Abraham's walk with God, [10]h039 Adoration of the Creator, [11]h001, [12]h022 Adult schools, [13]h348 Affliction, [14]h179, [15]h182 After Divine Service, [16]h355 All ages praising God, [17]h350 Almightiness of God, [18]h031 Angels and men, [19]h035 Angels and men praising God, [20]h091 Anniversary, [21]h251 Appeal from children, [22]h312 Ark of safety, [23]h019, [24]h020 Ascension day, [25]h134 Ask and receive, [26]h112 Assurance of hope, [27]h174 Babel, [28]h021 Backslider returning to God, [29]h171 Barnabas, [30]h138 Believing trust in Jehovah, [31]h197 Bereavement, [32]h178 Bethlehem, [33]h052 Birds and flowers, [36]h277 Birth, Death, and Judgment, [37]h218 Birthday, [38]h247 Body and soul, [39]h223 Brotherly love, [40]h199 Burial Ground, preparation of, [41]h303 Calvary, [42]h050, [43]h057, [44]h060 Centenary of Wesleyan Methodism, [45]h252 of a Christian Church, [46]h202 of a Christian Sisterhood, [47]h332 of the Brethren's Eldership and Missions, [48]h273 of the Moravian Church, [49]h271 of the United Brethren at Hernhut, [50]h272 Change and progression, [51]h147 School, [54]h345 Children appeal from poor, [55]h312 numbering their days, [56]h328 praising God, [57]h334 praying for grace, [58]h316 scriptural examples of, [59]h331 worshipping God, [60]h347, [61]h349 China evangelized, [62]h265 Cholera confession and supplication during prevalence of, [63]h290 thanksgiving for removal of, [64]h291, [65]h292 visitation of, [66]h289 Christ He saved others, c., [67]h125 His fight and conquest, [68]h158 amidst His people, [69]h131 birth of, [70]h033, [71]h052, [72]h090 died for sinners, [73]h125 in various characters, [74]h165 names and offices of, [75]h017 our example in suffering, [76]h060, [77]h126 renewal in image of, [78]h166 the Friend of children, [79]h315 the Prince of peace, [80]h059 walking with, [81]h315 Christ's love to children, [82]h326 mission, [83]h058 universal reign, [84]h266, [85]h267 Christian Israel, [86]h055 confidence and stability, [87]h335 graces, [88]h164 unity and peace, [91]h007 Christmas, [92]h250 Church, [93]h264 a lighthouse, [94]h143 consecration of, [95]h295 glorious and impregnable, [96]h201 its peace and prosperity, [97]h100 militant and triumphant, [98]h200 on laying foundation stone of, [99]h294 the universal, [100]h139 Close of the year, [101]h284 Closet prayer, [102]h078 Communion of saints, [103]h109, [104]h114 Complaint, [105]h181 Confession and repentance, [106]h173 Covenant of peace, [107]h110 Covenanting with God, [108]h038, [109]h124 Creation, [110]h002, [111]h003 God seen in, [112]h004 all invites to worship God, [113]h012 Creator-Spirit, [114]h018 Daily prayer, [115]h080 David, [116]h331 Day of grace, [117]h118 after Judgment, [118]h236 Day's journey, prayer for, [119]h192 Deafness, [120]h243 Death, [121]h230 and sin conquered, [122]h232 support in, [123]h231 Deliverance from captivity, [124]h045 from malignant disease, [125]h045 from perils at sea, [126]h045 from trouble, [127]h190 in the wilderness, [128]h045 of God's people, [129]h045 Deluge, escape from, [130]h020 Despondency, [131]h184 corrected, [132]h185 Doxologies, [133]h334, [134]h356 Earth, full of God's goodness, [135]h010 Erection of a Sunday School, [136]h313 Eternity, [137]h238 Evening thoughts, [138]h081 Faith trials of, [139]h176 walk of, [140]h167 Faith, Hope and Charity, [141]h164 Fall and restoration of man, [142]h013, [143]h014, [144]h016 Family altar, [145]h206 table, [146]h207 Farewell to a missionary, [147]h254 Fellowship Christian, symbols of, [148]h152 Church, reception into, [149]h150 bond of, [150]h155 of heavenly travellers, [151]h153 of saints, [152]h149 Female Friendly Society, [153]h285 Fervent supplication, [154]h082 Field of the world, [155]h258 Flight of time, [156]h222 Flock of Christ, [157]h054, [158]h161, [159]h343 Flood, [160]h019 For ever with the Lord, [161]h234, [162]h238 Garden thoughts, [163]h259 Gentiles exhorted to praise God, [164]h087 gathering of, [165]h256 