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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (a.) Possessing luster or brightness; brilliant; luminous; splendid.

2. (a.) Characterized by greatness, nobleness, etc.; eminent; conspicuous; distinguished.

3. (a.) Conferring luster or honor; renowned; as, illustrious deeds or titles.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

i-lus'-tri-us (thaumastos): A title of rank and merit attached to the name of Bartacus, the father of Apame (1 Esdras 4:29, the King James Version "the admirable). Instead of "the illustrious" we should possibly read "colonel" (Ant., XI, iii, 5; EB, under the word).


2016. epiphanes -- notable
... Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: epiphanes Phonetic Spelling:
(ep-if-an-ace') Short Definition: manifest, glorious, illustrious Definition: manifest ...
// - 6k
Strong's Hebrew
8038. Shemeber -- "name of pinion," king of Zeboiim
... Shemeber. Apparently from shem and 'eber; name of pinion, ie Illustrious; Shemeber,
a king of Zeboim -- Shemeber. see HEBREW shem. see HEBREW 'eber. 8037, 8038 ...
/hebrew/8038.htm - 6k

Jerome and Gennadius Lives of Illustrious Men.
Jerome and Gennadius Lives of Illustrious Men. . Jerome and Gennadius
Lives of Illustrious Men. Various. Ernest Cushing ...
/...// and gennadius lives of illustrious men /

Letter Xlii to the Illustrious Youth, Geoffrey De Perrone, and his ...
... LETTER XLII To the Illustrious Youth, Geoffrey de Perrone, and His Comrades. To
the Illustrious Youth, Geoffrey de Perrone, and His Comrades. ...
/.../letter xlii to the illustrious.htm

Jerome and Gennadius Lives of Illustrious Men.
Jerome and Gennadius Lives of Illustrious Men. . ... Jerome and Gennadius Lives
of Illustrious Men. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by. ...
/.../jerome and gennadius lives of.htm

Jerome. Lives of Illustrious Men. Preface.
Jerome and Gennadius Lives of Illustrious Men. . ... II. Jerome. Lives
of Illustrious Men. Preface. You have urged me, Dexter ...
/.../ii jerome lives of illustrious.htm

The Illustrious Bishops of that Time.
... Book VII. Chapter XXVIII."The Illustrious Bishops of that Time. 1. Of these ...
city. [2388] But these were the most illustrious. 2. When ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter xxviii the illustrious bishops of.htm

"There was Also an Illustrious Name of Another Anchorite in those ...
... Dialogues of Sulpitius Severus. Chapter XVI. "There was also an illustrious
name of another anchorite in those regions? "There ...
/.../severus/life and writings of sulpitius severus /chapter xvi there was also.htm

Enumeration of the Illustrious Men in the Church who in their ...
... BIBLION. Chapter XXIX. Enumeration of the illustrious men in the Church
who in their writings have used the word "with.". 71. In ...
/.../basil/basil letters and select works/chapter xxix enumeration of the.htm

The Illustrious Celsus, Taking Occasion I Know not from What...
... Chapter V. The illustrious Celsus, taking occasion I know not from what?
The illustrious [3697] Celsus, taking occasion I know ...
/.../origen/origen against celsus/chapter v the illustrious celsus.htm

The Most Illustrious Instance of Predestination is Christ Jesus.
... A Treatise on the predestination of the saints, Chapter 30 [XV.]"The Most
Illustrious Instance of Predestination is Christ Jesus. ...
/.../augustine/anti-pelagian writings/chapter 30 xv the most illustrious.htm

O Thou who Art Made Priest after Thy Master, the Illustrious after ...
... O thou who art made priest after thy master, the illustrious after the excellent,
the chaste after the grave, the watchful after the abstinent, thy master from ...
/.../ephraim/hymns and homilies of ephraim the syrian/hymn xviii o thou who.htm

Illustrious (1 Occurrence)
... 3. (a.) Conferring luster or honor; renowned; as, illustrious deeds or titles.
Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. ILLUSTRIOUS, THE. ...
/i/illustrious.htm - 7k

Illustrate (1 Occurrence)
... 5. (vt) To give renown or honor to; to make illustrious; to glorify. 6. (a.)
Illustrated; distinguished; illustrious. Multi-Version Concordance ...
/i/illustrate.htm - 7k

... of Apame. He is called "the illustrious," probably because of rank and merits.
The family ... of his wife Apame. Compare APAME; ILLUSTRIOUS. ...
/b/bartacus.htm - 7k

Hero (7 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (n.) An illustrious man, supposed to be exalted,
after death, to a place among the gods; a demigod, as Hercules. ...
/h/hero.htm - 9k

Honorable (42 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (a.) Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded;
estimable; illustrious. 2. (a.) High-minded; actuated ...
/h/honorable.htm - 22k

... the kingdom.". (2.) Antiochus IV., surnamed "Epiphanes" ie, the Illustrious,
succeeded his brother Seleucus (BC 175). His career ...
/a/antiochus.htm - 17k

... APAME. a-pa'-me, ap'-a-me (Apame): A concubine of Darius and a daughter of Bartacus
the Illustrious, whose behavior to the king is referred to in a speech of ...
/a/apame.htm - 6k

... Germanicus. His father was Enaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus ("Brazen-beard"), a man
sprung from an illustrious family and of vicious character. ...
/n/nero.htm - 41k

Latin (2 Occurrences)
... down to us. The church of North Africa early received a baptism of blood,
and could point to an illustrious roll of martyrs. It had ...
/l/latin.htm - 28k

Zichri (12 Occurrences)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary Remembered; illustrious. (1.) A Benjamite chief (1 Chronicles
8:19). (2.) Another of the same tribe (1 Chronicles 8:23). Int. ...
/z/zichri.htm - 12k

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