1 Peter 1
Berean Standard BibleInternational Standard Version
1Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To the elect who are exiles of the Dispersion throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, chosen1From: Peter, an apostle of Jesus, the Messiah. To: The exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,
2according to the foreknowledge of God the Father and sanctified by the Spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by His blood: Grace and peace be yours in abundance.2the people chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through the sanctifying action of the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus, the Messiah, and to be sprinkled with his blood. May grace and peace be yours in abundance!
3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah! Because of his great mercy he has granted us a new birth, resulting in an immortal hope through the resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah, from the dead
4and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, reserved in heaven for you,4and to an inheritance kept in heaven for you that can't be destroyed, corrupted, or changed.
5who through faith are shielded by God’s power for the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.5Through faith you are being protected by God's power for a salvation that is ready to be revealed at the end of this era.
6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in various trials6You greatly rejoice in this, even though you have to suffer various kinds of trials for a little while,
7so that the proven character of your faith—more precious than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.7so that your genuine faith, which is more valuable than gold that perishes when tested by fire, may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus, the Messiah, is revealed.
8Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and rejoice with an inexpressible and glorious joy,8Though you have not seen him, you love him. And even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy,
9now that you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.9because you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
10Concerning this salvation, the prophets who foretold the grace to come to you searched and investigated carefully,10Even the prophets, who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours, carefully researched and investigated this salvation.
11trying to determine the time and setting to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when He predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow.11They tried to find out what era or specific time the Spirit of the Messiah in them kept referring to when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow.
12It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, when they foretold the things now announced by those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.12It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you in regard to the things that have now been announced to you by those who brought you the good news through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. These are things that even the angels desire to look into.
13Therefore prepare your minds for action. Be sober-minded. Set your hope fully on the grace to be given you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.13Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep a clear head, and set your hope completely on the grace to be given you when Jesus, the Messiah, is revealed.
14As obedient children, do not conform to the passions of your former ignorance.14As obedient children, do not be shaped by the desires that used to influence you when you were ignorant.
15But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do,15Instead, be holy in every aspect of your life, just as the one who called you is holy.
16for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”16For it is written, "You must be holy, because I am holy."
17Since you call on a Father who judges each one’s work impartially, conduct yourselves in reverent fear during your stay as foreigners.17If you call "Father" the one who judges everyone impartially according to what they have done, you must live in reverent fear as long as you are strangers in a strange land.
18For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life you inherited from your forefathers,18For you know that it was not with perishable things like silver or gold that you have been ransomed from the worthless way of life handed down to you by your ancestors,
19but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or spot.19but with the precious blood of the Messiah, like that of a lamb without blemish or defect.
20He was known before the foundation of the world, but was revealed in the last times for your sake.20On the one hand, he was foreknown before the creation of the world, but on the other hand, he was revealed at the end of time for your sake.
21Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him; and so your faith and hope are in God.21Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope might be in God.
22Since you have purified your souls by obedience to the truth so that you have a genuine love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from a pure heart.22Now that you have obeyed the truth and have purified your souls to love your brothers sincerely, you must love one another intensely and with a pure heart.
23For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.23For you have been born again, not by a seed that perishes but by one that cannot perish—by the living and everlasting word of God.
24For, “All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall,24For "All human life is like grass, and all its glory is like a flower in the grass. The grass dries up and the flower drops off,
25but the word of the Lord stands forever.” And this is the word that was proclaimed to you.25but the word of the Lord lasts forever." Now this word is the good news that was announced to you.
This text of God's Word has been dedicated to the public domain.The Holy Bible: International Standard Version® Release 2.1 Copyright © 1996-2012 The ISV Foundation
James 5
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