Psalm 8:1
Psalm 8:1
For the director of music. According to gittith. A psalm of David. LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.

For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by a stringed instrument. O LORD, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens.

To the choirmaster: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of David. O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.

For the choir director; on the Gittith. A Psalm of David. O LORD, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens!

To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of David. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.

For the choir director: on the Gittith. A Davidic psalm. Yahweh, our Lord, how magnificent is Your name throughout the earth! You have covered the heavens with Your majesty.

LORD, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth! You set your glory above the heavens!

For the music director, according to the gittith style; a psalm of David. O LORD, our Lord, how magnificent is your reputation throughout the earth! You reveal your majesty in the heavens above!

Lord Jehovah, our Lord, how glorious is your Name in all the Earth, for you have set your glory above Heaven!

[For the choir director; on the [gittith]; a psalm by David.] O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name throughout the earth! Your glory is sung above the heavens.

O LORD our Lord, how great is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy praise above the heavens.

O LORD our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth! who have set your glory above the heavens.

O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth! who have set your glory above the heavens.

O Jehovah, our Lord, How excellent is thy name in all the earth, Who hast set thy glory upon the heavens!

Unto the end, for the presses: a psalm of David. O Lord our Lord, how admirable is thy name in the whole earth! For thy magnificence is elevated above the heavens.

{To the chief Musician. Upon the Gittith. A Psalm of David.} Jehovah our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy majesty above the heavens.

For the Chief Musician; set to the Gittith. A Psalm of David. O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory upon the heavens.

To the chief Musician upon Gittith, A Psalm of David. O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.

Yahweh, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth, who has set your glory above the heavens!

To the Overseer, 'On the Gittith.' A Psalm of David. Jehovah, our Lord, How honourable Thy name in all the earth! Who settest thine honour on the heavens.

Psalmet 8:1
Sa i mrekullueshëm është emri yt mbi gjithë rruzullin, o Zot, Zoti ynë, që vure madhështinë tënde mbi qiejtë!

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 8:1
لامام المغنين على الجتّية. مزمور لداود‎. ‎ايها الرب سيدنا ما امجد اسمك في كل الارض حيث جعلت جلالك فوق السموات‎.

D Sälm 8:1
Für n Stenger: Naach n Lied von dyr Torggl. Ayn Salm von n Dafetn:

Псалми 8:1
За първия певец на гетския инструмент. Давидов псалом. Иеова, Господи наш, Колко е превъзходно Твоето име по цялата земя; Ти си поставил славата Си над небесата.

詩 篇 8:1
( 大 衛 的 詩 , 交 與 伶 長 。 用 迦 特 樂 器 。 ) 耶 和 華 ─ 我 們 的 主 啊 , 你 的 名 在 全 地 何 其 美 ! 你 將 你 的 榮 耀 彰 顯 於 天 。

( 大 卫 的 诗 , 交 与 伶 长 。 用 迦 特 乐 器 。 ) 耶 和 华 ─ 我 们 的 主 啊 , 你 的 名 在 全 地 何 其 美 ! 你 将 你 的 荣 耀 彰 显 於 天 。



Psalm 8:1
Zborovođi. Po napjevu Tijesci. Psalam. Davidov. (1a) Jahve, Gospode naš, divno je ime tvoje po svoj zemlji, veličanstvom nebo natkriljuješ!

Žalmů 8:1
Přednímu zpěváku na gittejský nástroj, žalm Davidův. (1a) Hospodine Pane náš, jak důstojné jest jméno tvé na vší zemi! Nebo jsi vyvýšil slávu svou nad nebesa.

Salme 8:1
Til Sangmesteren. Al-haggittit. En Salme af David. (2) HERRE, vor Herre, hvor herligt er dit Navn paa den vide Jord, du, som bredte din Højhed ud over Himlen!

