1 Corinthians 8:8
1 Corinthians 8:8
But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do.

It's true that we can't win God's approval by what we eat. We don't lose anything if we don't eat it, and we don't gain anything if we do.

Food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do.

But food will not commend us to God; we are neither the worse if we do not eat, nor the better if we do eat.

But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.

Food will not make us acceptable to God. We are not inferior if we don't eat, and we are not better if we do eat.

However, food will not bring us closer to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat food that has been offered to an idol, and no better off if we do.

Now food will not bring us close to God. We are no worse if we do not eat and no better if we do.

But food does not bring us to God, for if we eat, we gain nothing, and if we do not eat, we lose nothing.

Food will not affect our relationship with God. We are no worse off if we eat [that food] and no better off if we don't.

But food does not make us more acceptable unto God; for neither if we eat are we the better, neither if we eat not are we the worse.

But food commends us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.

But meat commends us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.

But food will not commend us to God: neither, if we eat not, are we the worse; nor, if we eat, are we the better.

But meat doth not commend us to God. For neither, if we eat, shall we have the more; nor, if we eat not, shall we have the less.

But meat does not commend us to God; neither if we should not eat do we come short; nor if we should eat have we an advantage.

But meat will not commend us to God: neither, if we eat not, are we the worse; nor, if we eat, are we the better.

But food commendeth us not to God: for neither if we eat, are we the better; neither if we eat not, are we the worse.

It is true that a particular kind of food will not bring us into God's presence; we are neither inferior to others if we abstain from it, nor superior to them if we eat it.

But food will not commend us to God. For neither, if we don't eat, are we the worse; nor, if we eat, are we the better.

But victuals do not commend us to God, for neither if we may eat are we in advance; nor if we may not eat, are we behind;

1 e Korintasve 8:8
Por të ngrënit nuk na çon te Perëndia; po të hamë, nuk fitojmë asgjë më tepër dhe, po të mos hamë, s'kemi gjë më pak.

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 8:8
ولكن الطعام لا يقدمنا الى الله. لاننا ان اكلنا لا نزيد وان لم ناكل لا ننقص.

Սակայն կերակուրը չէ որ կը մօտեցնէ մեզ Աստուծոյ՝՝. քանի որ ո՛չ առատութեան մէջ կ՚ըլլանք՝ եթէ ուտենք, ո՛չ ալ կարօտութեան մէջ կ՚ըլլանք՝ եթէ չուտենք:

1 Corinthianoetara. 8:8
Bada viandác ezgaitu Iaincoaren gogaracotzenago: ecen ian badeçagu-ere, ezgara vkansuago: eta ian ezpadeçagu-ere, eztugu gutiago.

De Krenter A 8:8
Zwaar burtlt üns dyr Herrgot nit naach Speisn. Öss myr öbbs +nit, verlies myr nix; und öss myr, habn myr nix dyrvon.

1 Коринтяни 8:8
А това що ядем, не ще ни препоръчва на Бога; нито ако не ядем, губим нещо; нито ако ядем, печелим нещо.

歌 林 多 前 書 8:8
其 實 食 物 不 能 叫 神 看 中 我 們 , 因 為 我 們 不 吃 也 無 損 , 吃 也 無 益 。

其 实 食 物 不 能 叫 神 看 中 我 们 , 因 为 我 们 不 吃 也 无 损 , 吃 也 无 益 。





Prva poslanica Korinæanima 8:8
A k Bogu nas ne privodi jelo. Niti što gubimo ako ne jedemo; niti što dobivamo ako jedemo.

První Korintským 8:8
Nečiníť pak nás pokrm vzácných Bohu. Nebo budeme-li jísti, nic tím lepší nebudeme, a nebudeme-li jísti, nic horší nebudeme.

1 Korinterne 8:8
Men Mad skal ikke bestemme vor Stilling over for Gud; hverken have vi Fortrin, om vi spise, eller staa tilbage, om vi ikke spise.

1 Corinthiërs 8:8
De spijze nu maakt ons Gode niet aangenaam; want hetzij dat wij eten, wij hebben geen overvloed; en hetzij dat wij niet eten, wij hebben geen gebrek.

