People, Places, Outline Manasseh's Wicked Reign in Judah; Ammon follows People Amon, Ben, David, Hezekiah, Israelites, Josiah, Manasseh, Solomon Places Assyria, Babylon, Fish Gate, Gihon, Jerusalem, Ophel, Valley of Hinnom Outline 1. Manasseh's wicked reign 3. He sets up idolatry, and will not be admonished 11. He is carried into Babylon 12. Upon his prayer to God he is released and puts down idolatry 18. His acts 20. He dying, Amon succeeds him 21. who is slain by his servants 25. The murderers being slain, Josiah succeeds him Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |