Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers A Bible Commentary for English Readers BY VARIOUS WRITERS Edited by Charles John Ellicott LATE LORD BISHOP OF GLOUCESTER CASSELL AND COMPANY, LIMITED LONDON, PARIS, NEW AYORK & MELBORURNE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1905 Authors: Genesis: Rev. R. Payne Smith, D.D. Exodus: Rev. George Rawlinson, M.A. Leviticus: Rev. C.D. Ginsburg, LL.D. Numbers: Rev. C. J. Ellicott, M.A. Deuteronomy: Rev. C. H. Waller, M.A. Joshua: Rev. C. H. Waller, M.A. Judges: Rev. F. W. Farrar, D.D. FRS. Ruth: Rev. R. Sinker, M.A. 1 Samuel: Rev. H. D. M. Spence, M.A. 2 Samuel: Rev. F. Gardiner, D.D. 1 Kings: Alfred Barry, D.D. 2 Kings: Rev. C. J. Ball, M.A. 1 Chronicles: Rev. C. J. Ball, M.A. 2 Chronicles: Rev. C. J. Ball, M.A. Ezra: Rev. W. B. Pope, D.D. Nehemiah: Rev. W. B. Pope, D.D. Esther: Rev. R. Sinker, B.D. Job: Rev. Stanley Leathes, D.D. Psalms: Rev. Archdeacon Aglen, M.A. Proverbs: Rev. J. W. Nutt, M.A. Ecclesiastes: Rev. G. Salmon, D.D. Song of Solomon: Archdeacon Aglen, M.A. Isaiah: Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Jeremiah: Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Lamentations: Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Ezekiel: Rev. F. Gardiner, D.D. Daniel: Rev. H. Deane, B.D. Hosea: Rev. H. R. Reynolds, D.D. Joel: Rev. S. L. Warren, M.A. Amos: Rev. H.R. Reynolds, D.D. and Rev. Professor Whitehouse Obadiah: Rev. Archdeacon Aglen, M.A. Jonah: Rev. Archdeacon Aglen, M.A. Micah: Rev. S. L. Warren Nahum: Rev. A. C. Jennings, M.A. Habakkuk: Rev. A. C. Jennings, M.A. Zephaniah: Rev. A. C. Jennings, M.A. Haggai: Rev. A. C. Jennings, M.A. Zechariah: Rev. W. H. Lowe, M.A. Malachi: Rev. W. H. Lowe, M.A. Matthew: Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Mark: Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Luke: Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D. John: Rev. H. W. Watkins, M.A. Ephesians: Rev. Alfred Barry, D.D. Philippians: Rev. Alfred Barry, D.D. Colossians: Rev. Alfred Barry, D.D. 1 and 2 Thessalonians: Rev. A. J. Mason, M.A., D.D. 1 and 2 Timothy: Rev. H. D. M. Spence, D.D. Titus: Rev. H. D. M. Spence, D.D. Philemon: Rev. Alfred Barry, D.D. Hebrews: Rev. W. F. Moulton, D.D. James: Rev. E. G. Punchard, D.D. 1 Peter: Rev. A. J. Mason, M.A., D.D. 2 Peter: Rev. Alfred Plummer, M.A., D.D. 1, 2, 3 John: W. M. Sinclair, M.A., D.D. Jude: Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Revelation: Rev. W. Boyd Carpenter, D.D. INTRODUCTION As I journey back through almost half a century of Christian witness, of the many books that helped to shape my ministry, none has been so eagerly consulted as the volumes comprising Ellicott’s Bible Commentary for English Readers, now known as “Ellicott’s Commentary on the Whole Bible.” This valuable eight-volume set is conspicuous among Commentaries for its adherence to the divine inspiration of Holy Scripture; its conservative approach to foundational truths; its comprehensive treatment of books, chapters and verses. Charles John Ellicott, compiler of and contributor to this renowned Bible Commentary, was one of the most outstanding conservative scholars of the 18th century. He was born at Whitwell near Stamford, England, on April 25, 1819. He graduated from St. John’s College, Cambridge, where other famous expositors like Charles Simeon and Handley Moule studied. As a Fellow of St. John’s, he constantly lectured there. In 1847, Charles Ellicott was ordained a Priest in the Church of England. From 1841 to 1848, he served as Rector of Pilton, Rutlandshire. He became Hulsean Professor of Divinity, Cambridge, in 1860. The next three years, 1861 to 1863, he ministered as Dean of Exeter, and later in 1863 became the Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. Conspicuous as a Bible Expositor, he is still well known for his Critical and Grammatical Commentaries on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians and Philemon. Other printed works include Modern Unbelief, The Being of God, The History and Obligation of the Sabbath. This unique Bible Commentary is to be highly recommended for its worth to Pastors and Students. Its expositions are simple and satisfying, as well as scholarly. Among its most commendable features, mention should be made of the following: It contains profitable suggestions concerning the significance of names used in Scripture. Take, for example, this dissertation on the divine name in Exodus 3:13-14 : “What is His name?