Matthew 7
The Narrow Gate
Discernment and Decision: The Narrow Gate to Righteousness

Matthew 7 provides profound insights into Christian living, focusing on the importance of self-examination, discernment, decision-making, and acting on Jesus' teachings. It encourages believers to live mindful, intentional lives rooted in the teachings of Jesus, making choices that reflect God's will, and producing fruits of righteousness.

Section 1: Judging Others (Matthew 7:1-5)

Jesus begins by cautioning against judging others, highlighting the same measure of judgement will be used on the judge. He uses a metaphor of noticing a speck in someone's eye while ignoring the plank in one's own, urging self-examination.

Section 2: Asking, Seeking, Knocking (Matthew 7:6-8)

Jesus teaches about the effectiveness of prayer, encouraging believers to ask, seek, and knock with the promise of receiving, finding, and doors being opened. He also warns against casting pearls before swine.

Section 3: The Narrow and Wide Gates (Matthew 7:13-14)

Jesus compares the path to life to a narrow gate and difficult road, and the path to destruction as wide and broad, emphasizing the need for conscious choice.

Section 4: A Tree and Its Fruit (Matthew 7:15-20)

Jesus warns about false prophets, who can be identified by their bad fruits, emphasizing that a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and vice versa.

Section 5: True and False Disciples (Matthew 7:21-23)

Jesus clarifies that not everyone who calls Him 'Lord' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven but only those who do the will of His Father. He predicts that many will claim to prophesy, drive out demons, and perform miracles in His name, but He will disown those who practice lawlessness.

Section 6: The Wise and Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-27)

Jesus concludes His sermon by comparing those who hear and apply His words to a wise builder who built his house on rock. Conversely, those who hear but do not act on His words are likened to a foolish builder who built on sand. The former's house withstands the storm, while the latter's falls.

Matthew 7, continuing the Sermon on the Mount, tackles aspects of judgement, discernment, decision-making, and obedience. Jesus calls His followers to self-examination, discernment of true and false prophets, choosing the narrow path of righteousness, and building their lives on the firm foundation of His teachings.

Judgement: The importance of self-examination and not judging others.
Discernment: Recognizing false prophets by their fruits.
Decision: The need to choose the narrow gate.
Obedience: The call to act upon Jesus' teachings.
Judging Others
Asking, Seeking, Knocking
The Narrow and Wide Gates
A Tree and Its Fruit
True and False Disciples
The Wise and Foolish Builders
Jesus Christ
The disciples
The crowds
The mountainside (the setting for the Sermon on the Mount)
Bible Study Questions

1. How does Jesus' caution against judging others influence your interactions with people?

2. Reflect on the metaphor of the speck and the plank. How does this speak to self-examination?

3. How can Jesus' teaching on asking, seeking, and knocking encourage your prayer life?

4. What does the analogy of the narrow and wide gates teach about decision-making in your spiritual journey?

5. How does the metaphor of the tree and its fruit aid in your discernment of true and false teachings?

6. How does the warning against false disciples challenge your understanding of spiritual activities?

7. In what ways does the parable of the wise and foolish builders affect your approach to applying Jesus' teachings?

8. What does "casting pearls before swine" mean in your present context?

9. How can the warning about the wide and easy path influence your life choices?

10. What steps can you take to ensure you're a "tree" producing good fruit?

11. How does the assertion that not all who say 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven challenge your perspective on salvation?

12. How can the teaching on wise and foolish builders inform your approach to the challenges of life?

13. What measures can you implement to ensure you're not a false disciple, but a true follower of Jesus?

14. How does the teaching on judgement inform your approach to discerning right from wrong?

15. How can the principles in Matthew 7 guide you in your relationship with God and others?

16. How does Jesus' teaching on the effectiveness of prayer impact your faith and trust in God?

17. What are the implications of the teaching that only those who do the will of God will enter His Kingdom in your life?

18. How can you practically apply the teachings of Matthew 7 in your day-to-day life?

19. How does the principle of recognizing false prophets by their fruits guide you in discerning truth in today's world?

20. How can the teachings of Matthew 7 shape your spiritual growth and commitment to Christ-like living?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Matthew 6
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