Blessed Be the LORD, My Rock 1 2My holynesse and my fortresse, my refuge, and my only deliuerer: my buckler, in hym I haue put my trust, who subdueth my people vnder me. 3O God, what is man that thou doest knowe hym? what is the sonne of man that thou doest thynke of hym? 4Man is lyke a thyng of naught: his dayes be lyke a shadowe that passeth away. 5Bowe thy heauens O God and come downe: touche the mountaynes and they shall smoke. 6Cast out terrible lightninges and feare them: shoote out thyne arrowes and consume them. 7Sende downe thine hand from aboue: deliuer me and take me out of the great waters, from the hande of the children of an other deuotion then I am. 8Whose mouth vttereth vanitie: and their ryght hande is a ryght hande of falshood.
9O Lorde I wyll syng a newe song vnto thee: and I wyll syng psalmes vnto thee vpon a Lute, 10Who geueth victorie vnto kynges: who redeemeth Dauid his seruaunt from peryll of the sworde. 11Redeeme me and deliuer me from the hande of the children of an other deuotion then I am: whose mouth vttereth vanitie, and their ryght hande is a ryght hande of falshood.
12That our sonnes may growe vp in their youth as young plantes: that our daughters may be as corners
13That the corners of our houses may be fylled, yeeldyng foorth all maner of stoore: that our cattell may bring foorth thousandes,
14That our oxen may be strong 15Happy are the people that be in such a case: blessed is the people who haue God for their Lorde. |