Gethsemane, [166]h060, [167]h129 Gifts and graces, [168]h137, [169]h164 Gloria Patri, [170]h353 Glory to God in songs of praise, [171]h090 God guards his people, [172]h145 in all things, [173]h004, [174]h005, [175]h022 long-suffering of, [176]h047 majesty of, [177]h041 universally worshipped, [178]h092 God's blessing to Abraham, [179]h039 image in his saints, [180]h186 law, [181]h027 mercy, [182]h188 providence and goodness to children, [183]h327 Good Shepherd, [184]h040, [185]h054, [186]h103, [187]h161, [188]h305, [189]h306, [190]h343 Gospel blessings, [191]h283 Grace and glory, [192]h163 Of Jesus Christ, [193]h124 day of, [194]h118 Grave, [195]h308 Gypsies, call to, [196]h242 Hallelujah!, [197]h094, [198]h310 Happiness in Christ, [199]h314 of both worlds, [202]h282 Heart contrition of, [203]h065 given to God, [204]h168, [205]h318 Heaven antepast of, [206]h229 in prospect, [207]h157 invitation to go to, [208]h119 on earth, [209]h228 preparation for, [210]h227 the saints' Home, [211]h234 Heavenly longings, [212]h132 Heritage of God's people, [213]h051, [214]h195 Holy Scriptures, [215]h025 Horeb, [216]h048 Hosanna to Christ, [217]h325, [218]h336, [219]h339 Hospital, public, [220]h286, [221]h287 Humiliation of Christ, [222]h124 Humility, [223]h187, [224]h319 Image of Christ, [225]h122, [226]h166, [227]h177 Infant School, [228]h342 Isaac, [229]h331 Israel, restoration of, [230]h241 Jesus our pattern, [233]h126 Jews, invitation to, [234]h240 Joseph, [235]h331 Jubilee hymn, [236]h094 of Baptist Missionary Society, [237]h269 of Christian Sisterhood, [238]h332 of Church Missionary Society, [239]h270 of London Missionary Society, [240]h261 of Religious Tract Society, [241]h274 of Sunday School Union, [242]h340, [243]h341, [244]h352 of a minister, [245]h310 year of, [246]h263 Juvenile Missionary Meeting, [247]h258 Labrador, [248]h273 Lapse and improvement of time, [249]h203 Laying foundation stone of a church, [250]h294 of a church and cemetery, [251]h298 of a place of worship, [252]h296, [253]h300 Life and death, [254]h214 and judgment, [255]h215, [256]h218, [257]h233 preparation for, [258]h221 Life's eternal issues, [259]h219 Light and truth, [260]h037 natural and spiritual, [261]h321 Lighthouse, [262]h143 Living and dead, their states, [263]h226 Lord's Day worship, [264]h095, [265]h114 Love to the triune God, [270]h175 Lovest thou Me?, [271]h191 Loxley, [272]h339 Luther, [273]h253 Mariners, [274]h244 Mary Magdalene, [275]h053 mother of Jesus, [276]h053 sister of Lazarus, [277]h053 Mary's choice, [278]h144 Mercies acknowledged, [279]h204 Messenger of peace, [280]h305 Messiah manifested, [281]h033, [282]h058 Messiah's peaceful triumphs, [283]h253 Midnight, [284]h212 Millennial anticipations, [285]h266, [286]h268 Minister appointment of, [287]h305 death of, [288]h307, [289]h308, [290]h309, [291]h311 Ministers, meeting of, [292]h306 Missionary death of a, [293]h264 success, [294]h260 Moment, the value of, [297]h224 Morning, [298]h208, [299]h209, [300]h210 Moses, [301]h331 death of, [302]h049 in the desert, [303]h048 Naaman, [304]h331 Name above every name, [305]h075 Nativity of Christ, [306]h093, [307]h239 Nature and grace progressive, [308]h147 voices of, [309]h243 Neff, Felix, hymn of, [310]h225 , [311]h262 New creation, [312]h018 Night thoughts, [313]h213 Noon, [314]h211 Old age, [315]h220 Old and Young Praising God, [316]h336 Omnipotence of God, [317]h145 Omnipresence of God, [318]h042 Omniscience of God, [319]h030, [320]h042, [321]h117 Opening a chapel and Sunday school, [322]h304 of a place of worship, [323]h297, [324]h299, [325]h301 Organ, for opening of an, [326]h302 Orphan Asylum, [327]h344 Our Master Jesus, [328]h262 Parents and family of mankind, [329]h013 Parting of Christian friends, [330]h135 Past and present, [331]h185 present, future, [332]h216 Peace of mind, [333]h177 invitation to, [334]h245 Pentecost, [335]h136, [336]h251, [337]h322 Pilgrimage of life, [338]h026, [339]h055, [340]h147, [341]h153, [342]h169 