—In Egypt, and wherever polytheism prevailed, every god had, as a matter of course, a name. Among the Israelites hitherto God had been known by titles, as El or Elohim, “the holy One.” Shaddai, “the Powerful”; Jahveh or Jehovah, “the Existent.” These titles were used with some perception of their meaning; no one of them had as yet passed into a proper name . . . I Am That I am—It is generally assumed that this was given to Moses as the full name of God. But perhaps it is rather a deep and mysterious statement of His nature . . . I Am, assumed as a name implies— 1.An existence different from all other existence. “I am, and there is none beside Me” (Isaiah 45:6). 2.An existence out of time, with which time has nothing to do (John 8:58). 3.An existence that is real, all other being shadowy. 4.An independent and unconditional existence, from which all other is derived, and on which it is dependent. Symbolism is another phase of Bible Study we need to handle sanely. Seeing the Scriptures abound in Symbolism, we need a safe guide in all interpretation of same. Chosen at random is this illustration from Ellicott’s commentary on God bearing His children as on eagle’s wings (Exodus 19:4; Deuteronomy 32:11). “When its young are first fledged, the eagle is said to assist them in the flight by flying beneath them, so that they may settle upon its wings or back, if necessary. God means that He has bestowed upon His people the same tender and powerful care, has borne them up mightily when they might have fallen, supported them in their first flight as fledglings, and so saved them from disaster.” Much could be said regarding the expositional advantages of the Commentary before us. All who preach the Word should strive after correct interpretation and practical application. Turning to Ellicott’s comment on Numbers 31:6, here is what we gather about “the holy instruments”— “The reference may be only to the silver trumpets, or it may include other sacred instruments. This was emphatically a holy war; and we may learn, from the command given to the Israelites to take with them ‘the holy instruments,’ that they who would engage in the war against sin and Satan must ‘take to them the whole armour of God’ (Ephesians 6:13).” It would take more space than allowed here to extol the homiletical worth of this Commentary. Divisions of themes and verses are notable in this eight-volume set. Israel, we are told, sinned ten times (Numbers 14:21-23). Here is Ellicott’s division of this portion: “Some have explained the words these ten times by adding to the eight murmurings which are recorded: 1.At the Red Sea (Exodus 14:11-12). 2.At Marah (Exodus 15:23). 3.In the wilderness of Sin (Exodus 16:1). 4.At Rephidum (Exodus 27:1). 5.At Horeb (Exodus 32). 6.At Taberah (Numbers 11:1). 7.At the graves of lust (Numbers 11:4). 8.At Kadesh (Numbers 14)—the transgressions of certain individuals. It is more probable, however, that the number ten is used here as elsewhere (Genesis 31:7) as denoting a full measure.” No pastor’s study should be without this set of beneficial expositions. We have no hesitation in affirming that Seminaries, Bible Institutes and Christian Colleges adding Ellicott’s Commentary on the Whole Bible to their library will prove it to be the most sought after work of its kind. Students for the ministry will not be long in discovering the rich mine of truth its pages contain. Jan. 1, 1954 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma HERBERT LOCKYER #define version=3 Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers Text Courtesy of BibleSupport.com. Used by Permission. Bible Hub |