῆσαι τῷ θεῷ, ἐργάτην ἀνεπαίσχυντον, ὀρθοτομοῦντα τὸν λόγον τῆς ἀληθείας.

σπούδασον σεαυτὸν δόκιμον παραστῆσαι τῷ Θεῷ, ἐργάτην ἀνεπαίσχυντον, ὀρθοτομοῦντα τὸν λόγον τῆς ἀληθείας.

σπουδάζω σεαυτοῦ δόκιμος παρίστημι ὁ θεός ἐργάτης ἀνεπαίσχυντος ὀρθοτομέω ὁ λόγος ὁ ἀλήθεια

σπούδασον σεαυτὸν δόκιμον παραστῆσαι τῷ Θεῷ, ἐργάτην ἀνεπαίσχυντον, ὀρθοτομοῦντα τὸν λόγον τῆς ἀληθείας.

σπούδασον σεαυτὸν δόκιμον παραστῆσαι τῷ θεῷ ἐργάτην ἀνεπαίσχυντον ὀρθοτομοῦντα τὸν λόγον τῆς ἀληθείας

σπουδασον σεαυτον δοκιμον παραστησαι τω θεω εργατην ανεπαισχυντον ορθοτομουντα τον λογον της αληθειας

σπουδασον σεαυτον δοκιμον παραστησαι τω θεω εργατην ανεπαισχυντον ορθοτομουντα τον λογον της αληθειας

σπουδασον σεαυτον δοκιμον παραστησαι τω θεω εργατην ανεπαισχυντον ορθοτομουντα τον λογον της αληθειας

σπουδασον σεαυτον δοκιμον παραστησαι τω Θεω, εργατην ανεπαισχυντον, ορθοτομουντα τον λογον της αληθειας.

σπουδασον σεαυτον δοκιμον παραστησαι τω θεω εργατην ανεπαισχυντον ορθοτομουντα τον λογον της αληθειας

σπουδασον σεαυτον δοκιμον παραστησαι τω θεω εργατην ανεπαισχυντον ορθοτομουντα τον λογον της αληθειας

spoudason seauton dokimon parastēsai tō Theō, ergatēn anepaischynton, orthotomounta ton logon tēs alētheias.

spoudason seauton dokimon parastesai to Theo, ergaten anepaischynton, orthotomounta ton logon tes aletheias.

spoudason seauton dokimon parastēsai tō theō, ergatēn anepaischynton, orthotomounta ton logon tēs alētheias.

spoudason seauton dokimon parastesai to theo, ergaten anepaischynton, orthotomounta ton logon tes aletheias.

spoudason seauton dokimon parastēsai tō theō ergatēn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tēs alētheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastEsai tO theO ergatEn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tEs alEtheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastēsai tō theō ergatēn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tēs alētheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastEsai tO theO ergatEn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tEs alEtheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastēsai tō theō ergatēn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tēs alētheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastEsai tO theO ergatEn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tEs alEtheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastēsai tō theō ergatēn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tēs alētheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastEsai tO theO ergatEn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tEs alEtheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastēsai tō theō ergatēn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tēs alētheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastEsai tO theO ergatEn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tEs alEtheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastēsai tō theō ergatēn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tēs alētheias

spoudason seauton dokimon parastEsai tO theO ergatEn anepaischunton orthotomounta ton logon tEs alEtheias

2 Timóteushoz 2:15
Igyekezzél, hogy Isten elõtt becsületesen megállj, mint oly munkás, a ki szégyent nem vall, a ki helyesen hasogatja az igazságnak beszédét.

Al Timoteo 2 2:15
Klopodu prezenti vin cxe Dio kiel aprobita, laboranto senriprocxa, gxuste pritaksante la vorton de la vero.

Toinen kirje Timoteukselle 2:15
Pyydä itses Jumalalle osoittaa toimelliseksi ja laittamattomaksi työntekijäksi, joka oikein totuuden sanan jakaa.

2 Timothée 2:15
Étudie-toi à te présenter approuvé à Dieu, ouvrier qui n'a pas à avoir honte, exposant justement la parole de la vérité;

Efforce-toi de te présenter devant Dieu comme un homme éprouvé, un ouvrier qui n'a point à rougir, qui dispense droitement la parole de la vérité.

Etudie-toi de te rendre approuvé à Dieu, ouvrier sans reproche, enseignant purement la parole de la vérité.

2 Timotheus 2:15
Befleißige dich, Gott zu erzeigen einen rechtschaffenen, unsträflichen Arbeiter, der da recht teile das Wort der Wahrheit.

Befleißige dich, Gott dich zu erzeigen als einen rechtschaffenen und unsträflichen Arbeiter, der da recht teile das Wort der Wahrheit.

Trachte dich vor Gott zu bewähren, als Arbeiter der keine Scheu kennt, und der das Wort der Wahrheit in seiner Schärfe braucht.

2 Timoteo 2:15
Studiati di presentar te stesso approvato dinanzi a Dio: operaio che non abbia ad esser confuso, che tagli rettamente la parola della verità.

Studiati di presentar te stesso approvato a Dio, operaio che non abbia ad esser confuso, che tagli dirittamente la parola della verità.

