Psalm 58:11
Psalm 58:11
Then people will say, "Surely the righteous still are rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth."

Then at last everyone will say, "There truly is a reward for those who live for God; surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth."

Mankind will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely there is a God who judges on earth.”

And men will say, "Surely there is a reward for the righteous; Surely there is a God who judges on earth!"

So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.

Then people will say," Yes, there is a reward for the righteous! There is a God who judges on earth!"

A person will say, "Certainly, the righteous are rewarded; certainly there is a God who judges the earth."

Then observers will say, "Yes indeed, the godly are rewarded! Yes indeed, there is a God who judges in the earth!"

A son of man shall say, “There is truly a reward for the righteous; it is God who shall judge them in the Earth.”

Then people will say, "Righteous people certainly have a reward. There is a God who judges on earth."

So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous; verily there is a God that judges in the earth.

So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God who judges in the earth.

So that a man shall say, Truly there is a reward for the righteous: truly he is a God that judges in the earth.

So that men shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: Verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth.

And man shall say: If indeed there be fruit to the just: there is indeed a God that judgeth them on the earth.

And men shall say, Verily there is fruit for the righteous; verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth.

So that men shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth.

So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.

so that men shall say, "Most certainly there is a reward for the righteous. Most certainly there is a God who judges the earth." For the Chief Musician. To the tune of "Do Not Destroy." A poem by David, when Saul sent, and they watched the house to kill him.

And man saith: 'Surely fruit is for the righteous: Surely there is a God judging in the earth!'

Psalmet 58:11
Dhe njerëzia do të thotë: "Me siguri ka një shpërblim për të drejtin; me siguri ka një Perëndi që gjykon mbi tokë".

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 58:11
‎ويقول الانسان ان للصديق ثمرا. انه يوجد اله قاض في الارض

D Sälm 58:11
Dann haisst s: "Und doch geet s grecht zue. Dyr Frumme kriegt seinn Loon. Dyr Herrgot ist non allweil dyr Richter auf dyr Welt."

Псалми 58:11
Тъй щото всеки ще казва: Наистина има награда за праведния; Наистина има Бог, Който съди земята.

詩 篇 58:11
因 此 , 人 必 說 : 義 人 誠 然 有 善 報 ; 在 地 上 果 有 施 行 判 斷 的   神 !

因 此 , 人 必 说 : 义 人 诚 然 有 善 报 ; 在 地 上 果 有 施 行 判 断 的   神 !



Psalm 58:11
I reći će ljudi: Pravednik plod svoj ima! Još ima Boga da sudi na zemlji!

Žalmů 58:11
(Psalms 58:12) Ano dí každý: V pravdě, žeť má užitek spravedlivý, jistě, žeť jest Bůh soudce na zemi.

Salme 58:11
Og Folk skal sige: »Den retfærdige faar dog sin Løn, der er dog Guder, som dømmer paa Jord!«

Psalmen 58:11
[ (Psalms 58:12) En de mens zal zeggen: Immers is er vrucht voor den rechtvaardige; immers is er een God, Die op de aarde richt. ]

תהילים 58:11
וְיֹאמַ֣ר אָ֭דָם אַךְ־פְּרִ֣י לַצַּדִּ֑יק אַ֥ךְ יֵשׁ־אֱ֝לֹהִ֗ים שֹׁפְטִ֥ים בָּאָֽרֶץ׃

יב ויאמר אדם אך-פרי לצדיק  אך יש-אלהים שפטים בארץ

ויאמר אדם אך־פרי לצדיק אך יש־אלהים שפטים בארץ׃

Zsoltárok 58:11
[ (Psalms 58:12) És azt mondja az ember: Bizonyára van jutalma az igaznak; bizony van ítélõ Isten e földön! ]

La psalmaro 58:11
Kaj la homoj diros:Ekzistas rekompenco por la virtulo, Ekzistas Dio, jugxanto sur la tero.

Että jokaisen pitää sanoman: vanhurskaalla on kuitenkin hedelmä; Jumala on kuitenkin se, joka tuomitsee maan päällä.

Psaume 58:11
Et l'homme dira: Certainement il y a un fruit pour le juste, certainement il y a un Dieu qui juge sur la terre.