Psalmen 8:1
Een psalm van David, voor den opperzangmeester, op de Gitthith. (1a) O HEERE, onze Heere! hoe heerlijk is Uw Naam op de ganse aarde! Gij, die Uw majesteit gesteld hebt boven de hemelen.

תהילים 8:1
לַמְנַצֵּ֥חַ עַֽל־הַגִּתִּ֗ית מִזְמֹ֥ור לְדָוִֽד׃ יְהוָ֤ה אֲדֹנֵ֗ינוּ מָֽה־אַדִּ֣יר מְךָ בְּכָל־הָאָ֑רֶץ אֲשֶׁ֥ר תְּנָ֥ה הֹ֝ודְךָ֗ עַל־הַשָּׁמָֽיִם׃

א למנצח על-הגתית  מזמור לדוד ב יהוה אדנינו--  מה-אדיר שמך בכל-הארץ אשר תנה הודך  על-השמים

למנצח על־הגתית מזמור לדוד׃ יהוה אדנינו מה־אדיר מך בכל־הארץ אשר תנה הודך על־השמים׃

Zsoltárok 8:1
Az éneklõmesternek a gittithre; Dávid zsoltára. (1a) Mi Urunk Istenünk, mily felséges a te neved az egész földön, a ki az egekre helyezted dicsõségedet.

La psalmaro 8:1
Al la hxorestro. Por la gitito. Psalmo de David. Ho Eternulo, nia Sinjoro, Kiel majesta estas Via nomo sur la tuta tero! Vi levis Vian gloron super la cxielon.

Davidin Psalmi, edelläveisaajalle, Gittitin päällä. (H 8:2) Herra meidän Herramme! kuinka ihmeellinen on sinun nimes kaikessa maassa, joka panit kunnias taivasten ylitse.

Psaume 8:1
Éternel, notre Seigneur,! que ton nom est magnifique par toute la terre; tu as mis ta majesté au-dessus des cieux!

Au chef des chantres. Sur la guitthith. Psaume de David. Eternel, notre Seigneur! Que ton nom est magnifique sur toute la terre! Ta majesté s'élève au-dessus des cieux.

Psaume de David, [donné] au maître chantre, [pour le chanter] sur Guittith. Eternel notre Seigneur! que ton Nom est magnifique par toute la terre, vu que tu as mis ta Majesté au-dessus des cieux.

Psalm 8:1
Ein Psalm Davids, vorzusingen auf der Githith.

Ein Psalm Davids, vorzusingen, auf der Gittith. HERR, unser Herrscher, wie herrlich ist dein Name in allen Landen, du, den man lobt im Himmel!

Dem Musikmeister, nach der gattitischen. Ein Psalm Davids. 2 Jahwe, unser Herrscher, wie herrlich ist dein Name auf der ganzen Erde, der du deine Pracht auf den Himmel gelegt hast.

Salmi 8:1
Al Capo de’ musici. Sulla Ghittea. Salmo di Davide. O Eterno, Signor nostro, quant’è magnifico il tuo nome in tutta la terra! O Tu che hai posta la tua maestà nei cieli.

Salmo di Davide, dato al capo de’ Musici, sopra Ghittit QUANT’è magnifico il nome tuo per tutta la terra, O Signore, Signor nostro, Che hai posta la tua maestà sopra i cieli!

Mazmur Daud bagi biduan besar, pada Jitit. (1a) Ya Tuhan! ya Tuhan kami! bagaimana mulia nama-Mu di atas seluruh muka bumi! Maka Engkau telah menaruh kemuliaan-Mu di atas segala langit.

시편 8:1
(다윗의 시. 영장으로 깃딧에 맞춘 노래) 여호와 우리 주여, 주의 이름이 온 땅에 어찌 그리 아름다운지요 주의 영광을 하늘 위에 두셨나이다

Psalmi 8:1
victori pro torcularibus canticum David (8-2) Domine Dominator noster quam grande est nomen tuum in universa terra qui posuisti gloriam tuam super caelos

Psalmynas 8:1
Viešpatie, mūsų Valdove, koks įstabus Tavo vardas visoje žemėje! Tu iškėlei savo šlovę virš dangų.

