Psalm 68:18
Psalm 68:18
When you ascended on high, you took many captives; you received gifts from people, even from the rebellious-- that you, LORD God, might dwell there.

When you ascended to the heights, you led a crowd of captives. You received gifts from the people, even from those who rebelled against you. Now the LORD God will live among us there.

You ascended on high, leading a host of captives in your train and receiving gifts among men, even among the rebellious, that the LORD God may dwell there.

You have ascended on high, You have led captive Your captives; You have received gifts among men, Even among the rebellious also, that the LORD God may dwell there.

Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

You ascended to the heights, taking away captives; You received gifts from people, even from the rebellious, so that the LORD God might live there.

You ascended to the heights, you took captives. You received gifts among mankind, even the rebellious, so the LORD God may live there.

You ascend on high, you have taken many captives. You receive tribute from men, including even sinful rebels. Indeed the LORD God lives there!

You have ascended on high and you have captured captivity and you have given gifts to the children of men and rebels will not dwell before God.

You went to the highest place. You took prisoners captive. You received gifts from people, even from rebellious people, so that the LORD God may live there.

Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive; thou hast received gifts for men, yea, for the rebellious also that the LORD God might dwell among them.

You have ascended on high, you have led captivity captive: you have received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

You have ascended on high, you have led captivity captive: you have received gifts for men; yes, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led away captives; Thou hast received gifts among men, Yea, among the rebellious also, that Jehovah God might dwell with them .

Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive; thou hast received gifts in men. Yea for those also that do not believe, the dwelling of the Lord God.

Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts in Man, and even for the rebellious, for the dwelling there of Jah Elohim.

Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led thy captivity captive; thou hast received gifts among men, yea, among the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell with them.

Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yes, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

You have ascended on high. You have led away captives. You have received gifts among men, yes, among the rebellious also, that Yah God might dwell there.

Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast taken captive captivity, Thou hast taken gifts for men, That even the refractory may rest, O Jah God.

Psalmet 68:18
Ti je ngjitur lart, ke burgosur robërinë, ke marrë dhurata nga njerëzit edhe nga rebelët, me qëllim që ti, o Zot Perëndi të mund të qëndrosh atje.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 68:18
‎صعدت الى العلاء. سبيت سبيا. قبلت عطايا بين الناس وايضا المتمردين للسكن ايها الرب الاله

D Sälm 68:18
Ja, aufhin zogst, naamst de Pfrenger selbn gfangen. Gaabn dir brangend d Menschn. Deine Feindd sogar taatnd mit. Und dyr Herrgot grichtt si daa obnet häuslich ein.

Псалми 68:18
Възлязъл си на високо; пленил си пленници; Взел си в дар човеци, даже и непокорните, За да обитаваш [като] Господ Иеова.

詩 篇 68:18
你 已 經 升 上 高 天 , 擄 掠 仇 敵 ; 你 在 人 間 , 就 是 在 悖 逆 的 人 間 , 受 了 供 獻 , 叫 耶 和 華   神 可 以 與 他 們 同 住 。

你 已 经 升 上 高 天 , 掳 掠 仇 敌 ; 你 在 人 间 , 就 是 在 悖 逆 的 人 间 , 受 了 供 献 , 叫 耶 和 华   神 可 以 与 他 们 同 住 。



Psalm 68:18
Na visinu uzađe vodeći sužnje, na dar si ljude primio, pa i one što ne žele prebivati kod Boga.

Žalmů 68:18
Vstoupil jsi na výsost, jaté jsi vedl vězně, vzal jsi dary pro lidi. I nejzpurnější k přebývání s námi, Hospodine Bože, přivozuješ.

Salme 68:18
Du steg op til det høje, du bortførte Fanger, Gaver tog du blandt Mennesker, ogsaa iblandt de genstridige, at du maatte bo der, HERRE, o Gud.

Psalmen 68:18
Gij zijt opgevaren in de hoogte; Gij hebt de gevangenis gevankelijk gevoerd; Gij hebt gaven genomen om uit te delen onder de mensen; ja, ook de wederhorigen om bij U te wonen, o HEERE God!

תהילים 68:18
עָ֘לִ֤יתָ לַמָּרֹ֨ום ׀ שָׁ֘בִ֤יתָ שֶּׁ֗בִי לָקַ֣חְתָּ מַ֭תָּנֹות בָּאָדָ֑ם וְאַ֥ף סֹ֝ורְרִ֗ים לִשְׁכֹּ֤ן ׀ יָ֬הּ אֱלֹהִֽים׃

יט עלית למרום שבית שבי--  לקחת מתנות באדם ואף סוררים  לשכן יה אלהים

עלית למרום ׀ שבית שבי לקחת מתנות באדם ואף סוררים לשכן ׀ יה אלהים׃

Zsoltárok 68:18
Felmentél a magasságba, foglyokat vezettél, adományokat fogadtál emberekben: még a pártütõk is [ide jönnek] lakni, oh Uram Isten!

La psalmaro 68:18
Vi supreniris alten, alkondukis kaptitojn, Prenis donacojn de homoj, Kaj ecx ribeluloj povas logxi cxe la Eternulo, la Dio.

Sinä astuit ylös korkeuteen, ja olet vangiksi ottanut vankeuden. Sinä olet lahjoja saanut ihmisille: vastahakoiset myös, että Herra Jumala siellä kumminkin asuu.

Psaume 68:18
Tu es monté en haut, tu as emmené captive la captivité; tu as reçu des dons dans l'homme, et même pour les rebelles, afin que Jah, Dieu, ait une demeure.

