Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
a.) Not fertile; infertile; barren.
The Wonderful Skill with which Origen Prepares Gregory and ...
... to us to remain with him for a time, then he took us in hand, as a skilled husbandman
may take in hand some field unwrought, and altogether unfertile, and sour ...
/.../argument vii the wonderful skill with.htm
Unfertile (2 Occurrences)... Multi-Version Concordance
Unfertile (2 Occurrences).
... (BBE). Psalms 113:9 He gives
unfertile woman a family, making her a happy mother of children.
.../u/unfertile.htm - 7kUnfeigned (5 Occurrences)
/u/unfeigned.htm - 8k
Unfilled (1 Occurrence)
/u/unfilled.htm - 6k
Unfruitfulness (1 Occurrence)
... spring from which the water came, and put salt in it, and said, The Lord says, Now
I have made this water sweet; no longer will it be death-giving or unfertile...
/u/unfruitfulness.htm - 6k
Death-giving (3 Occurrences)
... spring from which the water came, and put salt in it, and said, The Lord says, Now
I have made this water sweet; no longer will it be death-giving or unfertile...
/d/death-giving.htm - 7k
Sweet (147 Occurrences)
... spring from which the water came, and put salt in it, and said, The Lord says, Now
I have made this water sweet; no longer will it be death-giving or unfertile...
/s/sweet.htm - 40k
Happy (143 Occurrences)
... (BBE JPS). Psalms 113:9 He gives the unfertile woman a family, making her a
happy mother of children. Give praise to the Lord. (BBE NIV). ...
/h/happy.htm - 34k
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