Psalm 8:1
Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. Kititi. He himene na Rawiri. E Ihowa, e to matou Ariki, ano te nui o tou ingoa i te whenua katoa! Paku ana i a koe tou kororia ki runga ake i nga rangi!

Salmenes 8:1
Til sangmesteren, efter Gittit*; en salme av David.

Salmos 8:1
¡Oh SEÑOR, Señor nuestro, cuán glorioso es tu nombre en toda la tierra, que has desplegado tu gloria sobre los cielos!

Para el director del coro; sobre Gitit. Salmo de David. Posiblemente instrumento o melodía procedente de Gat. ¡Oh SEÑOR, Señor nuestro, Cuán glorioso es Tu nombre en toda la tierra, Que has desplegado Tu gloria sobre los cielos!

«Al Músico principal: sobre Gitit: Salmo de David» Oh Jehová, Señor nuestro, ¡cuán grande es tu nombre en toda la tierra, que has puesto tu gloria sobre los cielos!

Al Músico principal: sobre Gittith: Salmo de David. OH Jehová, Señor nuestro, ¡Cuán grande es tu nombre en toda la tierra, Que has puesto tu gloria sobre los cielos!

Al Vencedor: sobre Gitit: Salmo de David. Oh DIOS, Señor nuestro, ¡Cuán grande es tu nombre en toda la tierra, que has puesto tu alabanza sobre los cielos!

Salmos 8:1
Para o mestre de música. Conforme a melodia Os lagares. Hino de louvor de Davi. SENHOR, nosso soberano Deus, como é majestoso o teu Nome por toda a terra! Tu cuja glória é cantada acima dos céus!

Ó Senhor, Senhor nosso, quão admirável é o teu nome em toda a terra, tu que puseste a tua glória dos céus!   

Psalmi 8:1
(Către mai marele cîntăreţilor. De cîntat pe Ghitit. Un psalm al lui David.) Doamne, Dumnezeul nostru, cît de minunat este Numele Tău pe tot pămîntul! Slava Ta se înalţă mai pe sus de ceruri.

Псалтирь 8:1
Начальнику хора. На Гефском орудии . Псалом Давида. (8:2) Господи, Боже наш! как величественно имя Твое по всей земле! Слава Твоя простирается превыше небес!

^^Начальнику хора. На Гефском [орудии]. Псалом Давида.^^ (8-2) Господи, Боже наш! как величественно имя Твое по всей земле! Слава Твоя простирается превыше небес![]

Psaltaren 8:1
För sångmästaren, till Gittít; en psalm av David. (1a) HERRE, vår Herre, huru härligt är icke ditt namn över hela jorden, du som har satt ditt majestät på himmelen!

Psalm 8:1
Oh Panginoon, aming Panginoon, pagkarilag ng iyong pangalan sa buong lupa! na siyang naglagay ng inyong kaluwalhatian sa mga langit.

เพลงสดุดี 8:1
ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์คือองค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าของบรรดาข้าพระองค์ พระนามของพระองค์สูงส่งยิ่งนักทั่วทั้งแผ่นดินโลก พระองค์ผู้ทรงตั้งสง่าราศีของพระองค์ไว้เหนือฟ้าสวรรค์ทั้งหลาย

Mezmurlar 8:1
Ey Egemenimiz RAB,
Ne yüce adın var yeryüzünün tümünde!
Gökyüzünü görkeminle kapladın. okunan bir ilahi olabilir.[]

Thi-thieân 8:1
Hỡi Ðức Giê-hô-va là Chúa chúng tôi, Danh Chúa được sang cả trên khắp trái đất biết bao; Sự oai nghi Chúa hiện ra trên các từng trời!

Psalm 7:17
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