1 Corinthians 8:2
1 Corinthians 8:2
Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know.

Anyone who claims to know all the answers doesn't really know very much.

If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know.

If anyone supposes that he knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know;

And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.

If anyone thinks he knows anything, he does not yet know it as he ought to know it.

If anyone thinks he really knows something, he has not yet learned it as he ought to know it.

If someone thinks he knows something, he does not yet know to the degree that he needs to know.

But if a man thinks that he knows something, he does not yet know anything as he ought to know.

Those who think they know something still have a lot to learn.

And if anyone thinks that they know anything, they know nothing yet as they ought to know.

And if any man thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.

And if any man think that he knows any thing, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.

If any man thinketh that he knoweth anything, he knoweth not yet as he ought to know;

And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he hath not yet known as he ought to know.

If any one think he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know it.

If any man thinketh that he knoweth anything, he knoweth not yet as he ought to know;

And if any man thinketh that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.

If any one imagines that he already possesses any true knowledge, he has as yet attained to no knowledge of the kind to which he ought to have attained;

But if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he doesn't yet know as he ought to know.

and if any one doth think to know anything, he hath not yet known anything according as it behoveth him to know;

1 e Korintasve 8:2
Në qoftë se dikush mendon se di diçka, ai nuk di ende asgjë sikundër duhet të dijë.

ﻛﻮﺭﻧﺜﻮﺱ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ 8:2
فان كان احد يظن انه يعرف شيئا فانه لم يعرف شيئا بعد كما يجب ان يعرف.

Եթէ մէկը կը կարծէ թէ բա՛ն մը գիտէ, դեռ ոչինչ գիտէ այնպէս՝ ինչպէս պէտք է գիտնալ:

1 Corinthianoetara. 8:2
Eta baldin edoceinec vste badu cerbait badaquiala, eztu oraino eçagutu deus eçagutu behar den beçala.

De Krenter A 8:2
Wenn syr ainer öbbs auf s Dyrkennting zguethaltt, haat yr non nit d Erkenntniss, wie ys si ghoert.

1 Коринтяни 8:2
Ако някой мисли, че знае нещо, той още не е познал както трябва да познава.

歌 林 多 前 書 8:2
若 有 人 以 為 自 己 知 道 甚 麼 , 按 他 所 當 知 道 的 , 他 仍 是 不 知 道 。

若 有 人 以 为 自 己 知 道 甚 麽 , 按 他 所 当 知 道 的 , 他 仍 是 不 知 道 。





Prva poslanica Korinæanima 8:2
Ako tko misli da što zna, još ne zna kako treba znati.

První Korintským 8:2
Zdá-li se pak komu, že něco umí, ještě nic nepoznal, tak jakž by měl znáti.

1 Korinterne 8:2
Dersom nogen tykkes at kende noget, han kender endnu ikke saaledes, som man bør kende.

1 Corinthiërs 8:2
En zo iemand meent iets te weten, die heeft nog niets gekend, gelijk men behoort te kennen.

εἴ τις δοκεῖ ἐγνωκέναι τι, οὔπω ἔγνω καθὼς δεῖ γνῶναι·

εἴ τις δοκεῖ ἐγνωκέναι τι, οὔπω ἔγνω καθὼς δεῖ γνῶναι·

εἴ τις δοκεῖ ἐγνωκέναι τι, οὔπω ἔγνω καθὼς δεῖ γνῶναι·

Εἰ δέ τις δοκεῖ εἰδέναι τι, οὐδέπω οὐδὲν ἔγνωκεν καθὼς δεῖ γνῶναι·

ἡ γνῶσις φυσιοῖ, ἡ δὲ ἀγάπη οἰκοδομεῖ. εἰ δέ τις δοκεῖ εἰδέναι τι, οὐδέπω οὐδὲν ἔγνωκε καθὼς δεῖ γνῶναι·

εἴ τις δοκεῖ ἐγνωκέναι τι, οὔπω ἔγνω καθὼς δεῖ γνῶναι·

εἴ δὲ τις δοκεῖ εἰδέναι τι, οὐδέπω οὐδὲν ἔγνωκε καθὼς δεῖ γνῶναι·

εἰ δέ τις δοκεῖ εἰδέναι τι οὐδέπω οὐδὲν ἔγνωκεν καθὼς δεῖ γνῶναι·

ει τις δοκει εγνωκεναι τι ουπω εγνω καθως δει γνωναι

ει τις δοκει εγνωκεναι τι ουπω εγνω καθως δει γνωναι

ει δε τις δοκει ειδεναι τι ουδεπω ουδεν εγνωκεν καθως δει γνωναι

ει δε τις δοκει ειδεναι τι, ουδεπω ουδεν εγνωκε καθως δει γνωναι·

ει δε τις δοκει ειδεναι τι ουδεπω ουδεν εγνωκεν καθως δει γνωναι

ει τις δοκει εγνωκεναι τι ουπω εγνω καθως δει γνωναι

ei tis dokei egnōkenai ti, oupō egnō kathōs dei gnōnai;

ei tis dokei egnokenai ti, oupo egno kathos dei gnonai;

ei tis dokei egnōkenai ti, oupō egnō kathōs dei gnōnai;

ei tis dokei egnokenai ti, oupo egno kathos dei gnonai;

