Psalm 68:17
Psalm 68:17
The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands; the Lord has come from Sinai into his sanctuary.

Surrounded by unnumbered thousands of chariots, the Lord came from Mount Sinai into his sanctuary.

The chariots of God are twice ten thousand, thousands upon thousands; the Lord is among them; Sinai is now in the sanctuary.

The chariots of God are myriads, thousands upon thousands; The Lord is among them as at Sinai, in holiness.

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.

God's chariots are tens of thousands, thousands and thousands; the Lord is among them in the sanctuary as He was at Sinai.

God's chariots were many thousands. The Lord was there with them at Sinai in holiness.

God has countless chariots; they number in the thousands. The Lord comes from Sinai in holy splendor.

God rides in ten thousands and thousands of hosts, Lord Jehovah among them of Sinai in his Holiness.

The chariots of God are twenty thousand in number, thousands upon thousands. The Lord is among them. [The God of] Sinai is in his holy place.

The chariots of God are two thousand, thousands of angels; the Lord is among them as in Sinai, in the sanctuary.

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands upon thousands; The Lord is among them, as in'sinai, in the sanctuary.

The chariot of God is attended by ten thousands; thousands of them that rejoice: the Lord is among them in Sina, in the holy place.

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, thousands upon thousands; the Lord is among them: it is a Sinai in holiness.

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands upon thousands: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the sanctuary.

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.

The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands. The Lord is among them, from Sinai, into the sanctuary.

The chariots of God are myriads, thousands of changes, The Lord is among them, in Sinai, in the sanctuary.

Psalmet 68:17
Qerret e Perëndisë janë një mori, mijëra e mijëra, Zoti është midis tyre ashtu si në Sinai, në shenjtërinë e tij.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 68:17
‎مركبات الله ربوات الوف مكررة. الرب فيها. سينا في القدس‎.

D Sälm 68:17
Schier Ainumen Streitwägn haat dyr Herrgot sir gsammlt. Und von n Sinei zieghnd s aufhin in sein Heiligtuem mit n Herrn.

Псалми 68:17
Божиите колесници са двадесет хиляди, дори хиляди по хиляди; Господ е всред тях в светилището, [както бе] в Синай.

詩 篇 68:17
  神 的 車 蔥 詎 萬 盈 千 ; 主 在 其 中 , 好 像 在 西 乃 聖 山 一 樣 。

  神 的 车 葱 讵 万 盈 千 ; 主 在 其 中 , 好 像 在 西 乃 圣 山 一 样 。



Psalm 68:17
Božja su kola bezbrojna, tisuću tisuća: Jahve sa Sinaja u Svetište dolazi!

Žalmů 68:17
Vozů Božích jest dvadceti tisíců, mnoho tisíců andělů, Pán pak mezi nimi jako na Sinai v svatyni přebývá.

Salme 68:17
Titusinder er Guds Vogne, tusinde Gange tusinde, HERREN kom fra Sinaj til Helligdommen.

Psalmen 68:17
Gods wagenen zijn tweemaal tien duizend, de duizenden verdubbeld. De Heere is onder hen, een Sinai in heiligheid!

תהילים 68:17
רֶ֤כֶב אֱלֹהִ֗ים רִבֹּתַ֣יִם אַלְפֵ֣י שִׁנְאָ֑ן אֲדֹנָ֥י בָ֝֗ם סִינַ֥י בַּקֹּֽדֶשׁ׃

יח רכב אלהים רבתים אלפי שנאן  אדני בם סיני בקדש

רכב אלהים רבתים אלפי שנאן אדני בם סיני בקדש׃

Zsoltárok 68:17
Az Isten szekere húszezer, ezer meg ezer; az Úr közöttük van, mint a Sinai [hegyen] az õ szent [hajléká]ban.

La psalmaro 68:17
Da veturiloj de Dio ekzistas multaj miloj da miloj; Inter ili estas mia Sinjoro sur la sankta Sinaj.

Jumalan rattaita on monta tuhatta kertaa tuhatta: Herra on heissä, pyhässä Sinaissa.

Psaume 68:17
Les chars de Dieu sont par vingt mille, par milliers redoublés; le Seigneur est au milieu d'eux: c'est un Sinaï en sainteté.

Les chars de l'Eternel se comptent par vingt mille, Par milliers et par milliers; Le Seigneur est au milieu d'eux, le Sinaï est dans le sanctuaire.

