The Lamb: The Young of the Flock
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Exodus 12:5
Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: you shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats:
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Ezekiel 45:15
And one lamb out of the flock, out of two hundred, out of the fat pastures of Israel; for a meat offering, and for a burnt offering, and for peace offerings, to make reconciliation for them, said the Lord GOD.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Who are Christ's Lambs.
... Young Christians are, therefore, beautifully spoken of as lambs, whose ... To be "Jesus'
little lamb" is not only to ... hearts, said, "He shall feed his flock like a ...
/.../orr/food for the lambs or helps for young christians/who are christs lambs.htm

The Shepherd of Our Souls.
... their flock, and who, while he was keeping the flock of Jethro ... as he was following
the ewes great with young ones, He ... how a lion and a bear "took a lamb out of ...
/.../newman/parochial and plain sermons vol viii/sermon xvi the shepherd of.htm

At the Birth of the Son, There was a Great Shouting in Bethlehem
... laden with the best gifts of their flock: sweet milk ... unseen wolf that murdered Adam,
the simple lamb who fed ... virgins to be chaste, and even young girls became ...
/.../ephraim/hymns and homilies of ephraim the syrian/hymn v at the birth.htm

The Gospel Feast
... he was the priest of the Most High God." Such, too, was the lamb of the ... Lord, for
wheat, and for wine, and for oil, and for the young of the flock and of ...
/.../newman/parochial and plain sermons vol vii/sermon xii the gospel feast.htm

The Lamb of God in Scripture
... a Shepherd as well as a Lamb, and the flock following in ... Though He be gentle as a
lamb, yet against sin and iniquity He is fiercer than a young lion when ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 39 1893/the lamb of god in.htm

The Great Shepherd
... If a poor lamb is weary, and unable to keep up with the flock, it shall be carried.
This clause affords encouragement,. (1.). To young people. ...
/...// vol 1/sermon xiii the great shepherd.htm

Abraham's Offering up his Son Isaac
... now a firstling, or choicest lamb or beast of thy flock, and offer ... Behold the fire
and the wood; but where is the lamb for a burnt-offering?" Young men and ...
/.../selected sermons of george whitefield/abrahams offering up his son.htm

The Church Militant Learning the Church Triumphant's Song.
... Life's poor distinctions vanish here; To-day the young, the old,. Our Saviour and
His flock appear. ... "Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain,". Cry the redeem'd above, ...
/.../montgomery/sacred poems and hymns/hymn cc the church militant.htm

Subject Index
... Flight of time, [156]h222. Flock of Christ, [157]h054, [158]h161, [159]h343. Flood,
[160]h019. ... Worthy the Lamb, [490]h089. Young and old praising God, [491]h336. ...
// poems and hymns/subject index.htm

Questions and Answers--Sorrowful Cases--Testimonies from those who ...
... their utter helplessness to do for their motherless flock, have come ... The lamb was
but six years old. ... the railway stations, we were accosted by a young man, who ...
/.../lowe/gods answers/chapter ix questions and answerssorrowful.htm



Lamb of God

Lamb of God: An Name of Jesus

Lamb: Not to be Seethed (Boiled) in Its own Mother's Milk

Lamb: Offering of

The Lamb of Any Thing Dear or Cherished

The Lamb of Christ As a Sacrifice

The Lamb of Purity of Christ

The Lamb of the Lord's People

The Lamb of Weak Believers

The Lamb used for Clothing

The Lamb used for Food

The Lamb used for Sacrifice

The Lamb: (Among Wolves) of Ministers Among the Ungodly

The Lamb: (Brought to Slaughter) of the Wicked Under Judgments

The Lamb: (Consumed in Sacrifice) of Complete Destruction of The

The Lamb: (Deserted and Exposed) of Israel Deprived of God's

The Lamb: (Patience of) the Patience of Christ

The Lamb: An Extensive Commerce In

The Lamb: Considered a Great Delicacy

The Lamb: Covenants Confirmed by Gift of

The Lamb: Exposed to Danger from Wild Beasts

The Lamb: Numbers of, Given by Josiah to the People for Sacrifice

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice by the Wicked not Accepted

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: At a Year Old

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: At the Passover

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: Every Morning and Evening

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: Females

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: from the Earliest Times

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: Males

The Lamb: Offered in Sacrifice: While Sucking

The Lamb: Patient

The Lamb: Playful

The Lamb: The First Born of an Donkey to be Redeemed With

The Lamb: The Image of, Was the First Impression of on Money

The Lamb: The Shepherd's Care For

The Lamb: The Young of the Flock

The Lamb: Tribute often Paid In

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