Tu es monté dans les hauteurs, tu as emmené des captifs, Tu as pris en don des hommes; Les rebelles habiteront aussi près de l'Eternel Dieu.

Tu es monté en haut, tu as mené captifs les prisonniers, tu as pris des dons [pour les distribuer] entre les hommes, et même entre les rebelles, afin qu'ils habitent [dans le lieu] de l'Eternel Dieu.

Psalm 68:18
Der Wagen Gottes ist viel tausendmal tausend; der HERR ist unter ihnen im heiligen Sinai.

Du bist in die Höhe gefahren und hast das Gefängnis gefangen; du hast Gaben empfangen für die Menschen, auch die Abtrünnigen, auf daß Gott der HERR daselbst wohne.

Du bist zur Höhe emporgestiegen, hast Gefangene fortgeführt; du hast Gaben unter den Menschen empfangen - ja, auch Widerspenstige müssen bei Jah Gott wohnen.

Salmi 68:18
Tu sei salito in alto, hai menato in cattività dei prigioni, hai preso doni dagli uomini, anche dai ribelli, per far quivi la tua dimora, o Eterno Iddio.

Tu sei salito in alto, tu ne hai menato in cattività numero di prigioni; Tu hai presi doni d’infra gli uomini, Eziandio ribelli, per far ora una ferma dimora, o Signore Iddio.

MAZMUR 68:18
Bahwa Engkau sudah naik ke tempat tinggi dan Engkau sudah membawa segala tawanan dengan kemenangan dan Engkau mengaruniakan beberapa anugerah kepada manusia, jikalau kepada orang yang durhaka sekalipun, akan duduk serta-Mu, ya Tuhan Allah!

시편 68:18
주께서 높은 곳으로 오르시며 사로잡은 자를 끌고 선물을 인간에게서 또는 패역자 중에서 받으시니 여호와 하나님이 저희와 함께 거하려 하심이로다

Psalmi 68:18
(67-20) benedictus Dominus per singulos dies portabit nos Deus salutis nostrae semper

Psalmynas 68:18
Tu užžengei aukštyn, nusivedei paimtus belaisvius, ėmei dovanų iš žmonių, net iš maištaujančių, kad Viešpats Dievas gyventų tarp jų.

Psalm 68:18
Kua kake koe ki runga, kua whakaraua e koe te whakarau: kua riro i a koe he ohaoha mo te tangata; ae, mo te hunga tutu ano, kia noho ai a Ihowa, te Atua ki a ratou.

Salmenes 68:18
Du fór op i det høie, bortførte fanger, tok gaver blandt menneskene, også blandt de gjenstridige, for å bo der, Herre Gud!

Salmos 68:18
Tú has ascendido a lo alto, has llevado en cautividad a tus cautivos; has recibido dones entre los hombres, y aun entre los rebeldes, para que el SEÑOR Dios habite entre ellos.

Tú has ascendido a lo alto, has llevado en cautividad a Tus cautivos; Has recibido dones entre los hombres, Y aun entre los rebeldes, para que el SEÑOR Dios habite entre ellos.

Subiste a lo alto, cautivaste la cautividad, tomaste dones para los hombres, y también para los rebeldes, para que habite entre ellos JAH Dios.

Subiste á lo alto, cautivaste la cautividad, Tomaste dones para los hombres, Y también para los rebeldes, para que habite entre ellos JAH Dios.

Subiste a lo alto, cautivaste la cautividad, tomaste dones para los hombres, y también para los rebeldes, para que habite entre ellos JAH Dios.

Salmos 68:18
Subiste ao cume, levando os cativos; recebeste dádivas dentre os homens, até mesmo dos que se rebelaram contra a tua habitação.

Tu subiste ao alto, levando os teus cativos; recebeste dons dentre os homens, e até dentre os rebeldes, para que o Senhor Deus habitasse entre eles.   

Psalmi 68:18
Te-ai suit pe înălţime, ai luat prinşi de război, ai luat în dar oameni; cei răzvrătiţi vor locui şi ei lîngă Domnul Dumnezeu.

Псалтирь 68:18
(67:19) Ты восшел на высоту, пленил плен, принялдары для человеков, так чтоб и из противящихся могли обитать у Господа Бога.

(67-19) Ты восшел на высоту, пленил плен, принял дары для человеков, так чтоб и из противящихся могли обитать у Господа Бога.[]

Psaltaren 68:18
Du for upp i höjden, du tog fångar, du undfick gåvor bland människorna, ja, också de gensträviga skola bo hos HERREN Gud.

Psalm 68:18
Sumampa ka sa mataas, pinatnubayan mo ang iyong bihag sa pagkabihag; tumanggap ka ng mga kaloob sa gitna ng mga tao, Oo, pati sa mga mapanghimagsik, upang makatahang kasama nila ang Panginoong Dios.

เพลงสดุดี 68:18
พระองค์เสด็จขึ้นสู่เบื้องสูง พระองค์ทรงนำพวกเชลยไปเป็นเชลยอีก และรับของประทานเพื่อมนุษย์ และรับเพื่อผู้ที่กบฏด้วย เพื่อพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าจะทรงประทับท่ามกลางพวกเขา

Mezmurlar 68:18
Sen yükseğe çıktın, tutsakları peşine taktın,
İnsanlardan, başkaldıranlardan bile armağanlar aldın,
Oraya yerleşmek için, ya RAB Tanrı.[]

Thi-thieân 68:18
Chúa đã ngự lên trên cao, dẫu theo những phu tù; Chúa đã nhận lễ vật giữa loài người, và giữa kẻ phản nghịch cũng vậy, Hầu cho Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời được ở với chúng nó.

Psalm 68:17
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