2 TIM 2:15
Berusahalah engkau memperhadapkan dirimu benar kepada Allah sama seperti seorang hamba yang tiada bermalu, dan yang menjalankan perkataan dari hal yang benar itu dengan sebenarnya.

2 Timothy 2:15
Exdem lmeǧhud-ik zdat n Ṛebbi, aț-țiliḍ d aqeddac ibedden ɣer ccɣel-is, ur nețsetḥi ara deg wayen i gxeddem, i gețbecciṛen awal n Sidi Ṛebbi s lḥeqq.

디모데후서 2:15
네가 진리의 말씀을 옳게 분변하여 부끄러울 것이 없는 일군으로 인정된 자로 자신을 하나님 앞에 드리기를 힘쓰라

II Timotheum 2:15
sollicite cura te ipsum probabilem exhibere Deo operarium inconfusibilem recte tractantem verbum veritatis

Timotejam 2 2:15
Rūpīgi centies parādīties Dievam, ka tu esi uzticams strādnieks, kam bailes ir svešas un kas pareizi māca patiesības vārdus!

Antrasis laiðkas Timotiejui 2:15
Uoliai stenkis pasirodyti Dievui tinkamu darbininku, neturinčiu ko gėdytis, tiksliai perteikiančiu tiesos žodį.

2 Timothy 2:15
Kia puta tau tohe mou kia tu ki te aroaro o te Atua, he mea e manakohia ana, he kaimahi e kore e whakama, e whawha tika ana i te kupu o te pono.

2 Timoteus 2:15
Legg vinn på å fremstille dig for Gud som en som holder prøve, som en arbeider som ikke har noget å skamme sig over, idet du rettelig lærer sannhetens ord.

2 Timoteo 2:15
Procura con diligencia presentarte a Dios aprobado, como obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, que maneja con precisión la palabra de verdad.

Procura con diligencia presentarte a Dios aprobado, como obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, que maneja con precisión la palabra de verdad.

Estudia con diligencia para presentarte a Dios aprobado, como obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, que traza bien la palabra de verdad.

Procura con diligencia presentarte á Dios aprobado, como obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, que traza bien la palabra de verdad.

Procura con diligencia presentarte a Dios aprobado, como obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, que traza bien la palabra de la verdad.

2 timóteo 2:15
Procura, isto sim, apresentar-te aprovado diante de Deus, como obreiro que não tem do que se envergonhar e que maneja corretamente a Palavra da verdade.

Procura apresentar-te diante de Deus aprovado, como obreiro que não tem de que se envergonhar, que maneja bem a palavra da verdade.   

2 Timotei 2:15
Caută să te înfăţişezi înaintea lui Dumnezeu ca un om încercat, ca un lucrător care n'are de ce să -i fie ruşine, şi care împarte drept Cuvîntul adevărului.

2-е Тимофею 2:15
Старайся представить себя Богу достойным, делателем неукоризненным, верно преподающим слово истины.

Старайся представить себя Богу достойным, делателем неукоризненным, верно преподающим слово истины.

2 Timothy 2:15
Yus-Chicham tuke Enentßimjai pΘnker Unuimißtram shiir jintintiawarta. T·rakum Yus pΘnker iirsat tusam pΘnker takarin Atß. T·ramka Yusai natsaarchattame.

2 Timotheosbrevet 2:15
Sträva med all flit efter att själv kunna träda fram inför Gud såsom en som håller provet, en arbetare som icke behöver blygas, utan rätt förvaltar sanningens ord.

2 Timotheo 2:15
Jitahidi kupata kibali kamili mbele ya Mungu kama mfanyakazi ambaye haoni haya juu ya kazi yake, na ambaye hufundisha sawa ule ujumbe wa kweli.

2 Kay Timoteo 2:15
Pagsikapan mong humarap na subok sa Dios, manggagawang walang anomang ikahihiya, na gumagamit na matuwid ng salita ng katotohanan.

2 ทิโมธี 2:15
จงอุตส่าห์สำแดงตนเองให้เป็นที่ชอบพระทัยพระเจ้า เป็นคนงานที่ไม่ต้องอาย ยึดมั่นพระวจนะแห่งความจริงอย่างถูกต้อง

2 Timoteos 2:15
Kendini Tanrıya makbul, gerçeğin bildirisini doğru kullanan, alnı ak bir işçi olarak sunmaya gayret et.

2 Тимотей 2:15
Старай ся поставити себе вірним перед Богом, робітником без докору, право правлючим слово правди.

2 Timothy 2:15
Aga iko Timotius, parata tudui' to makono hante kanoa' -noa' -na. Huduwukui mpokamu bago-nu toe, bona ane rata-ko mpai' hi nyanyoa Alata'ala, uma-ko me'ea'. Na'uli' -koko mpai': "Iko-mi topobago-ku to lompe'!"

2 Ti-moâ-theâ 2:15
Hãy chuyên tâm cho được đẹp lòng Ðức Chúa Trời như người làm công không chỗ trách được, lấy lòng ngay thẳng giảng dạy lời của lẽ thật.

2 Timothy 2:14
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