People, Places, Outline Greetings and Love People Amplias, Andronicus, Apelles, Aquila, Aristobulus, Asyncritus, Christians, Epaenetus, Erastus, Gaius, Hermas, Hermes, Herodion, Jason, Julia, Junia, Lucius, Mary, Narcissus, Nereus, Olympas, Patrobas, Paul, Persis, Phebe, Philologus, Phlegon, Prisca, Priscilla, Quartus, Romans, Rufus, Sosipater, Stachys, Tertius, Timotheus, Timothy, Tryphena, Tryphosa, Urbane Places Asia, Cenchreae, Rome Outline 1. Paul wills the brothers to greet many; 17. and advises them to take heed of those which cause dissension and offenses; 21. and after various salutations ends with praise and thanks to God. Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |