Praise to the Creator 1Reioyce in God O ye righteous: for prayse becommeth well the iust.
2Confesse 3Sing vnto him a new song: do it cunningly, make a sweete noyse with your musicall instrumentes alowde. 4For the word of God is right: and euery worke of his done in fayth. 5He loueth righteousnes & iudgement: the earth is ful of the goodnes of God. 6By the worde of God are the heauens made: and all the hoastes of them by the breath of his mouth. 7He gathereth the waters of the sea together as it were vpon an heape: and layeth vp the deepe as treasures. 8Let all the earth feare God: let all they that dwell in the worlde stande in awe of him. 9For he spake and it was: he commauded, and it was brought to passe. 10God bringeth the counsell of the Heathen to naught: and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effect. 11The counsayle of God shall endure for euer: and the thoughtes of his heart from generation to generation. 12Blessed is the nation that hath God to be their Lorde: that people hath he chosen to be an inheritaunce for him. 13God looketh downe from heauen, and beholdeth all the chyldren of men
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