Psalm 68:21
Psalm 68:21
Surely God will crush the heads of his enemies, the hairy crowns of those who go on in their sins.

But God will smash the heads of his enemies, crushing the skulls of those who love their guilty ways.

But God will strike the heads of his enemies, the hairy crown of him who walks in his guilty ways.

Surely God will shatter the head of His enemies, The hairy crown of him who goes on in his guilty deeds.

But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses.

Surely God crushes the heads of His enemies, the hairy head of one who goes on in his guilty acts.

God surely strikes the heads of his enemies, even the hairy heads of those who continue in their guilt.

Indeed God strikes the heads of his enemies, the hairy foreheads of those who persist in rebellion.

But God will cut off the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of those who walk in their sins.

Certainly, God will crush the heads of his enemies [and destroy even] the hair on the heads of those who continue to be guilty.

Surely God shall smite the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such a one as goes on still in his trespasses.

But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such a one as goes on still in his trespasses.

But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goes on still in his trespasses.

But God will smite through the head of his enemies, The hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his guiltiness.

But God shall break the heads of his enemies: the hairy crown of them that walk on in their sins.

Verily God will smite the head of his enemies, the hairy scalp of him that goeth on still in his trespasses.

But God shall smite through the head of his enemies, the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his guiltiness.

But God will wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such one as goeth on still in his trespasses.

But God will strike through the head of his enemies, the hairy scalp of such a one as still continues in his guiltiness.

Only -- God doth smite The head of His enemies, The hairy crown of a habitual walker in his guilt.

Psalmet 68:21
Po, Perëndia do të shtypë kokën e armiqve të tij, kokën me flokë të gjata të atyre që ecin në mëkat të tij.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 68:21
‎ولكن الله يسحق رؤوس اعدائه الهامة الشعراء للسالك في ذنوبه‎.

D Sälm 68:21
Ja, önn Schedl der Feindd zschmädert dennert dyr Herrgot. S Löbn von de Fräfler werd ausglöscht. Es ist ee grad voller Sündd.

Псалми 68:21
Бог ще разцепи главите на враговете Си. И косматото теме на онзи, който упорствува в престъпленията си.

詩 篇 68:21
但   神 要 打 破 他 仇 敵 的 頭 , 就 是 那 常 犯 罪 之 人 的 髮 頂 。

但   神 要 打 破 他 仇 敌 的 头 , 就 是 那 常 犯 罪 之 人 的 发 顶 。



Psalm 68:21
Zaista, Bog će satrti glave dušmana svojih, kuštravo tjeme onog što hodi u grijesima.

Žalmů 68:21
Raní zajisté Bůh hlavu nepřátel svých, a vrch hlavy vlasatý chodícího v hříších svých.

Salme 68:21
Men Fjendernes Hoveder knuser Gud, den gudløses Isse, der vandrer i sine Synder.

Psalmen 68:21
Voorzeker zal God den kop Zijner vijanden verslaan, den harigen schedel desgenen, die in zijn schulden wandelt.

תהילים 68:21
אַךְ־אֱלֹהִ֗ים יִמְחַץ֮ רֹ֤אשׁ אֹ֫יְבָ֥יו קָדְקֹ֥ד שֵׂעָ֑ר מִ֝תְהַלֵּ֗ךְ בַּאֲשָׁמָֽיו׃

כב אך-אלהים--ימחץ ראש איביו  קדקד שער--מתהלך באשמיו

אך־אלהים ימחץ ראש איביו קדקד שער מתהלך באשמיו׃

Zsoltárok 68:21
Csak Isten ronthatja meg az õ ellenségeinek fejét, a bûneiben járónak üstökös koponyáját.

La psalmaro 68:21
Jes, Dio frakasas la kapon de Siaj malamikoj, La multeharan kranion de tiuj, kiuj obstinas en siaj pekoj.

Mutta Jumala särkee vihollistensa pään heidän päänlakeinsa kanssa, jotka pysyvät heidän synneissänsä.

Psaume 68:21
Mais Dieu brisera la tête de ses ennemis, le crâne chevelu de ceux qui marchent dans leurs iniquités.

