Psalm 85:1
Psalm 85:1
For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. A psalm. You, LORD, showed favor to your land; you restored the fortunes of Jacob.

For the choir director: A psalm of the descendants of Korah. LORD, you poured out blessings on your land! You restored the fortunes of Israel.

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah. LORD, you were favorable to your land; you restored the fortunes of Jacob.

For the choir director. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. O LORD, You showed favor to Your land; You restored the captivity of Jacob.

To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. LORD, thou hast been favourable unto thy land: thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

For the choir director. A psalm of the sons of Korah. LORD, You showed favor to Your land; You restored Jacob's prosperity.

LORD you have favored your land and restored the fortunes of Jacob.

For the music director; written by the Korahites, a psalm. O LORD, you showed favor to your land; you restored the well-being of Jacob.

You have delighted, Lord Jehovah, in your land and you have turned the captivity of Jacob!

[For the choir director; a psalm by Korah's descendants.] You favored your land, O LORD. You restored the fortunes of Jacob.

LORD, thou hast been favourable unto thy land; thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

LORD, you have been favorable unto your land: you have brought back the captivity of Jacob.

Lord, you have been favorable to your land: you have brought back the captivity of Jacob.

Jehovah, thou hast been favorable unto thy land; Thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

Unto the end, for the sons of Core, a psalm. Lord, thou hast blessed thy land: thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob.

{To the chief Musician. Of the sons of Korah. A Psalm.} Thou hast been favourable, Jehovah, unto thy land; thou hast turned the captivity of Jacob:

For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. LORD, Thou hast been favourable unto thy land: thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

To the chief Musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah. LORD, thou hast been favorable to thy land: thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

Yahweh, you have been favorable to your land. You have restored the fortunes of Jacob.

To the Overseer. -- By sons of Korah. A Psalm. Thou hast accepted, O Jehovah, Thy land, Thou hast turned to the captivity of Jacob.

Psalmet 85:1
O Zot, ti ke qenë i mbarë për tokën tënde dhe e ke kthyer Jakobin nga robëria.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 85:1
لامام المغنين. لبني قورح. مزمور‎. ‎رضيت يا رب على ارضك. ارجعت سبي يعقوب‎.

D Sälm 85:1
Für n Stenger: Ayn Salm von de Koracher: [2] Mein, Herr, wiest deinn Land ainst guet warst! Yn de Jaaggner kaam nix hin.

Псалми 85:1
(По слав. 84). За първия певец, псалом за Кореевите потомци. Господи, Ти си се показал благосклонен към земята Си, Върнал си Якова от плен.

詩 篇 85:1
( 可 拉 後 裔 的 詩 , 交 與 伶 長 。 ) 耶 和 華 啊 , 你 已 經 向 你 的 地 施 恩 , 救 回 被 擄 的 雅 各 。

( 可 拉 後 裔 的 诗 , 交 与 伶 长 。 ) 耶 和 华 啊 , 你 已 经 向 你 的 地 施 恩 , 救 回 被 掳 的 雅 各 。



Psalm 85:1
Zborovođi. Sinova Korahovih. Psalam. (1a) Zavolje opet, Jahve, zemlju svoju, na dobro okrenu udes Jakovljev.

Žalmů 85:1
Přednímu z kantorů, synů Chóre, žalm. (1a) Laskavěs se, Hospodine, někdy ukazoval k zemi své, přivedls zase z vězení Jákoba.

Salme 85:1
Til Sangmesteren. Af Koras Sønner. En Salme. (2) Du var naadig, HERRE, imod dit Land, du vendte Jakobs Skæbne,

Psalmen 85:1
Een psalm, voor den opperzangmeester, onder de kinderen van Korach. (1a) Gij zijt Uw lande gunstig geweest, HEERE! de gevangenis van Jakob hebt Gij gewend.

תהילים 85:1
לַמְנַצֵּ֬חַ ׀ לִבְנֵי־קֹ֬רַח מִזְמֹֽור׃ רָצִ֣יתָ יְהוָ֣ה אַרְצֶ֑ךָ בְתָּ [שְׁבוּת כ] (שְׁבִ֣ית ק) יַעֲקֹֽב׃

א למנצח לבני-קרח מזמור ב רצית יהוה ארצך  שבת שבות (שבית) יעקב

למנצח ׀ לבני־קרח מזמור׃ רצית יהוה ארצך בת [שבות כ] (שבית ק) יעקב׃

Zsoltárok 85:1
Az éneklõmesternek, Kóráh fiainak zsoltára. (1a) Jóakarattal voltál Uram a te földedhez. Visszahoztad a Jákób [nemzetségébõl ] való foglyokat.

La psalmaro 85:1
Al la hxorestro. Psalmo de la Korahxidoj. Vi korfavoris, ho Eternulo, Vian landon, Vi revenigis la forkaptitojn de Jakob;

Koran lasten Psalmi, edelläveisaajalle. (H85:2) Herra, sinä kuin (muinen) olit armollinen sinun maakunnalles, ja Jakobin vangit lunastit,

Psaume 85:1
Éternel! tu as été propice à ta terre, tu as rétabli les captifs de Jacob.

