Arriving (7 Occurrences)... Multi-Version Concordance
Arriving (7 Occurrences). John 11:17 Jesus therefore on
arriving found him to have been four days already in the tomb. (DBY).
.../a/arriving.htm - 8kPremature (1 Occurrence)
... 2. (a.) Happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper or usual time;
adopted too soon; too early; untimely; as, a premature fall of snow; a ...
/p/premature.htm - 7k
Arrives (7 Occurrences)
/a/arrives.htm - 8k
Arrogance (30 Occurrences)
/a/arrogance.htm - 15k
Quarantine (3 Occurrences)
... 2. (n.) Specifically, the term, originally of forty days, during which a ship arriving
in port, and suspected of being infected a malignant contagious disease ...
/q/quarantine.htm - 8k
Kittim (8 Occurrences)
... in Cyprus was an offshoot from that ancient foundation, as reported by the Cyprians
themselves, Phoenicians having founded it at Cythera, on arriving from Syria ...
/k/kittim.htm - 15k
Fiction (2 Occurrences)
... 5. (n.) Any like assumption made for convenience, as for passing more rapidly over
what is not disputed, and arriving at points really at issue. ...
/f/fiction.htm - 7k
Free (454 Occurrences)
... political liberty. 3. (superl.) Liberated, by arriving at a certain age,
from the control of parents, guardian, or master. 4. (superl ...
/f/free.htm - 38k
Red (124 Occurrences)
... The difficulty of arriving at any definite conclusion on the matter is much increased
by the consideration that the head of the Gulf of Suez, which was the ...
/r/red.htm - 77k
Epicureans (1 Occurrence)
... For happiness consists not so much in the satisfaction of desires, as in the
suppression of wants, and in arriving at a state of independence of all ...
/e/epicureans.htm - 20k
Bible Concordance
Arriving (7 Occurrences)John 11:17 Jesus therefore on arriving found him to have been four days already in the tomb.
Acts 17:10 The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Beroea. When they arrived, they went into the Jewish synagogue.
(See NIV)
Acts 18:27 When he had determined to pass over into Achaia, the brothers encouraged him, and wrote to the disciples to receive him. When he had come, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace;
(See NIV)
Acts 27:7 When we had sailed slowly many days, and had come with difficulty opposite Cnidus, the wind not allowing us further, we sailed under the lee of Crete, opposite Salmone.
(See NIV)
Ruth 1:22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter-in-law, with her, who returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest.
(See NIV)
2 Chronicles 9:1 When the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, with a very great train, and camels that bore spices, and gold in abundance, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she talked with him of all that was in her heart.
(See NIV)
2 Chronicles 28:12 Then certain of the heads of the children of Ephraim, Azariah the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son of Meshillemoth, and Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood up against those who came from the war,
(See NIV)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
p. pr. & vb. n.) of Arrive.
4274. prodromos -- a running forward, going in advance ... 4274 (from 4253 , "before" and 1408 , "a race-course") -- properly, a person running
ahead (a ) to reach the destination others -- ie
arriving for the benefit
... // - 7kLibrary
He Further Shows that the Pretemporal Generation of the Son is not ...
... the soul and from the sabbath rest of the Hebrews.What he says runs thus:""As all
generation is not protracted to infinity, but ceases on arriving at some end ...
/.../gregory/gregory of nyssa dogmatic treatises etc/section 3 he further shows.htm
How the Britons, Being Ravaged by the Scots and Picts, Sought ...
... An armed legion was immediately sent them, which, arriving in the island, and engaging
the enemy, slew a great multitude of them, drove the rest out of the ...
/.../bede/bedes ecclesiastical history of england/chap xii how the britons.htm
After the Death of the Emperor Honorius John Usurps the ...
... distinguished himself in the Persian war. [968] He, on arriving at Salonæ, set
sail from thence for Aquileia. And he was fortunate as was ...
/.../the ecclesiastical history of scholasticus/chapter xxiii after the death of.htm
Paul is Again Ejected from the Church by Constantius, in ...
... He, on arriving at Constantinople, threw the whole city into confusion, attempting
to cast out the bishops; for sedition immediately arose from the people in ...
/.../chapter xiii paul is again ejected.htm
Of the Conversion, Life, Miracles, and Death of the Holy Brother ...
... No sooner had the order reached him than he set out most joyfully, hoping that on
arriving he would go to heaven, according to the promise of Christ. ...
/.../the little flowers of st francis of assisi/chapter xlv of the conversion.htm
Ignatius Leaves his Native Land --What He did at Montserrat and at ...
... At length, Ignatius, wearied by his inward struggle and not arriving at any
determination, decided to settle all his doubts in the following novel way: he ...
/.../loyola/the autobiography of st ignatius/chapter ii ignatius leaves his.htm
Immortality of the Soul, and a Future State.
... for the immortality of the soul, there is one drawn from the perpetual progress
of the soul, to its perfection, without a possibility of ever arriving at it ...
/.../sect x immortality of the.htm
To Enter into a Full Examination, as to what Would Constitute ...
... just referred to, would properly form an element in leading to a conclusion, and,
when combined with others, would give as reasonable grounds for arriving at a ...
/.../jerram/thoughts on a revelation/section 5 to enter into.htm
The Epistles of Paul
... As a result he is taken to Rome, arriving there after suffering shipwreck,
and remaining a prisoner in his own dwelling for two years. ...
/.../drummond/introduction to the new testament/the epistles of paul.htm
To the Rev. A. Brandram
... I started from Seville on the night of the 31st of July in one of the steamers which
ply upon the Guadalquivir, arriving at San Lucar early in the morning. ...
/.../borrow/letters of george borrow/to the rev a brandram 62.htm
Related Terms
Premature (1 Occurrence)
Arrives (7 Occurrences)
Arrogance (30 Occurrences)
Quarantine (3 Occurrences)
Kittim (8 Occurrences)
Fiction (2 Occurrences)
Free (454 Occurrences)
Red (124 Occurrences)
Epicureans (1 Occurrence)
Magadan (1 Occurrence)
Pekah (11 Occurrences)
Arrival (19 Occurrences)
Samson (37 Occurrences)
Philistines (224 Occurrences)
Sermon (1 Occurrence)
Hospitality (9 Occurrences)
Host (261 Occurrences)
Job (60 Occurrences)
Malchiel (3 Occurrences)
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