Oui, Dieu brisera la tête de ses ennemis, Le sommet de la tête de ceux qui vivent dans le péché.

Certainement Dieu écrasera la tête de ses ennemis, le sommet de la tête chevelue de celui qui marche dans ses vices.

Psalm 68:21
Wir haben einen Gott, der da hilft, und den HERRN HERRN, der vom Tode errettet.

Ja, Gott wird den Kopf seiner Feinde zerschmettern, den Haarschädel derer, die da fortfahren in ihrer Sünde.

Ja, Gott zerschmettert das Haupt seiner Feinde, den Haarscheitel dessen, der in seinen Verschuldungen einhergeht.

Salmi 68:21
Ma Dio schiaccerà il capo de’ suoi nemici, la testa chiomata di colui che cammina nelle sue colpe.

Certo Iddio trafiggerà il capo de’ suoi nemici. La sommità del capo irsuto di chi cammina ne’ suoi peccati.

MAZMUR 68:21
Niscaya Allah akan memecahkan kepala segala seterunya, dan batu kepala kasap orang yang berjalan dengan salahnya.

시편 68:21
그 원수의 머리 곧 그 죄과에 항상 행하는 자의 정수리는 하나님이 쳐서 깨치시리로다

Psalmi 68:21
(67-23) dixit Dominus de Basan convertam convertam de profundis maris

Psalmynas 68:21
Tačiau Dievas sudaužo galvas savo priešams, gauruotas galvas tiems, kurie nepaliauja elgtis nedorai.

Psalm 68:21
Ka maru ia i te Atua te matenga o ona hoariri: me te tumuaki huruhuru o te tangata e haere tonu ana i ana kino.

Salmenes 68:21
Ja, Gud knuser sine fienders hode, den hårrike isse på ham som vandrer i sin syndeskyld.

Salmos 68:21
Ciertamente Dios herirá la cabeza de sus enemigos, la testa cabelluda del que anda en sus delitos.

Ciertamente Dios herirá la cabeza de Sus enemigos, La testa cabelluda del que anda en sus delitos.

Ciertamente Dios herirá la cabeza de sus enemigos, la testa cabelluda del que camina en sus pecados.

Ciertamente Dios herirá la cabeza de sus enemigos, La cabelluda mollera del que camina en sus pecados.

Ciertamente Dios herirá la cabeza de sus enemigos, la cabelluda mollera del que camina en sus pecados.

Salmos 68:21
Com toda a certeza Deus arrebentará a cabeça de todos os seus inimigos, esmagará o crânio do que perambula envolto em iniquidade.

Mas Deus esmagará a cabeça de seus inimigos, o crânio cabeludo daquele que prossegue em suas culpas.   

Psalmi 68:21
Da, Dumnezeu va zdrobi capul vrăjmaşilor Lui, creştetul capului celor ce trăiesc în păcat.

Псалтирь 68:21
(67:22) Но Бог сокрушит голову врагов Своих, волосатое темя закоснелого в своих беззакониях.

(67-22) Но Бог сокрушит голову врагов Своих, волосатое темя закоснелого в своих беззакониях.[]

Psaltaren 68:21
Men Gud sönderkrossar sina fienders huvuden, krossar hjässan på den som går där med skuld.

Psalm 68:21
Nguni't sasaktan ng Dios ang ulo ng kaniyang mga kaaway. Ang bunbunang mabuhok ng nagpapatuloy sa kaniyang sala.

เพลงสดุดี 68:21
แต่พระเจ้าจะทรงตีศีรษะของศัตรูของพระองค์ให้แตก คือกระหม่อมมีผมของผู้ที่ขืนดำเนินในทางละเมิดของเขา

Mezmurlar 68:21
Kuşkusuz Tanrı düşmanlarının başını,
Suçlu yaşayanların kıllı kafasını ezer.[]

Thi-thieân 68:21
Nhưng Ðức Chúa Trời sẽ đạp nát đầu kẻ thù nghịch Ngài, Ðỉnh tóc của kẻ cớ phạm sự gian ác.

Psalm 68:20
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