prayers on, [343]h193 Pisgah-vision, [344]h049 Praise and thanksgiving, [345]h086 Prayer acceptance and guidance in, [346]h077 closet, [347]h078 confidence in, [348]h076 daily, [349]h080 exercise of faith in, [350]h067 for Christ-likeness, [351]h111 for Divine manifestations, [352]h196 for Divine mercy, [353]h173 for a blessing on the Word, [354]h098 for a change of heart, [355]h160 for an aged minister, [356]h309 for an obedient heart, [357]h318 for bread, in time of scarcity, [358]h276 for grace in self-knowledge, [359]h108, [360]h169 for gracious obedience, [361]h083 for humility, [362]h187 for peace of mind, [363]h177 for preservation from sinful words, [364]h330 for spiritual assistance, [365]h159 for spiritual blessings, [366]h320 for the Holy Spirit's influence, [367]h084 in affliction, [368]h179, [369]h182 in bereavement, [370]h178 perseverance in, [371]h074 pleading in, [372]h073 preparation of heart for, [373]h065 resolution in, [374]h066 scriptural examples of, [375]h069 the Lord's, [376]h063, [377]h140 through Christ alone, [378]h068, [379]h075 to give the heart to God, [380]h148 wants and wishes in, [381]h064 what it is, [382]h062 Prayers, our Saviour's, [383]h071 Prince of Peace, [384]h059 Prisoner of the Lord, [385]h183 Promised land, [386]h049 Providence, [387]h022, [388]h141, [389]h205 Divine, chooses our lot, [390]h146 and grace, [391]h142 Public worship, [392]h098, [393]h099, [394]h101, [395]h103, [396]h105, [397]h106 Ragged Schools, [398]h346 Recovery from drowning, [399]h288 Redeemer, a refuge of safety, [400]h031 Redemption, gratitude for, [401]h123 Resignation, [402]h085 Rest for the soul, [403]h023 Resurrection Christ's, [404]h128 power of, [405]h127 Rivelin, [406]h339 Ruth, [407]h331 Sabbath in a sick chamber, [408]h183 on earth and in heaven, [409]h351 rest, [410]h011 schools, [411]h351 universal, [412]h268 vows, [413]h139 worship in the sanctuary, [414]h102 Saints and sinners, [415]h235 Samuel, [416]h331 School, erection of, [417]h313 Schools, National and British, [418]h343 Scriptural examples for the young, [419]h331 Seeking the Lord, [420]h121 Self deception, [421]h036 discoveries, [422]h170 knowledge, [423]h169 Separation on earth, re-union in heaven, [424]h338 Sheffield Infirmary, [425]h286 Sick chamber meditation, [426]h183 Sin, its universality, [427]h032 Sinai, [428]h050 Solomon's prayer, [429]h070 Song of saints in glory, [430]h157, [431]h238 of songs, [432]h089 Soul, the, [433]h008 deception of the, [434]h036 ransomed by death of Christ, [435]h315 temple of the, [436]h009 Spirit and Word of God, [437]h257 Spiritual worship, [438]h104 Still small voice, the, [439]h198 Sunday School anniversary, [440]h337 evening song for, [441]h120 meeting, [442]h322 teacher, death of, [443]h333 union, [444]h324 Surrender of all to God, [445]h180 Tabor, [446]h050 Te Deum Laudamus, [447]h093 Teacher, [448]h305 death of a, [449]h333 Testimonies of God, [450]h041 Thanksgiving for harvest, [451]h279 Three Marys, [452]h053 mountains, [453]h050 Time, life, and man, [454]h217 past, present, future, [455]h046 To-day, [456]h222 Tongue, government of the, [457]h329 Tribulation and prayer, [458]h172 Trinity worshipped, [459]h175, [460]h195 Trumpet of salvation, [461]h044 Trust in the Lord, [462]h189 Union, Christian, symbolized, [463]h154 Unity in faith, hope, and feeling, [464]h323 Vain confidence, [465]h036 Vows and prayers of youth, [466]h317 Wadsley Church Schools, [467]h339 Waiting upon God, [468]h097, [469]h108, [470]h115, [471]h116 Walk of faith, [472]h167 War and peace, [473]h044, [474]h088 Warrior, Christian, [475]h043 Watch and pray, [476]h162 Watchman, [477]h305 Waters of life, [478]h056, [479]h057 Wharncliffe, [480]h339 Whitsuntide, [481]h322 prayer for, [484]h037, [485]h070, [486]h072 Word of God, [487]h028, [488]h117 Working for God, [489]h156 Worthy the Lamb, [490]h089 Young and old praising God, [491]h336 Youth vowing to serve the Lord, [492]h317 |