ei tis dokei egnōkenai ti oupō egnō kathōs dei gnōnai

ei tis dokei egnOkenai ti oupO egnO kathOs dei gnOnai

ei de tis dokei eidenai ti oudepō ouden egnōken kathōs dei gnōnai

ei de tis dokei eidenai ti oudepO ouden egnOken kathOs dei gnOnai

ei de tis dokei eidenai ti oudepō ouden egnōken kathōs dei gnōnai

ei de tis dokei eidenai ti oudepO ouden egnOken kathOs dei gnOnai

ei de tis dokei eidenai ti oudepō ouden egnōken kathōs dei gnōnai

ei de tis dokei eidenai ti oudepO ouden egnOken kathOs dei gnOnai

ei tis dokei egnōkenai ti oupō egnō kathōs dei gnōnai

ei tis dokei egnOkenai ti oupO egnO kathOs dei gnOnai

ei tis dokei egnōkenai ti oupō egnō kathōs dei gnōnai

ei tis dokei egnOkenai ti oupO egnO kathOs dei gnOnai

1 Korintusi 8:2
Ha pedig valaki azt hiszi, hogy tud valamit, még semmit sem ismer úgy, a mint ismernie kell.

Al la korintanoj 1 8:2
Se iu opinias, ke li scias ion, tiu ankoraux ne tiel scias, kiel li devus scii;

Ensimmäinen kirje korinttilaisille 8:2
Mutta jos joku luulee jotakin tietävänsä, ei hän vielä mitään tiedä, kuin hänen tulis tietää.

1 Corinthiens 8:2
Si quelqu'un pense savoir quelque chose, il ne connaît rien encore comme il faut connaître;

Si quelqu'un croit savoir quelque chose, il n'a pas encore connu comme il faut connaître.

Et si quelqu'un croit savoir quelque chose, il n'a encore rien connu comme il faut connaître;

1 Korinther 8:2
So aber sich jemand dünken lässet, er wisse etwas, der weiß noch nichts, wie er wissen soll.

So aber jemand sich dünken läßt, er wisse etwas, der weiß noch nichts, wie er wissen soll.

Dünkt sich einer etwas erkannt zu haben, so hat er noch nicht erkannt, wie man erkennen muß.

1 Corinzi 8:2
Se alcuno si pensa di conoscer qualcosa, egli non conosce ancora come si deve conoscere;

Ora, se alcuno si pensa saper qualche cosa, non sa ancora nulla, come si convien sapere.

1 KOR 8:2
Jikalau seorang menyangkakan dirinya mengetahui barang sesuatu, belumlah ia mengetahui sebagaimana patut diketahuinya.

1 Corinthians 8:2
Win i gɣilen yessen kra, urɛad yessin akken i glaq ad yissin.

고린도전서 8:2
만일 누구든지 무엇을 아는 줄로 생각하면 아직도 마땅히 알 것을 알지 못하는 것이요

I Corinthios 8:2
si quis se existimat scire aliquid nondum cognovit quemadmodum oporteat eum scire

Korintiešiem 1 8:2
Bet ja kāds iedomājas, ka viņš kaut ko zina, tad tas vēl nav atzinis to, kā viņam tas jāzina.

Pirmasis laiðkas korintieèiams 8:2
Jei kas mano ką nors žinąs, tai jis dar nieko nežino, kaip turi žinoti.

1 Corinthians 8:2
Ki te mea tetahi e matau ana ia ki tetahi mea, kahore tona matauranga kia rite noa ki to te matauranga tikanga;

1 Korintierne 8:2
om nogen tykkes sig å kjenne noget, han har aldri kjent noget således som en bør kjenne det;

1 Corintios 8:2
Si alguno cree que sabe algo, no ha aprendido todavía como lo debe saber;

Si alguien cree que sabe algo, no ha aprendido todavía como debe saber;

Y si alguno piensa que sabe algo, aún no sabe nada como debe saber.

Y si alguno se imagina que sabe algo, aun no sabe nada como debe saber.

Y si alguno piensa que sabe algo, aún no sabe nada como le conviene saber.

1 Coríntios 8:2
A pessoa que imagina conhecer alguma coisa, ainda não tem a sabedoria que necessita.

Se alguém cuida saber alguma coisa, ainda não sabe como convém saber.   

1 Corinteni 8:2
Dacă crede cineva că ştie ceva, încă n'a cunoscut cum trebuie să cunoască.

1-е Коринфянам 8:2
Кто думает, что он знает что-нибудь, тот ничего ещене знает так, как должно знать.

Кто думает, что он знает что-нибудь, тот ничего еще не знает так, как должно знать.

1 Corinthians 8:2
Shuar "ti nΘkaitjai" Tßkunka nekas nekaatniua N·naka unuimiarchaiti.

1 Korinthierbrevet 8:2
Om någon menar sig hava fått någon »kunskap», så har han ännu icke fått kunskap på sådant sätt som han borde hava.

1 Wakorintho 8:2
Anayefikiri kwamba anajua kitu, kwa kweli hajui chochote kama inavyompasa.

1 Mga Taga-Corinto 8:2
Kung ang sinoman ay nagaakala na siya'y may nalalamang anoman, ay wala pang nalalaman gaya ng nararapat niyang maalaman;

1 โครินธ์ 8:2
ถ้าผู้ใดถือว่าตัวรู้สิ่งใดแล้ว ผู้นั้นยังไม่รู้ตามที่ตนควรจะรู้

1 Korintliler 8:2
Bir şey bildiğini sanan, henüz bilmesi gerektiği gibi bilmiyordur.

1 Коринтяни 8:2
Коли ж хто думає, що він знає що, то ніколи ще нїчого не знає, як треба знати.

1 Corinthians 8:2
Tauna to mpo'uli': "Monoto-mi-kuna nono-ku," tapi' uma ria ahi' -na, kakoo-kono-na, ko'ia monoto mpu'u nono-na hewa to kasipato' -na.

1 Coâ-rinh-toâ 8:2
Nếu có ai tưởng mình biết điều gì, thật người ấy chưa biết như mình nên biết.

1 Corinthians 8:1
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