Psalm 10:1
Psalm 10:1
Why, LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?

O LORD, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide when I am in trouble?

Why, O LORD, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?

Why do You stand afar off, O LORD? Why do You hide Yourself in times of trouble?

Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble?

LORD, why do You stand so far away? Why do You hide in times of trouble?

Why do you stand far away, LORD? Why do you hide in times of distress?

Why, LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you pay no attention during times of trouble?

Why, Lord Jehovah, do you stand at a distance, and have withdrawn your gaze in times of trouble?

Why are you so distant, LORD? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?

Why dost thou stand afar off, O LORD? Why dost thou hide thyself in times of trouble?

Why stand you afar off, O LORD? why hide you yourself in times of trouble?

Why stand you afar off, O LORD? why hide you yourself in times of trouble?

Why standest thou afar off, O Jehovah? Why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble?

Why, O Lord, hast thou retired afar off? why dost thou slight us in our wants, in the time of trouble?

Why, Jehovah, standest thou afar off? Why hidest thou thyself in times of distress?

Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble?

Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble?

Why do you stand far off, Yahweh? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?

Why, Jehovah, dost Thou stand at a distance? Thou dost hide in times of adversity,

Psalmet 10:1
O Zot, pse qëndron larg? Pse fshihesh në kohë fatkeqësish?

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 10:1
يا رب لماذا تقف بعيدا. لماذا تختفي في ازمنة الضيق‎.

D Sälm 10:1
Herr, wo bist denn? Wo bleibst denn grad, Trechtein? Ziegh di diend nit zrugg, wenn s dröckig üns geet!

Псалми 10:1
(По славянски, част от 9-ий). Защо Господи, стоиш надалеч? [Защо] се криеш във време на неволя?

詩 篇 10:1
耶 和 華 啊 , 你 為 甚 麼 站 在 遠 處 ? 在 患 難 的 時 候 為 甚 麼 隱 藏 ?

耶 和 华 啊 , 你 为 甚 麽 站 在 远 处 ? 在 患 难 的 时 候 为 甚 麽 隐 藏 ?



Psalm 10:1
(DLR)LAMED Zašto, Jahve, stojiš daleko, zašto se skrivaš u dane tjeskobe?

Žalmů 10:1
Proč, ó Hospodine, stojíš zdaleka, a skrýváš se v čas ssoužení?

Salme 10:1
HERRE, slaa dem med Rædsel, lad Folkene kende, at de er Mennesker! — Sela. (2) Hvorfor staar du saa fjernt, o Herre, hvi dølger du dig i Trængselstider?

Psalmen 10:1
O HEERE! waarom staat Gij van verre? waarom verbergt Gij U in tijden van benauwdheid?

תהילים 10:1
לָמָ֣ה יְ֭הוָה תַּעֲמֹ֣ד בְּרָחֹ֑וק תַּ֝עְלִ֗ים לְעִתֹּ֥ות בַּצָּרָֽה׃

א למה יהוה תעמד ברחוק  תעלים לעתות בצרה

למה יהוה תעמד ברחוק תעלים לעתות בצרה׃

Zsoltárok 10:1
Uram, miért állasz távol? Miért rejtõzöl el a szükség idején?

La psalmaro 10:1
Kial, ho Eternulo, Vi staras malproksime? Kial Vi kasxas Vin en la tempo de la mizero?

Miksis Herra niin kaukana seisot, ja tuskan ajalla sinus peität?

Psaume 10:1
Pourquoi, ô Éternel! te tiens-tu loin, te caches-tu aux temps de la détresse?

Pourquoi, ô Eternel! te tiens-tu éloigné? Pourquoi te caches-tu au temps de la détresse?

Pourquoi, ô Eternel! te tiens-tu loin, [et] te caches-tu au temps [que nous sommes] dans la détresse?

Psalm 10:1
HERR, warum trittst du so ferne, verbirgest dich zur Zeit der Not?

HERR, warum trittst du so ferne, verbirgst dich zur Zeit der Not?

Warum stehst du fern, Jahwe, hältst dich verborgen in Zeiten der Drangsal?

Salmi 10:1
O Eterno, perché te ne stai lontano? Perché ti nascondi in tempi di distretta?

O SIGNORE, perchè te ne stai lontano? Perchè ti nascondi a’ tempi che siamo in distretta?

Ya Tuhan! apa sebabnya maka Engkau berdiri dari jauh? Mengapa Engkau menyembunyikan diri-Mu pada masa kepicikan?

시편 10:1
여호와여, 어찌하여 멀리 서시며 어찌하여 환난 때에 숨으시나이까

Psalmi 10:1
(9-22) quare Domine stas a longe dispicis in temporibus angustiae

Psalmynas 10:1
Viešpatie, kodėl stovi toli, kodėl nelaimės metu slepiesi?

Psalm 10:1
He aha koe ka tu mai ai i tawhiti, e Ihowa? ka whakangarongaro ai i nga wa o te he?

Salmenes 10:1
Hvorfor, Herre, står du langt borte? Hvorfor skjuler du ditt åsyn i trengsels tider?

Salmos 10:1
¿Por qué, oh SEÑOR, te mantienes alejado, y te escondes en tiempos de tribulación?

¿Por qué, oh SEÑOR, Te mantienes alejado, Y Te escondes en tiempos de tribulación?

¿Por qué estás lejos, oh Jehová, y te escondes en el tiempo de la tribulación?

¿POR qué estás lejos, oh Jehová, Y te escondes en el tiempo de la tribulación?

¿Por qué estás lejos, oh SEÑOR, y te escondes en los tiempos de la angustia?

Salmos 10:1
Por que, SENHOR, permaneces afastado e te ocultas no tempo da aflição?

Por que te conservas ao longe, Senhor? Por que te escondes em tempos de angústia?   

Psalmi 10:1
Pentruce stai aşa de departe, Doamne? Pentruce Te ascunzi la vreme de necaz?

Псалтирь 10:1
(9:22) Для чего, Господи, стоишь вдали, скрываешь Себя во время скорби?

(9-22) Для чего, Господи, стоишь вдали, скрываешь Себя во время скорби?[]

Psaltaren 10:1
Varför, HERRE, står du så långt ifrån och fördöljer dig i nödens tider?

Psalm 10:1
Bakit ka tumatayong malayo, Oh Panginoon? Bakit ka nagtatago sa mga panahon ng kabagabagan?

เพลงสดุดี 10:1
ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ ไฉนพระองค์ประทับยืนอยู่ห่างไกล ไฉนพระองค์ทรงซ่อนพระองค์เสียในยามยากลำบาก

Mezmurlar 10:1
Ya RAB, neden uzak duruyorsun,
Sıkıntılı günlerde kendini gizliyorsun?[]

Thi-thieân 10:1
Ðức Giê-hô-va ôi! vì cớ Ngài đứng xa, Lúc gian truân tại sao Ngài ẩn mình đi?

Psalm 9:20
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