Au chef des chantres. Des fils de Koré. Psaume. Tu as été favorable à ton pays, ô Eternel! Tu as ramené les captifs de Jacob;

Psaume des enfants de Coré, [donné] au maître chantre. Eternel, tu t'es apaisé envers ta terre, tu as ramené et mis en repos les prisonniers de Jacob.

Psalm 85:1
Ein Psalm der Kinder Korah, vorzusingen.

Ein Psalm der Kinder Korah, vorzusingen. HERR, der du bist vormals gnädig gewesen deinem Lande und hast die Gefangenen Jakobs erlöst;

Dem Musikmeister. Von den Korachiten. Ein Psalm. 2 Du hast dein Land begnadigt, Jahwe, hast das Geschick Jakobs gewendet.

Salmi 85:1
Per il Capo de’ musici. Salmo de’ figliuoli di Kore. O Eterno, tu sei stato propizio alla tua terra, tu hai ricondotto Giacobbe dalla cattività.

Salmo de’ figliuoli di Core, dato al capo de’ Musici. O SIGNORE, tu sei stato propizio alla tua terra; Tu hai ritratto Giacobbe di cattività.

Mazmur bagi biduan besar di antara bani Korah. (1a) Ya Tuhan! Engkau telah berkenan akan tanah-Mu dan Engkau telah mengubahkan hal ketawanan Yakub.

시편 85:1
(고라 자손의 시. 영장으로 한 노래) 여호와여, 주께서 주의 땅에 은혜를 베푸사 야곱의 포로 된 자로 돌아오게 하셨으며

Psalmi 85:1
(84-1) victori filiorum Core canticum (84-2) placatus es Domine terrae tuae reduxisti captivitatem Iacob

Psalmynas 85:1
Viešpatie, Tu buvai palankus savo kraštui, išlaisvinai Jokūbą.

Psalm 85:1
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. He himene ma nga tama a Koraha. E Ihowa, kua aro mai koe ki tou whenua, kua whakahokia mai e koe a Hakopa i te whakarau.

Salmenes 85:1
Til sangmesteren; av Korahs barn; en salme. (2) Du har fordum, Herre, vært nådig mot ditt land, du lot Jakobs fangenskap ophøre.

Salmos 85:1
Oh SEÑOR, tú mostraste favor a tu tierra, cambiaste la cautividad de Jacob.

Para el director del coro. Salmo de los hijos de Coré. Oh SEÑOR, Tú mostraste favor a Tu tierra, Cambiaste la cautividad de Jacob.

«Al Músico principal: Salmo para los hijos de Coré» Fuiste propicio a tu tierra, oh Jehová; volviste la cautividad de Jacob.

Al Músico principal: Salmo para los hijos de Coré. FUISTE propicio á tu tierra, oh Jehová: Volviste la cautividad de Jacob.

Al Vencedor: A los hijos de Coré. Salmo. Fuiste propicio a tu tierra, oh SEÑOR; volviste la cautividad de Jacob.

Salmos 85:1
Ao regente do coro. Salmo da família de Corá. Favoreceste, SENHOR, a tua terra; trouxeste Jacó de volta do cativeiro!

Mostraste favor, Senhor, à tua terra; fizeste regressar os cativos de Jacó.   

Psalmi 85:1
(Către mai marele cîntăreţilor. Un psalm al fiilor lui Core.) Tu ai fost binevoitor cu ţara Ta, Doamne! Ai adus înapoi pe prinşii de război ai lui Iacov;

Псалтирь 85:1
(84:1) Начальнику хора. Кореевых сынов. Псалом. (84:2) Господи! Тыумилосердился к земле Твоей, возвратил плен Иакова;

(84-1) ^^Начальнику хора. Кореевых сынов. Псалом.^^ (84-2) Господи! Ты умилосердился к земле Твоей, возвратил плен Иакова;[]

Psaltaren 85:1
För sångmästaren; av Koras söner; en psalm. (1a) HERRE, du var förr ditt land nådig, du upprättade åter Jakobs hus.

Psalm 85:1
Panginoon, ikaw ay naging lingap sa iyong lupain: iyong ibinalik ang nangabihag ng Jacob.

เพลงสดุดี 85:1
ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ พระองค์ได้ทรงโปรดปรานแผ่นดินของพระองค์ พระองค์ทรงให้พวกเชลยของยาโคบกลับสู่สภาพดี

Mezmurlar 85:1
Ya RAB, ülkenden hoşnut kaldın,
Yakup soyunu eski gönencine kavuşturdun.[]

Thi-thieân 85:1
Hỡi Ðức Giê-hô-va, Ngài đã làm ơn cho xứ Ngài, Ðem những phu tù của Gia-cốp trở về.

Psalm 84:12
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