βρῶμα δὲ ἡμᾶς οὐ παραστήσει τῷ Θεῷ· οὔτε ἐὰν μὴ φάγωμεν ὑστερούμεθα, οὔτε ἐὰν φάγωμεν περισσεύομεν.

βρῶμα δὲ ἡμᾶς οὐ παραστήσει τῷ θεῷ· οὔτε ἐὰν μὴ φάγωμεν, ὑστερούμεθα, οὔτε ἐὰν φάγωμεν, περισσεύομεν.

βρῶμα δὲ ἡμᾶς οὐ παραστήσει τῷ θεῷ· οὔτε ἐὰν μὴ φάγωμεν, ὑστερούμεθα, οὔτε ἐὰν φάγωμεν, περισσεύομεν.

Βρῶμα δὲ ἡμᾶς οὐ παρίστησιν τῷ θεῷ· οὔτε γὰρ ἐὰν φάγωμεν περισσεύομεν, οὔτε ἐὰν μὴ φάγωμεν ὑστερούμεθα.

βρῶμα δὲ ἡμᾶς οὐ παρίστησι τῷ Θεῷ· οὔτε γὰρ ἐὰν φάγωμεν περισσεύομεν, οὔτε ἐὰν μὴ φάγωμεν ὑστερούμεθα.

βρῶμα δὲ ἡμᾶς οὐ παραστήσει τῷ θεῷ· οὔτε ἐὰν φάγωμεν περισσεύομεν, οὔτε ἐὰν μὴ φάγωμεν ὑστερούμεθα.

βρῶμα δὲ ἡμᾶς οὐ παρίστησι τῷ Θεῷ· οὔτε γὰρ ἐὰν φάγωμεν, περισσεύομεν· οὔτε ἐὰν μὴ φάγωμεν, ὑστερούμεθα.

βρῶμα δὲ ἡμᾶς οὐ παρίστησιν τῷ θεῷ· οὔτε γὰρ ἐὰν φάγωμεν περισσεύομεν οὔτε ἐὰν μὴ φάγωμεν ὑστερούμεθα

βρωμα δε ημας ου παραστησει τω θεω ουτε εαν μη φαγωμεν υστερουμεθα ουτε εαν φαγωμεν περισσευομεν

βρωμα δε ημας ου παραστησει τω θεω ουτε εαν φαγωμεν περισστεουμεν ουτε εαν μη φαγωμεν υστερουμεθα

βρωμα δε ημας ου παριστησιν τω θεω ουτε γαρ εαν φαγωμεν περισσευομεν ουτε εαν μη φαγωμεν υστερουμεθα

βρωμα δε ημας ου παριστησιν τω Θεω· ουτε γαρ εαν φαγωμεν, περισσευομεν· ουτε εαν μη φαγωμεν, υστερουμεθα.

βρωμα δε ημας ου παριστησιν τω θεω ουτε γαρ εαν φαγωμεν περισσευομεν ουτε εαν μη φαγωμεν υστερουμεθα

βρωμα δε ημας ου παραστησει τω θεω ουτε εαν μη φαγωμεν υστερουμεθα ουτε εαν φαγωμεν περισσευομεν

brōma de hēmas ou parastēsei tō Theō; oute ean mē phagōmen hysteroumetha, oute ean phagōmen perisseuomen.

broma de hemas ou parastesei to Theo; oute ean me phagomen hysteroumetha, oute ean phagomen perisseuomen.

brōma de hēmas ou parastēsei tō theō; oute ean mē phagōmen, hysteroumetha, oute ean phagōmen, perisseuomen.

broma de hemas ou parastesei to theo; oute ean me phagomen, hysteroumetha, oute ean phagomen, perisseuomen.

brōma de ēmas ou parastēsei tō theō oute ean phagōmen perissteoumen oute ean mē phagōmen usteroumetha

brOma de Emas ou parastEsei tO theO oute ean phagOmen perissteoumen oute ean mE phagOmen usteroumetha

brōma de ēmas ou paristēsin tō theō oute gar ean phagōmen perisseuomen oute ean mē phagōmen usteroumetha

brOma de Emas ou paristEsin tO theO oute gar ean phagOmen perisseuomen oute ean mE phagOmen usteroumetha

brōma de ēmas ou paristēsin tō theō oute gar ean phagōmen perisseuomen oute ean mē phagōmen usteroumetha

brOma de Emas ou paristEsin tO theO oute gar ean phagOmen perisseuomen oute ean mE phagOmen usteroumetha

brōma de ēmas ou paristēsin tō theō oute gar ean phagōmen perisseuomen oute ean mē phagōmen usteroumetha

brOma de Emas ou paristEsin tO theO oute gar ean phagOmen perisseuomen oute ean mE phagOmen usteroumetha

brōma de ēmas ou parastēsei tō theō oute ean mē phagōmen usteroumetha oute ean phagōmen perisseuomen

brOma de Emas ou parastEsei tO theO oute ean mE phagOmen usteroumetha oute ean phagOmen perisseuomen

brōma de ēmas ou parastēsei tō theō oute ean mē phagōmen usteroumetha oute ean phagōmen perisseuomen

brOma de Emas ou parastEsei tO theO oute ean mE phagOmen usteroumetha oute ean phagOmen perisseuomen

1 Korintusi 8:8
Pedig az eledel nem tesz minket kedvesekké Isten elõtt; mert ha eszünk is, nem leszünk gazdagabbak; ha nem eszünk is, nem leszünk szegényebbek.

Al la korintanoj 1 8:8
Sed mangxajxo ne rekomendos nin al Dio; cxar ni havas nek mankon, se ni ne mangxas, nek profiton, se ni mangxas.

Ensimmäinen kirje korinttilaisille 8:8
Mutta ei ruoka meitä saata otolliseksi Jumalan edessä; jos me syömme, emme siitä rikkaammaksi tule; ellemme taas syö, emmepä me sentähden köyhemmäksi tule.

1 Corinthiens 8:8
Or la viande ne nous recommande pas à Dieu; si nous ne mangeons pas, nous n'avons pas moins, et si nous mangeons, nous n'avons rien de plus.

Ce n'est pas un aliment qui nous rapproche de Dieu: si nous en mangeons, nous n'avons rien de plus; si nous n'en mangeons pas, nous n'avons rien de moins.

Or la viande ne nous rend pas agréables à Dieu; car si nous mangeons, nous n'en avons rien davantage; et si nous ne mangeons point, nous n'en avons pas moins.

1 Korinther 8:8
Aber die Speise fördert uns nicht vor Gott. Essen wir, so werden wir darum nicht besser sein; essen wir nicht, so werden wir darum nichts weniger sein.

Aber die Speise fördert uns vor Gott nicht: essen wir, so werden wir darum nicht besser sein; essen wir nicht, so werden wir darum nicht weniger sein.

Nun, auf unser Essen kommt es nicht an vor Gott; wir sind nicht besser, wenn wir essen; wir sind nicht weniger, wenn wir nicht essen:

1 Corinzi 8:8
Ora non è un cibo che ci farà graditi a Dio; se non mangiamo, non abbiamo nulla di meno; e se mangiamo, non abbiamo nulla di più.

Ora il mangiare non ci commenda a Dio; perciocchè, avvegnachè noi mangiamo, non abbiamo però nulla di più; e avvegnachè non mangiamo, non abbiamo però nulla di meno.

1 KOR 8:8
Sebenarnya makanan itu tiada membawa lebih dekat kepada Allah. Jikalau kita tiada makan sekalipun, tiada apa kekurangan kita, dan jikalau kita makan pun, tiada apa kelebihan kita.

1 Corinthians 8:8
Mačči d ayen yețmaččan ara ɣ-iqeṛṛben ɣer Ṛebbi. Ma nečča ur nerbiḥ acemma, m'ur nečči ara, ur aɣ-iṛuḥ wacemma.

고린도전서 8:8
식물은 우리를 하나님 앞에 세우지 못하나니 우리가 먹지 아니하여도 부족함이 없고 먹어도 풍족함이 없으리라

I Corinthios 8:8
esca autem nos non commendat Deo neque si non manducaverimus deficiemus neque si manducaverimus abundabimus

Korintiešiem 1 8:8
Ēdiens mūs netuvina Dievam. Jo, ja ēdīsim, mēs nekļūsim labāki, un ja neēdīsim, mēs nekļūsim sliktāki.

Pirmasis laiðkas korintieèiams 8:8
Maistas nepriartina mūsų prie Dievo. Kai valgome, nieko nelaimime, ir kai nevalgome, nieko neprarandame.

1 Corinthians 8:8
Ehara ra ia te kai i te mea e paingia ai tatou e te Atua: no te mea ahakoa kahore tatou e kai, e kore e heke iho to tatou pai; a ahakoa kai tatou, e kore e kake to tatou pai.

1 Korintierne 8:8
Men mat gir oss jo ikke verd for Gud; hverken vinner vi noget om vi eter, eller taper noget om vi ikke eter.

1 Corintios 8:8
Pero la comida no nos recomendará a Dios, pues ni somos menos si no comemos, ni somos más si comemos.

Pero la comida no nos recomendará a Dios, pues ni somos menos si no comemos, ni somos más si comemos.

Si bien el alimento no nos hace más aceptos a Dios; pues ni porque comamos, seremos más; ni porque no comamos, seremos menos.

Si bien la vianda no nos hace más aceptos á Dios: porque ni que comamos, seremos más ricos; ni que no comamos, seremos más pobres.

La vianda no nos hace más aceptos a Dios; ni porque comamos, seremos más ricos; ni porque no comamos, seremos más pobres.

1 Coríntios 8:8
Ora, não são os alimentos que nos fazem aceitáveis diante de Deus; não nos tornaremos piores se não comermos, nem melhores se comermos.

Não é, porém, a comida que nos há de recomendar a Deus; pois não somos piores se não comermos, nem melhores se comermos.   

1 Corinteni 8:8
Dar nu carnea ne face pe noi plăcuţi lui Dumnezeu: nu cîştigăm nimic dacă mîncăm din ea, şi nu perdem nimic dacă nu mîncăm.

1-е Коринфянам 8:8
Пища не приближает нас к Богу: ибо, едим ли мы, ничего не приобретаем; не едим ли, ничего не теряем.

Пища не приближает нас к Богу: ибо, едим ли мы, ничего не приобретаем; не едим ли, ничего не теряем.

1 Corinthians 8:8
Watsek, yuamujai Yus iin shiir Enentßimtikrampratniun jeatsui. Yuarkia nujai pΘnker ßchattaji tura Y·achrikia yajauch ßchattaji.

1 Korinthierbrevet 8:8
Men maten skall icke avgöra vår ställning till Gud. Avhålla vi oss från att äta, så bliva vi icke därigenom sämre; äta vi, så bliva vi icke därigenom bättre.

1 Wakorintho 8:8
Lakini chakula hakiwezi kutupeleka karibu zaidi na Mungu. Tukiacha kukila hatupungukiwi kitu, tukikila hatuongezewi kitu.

1 Mga Taga-Corinto 8:8
Datapuwa't ang pagkain ay hindi magtataguyod sa atin sa Dios: ni hindi tayo masama, kung tayo'y di magsikain; ni hindi tayo lalong mabuti, kung tayo'y magsikain.

1 โครินธ์ 8:8
อาหารไม่เป็นเครื่องที่ทำให้พระเจ้าทรงโปรดปรานเรา ถ้าเรากิน เราก็ไม่ได้อะไรเป็นพิเศษ ถ้าเราไม่กิน เราก็ไม่ขาดอะไร

1 Korintliler 8:8
Yiyecek bizi Tanrıya yaklaştırmaz. Yemezsek bir kaybımız olmaz, yersek de bir kazancımız olmaz.

1 Коринтяни 8:8
Їжа ж нас не поставляє перед Богом; бо анї луччі ми, коли їмо, анї гірші, коли не їмо.

1 Corinthians 8:8
Kakoo-kono-na, pongkoni' uma mpokamohu' -ta hi Alata'ala ba mpogaa' -ta ngkai Alata'ala. Ane takoni', uma-ta morasi'. Ane uma takoni', uma wo'o-ta morugi.

1 Coâ-rinh-toâ 8:8
Vả, ấy chẳng phải là đồ ăn làm cho chúng ta được đẹp lòng Ðức Chúa Trời; nếu chúng ta ăn, chẳng được ích gì, bằng không ăn, cũng chẳng tổn gì.

1 Corinthians 8:7
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