2 Timothy 3
Literal Emphasis Translation Par ▾ 
1And know this, that in the last (end, extreme, final, farthest) days harshly difficult (fiercely difficult to cope with because harsh, latin-instabunt-difficult and periculosa-dangerous root is threaten) times will be present (in standing, in place, at hand); 2For men will be self-lovers, money-lovers, empty braggarts (empty pretender, braggart, a wandering vagrant boasting to anyone foolish enough to take him seriously-always moving looking for new naÏve listeners because he claims things he can’t really do, latin-elati-elated), arrogant (over/beyond to shine, to over-shine, latin-superbi-proud roots are higher/superb), blasphemers (transliterated from greek and latin), unpersuaded (disobedient because unpersuaded) of parents, ungraceful (also ungracious/ungrateful), irreverent (unholy, profane, not pious, without reverence from what should be hallowed, latin-scelesti-unholy root is criminal), 3Without family affection (astorgos- without natural/family affection, latin- sine affectione- without affection), unappeasable (negating of a libation-sacrifice used in making treaties and covenants, implacable, irreconcilable, trucebreakers, without truce, admitting of no truce, unable to please, latin-sine pace-without peace), false accusers (diabaloi- slanders, defamers, backbiters, devilous, latin-criminatore-slanderers roots are accuser/charges/crime/impeaching), unrestrained (without prevailing power, powerless, impotent, incontinent, uncontrolled, unable to subdue, not controlled, without dominion/exerted power, no mastery, latin-incontinentes-incontinent), cruel (not tame, harsh, sour, savage, fierce, brutal, latin- inmites-fierce-cruel), not good-lovers, 4betrayers (traitors, treacherous, undependable), reckless (to fall before, rash, careless, impulsive, heady, rushes carelessly headlong into, fall headlong into), smoke-blinded (beclouded, to raise a smoke, muddled/cloudy mindset, blinded with smoke, puffed up, swollen with conceit, lifted up with pride), sensual pleasure-lovers (hedonistic, philos-hedone, greek root is hedone for sensual pleasure, latin-voluptatium-pleasure like voluptuous) rather than God-lovers; 5having a form (morphosin- fashion, shape, semblance, outline) of godliness (well veneration, paying good homage, piety, reverence), however denying (negating, disowning, refusing to affirm, latin-abnegantes-denying root is refuse) the power (ability to perform) of it. And turn away (latin-devita-avoid like deviate) from these. 6For from out of this sort are those who are creeping into (unto) houses and leading captive (subduing) weak women (little/silly/immature/lack of dignity women, possibly naive), heaped on with sins, being carried away (brought/led away) by various (many/different colored) passionate urges, 7Always learning and never being able to come (go) unto a cognizance (knowledge upon, knowing upon) of the truth. 8And, by which way (manner) Jannes and Jambres took a stand against Moses, thus these also take a stand against the truth, men corrupted in understanding (mind), failing to pass the test (not welcomed/received/approved, latin-reprobi-disqualified like reprobate) concerning the faith. 9But rather they will not advance (proceed, make progress, latin-proficient-advance roots are prosper/forward) upon more (greater), for their mindlessness (no mind/understanding, lack of sense, folly, madness, latin-insipientia-foolishness like insipidness=want of life or spirit) will be fully evident to all, like as also that of those yonder became [referring to the two spoken of before].

10However, you have closely followed (latin-adsecutus-attainment root is closely) my teaching (latin-doctrinum), conduct (guiding, leading, latin-institutionem-education roots are institution/ training/ institute/ accomodation), purpose (predetermination, setting forth, latin-propositum-purpose root is proposed), faith, long-temperance, love, endurance, 11my persecutions, my sufferings (strong feelings, latin-passiones-emotions): such as happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra; what persecutions I endured; and the Lord rescued (delivered) me from out of all. 12And all, desiring (willing, wishing) to live godly (piously) in Christ Jesus, will be persecuted. 13Now evil (poneroi) men and charlatans (seducers, wailers, imposters, conjurors, sorcerers, enchanters, frauds) will proceed (cut/beat to go forward, progress, advance) upon worse (more severe), misleading (wandering, leading astray, deviating) and being misled (deviated, led astray). 14However you abide in the things you did learn and have been convinced of (assured upon), having known from whom you learned them; 15And that from infancy you have known the sacred writings, which are able (powerful) to make you wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed (greek-theopneustos- God-breathed out/blown, God-spirited, latin- divinitus inspirata- divinely inspired root inspira is breathe) and beneficial (useful, profitable, latin-utilis-useful like utility) towards teaching, towards convincing (proving, conviction, reproof, exposing, latin-arguendum-reproof roots are arguing/rebuke/objection), towards correction (upon straightening up again), towards instructing (strict training to reach maturity, chastisement, child rearing) in righteousness (justice), 17So that the man of God might be proficiently ready (greek-artios-ready because prepared, fitted, complete, competent, adequate, latin-perfectus-perfect), having been completely made proficiently ready (greek roots exartizo-ek artios-completely out from/make suitable-fitted-complete, entirely outfitted, thoroughly furnished, fully fitted, fully equipped, latin-instructus-furnished) towards every good work.

2 Timothy 2
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