La chevalerie de Dieu [se compte par] vingt-mille, par des milliers redoublés; le Seigneur est au milieu d'eux; c'est un Sinaï en Sainteté.

Psalm 68:17
Was hüpfet ihr großen Gebirge? Gott hat Lust, auf diesem Berge zu wohnen, und der HERR bleibt auch immer daselbst.

Der Wagen Gottes sind vieltausendmal tausend; der HERR ist unter ihnen am heiligen Sinai.

Der Wagen Gottes sind zehntausendmal zehntausend, immer wiederholte Tausende; der Herr kommt vom Sinai ins Heiligtum.

Salmi 68:17
I carri di Dio si contano a miriadi e miriadi, a migliaia di migliaia; il Signore viene dal Sinai nel santuario.

La cavalleria di Dio cammina a doppie decine di migliaia, A doppie migliaia; Il Signore è fra essi; Sinai è nel santuario.

MAZMUR 68:17
Maka segala rata Allah itu dua laksa dan berlapis-lapis ribu banyaknya. Bahwa Tuhan adalah di antara mereka itu seperti Torsina dengan kesuciannya.

시편 68:17
하나님의 병거가 천천이요 만만이라 주께서 그 중에 계심이 시내산 성소에 계심 같도다

Psalmi 68:17
(67-19) ascendisti in excelsum captivam duxisti captivitatem accepisti dona in hominibus insuper et non credentes habitare Dominum Deum

Psalmynas 68:17
Dievo vežimų tūkstančių tūkstančiai, Viešpats tarp jų ant Sinajaus, savo šventykloje.

Psalm 68:17
Ko nga hariata a te Atua, e rua tekau mano, mano mano iho; kei roto i a ratou te Ariki, me te mea ko Hinai, ko te wahi tapu.

Salmenes 68:17
Guds vogner er to ganger ti tusen, tusen og atter tusen; Herren er iblandt dem, Sinai er i helligdommen*.

Salmos 68:17
Los carros de Dios son miríadas, millares y millares; el Señor está entre ellos en santidad, como en el Sinaí.

Los carros de Dios son miríadas, millares de millares; El Señor está entre ellos en santidad, como en el Sinaí.

Los carros de Dios son veinte mil, y más millares de ángeles. El Señor está entre ellos, como en el Sinaí, así en el santuario.

Los carros de Dios son veinte mil, y más millares de ángeles. El Señor entre ellos, como en Sinaí, así en el santuario.

Los carros de Dios son dos millares de miles de ángeles, el Señor entre ellos, como en Sinaí, así en el santuario.

Salmos 68:17
São os carros de Deus milhares de milhares; incontáveis; neles o Senhor veio do Sinai para o seu Lugar Santo.

Os carros de Deus são miríades, milhares de milhares. O Senhor está no meio deles, como em Sinai no santuário.   

Psalmi 68:17
Carăle Domnului se numără cu douăzecile de mii, cu mii şi mii; Domnul este în mijlocul lor, venind din Sinai în locaşul Său cel sfînt.

Псалтирь 68:17
(67:18) Колесниц Божиих тьмы, тысячи тысяч; среди их Господь на Синае,во святилище.

(67-18) Колесниц Божиих тьмы, тысячи тысяч; среди их Господь на Синае, во святилище.[]

Psaltaren 68:17
Guds vagnar äro tiotusenden, tusen och åter tusen; Herren drog fram med dem, Sinai är nu i helgedomen.

Psalm 68:17
Ang mga karo ng Dios ay dalawang pung libo sa makatuwid baga'y libolibo: ang Panginoon ay nasa gitna nila, kung paano sa Sinai, gayon sa santuario.

เพลงสดุดี 68:17
รถรบของพระเจ้าอเนกอนันต์ คือมีทูตสวรรค์นับเป็นพันๆ องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าทรงสถิตอยู่ท่ามกลางพวกเขา เหมือนในซีนาย คือในสถานบริสุทธิ์

Mezmurlar 68:17
Tanrının savaş arabaları sayısızdır,
Rab kutsallık içinde Sinadan geldi.[]

Thi-thieân 68:17
Xe của Ðức Chúa Trời số là hai vạn, Từng ngàn trên từng ngàn; Chúa ở giữa các xe ấy y như tại Si-nai trong nơi thánh.

Psalm 68:16
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