Ark of the Covenant: A Type of Christ
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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Psalm 40:8
I delight to do your will, O my God: yes, your law is within my heart.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Revelation 11:19
And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightning, and voices, and thunder, and an earthquake, and great hail.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


The Ark of his Covenant
... Let us think of what was in the ancient ark of the covenant, for all that was in
that ark as a type is to be seen in Christ our heavenly covenant ark above. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 41 1895/the ark of his covenant.htm

The Story of Israel Crossing Jordan under Joshua is Typical of ...
... and were all baptized into Jesus in the spirit and in the river." And Joshua, who
succeeded Moses, was a type of Jesus ... For the ark of the covenant of the ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of john/26 the story of israel.htm

Faustus Denies that the Prophets Predicted Christ. Augustin Proves ...
... to God, though both clean and unclean were in the ark. ... when the sun shines, the sign
of His covenant with men ... the Gospel, and declares it to be a type of Himself ...
/.../faustus denies that the prophets.htm

Christ Cleansing the Temple
... The special type of corruption which we find in this incident is one that besets
the Church ... It will be like the carrying of the Ark of the Covenant of the ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture i/christ cleansing the temple.htm

Index of Subjects.
... Ark of the covenant, 588. ... Chapters, origin of, 174, 377. Cherubim over the ark, God's
dwelling-place, 588. ... Joshua the high-priest, as a type of Christ, 590. ...
// to the bible/index of subjects.htm

The Charge to the Soldier of the Lord
... Jesus Christ is the type of both. ... all feebleness, and directs our footsteps into
the way of peace; that living and personal Ark of the covenant of the Lord ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture f/the charge to the soldier.htm

The Temple Spoken of by Christ is the Church. Application to the ...
... of David, who builds this house, is a type of Christ ... a stone of the inmost parts,
where the ark is, and ... four hundred and thirty years after the covenant made by ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of john/23 the temple spoken of.htm

The Third vision "In Heaven"
... The words printed in thicker type show us the great subject of each ... for us what is
included in His Covenant, of which the manifestation of the Ark of His ...
/.../bullinger/commentary on revelation/the third vision in heaven.htm

What is the Sanctuary?
... which it refers must be the sanctuary of the new covenant. ... before the veil, behind
which was the ark containing the ... things." And what was done in type in the ...
/.../the great controversy between christ and satan /23 what is the sanctuary.htm

What is the Sanctuary?
... which it refers must be the sanctuary of the new covenant. ... before the veil, behind
which was the ark containing the ... things." And what was done in type in the ...
// great controversy/chapter 23 what is the.htm



Ark of Bulrushes

Ark of Moses

Ark of Noah

Ark of Testimony

Ark of the Covenant

Ark of the Covenant was Called The: Ark of God

Ark of the Covenant was Called The: Ark of God's Strength

Ark of the Covenant was Called The: Ark of the Covenant of the Lord

Ark of the Covenant was Called The: Ark of the Testimony

Ark of the Covenant was Carried by Priests of Levites Alone

Ark of the Covenant was Carried: Before the Israelites in Their Journeys

Ark of the Covenant was Carried: Sometimes to the Camp in War

Ark of the Covenant was Holy

Ark of the Covenant: A Copy of the Law Laid in the Side of

Ark of the Covenant: A Symbol of the Presence and Glory of God

Ark of the Covenant: A Type of Christ

Ark of the Covenant: Anointed With Sacred Oil

Ark of the Covenant: At Kirjath-Jearim Twenty Years

Ark of the Covenant: Brought by Solomon Into the Temple With Great Solemnity

Ark of the Covenant: Brought Into the City of David

Ark of the Covenant: Captured by the Philistines

Ark of the Covenant: Covered With the Vail by the Priests Before Removal

Ark of the Covenant: David Made a Tent For

Ark of the Covenant: Dimensions of

Ark of the Covenant: Entirely Covered With Gold

Ark of the Covenant: Esteemed the Glory of Israel

Ark of the Covenant: Furnished With Rings and Staves

Ark of the Covenant: Mercy-Seat Laid Upon

Ark of the Covenant: Miracles Connected With: Fall of Dagon

Ark of the Covenant: Miracles Connected With: Fall of the Walls of Jericho

Ark of the Covenant: Miracles Connected With: Jordan Divided

Ark of the Covenant: Miracles Connected With: Manner of Its Restoration

Ark of the Covenant: Miracles Connected With: Philistines Plagued

Ark of the Covenant: Placed in the Holy of Holies

Ark of the Covenant: Profanation of, Punished

Ark of the Covenant: Protecting of, Rewarded

Ark of the Covenant: Removed from Kirjath-Jearim to the House of Obed-Edom

Ark of the Covenant: Sanctified Its Resting Place

Ark of the Covenant: Surrounded With a Crown of Gold

Ark of the Covenant: Tables of Testimony Alone Placed In

Ark of the Covenant: The Israelites Enquired of the Lord Before

Ark of the Covenant: The Pot of Manna and Aaron's Rod Laid up Before

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant in John's Vision

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant of God

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant of God's Strength

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant of the Covenant

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant of the Testimony

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Aaron's Rod

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: An Oracle of God

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Captured by the Philstines

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Carried by Kohathites

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Ceremonies Connected With, on the Day of Atonement

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Construction of

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Directions for Making

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Holy

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: How Prepared for Conveyance

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: On Special Occasions Carried by Priests: Crossing Jordan

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Place of

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Pot of Manna

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Prophecy Concerning

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Remains at the House of Abinadab

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Remains in the House of Obed-Edom

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Returned by the Philistines

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Sanctification of

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Set up in Jerusalem

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Set up in Shiloh

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Siege of Jericho

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Taken to Battle

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: The Law

Ark: in the Tabernacle--Called the Ark of the Covenant: Transferred to Solomon's Temple

Ark: Noah's: Animals Saved In

Ark: Noah's: Directions for Building of

Ark: Noah's: Noah and Family Preserved In

Ark: of Bullrushes

Removed from Jerusalem by Zadok at the Time of Absalom's Revolt, But Returned by Command of David

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