Et les hommes diront: Oui, il est une récompense pour le juste; Oui, il est un Dieu qui juge sur la terre.

Et chacun dira : quoi qu'il en soit, il y a une récompense pour le juste; quoi qu'il en soit, il y a un Dieu qui juge en la terre.

Psalm 58:11
Der Gerechte wird sich freuen, wenn er solche Rache siehet, und wird seine Füße baden in des Gottlosen Blut,

daß die Leute werden sagen: Der Gerechte wird ja seiner Frucht genießen; es ist ja noch Gott Richter auf Erden.

Und man wird sprechen: "Ja, Frucht wird dem Frommen! Ja, es giebt Götter, die auf Erden richten!"

Salmi 58:11
e la gente dirà: Certo, vi è una ricompensa per il giusto; certo c’è un Dio che giudica sulla terra!

E ciascuno dirà: Certo egli vi è frutto pel giusto; Vi è pure un Dio giudice in terra.

MAZMUR 58:11
Maka orang akan berkata demikian: Sesungguhnya adalah pahala bagi orang yang benar! Sesungguhnya adalah Allah yang menghukumkan di atas bumi ini!

시편 58:11
때에 사람의 말이 진실로 의인에게 갚음이 있고 진실로 땅에서 판단하시는 하나님이 계시다 하리로다

Psalmi 58:11
(58-1) victori ut non disperdas David humilem et simplicem quando misit Saul et custodierunt domum ut occiderent eum (58-2) erue me de inimicis meis Deus meus et a resistentibus mihi protege me

Psalmynas 58:11
Tada žmonės sakys: “Tikrai, atpildą gauna teisusis! Tikrai yra Dievas, teisėjas žemėje!”

Psalm 58:11
A ka mea te tangata, Koia, ka whai utu te tangata tika: ina, he Atua ano tenei e whakawa ana i te whenua.

Salmenes 58:11
Og menneskene skal si: Der er dog frukt for den rettferdige, det er dog en Gud som dømmer på jorden.

Salmos 58:11
y los hombres dirán: Ciertamente hay recompensa para el justo, ciertamente hay un Dios que juzga en la tierra.

Entonces los hombres dirán: "Ciertamente hay recompensa para el justo, Ciertamente hay un Dios que juzga en la tierra."

Entonces dirá el hombre: Ciertamente hay recompensa para el justo; ciertamente hay Dios que juzga en la tierra.

Entonces dirá el hombre: Ciertamente hay fruto para el justo; Ciertamente hay Dios que juzga en la tierra.

Entonces dirá el hombre: Ciertamente hay fruto para el justo; ciertamente hay Dios que juzga en la tierra.

Salmos 58:11
Compreenderão e proclamarão, então, os homens: “Verdadeiramente há recompensa

Então dirão os homens: Deveras há uma recompensa para o justo; deveras há um Deus que julga na terra.   

Psalmi 58:11
Şi atunci oamenii vor zice: ,,Da, este o răsplată pentru cel fără prihană! Da, este un Dumnezeu care judecă pe pămînt!``

Псалтирь 58:11
(57:12) И скажет человек: „подлинно есть плод праведнику! итак есть Бог, судящий на земле!"

(57-12) И скажет человек: `подлинно есть плод праведнику! итак есть Бог, судящий на земле!`[]

Psaltaren 58:11
Och människorna skola säga: »Ja, den rättfärdige får sin lön; ja, det finnes en Gud som dömer på jorden.»

Psalm 58:11
Na anopa't sasabihin ng mga tao, Katotohanang may kagantihan sa matuwid: katotohanang may Dios na humahatol sa lupa.

เพลงสดุดี 58:11
จะมีคนกล่าวว่า "แน่แล้ว มีบำเหน็จให้แก่คนชอบธรรม แน่แล้ว มีพระเจ้าผู้ทรงพิพากษาโลก"

Mezmurlar 58:11
O zaman insanlar, ‹‹Gerçekten doğrulara ödül var›› diyecek,
‹‹Gerçekten dünyayı yargılayan bir Tanrı var.››[]

Thi-thieân 58:11
Người ta sẽ nói rằng: Quả hẳn có phần thưởng cho kẻ công bình, Quả hẳn có Ðức Chúa Trời xét đoán trên đất.

Psalm 58:10
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