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1461. egkentrizo -- to take pride in, glory in
... 1461 (from 1722 , "in" and , "to prick, puncture") -- properly, to (insert)
by making a puncture to graft a living shoot (). In ...
// - 7k
Strong's Hebrew
5953d. alal -- to insert, thrust in
... alal. 5954 . to insert, thrust in. Transliteration: alal Short Definition: thrust. ...
root Definition to insert, thrust in NASB Word Usage thrust (1). ...
/hebrew/5953d.htm - 5k

7760. sum -- to put, place, set
... 1), fix (1), formed and made (1), gave (2), give (7), grant (1), had (1), hunt*
(1), impose (1), impress (1), impute (1), inflicted (1), insert (4), invoke (1 ...
/hebrew/7760.htm - 7k


Some Time Ago, Macarius, a Man of Distinction from his Faith, his ...
... considered that I might omit them as having none of the "godly edifying in the faith."
It will not, I think, be considered superfluous to insert these passages ...
/.../11 some time ago macarius.htm

... In the first Exhortation, before the words "meritorious Cross and Passion," I should
propose to insert "his assumption of humanity, his incarnation, and ...
/.../coleridge/confessions of an inquiring spirit etc/prayer.htm

... Page 110, line 11. Insert after V, 24: (given below, Sec. 38). Page 128, line 12. ...
Page 579, line 24. Insert comma after: common faith. Page 594, line 22. ...
/.../ source book for ancient church history/errata.htm

Synodical Letter of Damasus Bishop of Rome against Apollinarius ...
... The letter in which he made this known to the bishops of the Eastern empire I have
thought it well to insert in my history. Letter of Damasus bishop of Rome. ...
/.../chapter x synodical letter of damasus.htm

Letter Lxxxviii. (AD 406. )
... have forgotten this, venerable sir, or should pretend not to know, or perhaps (which
we scarcely think possible) may never have known it, we insert here a copy ...
/.../augustine/the confessions and letters of st/letter lxxxviii a d 406.htm

On the Overthrow of Petrus and the Introduction of Lucius the ...
... admirable Peter. After recounting an instance of the impious conduct of
Lucius I shall insert the letter in this work. Certain men ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of theodoret/chapter xviii on the overthrow of.htm

Of his Coming into his Own Country, and of the Astonishment of the ...
... side of the supposition, that what followed in immediate historical sequence was
rather the occurrences which these two latter evangelists both insert in near ...
/.../augustine/the harmony of the gospels/chapter xlii of his coming into.htm

The General Conference of 1808
... If this cannot at present be granted by the authority of the Genera Conference,
you may insert me in your minutes as formerly: or you may first insert the ...
/.../chapter 7 the general conference.htm

Importance of the Anniversaries Connected with the Years 1894-1897 ...
... The authors and compilers of Gallia Christiana insert the name of Lethardus, or
Letaldus, among the bishops of Senlis, quoting Sprot and Thorn. ...
/.../lecture i importance of the.htm

This is the Chief Passage which those who were Sent from the East ...
... But to insert in what another man has written things he never wrote, to put in false
words for no other purpose than to defame your brother, to corrupt his ...
/.../18 this is the chief.htm

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
(v. t.) To set within something; to put or thrust in; to introduce; to cause to enter, or be included, or contained; as, to insert a scion in a stock; to insert a letter, word, or passage in a composition; to insert an advertisement in a newspaper.
Insert (4 Occurrences)
... (vt) To set within something; to put or thrust in; to introduce; to cause to enter,
or be included, or contained; as, to insert a scion ...Insert (4 Occurrences). ...
/i/insert.htm - 7k

Graft (1 Occurrence)
... 4. (n.) To insert (a graft) in a branch or stem of another tree; to propagate
by insertion in another stock; also, to insert a graft upon. ...
/g/graft.htm - 9k

Inserted (6 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (imp. & pp) of Insert. 2. (a.) Situated upon,
attached to, or growing out of, some part; -- said especially ...
/i/inserted.htm - 8k

Ingraft (1 Occurrence)
... 1. (vt) To insert, to implant; as, to ingraft a peach scion on a plum tree;
figuratively, to insert or introduce in such a way as to make a part of something. ...
/i/ingraft.htm - 7k

Thrum (2 Occurrences)
... 5. (n.) A mat made of canvas and tufts of yarn. 6. (vt) To furnish with
thrums; to insert tufts in; to fringe. 7. (vt) To insert...
/t/thrum.htm - 8k

Enroll (4 Occurrences)
... 1. (n.) To insert in a roil; to register or enter in a list or catalogue or on rolls
of court; hence, to record; to insert in records; to leave in writing; as ...
/e/enroll.htm - 7k

Newness (2 Occurrences)
... Matthew 26:28 Mark 14:24, "new" is omitted in the Revised Version (British and
American), but in Matthew the margin "many ancient authorities insert new," and ...
/n/newness.htm - 14k

Omit (1 Occurrence)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (vt) To let go; to leave unmentioned; not
to insert or name; to drop. 2. (vt) To pass by; to forbear ...
/o/omit.htm - 7k

Jashubi-lehem (1 Occurrence)
... ja-shoo-bi-le'-hem (yashubhi-lechem): A name in 1 Chronicles 4:22 where commentators
insert beth, between the two words and translate "(and) returned to ...
/j/jashubi-lehem.htm - 7k

Jashubilehem (1 Occurrence)
... ja-shoo-bi-le'-hem (yashubhi-lechem): A name in 1 Chronicles 4:22 where commentators
insert beth, between the two words and translate "(and) returned to ...
/j/jashubilehem.htm - 7k

Bible Concordance
Insert (4 Occurrences)

Numbers 4:6 And shall put thereon the covering of badgers' skins, and shall spread over it a cloth wholly of blue, and shall put in the staves thereof.
(See NAS)

Numbers 4:8 And they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put in the staves thereof.
(See NAS)

Numbers 4:11 And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of badgers' skins, and shall put to the staves thereof:
(See NAS)

Numbers 4:14 And they shall put upon it all the vessels thereof, wherewith they minister about it, the fire-pans, the flesh-hooks, and the shovels, and the basins, all the vessels of the altar; and they shall spread upon it a covering of sealskin, and set the staves thereof.
(See NAS)



Related Terms

Graft (1 Occurrence)

Inserted (6 Occurrences)

Ingraft (1 Occurrence)

Thrum (2 Occurrences)

Enroll (4 Occurrences)

Newness (2 Occurrences)

Omit (1 Occurrence)

Jashubi-lehem (1 Occurrence)

Jashubilehem (1 Occurrence)

Jethro (10 Occurrences)

Jareb (2 Occurrences)

Interpose (2 Occurrences)

Introduce (3 Occurrences)

Insensitive (1 Occurrence)

File (1 Occurrence)

Tiberias (3 Occurrences)


Table (125 Occurrences)

Ed (1 Occurrence)

Enter (372 Occurrences)

Dip (17 Occurrences)

Setter (1 Occurrence)

Salt (45 Occurrences)

Build (242 Occurrences)

Building (249 Occurrences)


Numbers (136 Occurrences)

Resurrection (42 Occurrences)

Messenger (235 Occurrences)

Temple (614 Occurrences)

Anem (1 Occurrence)

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